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膜蛋白在诸多生物过程,如呼吸作用、光合作用、信号识别和分子转运等方面发挥着重要作用,近年来,去污剂的快速发展,在一定程度上极大地推动了膜蛋白研究的进展。去污剂广泛应用于膜蛋白的提取、增溶、纯化、理化性质及结构研究,然而如何选择合适的去污剂往往是一项复杂的任务。本文从以下两个方面入手系统地描述了去污剂的重要理化性质及其在膜蛋白结构功能研究中的应用,(1)去污剂结构及其对去污剂性质和水溶性的影响,去污剂形成胶束的条件及影响去污剂胶束形成的其他因素。希望这些关于去污剂的基本性质和参数的介绍,可以为相关科研工作者选用去污剂提供一个理论依据。(2)去污剂抽提膜蛋白的流程和注意细节,去污剂对膜蛋白纯化时分子量测定的影响,膜蛋白研究中去污剂的置换与去除,膜蛋白结构、功能研究案例归纳。希望这些应用细节、课题研究,可以为相关科研工作者研究膜蛋白结构功能时提供一个经验借鉴。  相似文献   
During community assembly, plant functional traits are under selective pressure from processes operating at multiple spatial scales. However, in fragmented landscapes, there is little understanding of the relative importance of local-, patch- and landscape-scale processes in shaping trait distributions. Here, we investigate cross-scale influences of landscape change on traits that dictate plant life history strategies in re-assembling plant communities in a fragmented landscape in eastern China. Using forest dynamics plots (FDPs) on 29 land-bridge islands in which all woody plants have been georeferenced and identified to species, we characterized and derived two composite measures of trait variation, representing variation across the leaf economics spectrum and plant size. We then tested for trait shifts in response to local-, patch- and landscape-scale factors, and their potential cross-scale interactions. We found substantial community-wide trait changes along local-scale gradients (i.e. forest edge to interior): more acquisitive leaf economic traits and larger sized species occurred at edges, with a significant increase in trait means and trait range. Moreover, there were significant cross-scale interaction effects of patch and landscape variables on local-scale edge effects. Altered spatial arrangement of habitat in the surrounding landscape (i.e. declining habitat amount and increasing patch density), as well as decreasing area at the patch level, exacerbated edge effects on traits distributions. We suggest that synergistic interactions of landscape- and patch-scale processes, such as dispersal limitation, on local-scale environmental filtering at edges, together shape the spatial distributions of plant life history strategies in fragmented plant communities.  相似文献   
Sphagnum peatlands host a high abundance of protists, especially testate amoebae. Here, we designed a study to investigate the functional diversity of testate amoebae in relation to wetness and forest cover in Baltic bogs. We provided new data on the influence of openness/wetness gradient on testate amoebae communities, showing significant differences in selected testate amoebae (TA) traits. Three key messages emerged from our investigations: 1) we recorded an effect of peatland surface openness on testate amoebae functional traits that led us to accept the hypothesis that TA traits differ according to light intensity and hydrology. Mixotrophic species were recorded in high relative abundance in open plots, whereas they were nearly absent in forested sites; 2) we revealed a hydrological threshold for the occurrence of mixotrophic testate amoebae that might be very important in terms of peatland functioning and carbon sink vs. source context; and 3) mixotrophic species with organic tests were nearly absent in forested sites that were dominated by heterotrophic species with agglutinated or idiosomic tests. An important message from this study is that taxonomy of TA rather indicates the hydrological gradient whereas traits of mixotrophs the openness gradient.  相似文献   
Analyses of publicly available structural data reveal interesting insights into the impact of the three‐dimensional (3D) structures of protein targets important for discovery of new drugs (e.g., G‐protein‐coupled receptors, voltage‐gated ion channels, ligand‐gated ion channels, transporters, and E3 ubiquitin ligases). The Protein Data Bank (PDB) archive currently holds > 155,000 atomic‐level 3D structures of biomolecules experimentally determined using crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and electron microscopy. The PDB was established in 1971 as the first open‐access, digital‐data resource in biology, and is now managed by the Worldwide PDB partnership (wwPDB; wwPDB.org ). US PDB operations are the responsibility of the Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics PDB (RCSB PDB). The RCSB PDB serves millions of RCSB.org users worldwide by delivering PDB data integrated with ~40 external biodata resources, providing rich structural views of fundamental biology, biomedicine, and energy sciences. Recently published work showed that the PDB archival holdings facilitated discovery of ~90% of the 210 new drugs approved by the US Food and Drug Administration 2010–2016. We review user‐driven development of RCSB PDB services, examine growth of the PDB archive in terms of size and complexity, and present examples and opportunities for structure‐guided drug discovery for challenging targets (e.g., integral membrane proteins).  相似文献   
Exocyst is an evolutionarily conserved hetero‐octameric tethering complex that plays a variety of roles in membrane trafficking, including exocytosis, endocytosis, autophagy, cell polarization, cytokinesis, pathogen invasion, and metastasis. Exocyst serves as a platform for interactions between the Rab, Rho, and Ral small GTPases, SNARE proteins, and Sec1/Munc18 regulators that coordinate spatial and temporal fidelity of membrane fusion. However, its mechanism is poorly described at the molecular level. Here, we determine the molecular architecture of the yeast exocyst complex by an integrative approach, based on a 3D density map from negative‐stain electron microscopy (EM) at ~16 Å resolution, 434 disuccinimidyl suberate and 1‐ethyl‐3‐(3‐dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide hydrochloride cross‐links from chemical‐crosslinking mass spectrometry, and partial atomic models of the eight subunits. The integrative structure is validated by a previously determined cryo‐EM structure, cross‐links, and distances from in vivo fluorescence microscopy. Our subunit configuration is consistent with the cryo‐EM structure, except for Sec5. While not observed in the cryo‐EM map, the integrative model localizes the N‐terminal half of Sec3 near the Sec6 subunit. Limited proteolysis experiments suggest that the conformation of Exo70 is dynamic, which may have functional implications for SNARE and membrane interactions. This study illustrates how integrative modeling based on varied low‐resolution structural data can inform biologically relevant hypotheses, even in the absence of high‐resolution data.  相似文献   
Cryo‐electron microscopy (cryo‐EM) is a structural biological method that is used to determine the 3D structures of biomacromolecules. After years of development, cryo‐EM has made great achievements, which has led to a revolution in structural biology. In this article, the principle, characteristics, history, current situation, workflow, and common problems of cryo‐EM are systematically reviewed. In addition, the new development direction of cryo‐EM—cryo‐electron tomography (cryo‐ET), is discussed in detail. Also, cryo‐EM is prospected from the following aspects: the structural analysis of small proteins, the improvement of resolution and efficiency, and the relationship between cryo‐EM and drug development. This review is dedicated to giving readers a comprehensive understanding of the development and application of cryo‐EM, and to bringing them new insights.  相似文献   
宋础良 《生物多样性》2020,28(11):1345-57
群落内物种间相互作用的结构是高度组织化的。群落结构对多物种共存的影响机制是群落生态学的核心科学问题之一。目前生态学界在这一问题上存在多种不同的观点。一个可能的原因是, 由于环境因子的复杂性, 大部分研究忽略了环境因子对群落结构和物种共存的重要影响。在这一背景下, 近期发展起来的结构稳定性理论系统地联系了群落结构、环境因子和物种共存, 并在此基础上建立了一个和经验数据紧密结合的理论框架。本文首先简要回顾了当前关于群落结构研究的争鸣, 然后介绍了结构稳定性的理论框架和计算方法, 最后详细介绍了结构稳定性理论在不同生态群落和不同生态学问题中的应用。在全球气候变化的背景下, 结构稳定性理论提供了一种新的视角来理解群落层面的生物多样性维持机制。  相似文献   
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