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The psaA and psaB genes of the chloroplast genome in oxygenic photosynthetic organisms code for the major peptides of the Photosystem 1 reaction center. A heterodimer of the two polypeptides PsaA and PsaB is thought to bind the reaction center chlorophyll, P700, and the early electron acceptors A0, A1 and Fe-SX. Fe-SX is a 4Fe4S center requiring 4 cysteine residues as ligands from the protein. As PsaA and PsaB have only three and two conserved cysteine residues respectively, it has been proposed by several groups that Fe-SX is an unusual inter-peptide center liganded by two cysteines from each peptide. This hypothesis has been tested by site directed mutagenesis of PsaA residue C575 and the adjacent D576. The C575D mutant does not assemble Photosystem 1. The C575H mutant contains a photoxidisable chlorophyll with EPR properties of P700, but no other Photosystem 1 function has been detected. The D576L mutant assembles a modified Photosystem 1 in which the EPR properties of the Fe-SA/B centers are altered. The results confirm the importance of the conserved cysteine motif region in Photosystem 1 structure.Dedicated to the memory of Daniel I. Arnon.  相似文献   
脱氨基被认为是引起细胞突变的主要因素,如果这些脱氨基的产物不被修复,将引起转换(transition)突变.为了理解DNA结构和其化学活性的关系,介绍一种新的灵敏的遗传学方法,它应用在DNA特定点的脱氨基速率的测定.这种方法基于M13mp2噬菌体内的1acZα基因中的CCC脯氨酸密码子的反转突变,即每个脱氨基事件表现为在白色菌斑背景中的一个蓝色菌斑,其灵敏度可达105 M13mp2 DNA分子中检验出一个脱氨基事件.此外,该法可以计算脱氨基动力学速率常数和反应活化能.  相似文献   
Although bacterial species display wide variation in their overall GC contents, the genes within a particular species' genome are relatively similar in base composition. As a result, sequences that are novel to a bacterial genome—i.e., DNA introduced through recent horizontal transfer—often bear unusual sequence characteristics and can be distinguished from ancestral DNA. At the time of introgression, horizontally transferred genes reflect the base composition of the donor genome; but, over time, these sequences will ameliorate to reflect the DNA composition of the new genome because the introgressed genes are subject to the same mutational processes affecting all genes in the recipient genome. This process of amelioration is evident in a large group of genes involved in host-cell invasion by enteric bacteria and can be modeled to predict the amount of time required after transfer for foreign DNA to resemble native DNA. Furthermore, models of amelioration can be used to estimate the time of introgression of foreign genes in a chromosome. Applying this approach to a 1.43-megabase continuous sequence, we have calculated that the entire Escherichia coli chromosome contains more than 600 kb of horizontally transferred, protein-coding DNA. Estimates of amelioration times indicate that this DNA has accumulated at a rate of 31 kb per million years, which is on the order of the amount of variant DNA introduced by point mutations. This rate predicts that the E. coli and Salmonella enterica lineages have each gained and lost more than 3 megabases of novel DNA since their divergence. Received: 7 July 1996 / Accepted: 27 September 1996  相似文献   
A temperature-sensitive (ts) mutant of the influenza virus A/WSN/ 33 strain, ts-134, possessed a defect in intracellular transport at the nonpermissive temperature and marked thermolability of hemagglutinin (HA) activity at 51 C. These were caused by a change at amino acid residue 157 from tyrosine to histidine in the HA protein. We isolated 37 spontaneous revertant clones from ts-134 at the nonpermissive temperature and determined their HA sequences. The deduced amino acid sequences demonstrated that one was a true revertant and the others were revertants with suppressor mutations, each of which had an additional amino acid change besides those of ts-134. The changed amino acids were located at 14 positions on the HA molecule, and eight of them were found in multiple revertants. These were located in five to six distinct regions on the three-dimensional structure of the HA molecule. However, the heat stability of HAs in the revertants was recovered differently depending on the sites of the changed amino acids. The kinetics of transport of the HA protein in the revertants were slightly delayed compared to the wild-type both at permissive and nonpermissive temperatures.  相似文献   
人群中存在着S-美芬妥英羟化代谢多态性。从人肝微粒体已分离出S-美芬妥英羟化酶。在基因克隆研究中已分离出与该羟化酶活性有关的P450cDNA,属P4502C19。最近报道,人肝中P4502C19的含量和催活S-美芬妥英羟化活性密切相关,其弱代谢者主要由于CYP2C19的外显子5单碱基对(G→A)的变异,使核苷酸序列错位而产生无功能的P450蛋白的结果。  相似文献   
The temperature dependence of the rates of heme release from the beta subunits of methemoglobin A and 5 beta mutant methemoglobins has been determined. The rates were largest for two hemoglobins with mutations distal to heme, previously known to be unstable. The other 3 mutants also released heme faster than A. These hemoglobins, with single point mutations at the alpha 1/beta 2 interface, were previously thought to be stable. The low reported yields of the 5 mutant proteins covaries with the relative rates of heme release from the met species.  相似文献   
Fucosidosis is an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disease resulting from the absence of -l-fucosidase activity. Two natural missense mutations (G197A) and (A860G) within the -l-fucosidase gene have been reported to be homozygous in four patients with fucosidosis. Expression of wild-type and mutated -l-fucosidase cDNAs in COS-1 cells revealed complete deficiency of -l-fucosidase for the G197A transition and a normal level of enzyme for A860G. We therefore conclude that the change of G197A is responsible for fucosidosis in the patients while A860G is a normal polymorphic variant of -l-fucosidase.  相似文献   
目的:旨在探索Ⅰ型日本乙型脑炎病毒传代致弱后基因组突变NS2A-C60A对乙脑病毒生物学特性的影响。方法:首先通过对传代致弱及原始乙脑毒株基因组序列进行测序比对、结构预测分析并利用Western blotting(WB)确定了目标研究位点NS2A-C60A;然后使用反向遗传定点突变技术构建拯救了包含NS2A-C60A单点突变的病毒株;最后利用噬斑形态观察、生长曲线、双萤光素酶分析,WB以及炎性因子检测和动物实验研究了该单点突变对于乙脑病毒生物学特性的影响。结果:首次研究发现Ⅰ型乙脑病毒传代致弱会导致NS1'蛋白表达的显著下降以及可能的相关位点NS2A-C60A,并成功拯救获得了NS2A-C60A单点突变毒株rJEV-C60A,研究发现NS2A-C60A突变对乙脑病毒的生长特性及噬斑形成没有显著影响,但是能够显著降低乙脑病毒NS1'蛋白的表达,并且该位点突变能够轻微阻碍乙脑病毒对细胞炎性因子表达的抑制,动物实验结果显示NS2A-C60A点突变病毒与原毒株具有相似的神经毒力,说明该位点突变不是影响乙脑病毒毒力致弱的关键位点。结论:新发现的NS2A-C60A位点突变能够显著减少乙脑病毒NS1'蛋白的表达,但是对其增殖、诱导炎症及神经毒力等生物学特性没有显著影响。  相似文献   
The fungicide benomyl and its commercial preparations Fundazol 50WP and Benlate 50WP and the benomyl metabolite methyl-2-benzimidazole carbamate and its commercial preparation MBC 50WP were tested for mutagenicity in in vitro spot tests, in microsomal plate assay, in liquid-culture treatments, or in rodent host-mediated assay. The base-pair substitution Salmonella typhimurium mutant hisG46 and the hisG46-bearing uvrB excision-repair-deficient mutants TA100, TA1530, TA1535 or TA1950 were used as test organisms. Complete genotypic information of these mutants is given in Ames et al. [2]. Captain 50WP, streptozotocin (SZN), N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG), 2-aminopurine and N-acetylaminofluorene were used as positive control compounds. In nonoverlay spot tests Benlate 50WP was not mutagenic over a dose range of 50-5000 microgram/spot in hisG46 and TA1535. In overlay spot tests 50 or 100 microgram/spot Benomyl, MBC, Fundazol 50WP, Benlate 50WP and MBC 50WP were tested in hisG46, TA1530 or TA1950. Only a non-commercial MBC sample at 100 microgram/spot showed weak mutagenic activity in hisG46. In microsomal activation plate assay MBC, benomyl, Fundazol 50WP and Benlate 50WP were tested in TA100 over a dose range of 50-2000 microgram/plate. None of the compounds showed mutagenicity. In a 20-h liquid-culture treatment 10, 100, 1000 and 10 000 microgram/ml Fundazol 50WP were not mutagenic in TA 30. In 1-h liquid-culture treatments benomyl, Benlate 50WP or Fundazol 50WP failed to induce mutations in hisG46, TA100 or TA1950 over a dose range of 0.25-1000 microgram/ml. Appropriate positive controls were mutagenic in each experiment. The consistently negative results in this study with commercial MBC and benomyl preparations are contrary to positive results reported earlier with similar methods and similar commercial preparations. Possible reasons to explain the different results are presented. The alkylating agents SZN and MNNG induced fewer mutations in TA1530 and TA1950 uvrB excision-repair-deficient strains than in the hisG46 excision-proficient strain, indicating that with these mutagens excision-repair is also a mutation-prone process. In rodent host-mediated assays with Fundazol 50WP in mice 3 consecutive subcutaneous hourly doses of 500 mg/kg in hisG46 and TA1950 and in rats or mice an oral dose of 4000 mg/kg in TA1950 were not mutagenic. The positive control SZN was mutagenic.  相似文献   
The complete genetic information contained in the influenza virus RNA segment 7 of the A/Bangkok/ 179 (H3N2) strain has been cloned by in vitro synthesis of the complementary dsDNA and its insertion into plasmid pBR322. The nucleotide sequence of the viral RNA segment has been determined from the cDNA insert. It is 1027 nucleotides long, and contains two open reading frames, as shown for other influenza virus strains. When compared with the previously published sequence for the A/Udorn/72 (H3N2) strain, 15 nucleotide exchanges are observed, most of them silent mutations, and only two causing amino acid changes in each of the M1 and M2 protein sequences.  相似文献   
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