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In this paper, we develop a mathematical model concerning a chemostat with impulsive state feedback control to investigate the periodicity of bioprocess. By the existence criteria of periodic solution of a general planar impulsive autonomous system, the conditions under which the model has a periodic solution of order one are obtained. Furthermore, we estimate the position of the periodic solution of order one and discuss the existence of periodic solution of order two. The theoretical results and numerical simulations indicate that the chemostat system with impulsive state feedback control either tends to a stable state or has a periodic solution, which depends on the feedback state, the control parameter of the dilution rate and the initial concentrations of microorganisms and substrate.  相似文献   
A mass balance procedure was used to determine rates of nitrate depletion in the riparian zone and stream channel of a small New Zealand headwater stream. In all 12 surveys the majority of nitrate loss (56–100%) occurred in riparian organic soils, despite these soils occupying only 12% of the stream's border. This disproportionate role of the organic soils in depleting nitrate was due to two factors. Firstly, they were located at the base of hollows and consequently a disproportionately high percentage (37–81%) of the groundwater flowed through them in its passage to the stream. Secondly, they were anoxic and high in both denitrifying enzyme concentration and available carbon. Direct estimates ofin situ denitrification rate for organic soils near the upslope edge (338 mg N m–2 h–1) were much higher than average values estimated for the organic soils as a whole (0.3–2.1 mg N m–2 h–1) and suggested that areas of these soils were limited in their denitrification activity by the supply of nitrate. The capacity of these soils to regulate nitrate flux was therefore under-utilized. The majority of stream channel nitrate depletion was apparently due to plant uptake, with estimates of thein situ denitrification rate of stream sediments being less than 15% of the stream channel nitrate depletion rate estimated by mass balance.This study has shown that catchment hydrology can interact in a variety of ways with the biological processes responsible for nitrate depletion in riparian and stream ecosystems thereby having a strong influence on nitrate flux. This reinforces the view that those seeking to understand the functioning of these ecosystems need to consider hydrological phenomena.  相似文献   
基于对24个样地的调查数据,采用物种丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener指数以及Jaccard相似性指数,对辽东山地老秃顶子石河冰缘地貌森林群落物种多样性及其影响因子进行了研究。结果显示:(1)石河冰缘地貌森林群落中落叶阔叶林、针阔混交林和暗针叶林的物种丰富度指数平均值分别为41±10、34±5和31±7。森林群落物种丰富度变异系数均为中等变异性。(2)石河冰缘地貌森林群落中落叶阔叶林、针阔混交林和暗针叶林的Shannon-Wiener指数平均值分别为1.67±0.32、1.50±0.18和1.29±0.25。(3)石河冰缘地貌森林群落间Jaccard相似性指数为0.037~0.530,且集中在极不相似和中等不相似区间。(4)相关性分析结果显示,石河冰缘地貌海拔高度与森林群落乔木层物种丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener指数呈极显著负相关(P0.01),与灌木层物种丰富度指数呈显著负相关(P0.05);土壤电导率和含盐量均与森林群落物种多样性指数呈显著正相关(P0.05);土壤pH值与灌木层物种丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener指数呈极显著正相关(P0.01);土壤CaO含量分别与乔木层和灌木层的物种丰富度指数、乔木层Shannon-Wiener指数呈显著正相关(P0.05)。这表明海拔高度、土壤电导率、盐含量、pH值和CaO含量是影响石河冰缘地貌森林群落物种多样性变化的重要因素。  相似文献   
1. Restoration of riparian forests has been promoted as a means of mitigating urban impacts on stream ecosystems. However, conventional urban stormwater drainage may diminish the beneficial effect of riparian forests.
2. The relative effects of riparian deforestation and catchment urbanisation on stream ecosystems have rarely been discriminated because urban land use and riparian degradation usually covary. However, land use at three scales (channel canopy cover along a 100-m site, riparian forest cover within 200 m of the channel for 1 km upstream, and catchment imperviousness) covaried only weakly along the lowland Yarra River, Victoria, Australia.
3. We tested the extent to which each land use measure explained macroinvertebrate assemblage composition on woody debris and in the sediments of pools or runs in the mainstem Yarra River in autumn and spring 1998.
4. Assemblage composition in both habitats and in both seasons was most strongly correlated with proportion of catchment covered by impervious surfaces. Sites with higher imperviousness had fewer sensitive taxa (those having a strong positive influence on indicators of biological integrity) and more taxa typical of degraded urban streams. Sensitive taxa rarely occurred in sites with >4% total imperviousness. However, within sites of similar imperviousness, those with more riparian forest cover had more dipteran taxa. Channel canopy cover did not explain assemblage composition strongly.
5. Riparian forest cover may influence richness of some macroinvertebrate taxa, but catchment urbanisation probably has a stronger effect on sensitive taxa. In catchments with even a small amount of conventionally drained urban land, riparian revegetation is unlikely to have an effect on indicators of stream biological integrity. Reducing the impacts of catchment urbanisation through dispersed, low-impact drainage schemes is likely to be more effective.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to measure the photo‐acclimation response of stream algae inhabiting thin biofilms across a range of light treatments comparing both growth rates and net primary productivity (NPP). Algae were grown on clay tiles incubated in artificial stream channels where light levels were manipulated by layering a neutral‐density shade cloth over each channel. We measured NPP and algal growth rates in the early stages of community development and compared assemblages that were either acclimated or unacclimated to a given light treatment. Algal growth rates did acclimate to light treatment, with saturation occurring at light levels that were substantially lower for the acclimated communities. Growth efficiency calculated from algal biovolume increased by a factor of 3. However, algal NPP showed a weaker photo‐acclimation response, with only a 30% increase in photosynthetic efficiency. Our results indicate that diatom‐dominated periphyton in thin biofilms are probably not light limited in many shaded streams with respect to growth rates, but are light limited with respect to NPP.  相似文献   
凉水和帽儿山地区低级溪流生境和水质状况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究不同植被景观土地利用下低级溪流的生境状况和水质差异,对凉水国家级自然保护区红松原始林内和帽儿山国家森林公园境内天然次生林植被和农田背景下各3条溪流生境和水质状况进行调查。对溪流生物特性(悬浮藻、附着藻)和理化性质(温度、混浊度、溶解氧(DO)、pH、NH4^+-N、NO3^-N、PO4^3-P、总氮(TN)和总磷(11P))以及细小颗粒有机物质(FPOM)和粗大有机物质(CPOM))进行测定。研究结果表明,凉水地区原始林溪流的生境状况好于帽儿山地区的次生林,帽儿山地区农田溪流生境最差。原始林溪流具有稳定的溪底生物生活基质,稳水区和急流区均匀分布,稳水区尺度变化大,受淀积物沉降干扰小,河道较弯曲,河岸稳定,河岸植被覆盖度高;次生林溪流以急流区为主,稳定基质相对较差,并受到一定程度的淀积物沉降干扰,河岸尚稳定,有一定程度的人为干扰;农田溪流基质不稳定,受到强烈淀积物沉降影响,渠道化严重,河岸带植被严重破坏。3种景观背景下溪流总磷(11P)、溶解氧(DO)、混浊度、温度、氮磷比值(N/P)(P〈0.05)存在显著差异。原始林溪流NH4^+、DO、TP、TN、悬浮藻浓度和pH较高、附着藻数量较多,温度较低、FPOM和CPOM的数量较少;次生林溪流的NO3^--N、N/P和TDIN较高。 浊度较低;农田溪流浊度、温度、PO4^3--P较高,DO和pH较低,附着藻数量较少。景观尺度上的土地利用对溪流生境具有深刻的影响,同时决定溪流的水质状况。  相似文献   
Eighty-three infrageneric taxa of stream macroalgae have been reported from tundra regions of North America, composed of 32 cyanobacteria, 35 Chlorophyta, 10 Chrysophyta and 6 Rhodophyta. There are few if any endemics represented in this flora. The most widespread species are the cyanobacteria Rivularia minutula, Nostoc commune and Tolypothrix tenuis as well as asexual populations of the chlorophyte genus Zygnema. The relative contribution of cyanobacteria compared to that of the Chlorophyta increases from the low to high arctic. Number of species per segment ranges from 0 to 7, with a mean of 2.8, and varies little between the low and high arctic. The percentage of stream bottom covered by macroalgae ranges from 0 to ca. 75%; mean cover values for low and high arctic streams are ca. 12 and 8%, respectively. Tundra macroalgae tend to be more abundant and diverse in less rigorously flowing stream sections. Most species tolerate prolonged freezing by forming resistant vegetative cells with thick walls, plentiful reserves and low molecular weight solutes to lower the freezing point. Many tundra stream macroalgae also produce ‘sunscreen’ pigments to reduce exposure to damaging radiation in the blue and ultraviolet regions. Nutrients tend to be low and phosphorus is often limiting in these systems. Arctic streams appear to differ from those of Antarctica in having potential grazers of macroalgae, such as the chironomid Diamesa, the mayfly Baetis and the caddisfly Brachycentrus.  相似文献   
1. Traps for litterfall and for lateral transport of organic matter were sampled over a 1-year period along longitudinal and lateral transects in a glacial stream system (Val Roseg, Swiss Alps), which is characterized by single-thread reaches and a large subalpine floodplain.
2. Allochthonous inputs to the glacier stream were low close to the glacier terminus but increased as woody riparian vegetation and forests develop. Annual inputs varied from 0.4 g ash free dry matter (AFDM) m–2 year–1 (direct input) and 0.7 g AFDM m–2 year–1 (lateral input) in the proglacial area to 23.0 g AFDM m–2 year–1 (direct input) and 10.7 g AFDM m–2 year–1 (lateral input) in the lowest reach with adjacent subalpine forests.
3. Direct inputs of organic matter decreased exponentially from forests at the floodplain edge to the floodplain centre, while lateral inputs of organic matter correlated linearly with distance to trees. Direct litterfall dominated litter input close to the forest, while lateral transport was the major pathway for channels more than 20 m away from the forest.
4. A conceptual framework is developed illustrating the influence of terrestrial vegetation and fluvial morphology on organic matter input along the continuum of glacial streams.  相似文献   
Long-term records of benthic macroinvertebrates in high-latitude streams are essential for understanding climatic changes, including extreme events (e.g. floods). Data extending over multiple decades are typically scarce. Here, we investigated macroinvertebrate community structural change (including alpha and beta diversity and gain and loss of species) over 22 years (1994–2016) in 10 stream systems across Denali National Park (Alaska, USA) in relation to climatological and meteorological drivers (e.g. air temperature, snowpack depth, precipitation). We hypothesised that increases in air temperature and reduced snowpack depth, due to climatic change, would reduce beta and gamma diversity but increase alpha diversity. Findings showed temporal trends in alpha diversity were variable across streams, with oscillating patterns in many snowmelt- and rainfall runoff-fed streams linked to climatic variation (temperature and precipitation), but increased over time in several streams supported by a mixture of water sources, including more stable groundwater-fed streams. Beta-diversity over the time series was highly variable, yet marked transitions were observed in response to extreme snowpack accumulation (1999–2000), where species loss drove turnover. Gamma diversity did not significantly increase or decrease over time. Investigating trends in individual taxa, several taxa were lost and gained during a relative constrained time period (2000–2006), likely in response to climatic variability and significant shifts in instream environmental conditions. Findings demonstrate the importance of long-term biological studies in stream ecosystems and highlight the vulnerability of high-latitude streams to climate change.  相似文献   
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