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Global change may substantially affect biodiversity and ecosystem functioning but little is known about its effects on essential biotic interactions. Since different environmental drivers rarely act in isolation it is important to consider interactive effects. Here, we focus on how two key drivers of anthropogenic environmental change, climate change and the introduction of alien species, affect plant–pollinator interactions. Based on a literature survey we identify climatically sensitive aspects of species interactions, assess potential effects of climate change on these mechanisms, and derive hypotheses that may form the basis of future research. We find that both climate change and alien species will ultimately lead to the creation of novel communities. In these communities certain interactions may no longer occur while there will also be potential for the emergence of new relationships. Alien species can both partly compensate for the often negative effects of climate change but also amplify them in some cases. Since potential positive effects are often restricted to generalist interactions among species, climate change and alien species in combination can result in significant threats to more specialist interactions involving native species.  相似文献   
The boreal biome exchanges large amounts of carbon (C) and greenhouse gases (GHGs) with the atmosphere and thus significantly affects the global climate. A managed boreal landscape consists of various sinks and sources of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and dissolved organic and inorganic carbon (DOC and DIC) across forests, mires, lakes, and streams. Due to the spatial heterogeneity, large uncertainties exist regarding the net landscape carbon balance (NLCB). In this study, we compiled terrestrial and aquatic fluxes of CO2, CH4, DOC, DIC, and harvested C obtained from tall‐tower eddy covariance measurements, stream monitoring, and remote sensing of biomass stocks for an entire boreal catchment (~68 km2) in Sweden to estimate the NLCB across the land–water–atmosphere continuum. Our results showed that this managed boreal forest landscape was a net C sink (NLCB = 39 g C m?2 year?1) with the landscape–atmosphere CO2 exchange being the dominant component, followed by the C export via harvest and streams. Accounting for the global warming potential of CH4, the landscape was a GHG sink of 237 g CO2‐eq m?2 year?1, thus providing a climate‐cooling effect. The CH4 flux contribution to the annual GHG budget increased from 0.6% during spring to 3.2% during winter. The aquatic C loss was most significant during spring contributing 8% to the annual NLCB. We further found that abiotic controls (e.g., air temperature and incoming radiation) regulated the temporal variability of the NLCB whereas land cover types (e.g., mire vs. forest) and management practices (e.g., clear‐cutting) determined their spatial variability. Our study advocates the need for integrating terrestrial and aquatic fluxes at the landscape scale based on tall‐tower eddy covariance measurements combined with biomass stock and stream monitoring to develop a holistic understanding of the NLCB of managed boreal forest landscapes and to better evaluate their potential for mitigating climate change.  相似文献   
Spatial distribution and seasonal variation in densities of the invertebrates were investigated for a year in three stream pools of a South Indian river. The effects of season, substrate type and water depth on the distribution were analyzed. Substrate type and season influenced the invertebrate distribution the most. Leaf packs harboured most of the organisms followed by macro-algal substrate and sand. The lowest densities were observed on rocky substrates and in the water column. Rocky substrates in shallow water supported higher densities of total invertebrates than deeper areas. Chironomid larvae dominated all benthic substrates throughout the year. Of the 19 invertebrate taxa studied, 6 showed no seasonality in densities, and most of the rest showed their highest densities in the pre-monsoon period and lowest in the SW monsoon or post-monsoon periods. However, in two of the three pools, the densities of total invertebrates were highest during the post-monsoon period with secondary peaks in the pre-monsoon period.  相似文献   
The macroinvertebrate species and assemblages of headwater streams of the River Tyne catchment in northern England were classified and their relationship with environmental variables based on stream structure, water acidity, distance from source and land cover investigated using constrained ordination and logistic regression. Fuzzy classification of data from 322 stream sites generated five assemblages. Stream structure, quantified as an exposure index, was found to be the most important environmental variable, with water acidity also important. Distance from source and land cover had less influence on species and assemblage distribution. A considerable amount of variation in assemblage distribution was explained using a two-variable logistic regression with stream structure (exposure index) and water acidity (pH) in a template. Site structure and water acidity appeared to be related to drift, geology and topography with little anthropogenic influence. The applicability of the habitat template concept for explaining the distribution of stream macroinvertebrates is discussed.  相似文献   
Recent advances in stem cell research, including the selective expansion of neural stem cells (NSCs) in vitro, the induction of particular neural cells from embryonic stem cells in vitro, the identification of NSCs or NSC-like cells in the adult brain and the detection of neurogenesis in the adult brain (adult neurogenesis), have laid the groundwork for the development of novel therapies aimed at inducing regeneration in the damaged central nervous system (CNS). There are two major strategies for inducing regeneration in the damaged CNS: (i) activation of the endogenous regenerative capacity and (ii) cell transplantation therapy. In this review, we summarize the recent findings from our group and others on NSCs, with respect to their role in insult-induced neurogenesis (activation of adult NSCs, proliferation of transit-amplifying cells, migration of neuroblasts and survival and maturation of the newborn neurons), and implications for therapeutic interventions, together with tactics for using cell transplantation therapy to treat the damaged CNS.  相似文献   
陆源碳经内陆水体生态系统输出是全球碳循环的关键一环,其中溪流碳排放超过内陆水体平均碳排放,影响区域乃至全球碳收支.本文通过对前人的研究结果进行总结,归纳了当前溪流二氧化碳分压(pCO2)、二氧化碳排放通量(FCO2)的动态变化特征,二者均表现出明显的昼夜变化和季节变化特征,且随溪流分级的增大而减小;梳理了影响溪流pCO...  相似文献   
静脉留置部位导管相关菌血症的病原学研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
目的调查静脉留置导管相关性血流感染病原学特点。方法回顾性调查杭州医学院附属第一医院2003年1月至2005年9月静脉留置治疗患者感染的发生情况,并对其病原菌及耐药特点进行分析。结果165例患者共送检留置导管标本184份,140份标本检有病原菌,检出率为76.1%(140/184)。在165例患者中有150例进行了血液培养,发生血流感染的有103例,感染率为68.7%(103/150)。从140份静脉留置导管标本中共分离出171株病原菌,主要为表皮葡萄球菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、铜绿假单胞菌、大肠埃希菌等。有44例患者静脉留置导管和血液培养出同一种病原菌,主要为表皮葡萄球菌。导管留置后到第一次血液培养出现阳性的时间大约为4~8d。同时从静脉留置导管和血液分离的21株表皮葡萄球菌全部对呋喃妥因和万古霉素敏感,除对利福平的耐药率较低外,对其它抗生素的耐药率都超过50%。结论静脉留置导管较易引起血流感染,引起血流感染病原菌主要以表皮葡萄菌为主,且耐药性严重。  相似文献   
 细根在发挥植物功能以及生态系统碳和养分循环过程中起着重要作用。为了解我国不同森林生态系统细根直径变化规律, 提供建立根系模型的基础, 该文研究了我国温带、亚热带和热带45个常见树种1~5级根直径的变异以及直径与根序的关系。结果表明: 1)在所有树种中, 1级根直径最细, 5级根直径最粗, 直径随根序的增加而增加。此外, 同一根序的直径在不同树种间变异较大, 在不同生态系统中, 各树种1级根的总体平均直径呈现温带<亚热带<热带的格局。2)不同生态系统树种同一根序平均直径变异程度不同, 各个根序都是温带最小, 亚热带次之, 热带最大。3)细根内部各个根序的平均直径变异的52%由根序解释, 33%由树种解释, 生态系统类型和生活型分别解释7%和2%。不同系统不同树种直径的变异说明无法用统一的直径级来研究根的功能, 也无法用统一的根序和直径间的关系来建立根系形态模型。今后的研究需要进一步认识根序和直径在不同树种中如何与根的功能相联系。  相似文献   
Leaf hydraulics of Aesculus hippocastanum L. were measured over the growing season and during extensive leaf mining by the larvae of an invasive moth (Cameraria ohridella Deschka et Dimic) that specifically destroy the palisade tissue. Leaves showed seasonal changes in hydraulic resistance (Rlamina) which were related to ontogeny. After leaf expansion was complete, the hydraulic resistance of leaves and the partitioning of resistances between vascular and extra‐vascular compartments remained unchanged despite extensive disruption of the palisade by leafminers (up to 50%). This finding suggests that water flow from the petiole to the evaporation sites might not directly involve the palisade cells. The analysis of the temperature dependence of Rlamina in terms of Q10 revealed that at least one transmembrane step was involved in water transport outside the leaf vasculature. Anatomical analysis suggested that this symplastic step may be located at the bundle sheath where the apoplast is interrupted by hydrophobic thickening of cell walls. Our findings offer some support to the view of a compartmentalization of leaves into well‐organized water pools so that the transpiration stream would involve veins, bundle sheath and spongy parenchyma, while the palisade tissue would be largely by‐passed with the possible advantage of protecting cells from short‐term fluctuations in water status.  相似文献   
Representatives from agencies involved in natural resource management in the Murray‐Darling Basin gathered for a workshop in November 2010 to develop a vision for improved monitoring and reporting of riparian restoration projects. The resounding message from this workshop was that the effectiveness of riparian restoration depends on having sound, documented and agreed evidence on the ecological responses to restoration efforts. Improving our capacity to manage and restore riparian ecosystems is constrained by (i) a lack of ecological evidence on the effects of restoration efforts, and (ii) short‐termism in commitment to restoration efforts, in funding of monitoring and in expected time spans for ecosystem recovery. Restoration at the effective spatial scope will invariably require a long‐term commitment by researchers, funding agencies, management agencies and landholders. To address the knowledge gaps that constrain riparian restoration in the Basin, participants endorsed four major fields for future research: the importance of landscape context to restoration outcomes; spatio‐temporal scaling of restoration outcomes; functional effects of restoration efforts; and developing informative and effective indicators of restoration. To improve the monitoring and restoration of riparian zones throughout the Basin, participants advocated an integrated approach: a hierarchical adaptive management framework that incorporates long‐term ecological research.  相似文献   
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