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1. Stream ecosystems are the products of interactions between hydrology, geomorphology and ecology, but examining all three components simultaneously is difficult and rarely attempted. Frequently, either geomorphology or hydrology is treated as invariable or static. 2. To examine the validity of treating either hydrology or geomorphology as static, we studied the individual and combined effects of hydrology and channel geomorphology on coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) storage. Using data from an experimental leaf release in a hydrologically regulated stream we created a simple numerical model. This allowed us to quantify the relative influence of CPOM trapping and CPOM retention on total long‐term CPOM storage under variable regimes of flood frequency and geomorphic structure. 3. CPOM storage is a function of supply, flood frequency and the type and frequency of in‐stream structures. In‐stream structures perform two distinct functions, trapping and retention, whose relative importance in leaf storage changes with stream hydrology. Trapping is more important for CPOM storage in streams with few floods, while retention is more important in streams with frequent floods. Different structures (e.g. boulders, large wood, small wood) perform these functions at different efficiencies. We found that large wood trapped two to three times more leaves than the bank, but that the bank retained leaves two to three times more efficiently. 4. A modelled channel with five times the amount of large wood as the study channel (a ‘wood restoration’) initially stored 14% more leaves than the modelled ‘natural’ channel. After six floods, however, the modelled wood restoration channel stored 50% less CPOM than the natural channel as the large wood had high trapping but poor retention. The modelled natural channel contained structures that could both trap and retain. Thus, as different structures performed different functions, the structural complexity buffered the stream allochthonous energy base against changes in hydrology through its balance of trapping and retention. 5. As the frequency of floods increased, the spatial distribution of CPOM became increasingly patchy as storage was driven entirely by structures with high retention. Thus, the coupling of flood frequency and geomorphic structure influenced CPOM availability, which in turn has ramifications for the entire stream food web.  相似文献   
1. Headwater streams are a significant feature of the southern Appalachian landscape, comprising more than 70% of the total stream length in the region. Salamanders are the dominant vertebrate within headwater‐riparian forest ecosystems, but their ecological role is not clearly understood. 2. We studied a population of black‐bellied salamanders (Desmognathus quadramaculatus) at a headwater stream in the southern Appalachian Mountains using radio‐telemetry and mark‐recapture methods. The length and area of headwater streams in the region were estimated using GIS. 3. Home ranges of radio‐tracked salamanders were relatively small (mean = 1.06 m2). Adult salamanders in our telemetry study inhabited edge microhabitats significantly more often than either stream or riparian microhabitats, and the same trend was observed in the mark‐recapture study. 4. We estimated the population density at this site to be 11 294 salamanders ha?1, amounting to 99.30 kg ha?1 of biomass, an estimate that is six times greater than reported in previous studies. The majority of this biomass was found within the stream, but 22% was found in the surrounding riparian habitat more than 1 m from the stream. Using headwater stream length and area estimates, we extrapolated biomass estimates for black‐bellied salamanders inhabiting stream and riparian microhabitats across the study region. 5. We report one of the largest estimates of secondary consumer biomass for a headwater ecosystem, attesting to the overall productivity of headwater streams. Headwaters are known to be important for ecological and ecosystem processes and our biomass estimates suggest that salamanders are a critical component to these systems.  相似文献   
Although many tropical stream consumers have large effects on resource quantity and quality, little is known about the relative importance of consumption versus bioturbation. We quantified egestion rates of freshwater shrimps ( Atya spp. and Xiphocaris elongata ) and mayflies (Leptophlebiidae) in two forest streams within the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. Consumer body size was a strong predictor of egestion rates, with mass-specific egestion rates declining with body size and per-individual egestion rates increasing with body size. We used these egestion rates, together with published rates of epilithon removal by consumers and epilithon accrual by particle deposition and periphytic growth ( i.e. , with and without consumer access), to estimate the importance of consumption and bioturbation after storm events and during base-flow conditions. Our estimates suggest that direct consumption of epilithon can only account for a minor proportion (< 5%) of material removed following storm events, with most removal likely resulting from bioturbation. During base-flow conditions, we found that consumers (largely shrimps) may be capable of consuming a significant proportion of the material that would otherwise accrue on benthic substrata, but this result was limited to one high-elevation site. Our study suggests that bioturbation is the dominant process that redistributes and entrains fine particles after storm events, and that a variable fraction of deposited and accrued benthic material may be consumed during base-flow conditions. Our results underscore the importance of tropical stream animals in altering the benthic environment through both consumption and bioturbation, and suggest that consumer-mediated material cycling is likely to be context dependent.  相似文献   
Buffering an Acidic Stream in New Hampshire with a Silicate Mineral   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ground and pelletized Wollastonite (Wo; CaSiO3) was added to a 50‐m reach of an anthropogenically acidified stream within the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire, to evaluate its buffering and restoration potential. The Wo was highly effective in raising the pH, acid‐neutralizing capacity (ANC), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), and Ca2+ concentrations of the stream water, but during the short duration of the experiment had no discernable effect on the stream biota. After initial, spike‐like fluctuations in pH and concentrations of ANC, DIC, and Ca2+, the relatively slow dissolution rates of the Wo dampened extreme concentrations and contributed to relatively long‐lasting (4 months) amelioration of streamwater acidity. Changes in concentrations of Ca2+, dissolved Si, ANC, and DIC were inversely related to streamflow. After several high, stream‐discharge events, concentrations quickly and consistently returned to pre‐event conditions.  相似文献   
1. Habitat complexity is thought to exert a significant influence on ecological communities, but its operation under variable natural conditions is not well understood, particularly in freshwater. To elucidate the role of habitat complexity, in particular the fractal structure of surface irregularity, in a stream system, field colonisation experiments were conducted at three times of year (summer, winter and spring) using natural substrates with different levels of fractal dimension in a small coastal mountain stream of southern Japan. 2. In the winter experiment, comparison was also made between the standard (control) treatment and the resource‐preconditioning treatment whereby experimental plates were conditioned in the natural stream environment to allow the accumulation of potential food resources (algae and detritus) for 1 month prior to the experiment. 3. Species abundance patterns observed at different times of year showed little systematic variation with levels of habitat complexity but largely followed the patterns expected from, or lying in between, the Random Assortment model and the random fraction model. 4. Taxon richness and density increased with habitat complexity in all seasons except for density in spring. Different taxa showed different patterns of change with habitat complexity, which also varied with seasons. Biomass of invertebrates showed no systematic trend with an increase in habitat complexity. 5. Chlorophyll‐a concentrations tended to be lower in more complex habitats, particularly in summer. In contrast, fine particulate organic matter (FPOM) tended to increase with habitat complexity. However, the relationship between these potential food resources and invertebrate assemblages remain unclear. 6. While there were no significant differences in taxon richness and biomass of invertebrates between the resource‐preconditioning and the control treatment, density was higher in the former than in the latter. The abundance of relatively large, surface‐dwelling animals showed more marked temporal variation over the entire period of colonisation in the resource‐preconditioning treatment than in the control treatment. 7. Body size of invertebrates tended to decline with fractal complexity, indicating that crevice sizes could affect habitat use by benthic animals of different sizes. In addition, body size was larger in the resource‐preconditioning treatment than in the control treatment, suggesting that body size in invertebrate assemblages was controlled by a mixture of factors. Thus, the present study demonstrates that habitat structure affects benthic invertebrate assemblages in a complex manner.  相似文献   
1. We used direct observation and mark‐recapture techniques to quantify movements by mottled sculpins (Cottus bairdi) in a 1 km segment of Shope Fork in western North Carolina. Our objectives were to: (i) quantify the overall rate of sculpin movement, (ii) assess variation in movement among years, individuals, and sculpin size classes, (iii) relate movement to variation in stream flow and population size structure, and (iv) quantify relationships between movement and individual growth rates. 2. Movements were very restricted: median and mean movement distances for all sculpin size classes over a 45 day period were 1.3 and 4.4 m respectively. Nevertheless, there was a high degree of intrapopulation and temporal variation in sculpin movement. Movement of juveniles increased with discharge and with the density of large adults. Movement by small and large adults was not influenced by stream flow, but large adults where more mobile when their own density was high. Finally, there were differences in the growth rates of mobile and sedentary sculpins. Mobile juveniles grew faster than sedentary individuals under conditions of low flow and high density of large adults, whereas adults exhibited the opposite pattern. 3. Our results support the hypothesis that juvenile movement and growth is influenced by both intraspecific interactions with adults and stream flow. In contrast, adult movement appears to be influenced by competitive interactions among residents for suitable space. The relationship between movement and growth may provide a negative feedback mechanism regulating mottled sculpin populations in this system.  相似文献   
Trypanosoma brucei harbors two hexokinases (TbHK1 and TbHK2) that are 98% identical at the amino acid level. We previously found that recombinant TbHK1 (rTbHK1) has hexokinase activity, while rTbHK2 has not, a finding attributed to differences in the C-termini of the proteins. Sequence analysis suggests that the C-termini of TbHKs are part of a newly identified conserved motif found in other eukaryotic hexokinases. Here, we have explored the role of tail residues in the differences in catalytic activity between TbHK1 and TbHK2. Our studies reveal that tail residues D454, F462, M466, and N469 are essential for HK activity while both I458 and V468 are required for catalysis and substrate specificity. To activate rTbHK2, all of the residues important for activity in rTbHK1 (D454, V458, F462, M466, V468, and N469) were required. These results indicate that the overall structure of the C-terminal tail influences the HK activity of rTbHK1.  相似文献   
Effect of inorganic sediment on whole-stream productivity   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Sediment from agricultural, logging, and mining activities impairs more miles of rivers and streams in the United States than any other type of pollutant, including bacteria, nutrients, oxygen-depleting substances, and metals. However, specific impacts of sediment to streams have not been well studied or understood. To study the effect of inorganic sediment on plant and animal communities in stream ecosystems, we added clay to outdoor experimental streams 520 m long and 3.5 m wide at the Monticello Ecological Research Station (MERS). The streams take water from the Mississippi River and are designed to represent higher order streams in the upper midwestern United States. The sediment loading rates were 300, 200, 100, and 50 mg l–1. Our first dosing period (mid-August to November 1994) began at the start of a fall bloom in autotroph productivity, and the second (May to August 1995) began before the summer communities were established. During both treatment seasons, the addition of clay significantly increased turbidity and sedimentation, and decreased light penetration in treated streams corresponding roughly to 30–35, 25–30, 15–20, and 5–10 NTU, respectively. In general, the macrophyte and periphyton communities responded quickly after only a few weeks exposure to the sediment additions. Whole-stream respiration was significantly lower in treated streams, decreasing as the amount of sediment added increased. Periphyton biomass (chl a) on tiles and percent cover of macrophytes was significantly lower in treatment streams than in controls. In contrast to expectations and previous findings in two sets of field streams, total whole-stream productivity in the MERS streams was not significantly lower in streams receiving sediment loads than in control streams because the overall photosynthetic efficiency by the plant community compensated for the loss in irradiance.  相似文献   
1. Studies assessing human impacts on freshwater ecosystems are typically based on a single taxonomic group, often macroinvertebrates or fish. Unfortunately, the degree to which such macroinvertebrate or fish‐based surveys can be generalised across other taxonomic groups remains largely unknown. A prerequisite for useful generalisations is that different taxonomic groups exhibit concordant patterns of community structure across sites. 2. We examined the concordance among fish, benthic macroinvertebrates and bryophytes in 32 streams in a boreal catchment in Finland. Our goal was to test how consistently different taxonomic groups classify stream sites; for example, can site groupings based on macroinvertebrates be used as a surrogate for bryophyte or fish assemblage classification? 3. Our results show that community classifications in headwater streams are not concordant across taxonomic groups, at least not at the within‐river system scale. The lack of concordance reflected the fact that all three groups responded to different environmental factors. Macroinvertebrate community structure was mainly correlated with stream size and pH, whereas bryophytes were related to water colour, nutrient content and in‐stream habitat variability. Fish community structure was best described by stream depth, substrate size and water oxygen concentration. 4. Our results suggest that great care should be taken when typologies based on benthic macroinvertebrates, or any other taxonomic group, are extrapolated to other groups in creating typologies of lotic environments.  相似文献   
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