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Majdi  Hooshang  Persson  Hans 《Plant and Soil》1995,(1):151-160
The effect of ammonium sulphate application on the bulk and rhizosphere soil chemistry, elemental concentration of living fine roots (<2 mm in diameter), amounts of living and dead fine roots, root length density and specific root length density were investigated in a 28 year old Norway spruce stand in SW Sweden. The treatments started in 1988. Core samples of the LFH layer and mineral soil layers were sampled in control (C) and ammonium sulphate (NS) treatment plots in 1988, 1989 and 1990. Soil pH and NO3-S and SO4-S, Al, Ca, Mg, Mn and K concentrations were measured for both the bulk soil and rhizosphere soil.The pH-values of the bulk and rhizosphere soil decreased in 1989 and 1990 in NS plots compared to control plots, while the SO4-S concentration increased. The Ca, Mg and K concentration increased in the NS treatment in almost all layers in the bulk and the rhizosphere soil. Ammonium ions may have replaced these elements in the soil organic matter. The NS treatment reduced Mg concentration in fine roots in all layers in 1990. The Al concentrations in the rhizosphere and bulk soil were higher in NS plots in all layers, except at 0–10 cm depth, both in 1989 and 1990. The Al content of living fine roots was higher in NS plots than C plots but the differences were not significant. The NS addition did not affect the P and K contents of fine roots in any soil layer, but the S concentrations of fine roots were significantly higher in NS plots in 1989 and 1990. The fine root necromass was higher in NS than in C in 1990, in the LFH layer, indicating a gradual decrease in the vitality of the fine roots. It was suggested that the NS treatment resulted in displacement of Mg and K from exchange sites in the LFH layer leading to leaching of these cations to the mineral soil. Further application of ammonium sulphate may damage the fine roots and consequently adversely affect the water and nutrient uptake of root systems.  相似文献   
A series of compounds (DAP-AA) composed of an amino acid (AA) and a dialkyl phosphoryl group (DAP) is the basic elements of life chemistry. Self-catalysis of DAP-AA gives the self-assembly oligopeptides, even in aqueous medium at 38°C. The oligo-nucleotides could also be assembled from nucleosides' phosphorylation by DAP-AA. DAP-AA acts as the energy source as well as the phosphoryl donor for the synthesis of nuclic Acids and protein. A general expression for the self assembly system is proposed.  相似文献   
Physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of the Kentucky River and its tributaries were assessed for one year to compare effects of seasonal, spatial, and human environmental factors on phytoplankton. Phytoplankton cell densities were highest in the fall and summer and lowest in the winter. Cell densities averaged 1162 (± 289 SE) cells m1–1. Cell densities were positively correlated to water temperature and negatively correlated to dissolved oxygen concentration and to factors associated with high-flow conditions (such as, suspended sediment concentrations). Chrysophytes, diatoms, and blue-green algae dominated winter, spring, and summer assemblages, respectively. Ordination analyses (DCCA) indicated that variation in taxonomic composition of assemblages was associated with stream size as well as season.Spatial variation in phytoplankton assemblages and effects of humans was investigated by sampling 55 sites in low flow conditions during August. Phytoplankton density increased with stream size. Assemblages shifted in composition from those dominated by benthic diatoms upstream to downstream communities dominated by blue-green algae and small flagellates. Human impacts were assumed to cause higher algal densities in stream basins with high proportions of agricultural or urban land use than in basins with forested/mined land use. While density and composition of phytoplankton were positively correlated to agricultural land use, they were poorly correlated to nutrient concentrations. Phytoplankton diversity changed with water quality: decreasing with nutrient enrichment and increasing with conditions that probably changed species composition or inhibited algal growth. Human impacts on phytoplankton in running water ecosystems were as great or greater than effects by natural seasonal and spatial factors. Our results indicated that phytoplankton could be useful indicators of water quality and ecosystem integrity in large river systems.  相似文献   
Observations on temporary waters in northwestern Australia   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Summary In the course of solid-phase synthesis of phosphopeptides by a post-assembly global phosphorylation strategy, the corresponding H-phosphonate peptides form as byproducts. We describe model studies to investigate this side reaction as a function of reaction conditions, and use this information to develop conditions that minimize the problem, i.e., use of dibenzyl N,N-di-isopropyl phosphoramidite for phosphitylation, followed immediately by oxidation with anhydrous tert-butyl hydroperoxide in dry tetrahydrofuran under argon, and final acidolytic cleavage.This work was taken in part from the Ph.D. Theses of E.A. Ottinger (1994) and Q. Xu (1996), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, U.S.A. Preliminary presentations of portions of this work were made at the Twenty-Second European Peptide Symposium, Interlaken, Switzerland, September 13–19, 1992, see Ref. 1, at the 14th American Peptide Symposium, Columbus, OH, U.S.A., June 18–23, 1995, and at the Fourth International Symposium on Solid Phase Synthesis & Combinatorial Chemical Libraries, Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K., September 12–16, 1995, see Ref. 2. The title side reaction was first discussed for tyrosine (see Refs 1 and 3), but all of the mechanism studies discussed herein are for serine and threonine.Amino acid symbols denote the l-configuration, and abbreviations for amino acids and peptides follow rules of the IUPAC-IUB Commission of Biochemical Nomenclature [J. Biol. Chem., 247 (1972) 977].  相似文献   
Benbow  M. E.  Burky  A. J.  Way  C. M. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,346(1-3):129-135
Telmatogeton torrenticola Terry is a large endemic chironomid (lastinstar >20 mm) commonly found in high gradient Hawaiian streams on smoothrock surfaces with torrential, shallow flow and in the splash zones ofwaterfalls. We have quantified benthic water flow in larval habitat in a 50m segment of Kinihapai Stream, Maui using a thermistor-based microcurrentmeter. Under base flow conditions at sites suitable for larval attachment,depth was measured and bottom water velocity measurements were made 2 mmabove populations. Larval densities ranged from 386.9–1178m–2, habitat bottom water velocities from 13.4–64.2 cms–1, and water depths from 1.5–50 cm. Bottom velocitiesof sites with zero larvae ranged from 20.8–21.8 cm s–1with depths from 50 to >160 cm. Larval densities were greatest inareas with high bottom water velocities and shallow depths. Stepwisemultiple regression analyses showed that density could be confidentlypredicted best by Froude number (r=0.81; p=0.008). In the absence of Froudenumber as a regression term, the best variable to predict larval density wasbottom velocity ratio: relative depth ratio (r=0.75; p=0.019). In addition,the torrential habitat of the larvae was always characterized by aperiphyton community that appeared to be the primary food resource for thelarvae. These data suggest that torrential flows over appropriate substratesare important factors regulating habitat availability for T. torrenticolaand that reduced discharge (e.g. affected by water diversions) couldsignificantly reduce the amount of available habitat for this organism andother flow sensitive stream fauna.  相似文献   
The species composition of aquatic insects in theboreal stream, Skiftesåa, was investigated usingemergence traps, Malaise traps and kick samples. Atleast 13 Ephemeroptera, 16 Plecoptera, 25 Trichopteraand 120 Chironomidae species were recorded. This faunais representative for non-polluted, northern streams.The production of macrobenthos was estimated to beonly about 1 g dry weight per year and m2,possibly due to the fluctuating flow of water.  相似文献   
The surface water chemistry of Høylandet has beenstudied by performing two synoptic surveys, duringhigh runoff in the autumn of 1986 and during a lowflow period in the summer of 1988. Based on watersamples of up to 38 chemical variables from 75 sites,analyses show considerable variation in the chemicalcomposition. There is a strong altitude gradient, i.e.very dilute poorly buffered waters dominate at higherelevations near the timberline while progressivelyhigher salt content and alkalinities arecharacteristic at lower altitudes more dominated byforests. The influence of mires is less pronounced.The overall water quality is of oligotrophic naturewith low concentrations of strong acid anions andmetals known to be enriched under acidifiedconditions. The natural pH gradients are considerablebut with no indication of anthropogenic acidification.The data provide little support for the hypothesisthat in-catchment production of organically derivedacidity leads to acid runoff, which in thesecatchments appears compensated by increasedweathering. The findings are in general accordancewith other Høylandet catchment studies. It isconcluded that this area may serve as a representativepristine surface runoff analogue for catchmentscurrently affected by atmospheric deposition of strongmineral acids.  相似文献   
The troglobitic amphipod crustacean Crangonyx antennatus populates two distinct habitats in southern Appalachian caves, mud-bottom pools and gravel-bottom streams. An investigation was conducted to determine if stream populations possess behavioral adaptations to lotic conditions. Observations on the thigmotactic behavior of C. antennatus were made seasonally in six Lee Co., Virginia caves, three containing pool habitats and three with stream habitats. Stream-dwelling amphipods were found to exhibit more cryptic behavior than those inhabiting pools under natural conditions and when disturbed. Artificial stream experiments indicate that stream-dwelling C. antennatus are better adapted behaviorally to lotic conditions than pool-dwelling amphipods.  相似文献   
Barleygrass ( Hordeum leporinum ) from Australian low-P (phosphorus) soils and commercial barley ( H. vulgare ) with high fertilizer requirements were grown in solution culture at 3 levels of P supply. The high-P-adapted barley produced more biomass at all levels of P supply and was more responsive to added P in terms of rate of tillering, rate of leaf production, final leaf size, and therefore total shoot weight compared to barleygrass. In both species root: shoot ratio decreased in response to improved tissue P status, even at P levels where total biomass did not respond to P supply. Removal of endosperm reserves of barley reduced total biomass to a greater extent than it altered phosphate absorption rate, thus increasing tissue P status and making plants less responsive to added P. Similarly, barleygrass had a slower growth rate but a comparable P absorption rate to that of barley. Thus barleygrass also accumulated tissue P and was unresponsive to added P. All phosphorus chemical fractions increased in response to improved tissue P status, but to differing extents (inorganic-P > nucleic acid-P > lipid-P > ester-P), suggesting that all P fractions (particularly inorganic P) serve, in part, a storage function. Both barleygrass and barley without endosperm had higher concentrations of all P fractions (particularly inorganic P) than did unaltered barley, but this was due entirely to their higher P status (due to slow growth) rather than to any major difference in P metabolism between species. We conclude that slow growth is more important than interspecific differences in P metabolism, P absorption, or efficiency of P utilization in explaining the success of barleygrass and other low-P-adapted species on infertile soils.  相似文献   
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