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Experimental evaluation of a minnow trap for small lotic fish   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A minnow trap that operates in various flow regimes in streams and allows sampling of small fish from stream bed microhabitats was developed. In laboratory and field tests, the most efficient trap design for capturing and retaining various species of fish had one funnel oriented downstream, a plexiglass body, and commercial trout food as bait. These lightweight traps can be set in a wide range of current velocities and depths, and can be useful in investigations that examine the microhabitat use, diel activity patterns or population densities of small lotic fish. Guidelines for the trap's use and for quick verification of capture success in new situations are suggested.  相似文献   
Mineralization of trace levels of [14C]-phenol by heterotrophic microorganisms was quantified at 4 sites along a river continuum in southwestern Virginia. Significant phenol mineralization rates were detected in surface sediment and seston samples at all sites from August 1985 through May 1986. Phenol degradation was strongly affected by season (ANOVA; P < 0.0001). From a baseline rate in August (range: 1.19 × 10-5 to 897 × 10-4 mg phenol mineralized mg AFDW-1 h-1) phenol mineralization rose to a yearly maximum in October (range: 1.21 × 10-4 to 1.16 × 10-3 mg phenol mineralized mg AFDW-1 h-1) despite decreasing stream temperatures. This autumnal peak in phenol degradation was attributed to the pulsed input of allochthonous detritus, especially leaf litter, which contains substantial quantities of phenols and related compounds. Although phenol mineralization was significant in these streams, phenols were metabolized at much slower rates than more labile compounds present in the dissolved organic matter (DOM) pool. Estimates of turnover rates for three major components of DOM revealed that glucose and glutamate turnover rates (0.064–0.140 h-1 mg sediment AFDW-1 and 0.140–0.610 h-1 mg sediment AFDW-1, respectively) were, respectively, 2.2–4.7 × and 9.6–16.9 × greater than phenol turnover rates (0.015–0.064 h-1 mg sediment AFDW-1). Although the relatively low rates of utilization of refractory phenolic materials suggest that these compounds may accumulate and become more prevalent components of the DOM pool, phenol concentrations at the 4 study sites remained below detectable levels (i.e., < 1 g 1-1) throughout the study. Consequently, it seems that although phenolic materials are metabolized more slowly than labile DOM, phenols are degraded at rates which preclude accumulation in the water column.  相似文献   
Changes in epilithic algal communities colonizing introduced substrata were determined in a stream polluted with oil refinery effluent at Digboi (Assam, India). The number of algal taxa was reduced but the growth of blue-green algae, particularly two species ofOscillatoria, was encouraged. Epilithic biomass (as chlorophylla) also declined at polluted stations. The algal community of the upstream station was markedly different from the community occurring just after the confluence of effluent; however, the differences were gradually reduced downstream, indicating improvement in water quality. Of the various criteria tested for possible relationships with the level of pollutants, species richness, Shannon diversity and biomass showed significant relationships. The study demonstrates the usefulness of algal criteria for monitoring oil pollution in running waters.  相似文献   
Abstract. Xylem sap was collected from individual leaves of intact transpiring lupin plants exposed to increasing concentrations of NaCl by applying pneumatic pressure to the roots. Concentrations of Na+ and Cl in the xylem sap increased linearly with increases in the external NaCl concentration, averaging about 10% of the external concentration. Concentrations of K+ and NO3, the other major inorganic ions in the sap, were constant at about 2.5 and 1.5 mol m−3, respectively. There was no preferential direction of Na + or Cl to either young or old leaves: leaves of all ages received xylem sap having similar concentrations of Na+ and Cl, and transpiration rates (per unit leaf area) were also similar for all leaves. Plants exposed to 120–160 mol m−3 NaCl rapidly developed injury of oldest leaves; when this occurred, the Na+ concentration in the leaflet midrib sap had increased to about 40 mol m−3 and the total solute concentration to 130 osmol m−3. This suggests that uptake of salts from the transpiration stream had fallen behind the rate of delivery to the leaf and that salts were building up in the apoplast.  相似文献   
Hematological and serum chemistry values, as well as rectal temperatures, were obtained from greater galagos (Galago garnettii and G. crassicaudatus), in order to establish normative values. No species or sex differences were found for four hematological parameters and 15 serum chemistry parameters. Species differences were seen in phosphate, magnesium, cholesterol, alkaline phosphate, G-glutamyl transferase, mean corpuscular volume and leucocyte, neutrophil, and lymphocyte number. Significant sex differences were observed in glucose, hemoglobin, and hematocrit values. Species and sex differences were seen in chloride and erythrocyte number.  相似文献   
Dissolved nutrient inputs in bulk precipitation and outputs in streamwater were measured during 3 years of contrasting hydrological conditions in a 6.3-ha, grazed heathland watershed on schists in the Montseny mountains (NE Spain), drained by an intermittent stream. On average, 39% of the precipitation became streamflow. Bulk precipitation delivered positive net alkalinity (mean 0.22 keq/ha/yr), sulphate input was moderate (9.0 kg SO4-S/ha/yr), and the mean input of inorganic N was not exceptionally high (6.6 kg/ha/yr). Ion concentrations were relatively low in streamwater; SO4 2- was the dominant anion. Most concentrations in streamwater varied seasonally, with maxima in late summer or early autumn and minima in spring. This pattern probably resulted from increased availability of ions for leaching due to decomposition of organic matter and chemical weathering during the warm period. Nitrate concentrations were relatively high in winter and dropped sharply in early spring, probably because of biological uptake. Annual element outputs in streamwater varied between years and seemed to be controlled by both the amount of annual streamflow and its seasonal distribution. Annual inputs exceeded outputs for dissolved inorganic N. The watershed accumulated H+ and Ca2+, had net losses of Na+ and Mg2+, and was close to steady state for K+, SO4 2-, Cl- and alkalinity. The chloride budgets gave no evidence of substantial dry deposition in this system. The cationic denudation rate was negative (-0.14 keq/ha/yr) because Ca2+ retention was higher than net exports of Na+ and Mg2+ from silicate weathering. Low nutrient export and little production of alkalinity suggest that this watershed has a low buffering capacity.  相似文献   
Spanish salt lakes: Their chemistry and biota   总被引:9,自引:9,他引:0  
F. A. Comin  M. Alonso 《Hydrobiologia》1988,158(1):237-245
A large number of small saline lakes are distributed throughout Spain. Four main lake districts occur from sea level to 1000 m.a.s.l. Most lakes are temporary because of the arid conditions in the Spanish endorheic areas. Many lakes are situated in Tertiary depressions in NE. and S. Spain. Lake basins were formed in karstic areas by hydrologic and aeolian erosion. Saline lakes in NE. Spain occupy areas isolated between river basins. The major ions encountered in these lakes are usually sodium-chloride and magnesium-sulphate; sodium carbonate or sodium-sulphate rich waters also occur.The biota of Spanish salt lakes is related to that of a larger biogeographical region which includes the Mediterranean countries. The main types of salt lakes in Spain include: (1) temporarily mineralized but not highly saline lakes, salinity is less than 7 g l-1. Chara canescens, C. aspera, Zanichellia palustris, Daphnia atkinsoni, Mixodiaptomus incrassatus and Arctodiaptomus wierzejskii are the most characteristic organisms. (2) Temporary salt lakes, salinity fluctuates between 7 and 300 g l-1. Chara galioides, Lamprothamnion papulosum, Daphnia mediterranea, Arctodiaptomus salinus and Cletocamptus retrogressus are the most common species. (3) Permanent salt lakes, Ruppia maritima, Najas marina and Artemia salina are the characteristic organisms.  相似文献   
Four species of riparian vegetation (alder, birch, willow and poplar) were fertilized with nitrogen, phosphorus, nitrogen + phosphorus, or no fertilizer (control). The resulting leaf detritus (leached but not microbially colonized) was offered to a stream shredder, Hydatophylax variabilis (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae). In one experiment, shredder consumption of leaf detritus from different nutrient treatments (within tree species) was compared, and in a second experiment, consumption of different tree species (within nutrient treatments) was compared. Larvae preferred leaf detritus from nitrogen + phosphorus treatments (except in poplar where nitrogen treatment was preferred). Alder was preferred over other tree species for all treatments. Chemical and physical analyses of leaf litter showed differences between tree species and nutrient treatments in nutrient content, tannins and leaf toughness. Leaf consumption by larvae was positively associated with nitrogen content and negatively associated with condensed tannin content. Species composition and nutrient status of riparian vegetation may strongly influence detrital food webs in streams.  相似文献   
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