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Adams D.B. and Beh K.J. 1981. Immunity acquired by sheep from an experimental infection with Haemonchus contortus. International Journal for Parasitology11: 381–386. A primary infection of sheep with a single dose of Haemonchus contortus larvae was traced by faecal egg counts until it had substantially declined after 55 weeks. These primed sheep were then given a sequence of two reinfections with the parasite. Comparison of faecal egg counts in primed sheep and in two separate groups of previously worm-free sheep showed that primary infection conferred significant immunity. This, however, was not sufficiently protective to prevent the development of further anaemia and faecal egg counts indicative of clinical haemonchosis. It is suggested that an adaptation in the host-parasite relationship which promotes the longevity of primary infection with H. contortus may also moderate the induction of acquired immunity.The titre of haemagglutinating antibody specific for H. contortus rose in serum during the course of primary infection, but the two reinfections did not stimulate a rise in titre. Titres of haemagglutinating antibody before reinfection did not correlate with subsequent faecal egg counts.  相似文献   
High pH values (>11.0) cause the dissolution of occlusion bodies of the granulosis virus (GV) of Pseudaletia unipuncta and subsequent inactivation of the virus within 24 hr. The GV is also inactivated within 48 hr by 0.04% formaldehyde. The GV is found in the intestinal lumen of infective third stage nematodes (dauer juveniles) of Neoaplectana carpocapsae when development occurs in GV-infected hosts. The GV in these dauer juveniles retains its infectivity even when the nematodes are placed into an alkaline solution with pH values of 11.1 or 12.1 or in 0.04% formaldehyde up to 336 hr. However, significant loss of infectivity of GV occurs when the nematodes are in formaldehyde but not at high pH values. The dauer juveniles are ensheathed by the second stage cuticle. This cuticle probably protects the GV in the intestinal lumen of the nematode from the high pH and formaldehyde.  相似文献   
The urinary excretion of 3-methylhistidine (3-MH) was used as an index of muscle protein catabolism in primary and secondary infections of the guinea pig with Trichostrongylus colubriformis and in uninfected animals fed quantitatively reduced rations. Catabolism, which was depressed in all three groups, was directly related to a fall in food consumption. Possible explanations for the greater depression of catabolism in the primary infection than in the uninfected guinea pigs and its fall in the secondary infection in spite of little change in consumption are briefly discussed. It was concluded that the faster rate of whole-body protein turnover reported earlier in this series on protein metabolism in intestinal nematode infection was not partly due to a faster rate of muscle protein catabolism. It was shown that the urinary excretion of 3-MH could be validly expressed in terms of unit creatinine.  相似文献   
The efficacy of oxamyl in controlling Heterodera schachtii on cabbage was determined by applying various contbinations of soil drenches at 6.7 kg (a.i.)/ha and foliar sprays at 0.04 kg (a.i.)/100 liters of water to cabbage seedlings. Pretransplant drenches provided some control of H. schachtii over a 13-week period. A single foliar spray of oxamyl 1 week before transplanting apparently prevented penetration of H. schachtii larvae; post-transplant sprays were relatively ineffective. A pretransplant or transplant drench combined with a foliar application 2 weeks after transplanting provided the most effective control. The effectiveness of drenches plus post-transplant sprays is probably due to the spray augmenting the action of the drench in inhibiting the development of larvae after penelration.  相似文献   
Preplant soil applications of granular phenamiphos effectively reduced Pratytenchus penetrans in soil during the seeding year and 1 year after, and in the roots of birdsfoot trefoil 2 years after seeding. Forage yields were increased in the season following application of phenamiphos, but stands of plants/m² were not greater (P = 0.05) than those in the checks 1 and 2 years after treatment. Additional spring applications of phenamiphos 1 and 2 years after seeding further reduced numbers of nematodes in the soil but did not improve forage yields or plant stand over that of a single application. Broadcast preplant soil sprays of oxamyl followed by several foliar sprays at different rates and frequencies of application over a 3-year period restricted populations of P. penetrans in the soil and roots of birdsfoot trefoil but did not consistently result in increased forage yields. Stands of birdsfoot trefoil continued to decline each year even with oxamyl treatments.  相似文献   
The specific activities of the enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle; citrate synthase, aconitase, isocitrate dehydrogenase, succinate dehydrogenase, fumarase, and malate dehydrogenase, were determined in early fifth-stage, young and mature adult Obeliscoides cuniculi, the rabbit stomach worm. ∝-Ketoglutarate dehydrogenase activity could not be determined in any fraction. Fumarate reductase activity was found only in the mitochondrial fraction while all other enzymes, including an NADP-dependent malic enzyme were localized in the cytoplasm. Glutamate dehydrogenase, acid and alkaline phosphatase activities were also recorded. High levels of those enzymes acting in the “reversed” direction, i.e. MDH and fumarase relative to the enzymes of the “forward” direction, i.e. citrate synthase, aconitase and isocitrate dehydrogenase suggests that under anaerobic conditions a modified tricarboxylic acid cycle can operate. Some variations in specific activities were apparent as the worms matured but no qualitative differences were observed.  相似文献   
Following the report of Silverman and Podger (1964) that pepsin formed an association with larval receptor sites on D. viviparus and that exsheathment had an absolute requirement for pepsin, the role of pepsin was studied in greater detail. A range of enzyme incubation, pepsin labeling, histochemical and electron microscopical techniques were used. Pepsin did cause exsheathment of D. viviparus but, it was not an absolute requirement. Exsheathment occurred in a range of proteolytic enzymes each at its optimum pH. Findings suggest that the area of weakness around the anterior end of the larvae is digested by external protease and that, in vivo, exsheathment is caused by the gut enzymes of the host.  相似文献   
A developmental electron microscopic study of the parasitism of Rolylenchulus reniforrnis in resistant ''Peking'' and susceptible ''Lee'' soybeans was made during a 21-day period under controlled conditions. Within 2 days of inoculation, the nematode had penetrated the cortical cells to the endodermis where it inserted its stylet, secreted and initiated syncytial formation and cell hypertrophy. Syncytia primarily involved pericycle tissues and, to a lesser extent, xylem parenchyma and endodermis. When identifiable, the cell into which the nematode stylet was inserted to initiate syncytial development was endodermal. Susceptible tissues exhibited two basic phases of development during this infection period: (i) an initial phase represented by partial cell wail lysis and separation; and (ii) an anabolic phase, characterized by organelle proliferation and development accompanied by secondary wall deposits, which provided nutrition for sessile female development. The resistant or hypersensitive reaction (HR) lacked the anabolic phase found in the susceptible reaction, and was characterized by an extension and usually accelerated type of Iysis found in the first phase of the syncytial development. The HR was usually very evident 4 days after inoculation, and could be identified by an almost complete lysis of the cell walls and cytoplasm. The possibility that the initial cell of the developing syncytium or "prosyncyte" may influence a susceptible or resistant reaction is discussed. Successive stages of cell wall dissolution and the deposition of secondary cell walls are described.  相似文献   
After 18 months of storage at -150 C, some larvae of Ditylenchus dipsaci, which had been treated in a 7.5% solution of dimethyl sulphoxide and cooled to -25 C before storage, were still viable on thawing. Some survivors penetrated and developed normally in stems of alfalfa seedlings. Tests showed that active larvae could be frozen directly, thus eliminating the need to use the quiescent stage of this nematode previously thought necessary for successful storage at cryogenic temperatures. The method described is suitable for long-term storage of D. dipsaci and may, with slight modifications, be used to preserve other plant-parasitic nematodes.  相似文献   
Aqueous solutions of 5-500 μg/ml aldicarb inhibited hatching of Heterodera schachtii. Addition of hatching agents, zinc chloride, or sugarbeet root diffusate, to the aldicarb solutions did not decrease the inhibition of hatching. When cysts were removed from the aldicarb solufions and then treated for 4 wk in sugarbeet root diffusate, larvae hatched and emerged. Treatments of newly hatched larvae of H. schachtii with 5-100 μg/ml aldicarb depressed later development of larvae on sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris). Similar treatments with aldicarb sulfoxide had less effect on larval development, and aldicarb sulfone had no effect. Numbers of treated larvae that survived and developed were inversely proportional to concentration (0.1-5.0 μg/ml) and duration (0-14 days) of aldicarb treatments. Development of H. schachtii on sugarbeet grown in aldicarb-treated soil was inversely proportional to the concentration of aldicarb in the tested range of 0.75 - 3.0 μg aldicarb/g of soil. Transfer of nematode-infected plants to soil with aldicarb retarded nematode development, whereas transfer of plants first grownin treated soil to nematode-infested soil only slightly suppressed nematode development. Development of H. schachtii was inhibited in slices of storage roots of table beet (B. vulgaris), sugarbeet and turnip, (Brassica rapa), that had grown in soil treated with aldicarb.  相似文献   
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