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To study the dispersal of dengue vector mosquitoes in Singapore, females of Aedes aegypti (L.) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae) were fed blood containing rubidium (Rb), which was detectable in their eggs by means of Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (GFAAS). Laboratory calibration of the Rb reading, for a range of egg numbers from Rb-fed females, indicated a reasonably linear relationship and an unequivocal distinction between results with zero and one marked egg. Rb-marked female Aedes mosquitoes aged 3-5 days were released in semi-rural and urbanized parts of Singapore, with an array of ovitraps extending to a radius of 320 m from the release point. Subsequently, Rb-marked Aedes eggs were detected throughout the array, with similar distributions on each of the 4 days after release. More Rb was detected nearer the release point. However, when correction was made for the greater areas of zones further from the release point (and therefore presumably existence of more alternative oviposition sites), there were no significant differences in the numbers of marked eggs per ovitrap in the zones nearer or further from the release points. It is concluded that females of both these Aedes (Stegomyia) species could disperse easily and quickly throughout areas of radius 320 m in search of oviposition sites. This contrasts with the general belief that Ae. aegypti seldom flies more than 50 m and that control operations can safely be based on such an assumption. Releases on level 12 of a 21-storey apartment block, with ovitraps on each storey, showed similar easy and rapid dispersal to the top and bottom of the block.  相似文献   
To elucidate the specific associations of insects with glandular plants, the relationship between a plant bug and a wild azalea was examined. The plant bug Orthotylus gotoi Yasunaga (Hemiptera: Miridae) was found only on shrubs of Rhododendron macrosepalum Maxim. (Ericaceae) in Kyoto, central Japan. R. macrosepalum has leaves, stems, and sepals with dense stalked glands that trap and kill many arthropods. However, nymphs and adults of O. gotoi are able to move freely on R .  macrosepalum . O. gotoi frequently fed on carcasses of various arthropods trapped on R .  macrosepalum , whereas it rarely fed upon plant tissues. In laboratory experiments, O. gotoi nymphs mainly fed on the carcasses of insects, which resulted in enhanced rates of growth and metamorphosis, and adult O. gotoi lived longer when they were provided with insect carcasses. These observations and experiments suggest that O. gotoi is a scavenger. Therefore, if O. gotoi mainly feeds on carcasses of arthropods, this may result in a specific dependence on the glandular plant.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 593–602.  相似文献   
RNAi-based nucleic acid molecules have attracted considerable attention as compelling therapeutics providing safe and competent delivery systems are available. Dendrimers are emerging as appealing nanocarriers for nucleic acid delivery thanks to their unique well-defined architecture and the resulting cooperativity and multivalency confined within a nanostructure. The present review offers a brief overview of the structurally flexible triethanolamine-core poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimers developed in our group as nanovectors for the delivery of RNAi therapeutics. Their excellent activity for delivering different RNAi therapeutics in various disease models in vitro and in vivo will be highlighted here.  相似文献   
Terrestrial arthropods are diverse, and quantifying their availability to consumers is important for understanding both consumer and insect distribution, abundance, and communities. However, characterizing arthropod communities in complex forest ecosystems is challenging. We compared arthropod communities in a wet‐limestone forest in Jamaica during the dry season sampled by four methods: branch clips, sweep netting, and sticky traps applied to tree trunks and hanging free of vegetation. We found no effect of relative height in the canopy for the two methods that could be used at different heights, i.e., hanging sticky traps and branch clips. In addition, the arthropod community sampled changed over time (season) for sweep nets and branch clips. We also found that branch clips and sweep nets sampled more arthropod taxa than the two sticky‐trap methods. In addition, branch clips and sweep nets sampled more ants and spiders than the two sticky‐trap methods, whereas collar sticky traps on tree trunks sampled more bark lice (Psocoptera), and hanging sticky traps more flies (Diptera) than the other methods. Percentages of flying insects and strong‐flying insects sampled did not differ between sweep netting and branch clipping, but a higher percentage of both groups were captured with collar and hanging sticky traps. Because we found that the different methods sampled different subsets of the arthropod community, both taxonomically and in terms of aerial versus non‐aerial taxa, investigators should choose the arthropod sampling methods that most closely align with their focal species and study questions. For example, investigators might use collar traps for studies of bark gleaners, hanging sticky traps for aerial foragers, and branch clips or sweep nets for foliage gleaners. Alternatively, if a focal species is known to prefer certain prey items, investigators may instead select a method that effectively samples those prey taxa. Finally, for some studies, using multiple sampling methods may be the best option.  相似文献   
不同色板对柑橘园蓟马的诱集效果及蓝板的诱捕效果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对黄色、蓝色、深蓝色、白色、红色、绿色、紫色、灰色、黑色和粉红色10种不同颜色色板对柑橘园蓟马的诱集效果的比较试验表明,柑橘园蓟马对蓝色和深蓝色色板趋性最大,与其它8种颜色色板之间有着极显著差异(P<0.01)。蓝色色板对蓟马在东南西北4个不同方位中的诱捕作用研究表明,南面方位诱集的蓟马数量最多,与西、北两个方位之间有着显著差异(P<0.05)。当平均株高为220cm时,挂板高度分别为60、120、180和240cm,高度为120cm时诱集的蓟马数量最多,与其它3个高度之间存在显著差异。色板间距分别为2、3、4和5m时,结果表明间距为4m和5m时每板诱集的蓟马数量较多,与其它间距之间有着显著差异。从上午8点到下午6点每间隔2h的5个时间段中,各时间段之间没有显著差异。在蓝色色板的小区防治试验中,在挂板3、6和12d后,诱捕效果分别达到41.5%,53.9%和37.7%。  相似文献   
Sampling programs to establish baseline ecosystem information (e.g., species abundance and diversity) often fail to consider the potential influence of sampling techniques on results. Research on sampling economically important insects has demonstrated the possible influences of trap color and trap placement on results, but few data have been collected from natural environments. Consequently, we examined the effects of color (yellow and blue) and placement (exposed and shaded by plants) of sticky traps on insect captures and diversity estimates from a Nebraska inland salt marsh community. We identified 1913 specimens from 67 insect families collected during five trapping dates in July 1996. More Cicindelidae were collected on exposed traps, and more Staphylinidae, Dolichopodidae, Cicadellidae, and Thripidae were collected on shaded traps. More Dolichopodidae were collected on yellow traps, while more Syrphidae and Thripidae were collected on blue. Shannon and alpha diversity measures were significantly higher for shaded traps than exposed traps, but were not affected by trap color. Our results highlight the importance of characterizing sampling techniques when establishing diversity estimates. These data provide the first complete accounting of community-level insect response to colored sticky traps and provide new information for color preference of non-economic insect species.  相似文献   
为有效保护和利用园林绿地中的捕食性瓢虫资源,研究了北京园林绿地中瓢虫的发生规律及生态位。采用定点定期黄板诱集法调查园林绿地捕食性瓢虫资源,然后进行了瓢虫发生时序动态、生态位宽度及生态位重叠等分析。由生态位宽度将瓢虫分为种群竞争力强、中和弱3类,由Mcnaughton优势度指数也将瓢虫分为优势种、常见种和偶见种3类;异色瓢虫、龟纹瓢虫、红点唇瓢虫和菱斑巧瓢虫既是种群竞争力强的瓢虫种类,也是园林绿地瓢虫的优势种,种群竞争力中的瓢虫种类多为瓢虫常见种,弱的种类多为瓢虫偶见种;园林绿地中优势捕食性瓢虫的发生时序动态既与园林植物上发生的蚜虫种类相关,又与园林植物种类相关;异色瓢虫与龟纹瓢虫,异色瓢虫与红点唇瓢虫,以及龟纹瓢虫与菱斑巧瓢虫全年的生态位重叠指数较高,均达0.8以上,而异色瓢虫与菱斑巧瓢虫,龟纹瓢虫与红点唇瓢虫,红点唇瓢虫与菱斑巧瓢虫全年的生态位重叠指数较小,均低于0.7。本文为有效保护园林绿地中的瓢虫资源提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   
‘Lure-and-infect’ is an insect pest management strategy with high potential but so far there are few examples of its application. Using traps as surrogates for auto-dissemination devices, we tested the attractiveness to naturally occurring thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) of three trap types differing in colour and structure, with and without the thrips lure methyl isonicotinate (MI), and sticky plate traps as a control. The aim was to find more effective traps that could be further developed into devices for auto-dissemination and lure-and-infect of thrips. The number of thrips captured varied substantially with trap type and the presence of the MI lure. We found a high visual response to a sticky ‘white ruffle’ trap (i.e., a 30-cm-long cylindrical outline of folded fabric), compared to a commonly used blue sticky plate trap (Bug-scan) as the control. This effect was seen both in a greenhouse with roses (Rosa spp.), where we encountered western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), and in a grass field, where we encountered onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lindeman, and New Zealand flower thrips, Thrips obscuratus (Crawford). In the absence of MI, the white ruffle trap caught 7–22× more thrips than the control Bug-scan trap. A similarly designed blue ruffle trap and a modified Lynfield trap caught lower thrips numbers than the white ruffle and the control Bug-scan traps. Presence of MI substantially increased the captures of T. tabaci in all three trap types in the field (2.5–18×). In the greenhouse, without MI the white ruffle trap caught 3.5–14× more thrips than the Bug-scan, blue ruffle, or modified Lynfield traps. Presence of MI increased the captures of F. occidentalis males and females in the Lynfield and blue ruffle traps (1.4–2.8×), but not in the white ruffle trap in the greenhouse (ca. 1.1×). The importance of visual and olfactory factors for the design of effective auto-dissemination and lure-and-infect strategies for thrips management is discussed.  相似文献   
1. Flight activity of Trichoptera, Plecoptera and Ephemeroptera was studied by sticky trapping for 12 months at five sites along a New Zealand mountain stream. Over 19 000 insects were captured by the traps, which were located in forest and grassland reaches, including a reach with intermittent flow.
2. Most species occurred predominantly in forest or grassland, although some were trapped throughout the stream. Longitudinal distributions of adults and their larvae were strongly correlated.
3. Flight periods of 24 caddisflies, three mayflies and four stoneflies ranged from 2 to 12 months. Six species were trapped in all months and 17 (55%) in more than 5 months.
4. The most abundant forest-dwelling caddisfly species were over-represented on the downstream sides of sticky traps located in, and immediately below, forest indicating a majority was flying upstream. Upstream flight compensates for downstream drift of larvae and should maximize the likelihood that forest-dwelling species will locate preferred habitat for egg, larval and/or adult development. Unlike the caddisflies, the stonefly Spaniocerca zelandica was over-represented on the upstream sides of traps, suggesting that some adults may float or fly downstream following emergence.
5. In contrast to forest-dwelling species, only one common caddisfly ( Oxyethira albiceps ) was over-represented on the downstream sides of traps at grassland sites. Unlike the forest-dwelling species, most species taken at the downstream sites probably came from a variety of sources, including a nearby stream.  相似文献   
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