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Phenotypes may evolve to become integrated in response to functional demands. Once evolved, integrated phenotypes, often modular, can also influence the trajectory of subsequent responses to selection. Clearly, connecting modularity and functionally adaptive evolution has been challenging. The teleost skull and jaw structures are useful for understanding this connection because of the key roles that these structures play in feeding in novel environments with different prey resources. In the present study, we examined such a structure in the threespine stickleback: the opercular four‐bar lever that functions in jaw opening. Comparing oceanic and two fresh‐water populations, we find marked phenotypic divergence in the skull opercular region, and the major axes of morphological and functional variation of the lever are found to be highly correlated. All three populations share the same global skull integration structure, and a conserved, strongly‐supported modular organization is evident in the region encompassing the lever. Importantly, a boundary between two modules that subdivides the lever apparatus corresponds to the region of most prominent morphological evolution. The matched modular phenotypic and functional architecture of head and jaw structures of stickleback therefore may be important for facilitating their rapid adaptive transitions between highly divergent habitats. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 375–390.  相似文献   
Male sticklebacks display multiple ornaments, and these ornamentshave been shown to be preferred by females in laboratory experiments.However, few field data exist, and it is not known whether thesepreferences are simultaneously or sequentially operative ina single population. We report correlates of reproductive successin two stickleback populations that differ in their ecology,over several periods within their breeding season. In both populationslarger males had higher reproductive success, but not in all periodsof the breeding season. Reproductive success increased withredness of the throat only in the Wohlensee population, andonly in one period that was characterized by low average success.In the Wohlensee population, the parasitic worm Pomphorhynchuslaevis is abundant, and reproductive success decreased withthe presence of the parasite. In the Roche population, maleswith nests concealed in a plant had higher mating success. Thesenests were less likely to fail, suggesting that females preferredto spawn in concealed nests because of higher offspring survivorship.The different sexual traits appear to reveal different aspectsof male quality (multiple message hypothesis): females probablyfind large males attractive because of their higher paternalquality, but it seems more likely that red males are preferred forbetter genetic qualities. Females also discriminate on territoryquality, and male traits may be important in competition forthese territories. The correlates of reproductive success werenot consistent during the season, probably due to changes inthe availability of ripe females. Such fluctuating selectionpressures will contribute to the maintenance of genetic variationin sexual traits.  相似文献   
Are measurements of quantitative genetic variation useful for predicting long-term adaptive evolution? To answer this question, I focus on gmax, the multivariate direction of greatest additive genetic variance within populations. Original data on threespine sticklebacks, together with published genetic measurements from other vertebrates, show that morphological differentiation between species has been biased in the direction of gmax for at least four million years, despite evidence that natural selection is the cause of differentiation. This bias toward the direction of evolution tends to decay with time. Rate of morphological divergence between species is inversely proportional to θ, the angle between the direction of divergence and the direction of greatest genetic variation. The direction of greatest phenotypic variance is not identical with gmax, but for these data is nearly as successful at predicting the direction of species divergence. I interpret the findings to mean that genetic variances and covariances constrain adaptive change in quantitative traits for reasonably long spans of time. An alternative hypothesis, however, cannot be ruled out: that morphological differentiation is biased in the direction gmax because divergence and gmax are both shaped by the same natural selection pressures. Either way, the results reveal that adaptive differentiation occurs principally along “genetic lines of least resistance.”  相似文献   
Summary We examined the hypothesis that trematode parasites played a role in the evolution of the red colour of male threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) and whether the parasites affected female fitness. Parasites (blackspot disease) played no role either in determining the outcome of male—male competition for breeding territories or in female mate choice. Among males with territories, mating success was highly variable. Some males obtained over 3000 eggs (approximately 10 matings) whereas others received none. In 1 year of the 2 year study, males with the greatest amount of red nuptial coloration had the greatest mating success. Although male colour may sometimes affect female choice in this system, this preference has probably not evolved because of the Hamilton—Zuk mechanism of sexual selection. The parasites had small, but statistically significant effects on female fitness. Females with high parasite loads were in poorer condition and produced fewer eggs than less parasitized fish.  相似文献   
Because "odd" individuals often suffer disproportionately highrates of predation, solitary individuals should join groupswhose members are most similar to themselves in appearance.We examined group-choice decisions by individuals in armoredand nonarmored species and predicted that either (1) the oddityeffect would result in preference for conspecific groups forsolitary individuals of both species, or (2) individuals inthe armored species would prefer to associate with groups containingindividuals of the more vulnerable species. Armored brook sticklebacks(Culaea inconstans) and nonarmored fathead minnows (Pimephalespromelas) have the same predators and often occur together instreams. In mixed-species shoals, yellow perch (Perca flavescens)attacked minnows earlier and more often than sticklebacks. Wetested whether solitary minnows and sticklebacks preferred toassociate with conspecific or heterospecific shoals under conditionsof both low and high predation risk. When predation risk washigh, minnows preferred to associate with conspecifics overheterospecifics, as predicted by the oddity effect. In contrast,sticklebacks preferentially associated with groups of minnowsover groups of conspecifics when predation risk was high. Whenpredation risk was low, solitary individuals of both speciespreferentially associated with conspecific over heterospecificshoals. Stickleback shoal choices under low-risk conditionsmay have been influenced by interspecific competition for food.In feeding experiments, minnows were more efficient foragersthan sticklebacks, so it should benefit sticklebacks to avoidminnows unless predation risk is high. Therefore, for armoredprey, the benefits of associating with more vulnerable preyappear to override the costs of both the oddity effect and foodcompetition when predation risk is high.  相似文献   
Ecological speciation is the evolution of reproductive isolation as a direct or indirect consequence of divergent natural selection. Reduced performance of hybrids in nature is thought to be an important process by which natural selection can favor the evolution of assortative mating and drive speciation. Benthic and limnetic sympatric species of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) are adapted to alternative trophic niches (bottom browsing vs. open water planktivory, respectively) and reduced feeding performance of hybrids is thought to have contributed to the evolution of reproductive isolation. We tested this “hybrid‐disadvantage hypothesis” by inferring growth rates from otoliths sampled from wild, free‐ranging benthic, limnetic, and hybrid sticklebacks in two lakes. There were significant differences in growth rate between lakes, life‐history stages, and among years (maximum P = 0.02), as well as interactions between most factors, but not between hybrid and parental species sticklebacks in most comparisons. Our results provide little evidence of a growth disadvantage in hybrid sticklebacks when free‐ranging in nature. Although trophic ecology per se may contribute less to ecological speciation than envisioned, it may act in concert with other aspects of stickleback biology, such as interactions with parasites, predators, competitors, and/or sexual selection, to present strong multifarious selection against hybrids.  相似文献   
Nests as ornaments: revealing construction by male sticklebacks   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
Nests are built by animals from a variety of taxa, and serveas receptacles for eggs and developing offspring. Where nestsare built solely or mainly by one sex, they also have the potentialto serve as extended ornaments, because aspects of constructionpotentially reveal or amplify characteristics of the builderto prospective mates. Here, we develop novel indices to quantifynest structure and examine variation in temporal and structuralaspects of nest construction in relation to morphological,immunological, and physiological traits in male three-spinedsticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus. Wild-caught male sticklebacksthat began construction within 3 days of being transferredto the laboratory built "neater" nests than fish that tooklonger to start, and we present alternative testable hypothesesthat could explain this pattern. Various characteristics ofnest-building males correlated with nest structure. The relativeweight of the building male's kidney—which secretes aglue-like protein used in nest building and whose developmentis androgen-dependent—correlated positively with nest "neatness." We also found males with enlarged spleens (an indicatorof immune stress) to construct less "compact" nests. The structureof a nest may therefore be important not only in determiningits functional capacity, but may also act as a quality-revealingornament. We suggest that females may gain valuable informationregarding male health status and androgen levels from nestinspection.  相似文献   
One-allele isolating mechanisms should make the evolution of reproductive isolation between potentially hybridizing taxa easier than two-allele mechanisms, but the generality of one-allele mechanisms in nature has yet to be established. A potentially important one-allele mechanism is sexual imprinting, where the mate preferences of individuals are based on the phenotype of their parents. Here I test the possibility that sexual imprinting promotes reproductive isolation using sympatric species of threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Sympatric species of sticklebacks consist of large benthic species and small limnetic species that are reproductively isolated and adapted to feeding in different environments. I fostered families of F1 hybrids between the species to males of both species. Preferences of these fostered females for males of either type revealed little or no effect of sexual imprinting on assortative mating. However, F1 females showed preferences for males that were similar to themselves in length, suggesting that size-assortative mating may be more important than sexual imprinting for promoting reproductive isolation between species pairs of threespine sticklebacks.  相似文献   
Social networks can result in directed social transmission of learned information, thus influencing how innovations spread through populations. Here we presented shoals of threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteous aculeatus) with two identical foraging tasks and applied network-based diffusion analysis (NBDA) to determine whether the order in which individuals in a social group contacted and solved the tasks was affected by the group's network structure. We found strong evidence for a social effect on discovery of the foraging tasks with individuals tending to discover a task sooner when others in their group had previously done so, and with the spread of discovery of the foraging tasks influenced by groups' social networks. However, the same patterns of association did not reliably predict spread of solution to the tasks, suggesting that social interactions affected the time at which the tasks were discovered, but not the latency to its solution following discovery. The present analysis, one of the first applications of NBDA to a natural animal system, illustrates how NBDA can lead to insight into the mechanisms supporting behaviour acquisition that more conventional statistical approaches might miss. Importantly, we provide the first compelling evidence that the spread of novel behaviours can result from social learning in the absence of social transmission, a phenomenon that we refer to as an untransmitted social effect on learning.  相似文献   
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