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Summary Normal and aborted seeds from two recessive embryo-lethal mutants (79A and 124D) of Arabidopsis thaliana were shown to be distributed nonrandomly along the length of heterozygous siliques. Significantly more than half of the aborted seeds in these two mutants were located in the top half of the silique, in the region closest to the stigma surface. Segregation ratios (percent aborted seeds) were unusually low at the base of the silique, and slightly higher than expected at the tip. In contrast, aborted seeds from four other embryo-lethal mutants (87A, 123B, 50B, and 71E) were distributed randomly along the length of the silique. These results suggest that the mutant genes in 79A and 124D are expressed during both the gametophytic (n) and sporophytic (2n) phases of development. These two mutants provide further evidence for the hypothesis that many genes expressed prior to fertilization also perform a critical function during growth and development of the sporophyte. Embryo-lethal mutants of Arabidopsis may therefore be useful in future studies of gametophytic gene expression and the regulation of pollen-tube growth in higher plants.  相似文献   
Fifteen nitrate assimilation-deficient mutants of the euryhaline green alga, Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher were selected by their chlorate resistance. Ten mutants, unable to grow on NO3? but able to grow on NO2?, had no detectable nitrate reductase activity. Five mutants, unable to grow on either NO3? or NO2?, had depressed levels of both nitrate and nitrite reductase. A method for assaying methyl viologen-nitrate reductase in the presence of nitrite reductase is described.  相似文献   
Absorption and low temperature fluorescence emission spectra were measured on chloroplast thylakoids and on purified reaction center chlorophyll a-protein complexes of photosystem I, CP-a1. A clear association between the presence of ß-carotene and the occurrence of far red absorbing and emitting chlorophyll a components of the reaction center antennae of photosystem I was demonstrated. For this study chloroplasts and CP-a1 were obtained from normal and carotenoid deficient plant material of various sources. The experimental material included 1) lyophilized pea chloroplasts extracted with petroleum ether, 2) the carotenoid deficient mutant C-6E of Scenedesmus obliquus and 3) wheat chloroplasts derived from normal and SAN-9789 treated plants. Removal of carotenoids, most likely principally ß-carotene, caused a loss of long wavelength absorbing chlorophylls in chloroplasts and purified CP-a1, and the loss or diminution of the long wavelength peak seen in the low temperature fluorescence emission spectrum. This association between ß-carotene and special chlorophyll a forms may explain both the photoprotective and antenna functions ascribed to ß-carotene. In the absence of carotenoids in wheat and in the Scenedesmus mutant, the chlorophyll a antenna of photosystem I was extremely photosensitive. A triplet-triplet resonance energy transfer from chlorophyll a to ß-carotene and a singlet-singlet energy transfer from excited ß-carotene to chlorophyll would explain the photoprotective and antenna functions, respectively. The role of this association in determining some of the fluorescence properties of photosystem I is also discussed.  相似文献   
The ability of carotenoids to protect a heterotrophic dinoflagellate, Crypthecodinium cohnii , from photodynamic damage by sunlight in the presence of an exogenous dye was demonstrated. Wild-type C. cohnii and 2 carotcnoid-deficient mutants were plated on agar-solidified media and exposed to natural sunlight. The wild-type strain, which synthesizes γ–carotene and β–carotene, had the lowest mortality. Mutant car 17 which accumulates mainly §–carotene had an intermediate mortality rate while the albino mutant, car 3, which contains only phytoene, lost viability most rapidly. Wild-type cells treated with diphenylaminc, a carotenogenic inhibitor, were killed at the same rate as mutant car 3. The survival rate of mutants on exposure to sunlight was dependent upon the chromophore length of the accumulated carotenoids. The 3 strains showed no difference in rate of mortality when exposed to ultraviolet light. Protection from sunlight by accumulation of carotenes may be an important ecological factor for this species whose natural habitat is tidepools.  相似文献   
Toxoplasma gondii, strain RH, produced plaques in human fibroblast tissue cultures over the temperatures 30–41 C. Muta?enesis with N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine yielded seven temperature-sensitive mutants that had lost the ability to form plaques at 40 C but still grew well at 33 C. No spontaneous mutants were detected. The temperature-sensitive mutants were not markedly thermolabile and adsorbed normally to tissue culture cells at 40 C. Three mutants differed from one another in their temperatures for optimal growth, and in their ability to remain infectious within cells incubated at 40 C. Both mutants that were tested were found to be markedly less virulent for mice than was the wild type RH strain.  相似文献   
从耐热碱性磷酸酶(TAP)200多个随机突变体的克隆库中选出耐热性明显下降的4株突变体,进行全序列及表达产物的最高耐受温度和最适反应温度测定和酶分子高级结构的模拟,分析突变位点、高级结构和耐热性表现三者的关系,探讨引起耐热性变化的机理。结构模拟显示所有突变位点都仅能引起细微的、局部的结构变化,除T320→I外都未直接触及酶的活性中心;结构上的细微改变虽然对最适反应温度影响不明显,但却使最高耐受温度降低了10℃左右;T320→I靠近酶的活性中心,尽管未能引起结构的较大变化,但却使最高耐受温度和最适反应温度同时显著降低。可见,多数点突变对高级结构的影响都不剧烈,但对耐热性尤其是最高耐受温度的影响却比较明显,一般地,在非活性区的突变通常只能引起最高耐受温度的降低,靠近活性区的突变则能同时引起最适反应温度和最高耐受温度的降低。  相似文献   
Functional features of Scenedesmus obliquus: wild type 276–6 strain (WT) and its two mutants reported as photosystem I‐deficient (mutant 56.80) and photosystem II‐deficient (mutant 57.80) were characterized. Algae were cultured aseptically under continuous light or in darkness on mineral bold basal medium (BBM), yeast extract‐enriched BBM and yeast extract to evaluate the physiology of algal cells under photoautotrophic, mixotrophic and heterotrophic conditions. Growth, superoxide dismutase activity and photosynthetic parameters, including polyphasic fluorescence rise during the first seconds of chlorophyll a illumination (OJIP), were analyzed to find relationships between the photosynthetic/respiratory activity of the cells, occurrence of oxidative stress and trophic conditions applied to PSs‐deficient algae. Despite the highest superoxide dismutase activity, indicating the presence of oxidative stress, mixotrophic conditions appeared to be optimal for S. obliquus WT and mutant strains kept in non‐aerated cultures. OJIP analysis indicated that in mutant 56.80 part of photosystem (PS) I was functional and in mutant 57.80 residual PS II activity was found.  相似文献   
A system of biological containment for recombinant DNA experiments in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Brewer's/Baker's yeast) is described. The principle of containment is sterility: the haploid host strains all contain a mating-type-non-specific sterile mutation. The hosts also contain four auxotrophic mutations suitable for selection for the various kinds of vectors used. All vectors are derivatives of pBR322 which can be selected and maintained in both yeast and Escherichia coli. The system has recently been certified at the HV2 level by the National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   
Survivin as a target for new anticancer interventions   总被引:66,自引:0,他引:66  
Survivin is a member of the inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) family, that has been implicated in both control of cell division and inhibition of apoptosis. Specifically, its anti-apoptotic function seems to be related to the ability to directly or indirectly inhibit caspases. Survivin is selectively expressed in the most common human neoplasms and appears to be involved in tumor cell resistance to some anticancer agents and ionizing radiation. On the basis of these findings survivin has been proposed as an attractive target for new anticancer interventions. Several preclinical studies have demonstrated that down-regulation of survivin expression/function, accomplished through the use of antisense oligonucleotides, dominant negative mutants, ribozymes, small interfering RNAs and cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors, increased the apoptotic rate, reduced tumor-growth potential and sensitized tumor cells to chemotherapeutic drugs with different action mechanisms and gamma-irradiation in in vitro and in vivo models of different human tumor types.  相似文献   
Acute choice behavior in ingesting two different concentrations of sucrose in Drosophila is presumed to include learning and memory. Effects on this behavior were examined for four mutations that block associative learning (dunce, rutabaga, amnesiac, and radish). Three of these mutations cause cyclic AMP signaling defects and significantly reduced taste discrimination. The exception was radish, which affects neither. Electrophysiological recordings confirmed that the sensitivity of taste receptors is almost indistinguishable in all flies, whether wild type or mutant. These results suggest that food choice behavior in Drosophila involves central nervous learning and memory operating via cyclic AMP signaling pathways.  相似文献   
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