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基于FMT-AHP的海南农垦花岗岩类多雨区橡胶园地力评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海南农垦是中国最大的天然橡胶生产基地,自第二次全国土壤普查以来橡胶园养分状况已发生了很大变化,但具体情况如何尚不清楚。运用耕地地力评价方法对海南农垦主要橡胶园的地力进行了系统评价,以期为橡胶园地力提升和天然橡胶的可持续发展提供理论支持。以土壤母质类型和降雨量为依据,首次将海南农垦橡胶园划分为8个类型区,并选取占海南农垦橡胶园总面积56.97%的花岗岩类多雨区作为评价区域,采集7204个0—20 cm层的土壤样品,运用特尔菲法、模糊数学理论和层次分析法确定11个评价指标及其权重,将评价区橡胶园地力划分为5等。研究结果发现:评价区以中间地力水平的二等、三等、四等橡胶园为主,占评价区橡胶园总面积的85.85%,它们广泛分布于琼中、屯昌、澄迈、儋州、万宁、保亭、乐东、三亚、陵水、定安、琼海、五指山、昌江、文昌和东方15个县市;一等地面积很小且分散,五等地相对集中面积也很小。相关分析表明土壤pH、有机质、有效磷和速效钾含量是影响评价区橡胶园地力水平的重要因素。评价区橡胶园土壤pH适宜橡胶树正常生长,但该区域土壤有机质和有效磷含量不能满足橡胶树正常生长的需要,而该区域一、二等地土壤速效钾含量能满足橡胶树正常生长,其三、四等地土壤速效钾含量仅达到橡胶树正常生长所需水平,随着地力下降到五等其土壤速效钾含量已不适宜橡胶树正常生长。根据上述研究结果,笔者建议橡胶园应大力间作绿肥,在增施有机质的基础上补氮、补钾、施用钙镁磷肥,同时加强养分管理,提高肥料利用率。  相似文献   
Using a sequential approach, we described efficient blastospore production in a stirred tank bioreactor (3?L capacity). We used the response surface methodology to optimise the media ingredients and fermentation parameters to obtain the maximum production of blastospores by a locally collected isolate of Metarhizium acridum (Ascomycota: Hypocreales). The results showed that a liquid culture medium supplemented with monopotassium phosphate (15.17?g/L), corn steep liquor (69.25?g/L), and casamino acids (80.68?g/L) in a stirred tank bioreactor under operating conditions constant at 635?rpm, a temperature of 26°C, and pH 3.3 produced 1.25?×?108?blastospores (bls)/ml, with 93% viability after 120?h of fermentation. This bioreactor yield compares favourably with the yields obtained by shake flask production and confirms the suitability of the media and production parameters for the potential scale-up fermentation production of M. acridum.  相似文献   
阿魏菇深层发酵菌丝体多糖提取工艺优化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以液体深层培养的阿魏菇新鲜菌丝体为原料,使用均匀正交设计的试验方法优化了阿魏菇多糖提取工艺。实验结果表明:在菌丝密度为100~250mg/mL(鲜重)范围内,超声波破壁时间为18min、热水浸提时间为4h、提取温度为70℃的提取工艺,多糖提取率可达到:0.914%(鲜重)。  相似文献   
马占相思人工林和果园地表径流规律的对比研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
基于连续 5年的观测 ,对比研究了马占相思人工林和果园两种地表类型上地表径流的各自特点 ;讨论了季节性地表径流的差异与系统水分结构问题 ;探讨了根据实际资料求取发生地表产流的降雨量临界值的方法 ,此方法以综合考虑未发生产流的最大降雨量和已发生产流的最小降雨量为基础 ;并得到了如下的一些结果 :1)本区域不同强度的大气降水频度分布比较均匀 ,但降水量主要由少数几场特大降水带来 ,并且降水量的季节分配极不平均 ,湿季 (4~ 9月 )降水量占全年的 85 .5 %。 2 )地表径流的季节差异更大 ,果园在湿季的地表径流量占全年的93.8% ,马占相思林占 95 .1% ,作者认为在降水量存在较大干湿季差别的地区 ,对于越难于发生地表径流的下垫面 ,这个值会越高。3)马占相思地表径流系数在逐年减小 ,果园的变化较大。4)一次性降雨量对地表径流量的影响在这两种地表类型上都很明显 (r>0 .85 ) ;一次性降雨强度对地表径流的影响只有在中等降雨量 (6~ 16 mm)下才表现明显 (r>0 .87) ,对于较小和较大降水量 ,径流量与降雨强度关系都不大 ;径流系数受一次性降雨强度的影响很明显 (林地 r>0 .92 ,果园 r>0 .77)。 5 )马占相思和果园一次性“最大可能”地表径流产流的雨量临界值 ,分别为5 .1m m和 2 .8mm。  相似文献   
We compared carbon storage and fluxes in young and old ponderosa pine stands in Oregon, including plant and soil storage, net primary productivity, respiration fluxes, eddy flux estimates of net ecosystem exchange (NEE), and Biome‐BGC simulations of fluxes. The young forest (Y site) was previously an old‐growth ponderosa pine forest that had been clearcut in 1978, and the old forest (O site), which has never been logged, consists of two primary age classes (50 and 250 years old). Total ecosystem carbon content (vegetation, detritus and soil) of the O forest was about twice that of the Y site (21 vs. 10 kg C m?2 ground), and significantly more of the total is stored in living vegetation at the O site (61% vs. 15%). Ecosystem respiration (Re) was higher at the O site (1014 vs. 835 g C m?2 year?1), and it was largely from soils at both sites (77% of Re). The biological data show that above‐ground net primary productivity (ANPP), NPP and net ecosystem production (NEP) were greater at the O site than the Y site. Monte Carlo estimates of NEP show that the young site is a source of CO2 to the atmosphere, and is significantly lower than NEP(O) by c. 100 g C m?2 year?1. Eddy covariance measurements also show that the O site was a stronger sink for CO2 than the Y site. Across a 15‐km swath in the region, ANPP ranged from 76 g C m?2 year?1 at the Y site to 236 g C m?2 year?1 (overall mean 158 ± 14 g C m?2 year?1). The lowest ANPP values were for the youngest and oldest stands, but there was a large range of ANPP for mature stands. Carbon, water and nitrogen cycle simulations with the Biome‐BGC model suggest that disturbance type and frequency, time since disturbance, age‐dependent changes in below‐ground allocation, and increasing atmospheric concentration of CO2 all exert significant control on the net ecosystem exchange of carbon at the two sites. Model estimates of major carbon flux components agree with budget‐based observations to within ± 20%, with larger differences for NEP and for several storage terms. Simulations showed the period of regrowth required to replace carbon lost during and after a stand‐replacing fire (O) or a clearcut (Y) to be between 50 and 100 years. In both cases, simulations showed a shift from net carbon source to net sink (on an annual basis) 10–20 years after disturbance. These results suggest that the net ecosystem production of young stands may be low because heterotrophic respiration, particularly from soils, is higher than the NPP of the regrowth. The amount of carbon stored in long‐term pools (biomass and soils) in addition to short‐term fluxes has important implications for management of forests in the Pacific North‐west for carbon sequestration.  相似文献   
树干径流过程的动态响应模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文用实验测试法测量了干流过程。结果表明,干流过程曲线与R-L-C电路瞬态响应过程(包括输入、输出曲线)极为相似。据此,可用R-L-C电路瞬态响应过程曲线拟合干流过程,求出解析解。在计算机上调试参数,讨论其水文学意义,定性分析参数与影响干流因子的关系,取得了满意的结果。  相似文献   
李思忠  王惠民 《动物学报》1989,35(2):213-221
本文研究了中国鲽形目8科、27属和约40种的脑颅骨;指出其脑颅骨的最显著特征是前部左右不对称,并首次发现鳒科无基蝶骨(与Berg,1940,1955及Nelson,1984的记载不同),副蝶骨延及基枕骨腹侧后端或附近(与Amaoka,1969及Ochiai,1963的记载也不同)和冠鲽科无眶间突且左右前额骨互连。还依它们脑颅骨的异同,探讨了其演化程度,并拟有中国鲽形目各亚目及科的检索表。  相似文献   
Identifying Hfq-binding small RNA targets in Escherichia coli   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Hfq-binding small RNAs (sRNAs) have recently drawn much attention as regulators of translation in Escherichia coli. We attempt to identify the targets of this class of sRNAs in genome scale and gain further insight into the complexity of translational regulation induced by Hfq-binding sRNAs. Using a new alignment algorithm, most known negatively regulated targets of Hfq-binding sRNAs were identified. The results also show several interesting aspects of the regulatory function of Hfq-binding sRNAs.  相似文献   
层次分析法在大花蕙兰品种选择上的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用层次分析法对大花蕙兰8个品种的株高、叶色、花色、花香、花径、花枝数、每枝花朵数、花枝长度、抗性、是否春节开花等10个性状进行综合评价。结果表明:所选品种综合性状表现优良,与生产实际基本相符,尤其是‘开心果’、‘韩国小姐’和‘欲望’3个品种,可在育种和生产上多加重视。  相似文献   
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