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The distribution of viable diatom resting stages in sediments on the Swedish west coast was assessed by the most probable number (MPN) culture technique. Multivariate analyses correlated benthic and pelagic environmental factors to the observed spatial variations in the size and taxonomic composition of the propagule bank. Viable diatom resting stages were plentiful (0.2–4.8 million cells·g ? 1 1 Received 11 September 2001. Accepted 12 June 2002.
dry weight) and were dominated by the genera Skeletonema, Detonula, Chaetoceros, and Thalassiosira. Size of the propagule bank was primarily related to planktonic biomass (measured as chl a) and was highest in the Orust‐Tjörn fjord system. Species composition in this fjord system was dominated by D. confervacea (Cleve) Gran and T. nordenskioeldii Cleve in contrast to stations on the outer coast, which contained more cells of T. minima Gaarder, Asterionellopsis glacialis (Castracane) Round, and Leptocylindrus danicus Cleve. These taxonomic variations were principally influenced by deep water oxygen concentrations and water column stability. Benthic resting cells of S. costatum (Greville) Cleve were abundant all along the coast but showed reduced viability in low oxygen environments. Calculations based on MPN values estimated that resuspension of sediment could provide a sizable inoculum to the plankton, although the development of planktonic blooms will also depend on forces of hydrography and weather. Although benthic resting stages may not be absolutely necessary for survival of all diatoms, these cells may be important in determining species cycles, succession, and the spatial distribution of diatoms.  相似文献   
Analysis of an invasive species' niche shift between native and introduced ranges, along with potential distribution maps, can provide valuable information about its invasive potential. The tawny crazy ant, Nylanderia fulva, is a rapidly emerging and economically important invasive species in the southern United States. It is originally from east‐central South America and has also invaded Colombia and the Caribbean Islands. Our objectives were to generate a global potential distribution map for N. fulva, identify important climatic drivers associated with its current distribution, and test whether N. fulva's realized climatic niche has shifted across its invasive range. We used MaxEnt niche model to map the potential distribution of N. fulva using its native and invaded range occurrences and climatic variables. We used principal component analysis methods for investigating potential shifts in the realized climatic niche of N. fulva during invasion. We found strong evidence for a shift in the realized climatic niche of N. fulva across its invasive range. Our models predicted potentially suitable habitat for N. fulva in the United States and other parts of the world. Our analyses suggest that the majority of observed occurrences of N. fulva in the United States represent stabilizing populations. Mean diurnal range in temperature, degree days at ≥10°C, and precipitation of driest quarter were the most important variables associated with N. fulva distribution. The climatic niche expansion demonstrated in our study may suggest significant plasticity in the ability of N. fulva to survive in areas with diverse temperature ranges shown by its tolerance for environmental conditions in the southern United States, Caribbean Islands, and Colombia. The risk maps produced in this study can be useful in preventing N. fulva's future spread, and in managing and monitoring currently infested areas.  相似文献   
The influence of three different temperatures on developmental time and sex ratio was investigated in the bisexual Thysanoptera species Frankliniella occidentalis. Increasing temperatures decreased developmental time and induced a more female biased sex ratio. Remarkably, there are second instars with a prolonged developmental time requiring the same number of hours as the shortest developmental time from egg to adult. Arrhenotokous reproduction in this species is based on haplodiploidy, with virgin females producing male offspring exclusively. However, at all three temperatures tested, about 0.5% of offspring from unfertilized eggs were females. The presence of Wolbachia could not be detected in Western flower thrips and can be excluded as influencing reproduction in this species.  相似文献   
Subtleties and episodes in the early life of fishes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Fluctuations in the abundance of fishes may be caused by episodic mortalities or by more subtle variability in the daily growth and mortality rates of eggs and larvae. Survival response surfaces are used to illustrate the relative effects of episodic and subtle mortality during early life. It is the subtle variability associated with small changes in growth or mortality rates that may exert the greater effect on recruitment. Massive advective losses of eggs or larvae, failed egg production, and acute contaminant mortalities are examples of episodic events that may impact recruitment significantly but which need not be catastrophic. Stabilization of recruitments through density-dependent growth rate variability in early life is demonstrated to be potentially important. Whether this mechanism actually is important in the sea remains to be determined.  相似文献   
A group of sialic acid binding (SAS) agglutinins has been isolated from the rat uteri at different stages [Proestrus (P), estrus (E) and diestrus (D)] of estrous cycle. Studies of biochemical properties indicate that SAS agglutinins are glycoprotein in nature having molecular weights between 28–31 Kd and microheterogenous pI. Function-based characterization revealed that inspite of the fact that all three proteins exhibit sialic acid binding property, the sialic acid binding affinities, calculated from Scatchard analysis, using 4-methylumbelliferyl sialic acid as a ligand, varied in stage specific manner (Ka:D-SAS-9.03×105 M–1, P-SAS-2.33×105 M–1, E-SAS-2.13×105 M–1). Circular dichroism spectra of these three agglutinins suggested that differences exist in the secondary structures of the proteins isolated from different stages. Removal of carbohydrate moiety by trifluoromethane sulfonic acid treatment and CNBr cleavage studies showed some homology between these proteins, however, the variation in the carbohydrate moiety was apparent from the sugar analysis data. Functionally and immunologically these proteins can be grouped as estrogenic and progestogenic SAS agglutinins.  相似文献   
Ships that enter the Great Lakes laden with cargo carry only residual ballast water and sediment in ballast tanks. These ships are designated ‘no ballast on board’ (NOBOB) and constitute > 90% of inbound traffic. We conducted in situ experiments using emergence traps to assess the viability and the introduction potential of invertebrate diapausing stages present in ships’ ballast sediment. All trials commenced while vessels operated on the lower lakes (Erie, Ontario) and were completed 6–11 days later at ports on the upper lakes (Michigan, Lake Superior). Eight trials were conducted on four ships using five different ballast sediments. Hatching was observed on every ship, although not from all sediments on all ships. Overall hatch rates were very low (0.5 individuals per 500 g sediment), typically involving activation of < 0.05% of total eggs present. Five species of rotifers and copepod nauplii were hatched from ballast sediments, although only one or two species typically hatched from any one sediment. Results of this study indicate that hatching of diapausing eggs contained in ballast sediment of NOBOB ships poses a relatively low risk of invasion to the Great Lakes. However, as reproduction may occur in tanks, and non‐indigenous species may be involved in numerous introduction events, the risk posed by this vector is small but potentially important. While dormancy is a characteristic enabling enhanced survival during transportation in ballast tanks, it becomes a hindrance for introduction.  相似文献   
A staging system for development of gladiola (Gladiolus × grandiflorus) that relies on simple, visual, non‐destructive criteria is proposed. Four field trials were conducted during the spring 2010, autumn/winter 2011 and winter 2011 at Santa Maria, RS, Brazil, with different gladiola cultivars, in order to observe the developmental stages of the above‐ground parts and their dry matter. The developmental cycle, which starts at dormant corm and ends with plant senescence, is divided into four developmental phases: dormancy phase, sprouting phase (from filiform roots appearance to sheaths appearance), vegetative phase (from emergence of the first leaf tip to emergence of the final leaf tip on the stem) and reproductive phase (from heading to plant senescence). The developmental stages that were identified during the dormancy phase and during the sprouting phases are coded as S stages: S0 = dormant corm, S1 = appearance of roots, S2.1 = first sheath, S2.2 = second sheath and S2.3 = third sheath. Vegetative phase is coded as V stages: VE = emergence of the sheaths above ground, V1 = first leaf, V2 = second leaf, Vn = nth leaf and VF = flag leaf. Leaf tip is the marker for V1–VF. The developmental stages during the reproductive phases are coded as R stages: R1 = heading, R2 = blooming, R3 = onset of flowering, R4 = end of anthesis, R5 = end of florets senescence and R6 = plant senescence (leaves and floret axis are brown). Sub‐stages have also been assigned between R1 and R2 and between R3 and R4. Illustrations (photographs) of each developmental stage taken from field pot‐grown plants are provided and the proposed scale was tested with field observations. These criteria are straight forward and allow for quick determination of development stage. This system can be used by both farmers and for experimental trials.  相似文献   
小麦不同生育时期Cd、Cr、Pb污染监测指标体系   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
以小麦为供试材料,分别采用发芽试验、溶液培养、土柱栽培等毒理试验方法,研究了小麦萌芽期、幼苗期及成株期受重金属污染毒害的指标体系。结果表明,①小麦根伸长抑制率可作为萌芽期重金属污染评价的一项生物指标;Cd、Cr、Pb对小麦根生长的7d半效应浓度(EC50)值分别为1.39、0.20mmo.lL-1和2.75mmol.L-1,据此得到3种重金属对小麦同一性状的毒性次序为CrCdPb;此外各性状抑制率与胁迫浓度的关系可用双曲线模型y=x/(a+x/100)或指数曲线模型y=a(1-exp(-bx))较好模拟。②Cd、Cr、Pb单一污染胁迫对小麦幼苗性状的毒性次序均以影响叶面积和冠部干重为主,表明叶面积和冠部干重为幼苗期污染监测的敏感指标;重金属对除根干重外所有性状的毒性次序:CrCdPb,该毒性次序是根据引起50%抑制的临界浓度即EC50值确定的;各性状抑制率与胁迫浓度的关系可用直线模型、或双曲线模型、或指数曲线模型较好模拟。③重金属单一污染胁迫造成小麦籽粒产量下降幅度是CdCrPb;二元互作对产量影响的重要性次序为CdCrCdPbCrPb;在Cd、Cr、Pb复合污染胁迫条件下,穗数可以作为成株期重金属污染监测的首选指标。以上指标可为农田小麦重金属污染的监测和综合治理提供一些理论依据。  相似文献   
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