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Tropical ecosystems are under increasing pressure from land‐use change and deforestation. Changes in tropical forest cover are expected to affect carbon and water cycling with important implications for climatic stability at global scales. A major roadblock for predicting how tropical deforestation affects climate is the lack of baseline conditions (i.e., prior to human disturbance) of forest–savanna dynamics. To address this limitation, we developed a long‐term analysis of forest and savanna distribution across the Amazon–Cerrado transition of central Brazil. We used soil organic carbon isotope ratios as a proxy for changes in woody vegetation cover over time in response to fluctuations in precipitation inferred from speleothem oxygen and strontium stable isotope records. Based on stable isotope signatures and radiocarbon activity of organic matter in soil profiles, we quantified the magnitude and direction of changes in forest and savanna ecosystem cover. Using changes in tree cover measured in 83 different locations for forests and savannas, we developed interpolation maps to assess the coherence of regional changes in vegetation. Our analysis reveals a broad pattern of woody vegetation expansion into savannas and densification within forests and savannas for at least the past ~1,600 years. The rates of vegetation change varied significantly among sampling locations possibly due to variation in local environmental factors that constrain primary productivity. The few instances in which tree cover declined (7.7% of all sampled profiles) were associated with savannas under dry conditions. Our results suggest a regional increase in moisture and expansion of woody vegetation prior to modern deforestation, which could help inform conservation and management efforts for climate change mitigation. We discuss the possible mechanisms driving forest expansion and densification of savannas directly (i.e., increasing precipitation) and indirectly (e.g., decreasing disturbance) and suggest future research directions that have the potential to improve climate and ecosystem models.  相似文献   
We collected quantitative data on macrophyte abundance and water quality in 319 mostly shallow, polymictic, Florida lakes to look for relationships between trophic state indicators and the biomasses of plankton algae, periphyton, and macrophytes. The lakes ranged from oligotrophic to hypereutrophic with total algal chlorophylls ranging from 1 to 241 mg m–3. There were strong positive correlations between planktonic chlorophylls and total phosphorus and total nitrogen, but there were weak inverse relationships between the densities of periphyton and the trophic state indicators total phosphorus, total nitrogen and algal chlorophyll and a positive relationship with Secchi depth. There was no predictable relationship between the abundance of emergent, floating-leaved, and submersed aquatic vegetation and the trophic state indicators. It was only at the highest levels of nutrient concentrations that submersed macrophytes were predictably absent and the lakes were algal dominated. Below these levels, macrophyte abundance could be high or low. The phosphorus–chlorophyll and phosphorus–Secchi depth relationships were not influenced by the amounts of aquatic vegetation present indicating that the role of macrophytes in clearing lakes may be primarily to reduce nutrient concentrations for a given level of loading. Rather than nutrient concentrations controlling macrophyte abundance, it seems that macrophytes acted to modify nutrient concentrations.  相似文献   
The feasibility of using nitrogen and oxygenisotope ratios of nitrate (NO3 ) forelucidating sources and transformations ofriverine nitrate was evaluated in a comparativestudy of 16 watersheds in the northeastern U.S.A. Stream water was sampled repeatedly at theoutlets of the watersheds between January andDecember 1999 for determining concentrations,15N values, and 18Ovalues of riverine nitrate.In conjunction with information about land useand nitrogen fluxes,15Nnitrate and18Onitrate values providedmainly information about sources of riverinenitrate. In predominantly forested watersheds,riverine nitrate had mean concentrations ofless than 0.4 mg NO3 -N L–1,15Nnitrate values of lessthan +5, and 18Onitratevalues between +12 and +19. This indicatesthat riverine nitrate was almost exclusivelyderived from soil nitrification processes withpotentially minor nitrate contributions fromatmospheric deposition in some catchments. Inwatersheds with significant agricultural andurban land use, concentrations of riverinenitrate were as high as 2.6 mg NO3 -NL–1 with 15Nnitratevalues between +5 and +8 and18Onitrate values generallybelow +15. Correlations between nitrateconcentrations, 15Nnitratevalues, and N fluxes suggest that nitrate inwaste water constituted a major, and nitrate inmanure a minor additional source of riverinenitrate. Atmospheric nitrate deposition ornitrate-containing fertilizers were not asignificant source of riverine nitrate inwatersheds with significant agricultural andurban land use. Although complementary studiesindicate that in-stream denitrification wassignificant in all rivers, the isotopiccomposition of riverine nitrate sampled at theoutlet of the 16 watersheds did not provideevidence for denitrification in the form ofelevated 15Nnitrate and18Onitrate values. Relativelylow isotopic enrichment factors for nitrogenand oxygen during in-stream denitrification andcontinuous admixture of nitrate from theabove-described sources are thought to beresponsible for this finding.  相似文献   
The utilization of inorganic carbon by three species of marine diatom, Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) Cleve. Ditylum brightwellii (West) Grun., and Chaetoceros calcitrans Paulsen was investigated using an inorganic carbon isotopic disequilibnum technique and inorganic carbon dose-response curves. Stable carbon isotope data of the diatoms are also presented. Observed rates of photosynthetic oxygen evolution were greater than could be accounted for by the theoretical rate of CO2 supply from the uncatalyzed dehydration of HCO3? in the external medium, suggesting use of HCO3? as an inorganic carbon source. Data from the isotopic disequilibrium experiment demonstrate the use of both HCO3? and CO2 for photosynthesis. Carbon isotope discrimination values support the use of HCO3? by the diatoms.  相似文献   
1. Shallow‐water (<2 m deep) wetlands in northern Alberta's western boreal forest tend to have either extremely high‐chlorophyll, pea‐green water or water that is low in chlorophyll and clear. The relative importance of top‐down processes (e.g. zooplankton grazing) compared with bottom‐up processes (e.g. nutrient limitation) for regulating the existence of these alternate states has yet to be explicitly investigated in these poorly studied waterbodies. 2. To assess the relationship between chemical and biological factors and the predominance of low‐chlorophyll over high‐chlorophyll states, a survey of 24 shallow‐water wetlands in northern Alberta was conducted over the summers of 2001 and 2002. 3. In wetlands without fish, statistical analysis indicated that high‐ and low‐chlorophyll sites could be differentiated with 82% accuracy based solely on whether submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) coverage was greater or less than 25%. Further, high‐SAV lakes with zooplankton communities dominated by large cladocerans were clear 96% of the time. 4. In the few wetlands that supported stickleback populations, large cladocerans were absent. However, the development of zooplankton communities dominated by small cladocera (Bosmina) with calanoid copepods in fish‐containing wetlands corresponded with a shift from high‐ to low‐chlorophyll states. 5. Results suggest that in fishless wetlands high‐SAV coverage and grazing by large, SAV‐associated cladocerans promotes low‐chlorophyll states. Results also suggest that suppression of macroinvertebrate predators by sticklebacks allowing Bosmina to flourish may also promote low‐chlorophyll, clear‐water conditions.  相似文献   
Stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotopes are used frequently to describe the trophic ecology of top marine mammal predators. Australian sea lions (Neophoca cinerea) are one of the world's rarest otariid seals and exhibit the highest levels of natal site philopatry of any seal. We report the development of a screening technique to identify different foraging ecotypes and assess their relative frequencies in Australian sea lion breeding colonies using stable isotope ratios in pups. Geospatial and dive data from 15 adult females at three breeding colonies revealed alternate foraging strategies (inshore and offshore foraging) that were reflected in significant changes in δ13C and δ15N. Isotope fractionation from mother to pup was validated using paired whisker and blood serum samples with no significant difference between δ13C and δ15N enrichment of +1.27‰ (whiskers) and +1.92‰ (blood serum) from mothers to pups. Isotope ratios from whisker samples representing over 50% of pups born at three colonies revealed significant intercolony differences in maternal foraging ecotype frequencies. These results are unique in that ecological partitioning over such a small spatial scale has not been described in any other otariid species.  相似文献   
Plants may be more sensitive to carbon dioxide (CO2) enrichment at subambient concentrations than at superambient concentrations, but field tests are lacking. We measured soil‐water content and determined xylem pressure potentials and δ13C values of leaves of abundant species in a C3/C4 grassland exposed during 1997–1999 to a continuous gradient in atmospheric CO2 spanning subambient through superambient concentrations (200–560 µmol mol2?1). We predicted that CO2 enrichment would lessen soil‐water depletion and increase xylem potentials more over subambient concentrations than over superambient concentrations. Because water‐use efficiency of C3 species (net assimilation/leaf conductance; A/g) typically increases as soils dry, we hypothesized that improvements in plant‐water relations at higher CO2 would lessen positive effects of CO2 enrichment on A/g. Depletion of soil water to 1.35 m depth was greater at low CO2 concentrations than at higher CO2 concentrations during a mid‐season drought in 1998 and during late‐season droughts in 1997 and 1999. During droughts each year, mid‐day xylem potentials of the dominant C4 perennial grass (Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng) and the dominant C3 perennial forb (Solanum dimidiatum Raf.) became less negative as CO2 increased from subambient to superambient concentrations. Leaf A/g—derived from leaf δ13C values—was insensitive to feedbacks from CO2 effects on soil water and plant water. Among most C3 species sampled—including annual grasses, perennial grasses and perennial forbs—A/g increased linearly with CO2 across subambient concentrations. Leaf and air δ13C values were too unstable at superambient CO2 concentrations to reliably determine A/g. Significant changes in soil‐ and plant‐water relations over subambient to superambient concentrations and in leaf A/g over subambient concentrations generally were not greater over low CO2 than over higher CO2. The continuous response of these variables to CO2 suggests that atmospheric change has already improved water relations of grassland species and that periodically water‐limited grasslands will remain sensitive to CO2 enrichment.  相似文献   
Despite improved treatment options, glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) remains the most aggressive brain tumour with the shortest post-diagnostic survival. Arsenite (As2O3) is already being used in the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL), yet its effects on GBM have not been evaluated in detail. In U87MG cell monolayers, we have previously shown that arsenite cytotoxicity significantly increases upon transient inhibition of lysosomal protease Cathepsin L (CatL). As multicellular spheroids more closely represent in vivo tumours, we aimed to evaluate the impact of permanent CatL silencing on arsenite treatment in U87MG spheroids. CatL was stably silenced using shRNA expression plasmid packed lentiviruses. By using metabolic- and cell viability assays, we demonstrated that long-term CatL silencing significantly increased arsenite cytotoxicity in U87MG spheroids. Silenced CatL also increased arsenite-mediated apoptosis in spheroids via elevated p53 expression, Bax/Bcl2 ratio and caspase 3/7 activity, though with lower efficacy than in monolayers. Arsenite cytotoxicity was enhanced by lower CatL activity, since similar cytotoxicity increase was also observed using the novel CatL inhibitor AT094. The results have significant translational impact, since stable CatL silencing would enable the application of lower systemic doses of arsenite to achieve the desired cytotoxic effects on GBMs in vivo.  相似文献   
1. The variability in the stable isotope signatures of carbon and nitrogen (δ13C and δ15N) in different phytoplankton taxa was studied in one mesotrophic and three eutrophic lakes in south‐west Finland. The lakes were sampled on nine to 16 occasions over 2–4 years and most of the time were dominated by cyanobacteria and diatoms. A total of 151 taxon‐specific subsamples covering 18 different phytoplankton taxa could be isolated by filtration through a series of sieves and by flotation/sedimentation, followed by microscopical identification and screening for purity. 2. Substantial and systematic differences between phytoplankton taxa, seasons and lakes were observed for both δ13C and δ15N. The values of δ13C ranged from ?34.4‰ to ?5.9‰ and were lowest in chrysophytes (?34.4‰ to ?31.3‰) and diatoms (?30.6‰ to ?26.6‰). Cyanobacteria were most variable (?32.4‰ to ?5.9‰), including particularly high values in the nostocalean cyanobacterium Gloeotrichia echinulata (?14.4‰ to ?5.9‰). For δ13C, the taxon‐specific amplitude of temporal changes within a lake was usually <1–8‰ (<1–4‰ for microalgae alone and <1–8‰ for cyanobacteria alone), whereas the amplitude among taxa within a water sample was up to 31‰. 3. The values of δ15N ranged from ?2.1‰ to 12.8‰ and were high in chrysophytes, dinophytes and diatoms, but low in the nitrogen‐fixing cyanobacteria Anabaena spp., Aphanizomenon spp. and G. echinulata (?2.1‰ to 1.6‰). Chroococcalean cyanobacteria ranged from ?1.4‰ to 8.9‰. For δ15N, the taxon‐specific amplitude of temporal changes within a lake was 2–6‰, (2–6‰ for microalgae alone and 2–4‰ for cyanobacteria alone) and the amplitude among taxa within a water sample was up to 11‰. 4. The isotopic signatures of phytoplankton changed systematically with their physical and chemical environment, most notably with the concentrations of nutrients, but correlations were non‐systematic and site‐specific. 5. The substantial variability in the isotopic signatures of phytoplankton among taxa, seasons and lakes complicates the interpretation of isotopic signatures in lacustrine food webs. However, taxon‐specific values and seasonal patterns showed some consistency among years and may eventually be predictable.  相似文献   
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