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Six mixed species, perennial pastures at two locations, A (four pastures) and B (two pastures), were sampled at regular intervals over periods of 10 to 22 months. The predominant plant species present were white clover (Trifolium repens), perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) and kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum). To determine the extent to which incidences of viruses transmitted in different ways change in the same pastures over time, samples of each plant species were taken at random on every visit and tested for virus presence. To help identify factors that might explain changes in virus incidence, records were also made of aphid presence, pasture management practices, grazing regimes, sward height and the relative proportions of different plant species within the swards. Samples of white clover were tested for presence of Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) and White clover mosaic virus (WCMV), ryegrass for Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) and Ryegrass mosaic virus (RyMV), and kikuyu grass for BYDV and potyvirus infection. AMV and WCMV were detected in white clover, and BYDV and RyMV in ryegrass at both locations but often with wide incidence fluctuations for the individual viruses. AMV incidences in white clover ranged from 0% to 19% at A, and from 27% to 100% at B. WCMV incidences in white clover fluctuated between 9% and 46% at B, but never exceeded 1% at A. RyMV incidences in ryegrass fluctuated between 3% and 34% at A, and 19% and 73% at B. BYDV incidences in ryegrass ranged from 0% to 6% at A and 4% to 17% at B. In kikuyu grass, an unknown potyvirus and BYDV were detected twice (1% incidence) and once (4% incidence) respectively at B, and the unknown potyvirus only once (2% infection) at A. During repeated trapping of aphids in four pastures (two each at A and B), numbers of aphids caught varied widely between trapping dates and between individual pastures on the same trapping date. The species caught were Acyrthosiphon kondoi, A. pisum, Aphis craccivora, Rhopalosiphum padi and Therioaphis trifolii. Except in summer, when only T. trifolii was caught, A. craccivora was the most abundant. The trends in incidence for each virus within each pasture were compared with those from the other pastures sampled over identical periods to determine whether there was any commonality. For RyMV in ryegrass, overall incidence trends within the different pastures at both locations resembled each other during the same sampling periods. Within pastures at the same location there was commonality in incidence trends for RyMV and BYDV in ryegrass, but with AMV in white clover periods of similarity were rare even when pastures were adjacent and managed identically. Unravelling the individual effects of alterations in season, vector numbers, mowing, intermittent heavy grazing and pasture species composition on virus incidence proved difficult due to complex interactions between these and other factors influencing new spread or declining virus occurrence.  相似文献   
In this paper we reconstruct the location of the last glacial refugia and postglacial spread of Abies throughout Europe based on combined pollen and macrofossil data. More than 208 pollen sequences available in the European Pollen Database (EPD) and 38 macrofossil sites are used to produce distribution maps encompassing a time span between 38000 and 5500 years B.P. The investigation excludes more recent periods, because these could be strongly influenced by human impact. The pollen data presented here confirm long-lasting refugial areas such as southern Italy and Greece already described in previous studies. The combined pollen/macrofossil dataset identifies the Pyrenees as a further important refugium. In addition the pollen data indicate potential refugia in south-east France and north-west Italy. Possible migration tracks of Abies are discussed by comparing the palaeobotanical evidence with isozyme studies on gene markers of recent fir populations.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00334-004-0049-4.  相似文献   
The key to restoring degraded grassland habitats is identifying feasible and effective techniques to reduce the negative impacts of exotic species and promote self‐sustaining native populations. It is often difficult to extend monitoring of restoration efforts to evaluate long‐term success, but doing so is essential to understanding how initial outcomes change over time. To assess how initial treatment effects persist, we revisited degraded patches of Pacific Northwest prairie habitat 6 years after experimental restoration efforts ceased. We evaluated plant community composition to determine the lasting effects of supplemental native seeding and disturbance treatments (burning, mowing, and herbicide to reduce exotic species). We tracked the persistence of seeded species and measured spread of their populations to evaluate suitability of species for restoration and the ability of the habitat to support native plant populations. We found that plots that received supplemental seeding continued to exhibit higher richness of native species than those left unseeded, and that both seeding and disturbance treatments could positively influence native species abundance over the long term. The initially observed effects of disturbance treatments on reducing exotic grass abundance had diminished, highlighting the importance of long‐term monitoring and ongoing control of exotic species. Nevertheless, these treatments significantly influenced the population trajectories of 4 out of 8 seeded native species. There was evidence of spatial advance of most seeded species. Results from extended monitoring confirm that dispersal limitation of native species and difficulties maintaining the reduction of exotic grasses continue to be major barriers to success in restoration of invaded grasslands.  相似文献   
Mechanisms and consequences of biological invasions are a global issue. Yet, one of the key aspects, the initial phase of invasion, is rarely observed in detail. Data from aerial photographs covering the spread of Heracleum mantegazzianum (Apiaceae, native to Caucasus) on a local scale of hectares in the Czech Republic from the beginning of invasion were used as an input for an individual-based model (IBM), based on small-scale and short-time data. To capture the population development inferred from the photographs, long-distance seed dispersal, changes in landscape structures and suitability of landscape elements to invasion by H. mantegazzianum were implemented in the model. The model was used to address (1) the role of long-distance dispersal in regional invasion dynamics, and (2) the effect of land-use changes on the progress of the invasion. Simulations showed that already small fractions of seed subjected to long-distance dispersal, as determined by systematic comparison of field data and modelling results, had an over-proportional effect on the spread of this species. The effect of land-use changes on the simulated course of invasion depends on the actual level of habitat saturation; it is larger for populations covering a high proportion of available habitat area than for those in the initial phase of invasion. Our results indicate how empirical field data and model outputs can be linked more closely with each other to improve the understanding of invasion dynamics. The multi-level, but nevertheless simple structure of our model suggests that it can be used for studying the spread of similar species invading in comparable landscapes.  相似文献   
PurposeTo assess the impact of iterative reconstructions on image quality and detectability of focal liver lesions in low-energy monochromatic images from a Fast kV-Switching Dual Energy CT (KVSCT) platform.MethodsAcquisitions on an image-quality phantom were performed using a KVSCT for three dose levels (CTDIvol:12.72/10.76/8.79 mGy). Raw data were reconstructed for five energy levels (40/50/60/70/80 keV) using Filtered Back Projection (FBP) and four levels of ASIR (ASIR30/ASIR50/ASIR70/ASIR100). Noise power spectrum (NPS) and task-based transfer function (TTF) were measured before computing a Detectability index (d′) to model the detection task of liver metastasis (LM) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) as function of keV.ResultsFrom 40 to 70 keV, noise-magnitude was reduced on average by −68% ± 1% with FBP; −61% ± 3% with ASIR50 and −52% ± 6% with ASIR100. The mean spatial frequency of the NPS decreased when the energy level decreased and the iterative level increased. TTF values at 50% decreased as the energy level increased and as the percentage of ASIR increased. The detectability of both lesions increased with increasing dose level and percentage of ASIR. For the LM, d′ peaked at 70 keV for all reconstruction types, except for ASIR70 at 12.72 mGy and ASIR100, where d' peaked at 50 keV. For HCC, d’ peaked at 60 keV for FBP and ASIR30 but peaked at 50 keV for ASIR50, ASIR70 and ASIR100.ConclusionsUsing percentage of ASIR above 50% at low-energy monochromatic images could limit the increase of noise-magnitude, benefit from spatial resolution improvement and hence enhance detectability of subtle low contrast focal liver lesions such as HCC.  相似文献   
随着抗生素的广泛使用,细菌对抗生素的适应性越来越普遍。本研究对细菌获得性抗药性的形成、传递机制以及细菌耐药机制进行综述;同时阐述药物间相互作用在抗药性方面的应用,指出药物间协同作用在降低细菌抗药性方面的优势与弊端,同时提出药物拮抗作用在降低细菌抗药性方面的应用前景,旨在为寻找更加合理的用药方法提供理论依据。  相似文献   
椰心叶甲的传播、危害及防治方法   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
1994年 ,我国大陆将椰心叶甲Brontispalongissima列为禁止入境的二类植物检疫危险性害虫。1 999年 9月 ,广东省番禺区发现椰心叶甲 ;2 0 0 2年 6月首次在海南省海口市凤翔路发现椰心叶甲。目前 ,椰心叶甲在我国海南省、广东省、台湾省和香港地区危害严重并有扩散漫延的趋势。文章综述了椰心叶甲的寄主、危害症状、在国内外的传播危害情况、防治措施及其存在的问题。  相似文献   
Entomopathogenic fungi are among biocontrol agents being considered for the control of aphids on a variety of crops. Predatory coccinellids, although generalist, are also among important natural enemies that must be conserved for aphid management. Laboratory studies were carried out to investigate the interaction between three vegetable-infesting aphids, Metarhizium anisopliae isolate ICIPE 62 and the coccinellid predator Cheilomenes lunata. At a concentration of 1?×?108?conidial?ml–1, the fungus was found to cause mortality of 7.5% to C. lunata, compared to 2.5% mortality in the control at 10?days post-treatment. Female adult C. lunata to which fungus-infected aphids were offered as prey never accepted them as food source in non-choice bioassays. However, live and dead non-infected aphids were fed upon. In choice bioassay, a total of 1–3 out of 24 infected non-sporulating aphids per species (average of 0.1–0.4 aphids per arena) were consumed by 48?h-starved C. lunata within a period of 60?min, but avoided sporulating cadavers. Foraging adult C. lunata enhanced the spread of conidia of M. anisopliae from infected cadavers to fourth instars Aphis gossypii feeding on okra (0.8–15.0% mortality), Brevicoryne brassicae (3.3–15.0% mortality) and Lipaphis pseudobrassicae (0.8–14.2% mortality) on kale plants. Results of this study demonstrate compatibility between M. anisopliae and C. lunata, and could provide a sustainable strategy for effective management of aphids on crucifers and okra cropping systems.  相似文献   
Invasive nonindigenous plant species (NIPS) threaten native diversity, alter ecosystem processes, and may interact with other components of global environmental change. Here, a general framework is outlined that attempts to connect patterns of plant invasion to processes underlying these patterns at four well-established spatio-temporal stages of the invasion process: transport, colonization, establishment, and landscape spread. At each stage we organize findings and ideas about the filters that limit NIPS success and the interaction of these filters with historical aspects of introduction events, NIPS traits, and ecosystem properties. While it remains difficult to draw conclusions about the risk of invasion across ecosystems, to delineate universal 'invader traits', or to predict large-scale extinctions following invasions, this review highlights the growing body of research that suggests that the success of invasive NIPS is controlled by a series of key processes or filters. These filters are common to all invasion events, and will interact throughout the stages of plant invasion, although the relative importance of a filter may be stage, species or location specific. It is suggested that both research and management programs may benefit from employing multiscale and stage approaches to studying and controlling invasion. We further use the framework to briefly examine potential interactions between climate change and filters that limit NIPS invasion.  相似文献   
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