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Muscular activity in terms of surface electromyography (sEMG) is usually normalised to maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVICs). This study aims to compare two different MVIC-modes in handcycling and examine the effect of moving average window-size. Twelve able-bodied male competitive triathletes performed ten MVICs against manual resistance and four sport-specific trials against fixed cranks. sEMG of ten muscles [M. trapezius (TD); M. pectoralis major (PM); M. deltoideus, Pars clavicularis (DA); M. deltoideus, Pars spinalis (DP); M. biceps brachii (BB); M. triceps brachii (TB); forearm flexors (FC); forearm extensors (EC); M. latissimus dorsi (LD) and M. rectus abdominis (RA)] was recorded and filtered using moving average window-sizes of 150, 200, 250 and 300 ms. Sport-specific MVICs were higher compared to manual resistance for TB, DA, DP and LD, whereas FC, TD, BB and RA demonstrated lower values. PM and EC demonstrated no significant difference between MVIC-modes. Moving average window-size had no effect on MVIC outcomes. MVIC-mode should be taken into account when normalised sEMG data are illustrated in handcycling. Sport-specific MVICs seem to be suitable for some muscles (TB, DA, DP and LD), but should be augmented by MVICs against manual/mechanical resistance for FC, TD, BB and RA.  相似文献   
Action sport cameras (ASC) have achieved a large consensus for recreational purposes due to ongoing cost decrease, image resolution and frame rate increase, along with plug-and-play usability. Consequently, they have been recently considered for sport gesture studies and quantitative athletic performance evaluation. In this paper, we evaluated the potential of two ASCs (GoPro Hero3+) for in-air (laboratory) and underwater (swimming pool) three-dimensional (3D) motion analysis as a function of different camera setups involving the acquisition frequency, image resolution and field of view. This is motivated by the fact that in swimming, movement cycles are characterized by underwater and in-air phases what imposes the technical challenge of having a split volume configuration: an underwater measurement volume observed by underwater cameras and an in-air measurement volume observed by in-air cameras. The reconstruction of whole swimming cycles requires thus merging of simultaneous measurements acquired in both volumes. Characterizing and optimizing the instrumental errors of such a configuration makes mandatory the assessment of the instrumental errors of both volumes.In order to calibrate the camera stereo pair, black spherical markers placed on two calibration tools, used both in-air and underwater, and a two-step nonlinear optimization were exploited. The 3D reconstruction accuracy of testing markers and the repeatability of the estimated camera parameters accounted for system performance. For both environments, statistical tests were focused on the comparison of the different camera configurations. Then, each camera configuration was compared across the two environments. In all assessed resolutions, and in both environments, the reconstruction error (true distance between the two testing markers) was less than 3mm and the error related to the working volume diagonal was in the range of 1:2000 (3×1.3×1.5 m3) to 1:7000 (4.5×2.2×1.5 m3) in agreement with the literature. Statistically, the 3D accuracy obtained in the in-air environment was poorer (p<10−5) than the one in the underwater environment, across all the tested camera configurations. Related to the repeatability of the camera parameters, we found a very low variability in both environments (1.7% and 2.9%, in-air and underwater). This result encourage the use of ASC technology to perform quantitative reconstruction both in-air and underwater environments.  相似文献   
《Ethnic and racial studies》2012,35(6):1023-1039

This paper explores popular representations of Barack Obama's relationship to sport during the 2008 US presidential campaign. It delineates how white normativity framed the candidate's passion for basketball and his participation in a highly publicized bowling game. We argue that Obama's athletic activities became key vehicles for reading his body and by extension his identity and his politics. The question that could only be asked in a white supremacist context – is Obama too black or not black enough to be President? – mirrored long-standing tensions in America's affective relation to black male athletes. Representations of Obama bowling further illuminate the complicated ways in which whiteness operates. The essay concludes with a brief discussion suggesting the importance of analyses of sport for ethnic and racial studies.  相似文献   
《Chronobiology international》2013,30(10):1160-1168
In any sport, successful performance requires a planned approach to training and recovery. While sleep is recognized as an essential component of this approach, the amount and quality of sleep routinely obtained by elite athletes has not been systematically evaluated. Data were collected from 70 nationally ranked athletes from seven different sports. Athletes wore wrist activity monitors and completed self-report sleep/training diaries for 2 weeks during normal training. The athletes also recorded their fatigue level prior to each training session using a 7-point scale. On average, the athletes spent 08:18?±?01:12?h in bed, fell asleep at 23:06?±?01:12?h, woke at 6:48?±?01:30?h and obtained 06:30?±?01:24?h of sleep per night. There was a marked difference in the athletes’ sleep/wake behaviour on training days and rest days. Linear mixed model analyses revealed that on nights prior to training days, time spent in bed was significantly shorter (p?=?0.001), sleep onset and offset times were significantly earlier (p?<?0.001) and the amount of sleep obtained was significantly less (p?=?0.001), than on nights prior to rest days. Moreover, there was a significant effect of sleep duration on pre-training fatigue levels (p?≤?0.01). Specifically, shorter sleep durations were associated with higher levels of pre-training fatigue. Taken together, these findings suggest that the amount of sleep an elite athlete obtains is dictated by their training schedule. In particular, early morning starts reduce sleep duration and increase pre-training fatigue levels. When designing schedules, coaches should be aware of the implications of the timing of training sessions for sleep and fatigue. In cases where early morning starts are unavoidable, countermeasures for minimizing sleep loss – such as strategic napping during the day and correct sleep hygiene practices at night – should be considered.  相似文献   
桃是我国重要的果树种类,分布十分广泛,在水果生产中排第四位,但适合南方栽培的品种却稀少。该研究通过资源调查在广西大学标本园内的一棵台湾早熟蜜桃大枝上发现一个芽变新种质,命名为‘五月红'',并进一步对其主要生物学特性、植物学性状以及果实经济性状等进行观测分析,同时还通过SRAP分子标记检测与母株台湾早熟蜜桃的差异性。结果表明:‘五月红''芽变新种质成熟期比台湾早熟蜜桃提前20 d左右,5月上中旬成熟,果变大,核变小,可食率提高,且颜色均匀,可溶性固形物含量显著提高,保持了台湾早熟蜜桃需冷量低、品质优良和风味极佳的优点,属于特早熟优质种质资源; 通过琼脂糖电泳检测SRAP扩增组合引物me9/em5在‘五月红''DNA样品中能够扩增到1 200 bp大小的特异性条带,表明‘五月红''在DNA遗传水平上与母株台湾早熟蜜桃发生了变异,属于新的特早熟种质资源。‘五月红''芽变新种质的发现将为选育适合南方栽培的特早熟桃品种提供重要材料,有助于优化不同熟期品种的栽培结构,进而促进南方桃种植产业经济效益的提高。  相似文献   
Increasing numbers of dietary supplements with ecdysteroids are marketed as “natural anabolic agents”. Results of recent studies suggested that their anabolic effect is mediated by estrogen receptor (ER) binding. Within this study the anabolic potency of ecdysterone was compared to well characterized anabolic substances. Effects on the fiber sizes of the soleus muscle in rats as well the diameter of C2C12 derived myotubes were used as biological readouts. Ecdysterone exhibited a strong hypertrophic effect on the fiber size of rat soleus muscle that was found even stronger compared to the test compounds metandienone (dianabol), estradienedione (trenbolox), and SARM S 1, all administered in the same dose (5 mg/kg body weight, for 21 days). In C2C12 myotubes ecdysterone (1 µM) induced a significant increase of the diameter comparable to dihydrotestosterone (1 µM) and IGF 1 (1.3 nM). Molecular docking experiments supported the ERβ mediated action of ecdysterone. To clarify its status in sports, ecdysterone should be considered to be included in the class “S1.2 Other Anabolic Agents” of the list of prohibited substances of the World Anti-Doping Agency.  相似文献   
为探讨体育专业大学生指长比及其波动性不对称的特征,进而为体质人类学和优秀运动员身体形态特征的研究积累基础资料,本研究特招募374名18~25岁发育正常的汉族在校大学生为研究对象,按照专业和性别分为男生体育组(n=60)、男生普系组(n=143)、女生体育组(n=61)和女生普系组(n=110),计算各个指长比及两侧指长比的波动不对称值并进行检验。结果显示男生体育组与男生普系组之间的指长比(R)存在统计学差异(P<0.05),差异主要表现在R2/5R3/5R4/5上,而女生体育组与女生普系组之间的指长比不存在统计学差异(P>0.05)。结果还显示男生体育组与男生普系组之间的偏差(σ)存在统计学差异(P<0.05),差异主要表现在σ2/3σ2/3上。而女生的指长比偏差在体育组与普系组之间不存在统计学差异(P>0.05)。通过分析讨论提示出大学生指长比及指长比偏差与性别和运动能力有关,R3/5σ3/5可能与早期生长发育过程中的性激素的暴露水平有关,而且有望成为运动员选材的新生物标记。  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to describe the team accumulated physical response per minute considering only the effective playing time (EPT) attending to different contextual and strategic variables in the Spanish Football First Division (LaLiga Santander). A sample of 2,959 performances was included in the analysis, considering a 4-year period of analysis (from 2016–17 to 2019–20). The physical variables were: total distance covered with (DTminPOS) and without (DTminNOpos) possession of the ball, and distance covered at > 21 km·h-1 with possession (DT21minPOS) and without (DT21minNOpos). Two contextual variables, i.e. Place (Home/Away) and Score (Lost/Draw/Win), and two strategic variables, i.e. level of effective playing time (LevelETP) and level of possession of the ball (LevelPOS), were analysed. The teams ran more without possession of the ball than with possession; nevertheless, the teams that had less possession of the ball had higher values in the distance covered at > 21 km·h-1 with possession of the ball and vice versa. Furthermore, the strategic variables also had influence on the physical response (DT and DT21) of the teams,LevelETP and LevelPOS, although with interactive effects: longer playing time, less accumulated distance, and greater possession, greater accumulated distance in the defensive phase, both per min. The findings of this study may offer important practical implications to practitioners in order to assess physical performances of the players in matches, because it is crucial to integrate in the analysis the different contextual and strategic variables where the match has taken place to assess performances of the teams.  相似文献   
Developing quantitative ecosystem–scale expectations of habitat restoration projects and examining trade‐offs associated with alternative approaches has been a challenge for restoration ecology. Many of the largest freshwater lake restoration projects have occurred in Florida to remediate degradation to vegetated littoral habitats resulting from stabilized water levels, but effects across lake food‐webs have not been assessed. We developed an ecosystem model using Ecopath with Ecosim and Ecospace for a generalized large, eutrophic Florida Lake to explore how simulated restoration activities could influence fish communities with emphasis on sport fish abundance. We modeled three habitat restoration scenarios: (1) “no control,” (2) a “10‐year control” that restored littoral habitat every 10 years, and (3) a “combined control” scenario that restored littoral habitat every 10 years with maintenance controls between 10‐year periods. Our “combined control” scenario provided the largest long‐term habitat restoration benefits for sport fish abundance and the fisheries they support. In Ecospace, we simulated a littoral habitat restoration project that reduced lake‐wide tussock coverage from 30 to 15%. Ecospace predicted positive benefits to sport fish and fisheries following the restoration simulation and highlighted the importance of habitat edge effects, spatial design of habitat restoration projects, and sampling designs for evaluating restoration projects.  相似文献   
North American paddlefish, Polyodon spathula, were once abundant in most large rivers and tributaries of the Mississippi River basin, but numbers have declined dramatically in most areas during the past 100 years. Habitat destruction and river modification are the most obvious changes affecting their distribution and abundance. Although peripheral range has dwindled, paddlefish still occur over most of their historic range and are still found in 22 states. Populations are currently increasing in 3 states, stable in 14, declining in 2, unknown in 3, and extirpated in 4. Sport harvests presently occur in 14 states, however two states with traditionally important sport fisheries report decreased recruitment into the population and are planning more restrictive regulations. Commercial fisheries are reported in only six states. During the past 10 years, five states have removed paddlefish from their commercial list primarily because of declines in adult stocks due to overfishing or illegal fishing. Ten states are currently stocking paddlefish to supplement existing populations or to recover paddlefish populations in the periphery of its native range.  相似文献   
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