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Fine details of the infradian O2 consumption cycles that characterize pupal diapause in flesh flies have been monitored by a newly designed microrespirographic method coupled with an electronically regulated O2 generator. During the 4-5 days between the peaks of elevated O2 consumption, the diapausing pupae maintained a very low and fairly constant respiratory rate (13 microl O2 x g-1.h-1). During the intercalated peaks of increased respiratory metabolism, which lasted an average of 33.6 h to 24-27 degrees C, the average maximum rate of O2 consumption was 86.9 microl.g-1.h-1, a value of 6.7 times higher than the interpeak values. The respiratory peaks started abruptly in some cases while the decline was consistently gradual. During the periods between the peaks there were no discontinuous bursts of CO2 release, a feature common to diapause in many other insects. Diapause was characteristically terminated during a peak of the O2 consumption cycle. At diapause termination O2 consumption remained at the maximum values of the peak for many hours and then gradually increased to levels characteristic of nondiapause development.  相似文献   
Dicotyledonous plants subjected to Fe-deficiency stress can decrease pH in the rhizosphere by proton excretion and reduce ferric iron by an activated reduction system in the plasma membranes of the root or by reductants released from the roots. The efficiency by which these plants take up Fe may strongly depend on their cation-anion balance. This study presents results of two experiments conducted to evaluate the effect of K, growth stage and cultivar on ionic balance and Fe acquisition of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) plants.Potassium applications to the high calcareous soil (30.3% CaCO3) favoured proton release, but did not ameliorate plant Fe acquisition. At the earliest stages of plant growth, anion uptake exceeded cation uptake due to intensive N uptake. With time, a shift in the ionic balance was observed as a result of predominant cation uptake. It appears that the relationship between H/OH-ion release and Fe nutrition of peanut plants is actually a complex phenomenon under soil conditions and depends on some soil parameters, such as CaCO3 content. Even by enhanced H-ion release Fe nutrition of plants can be impaired if soil CaCO3 is too high.  相似文献   
Summary The giant mucous cells in the skin of the terrestrial banana slug Ariolimax columbianus secret intact granules containing mucins. Electron microscopy, after ultrarapid freezing and freeze-substitution in osmium, shows that the secreted granules are bounded by two distinct membranes, presumably derived from the Golgi apparatus and the plasmalemma. Relatively stable, intact granules can be obtained in great quantity in our in vitro system. Rapid lysis of the granules was induced by adenosine triphosphate. At much higher concentrations, adenosine diphosphate and 5-adenylimido-diphosphate also caused lysis. Other nucleotides and related compounds, as well as 1,4,5-inositol triphosphate and molluscan neurotransmitters and neuropeptides, had no effect on the granules. The stability of secreted granules varied with the ionic composition of the isosmotic medium in which they were suspended. When the predominant cation in the medium was potassium, and calcium was also present, granules lysed if exposed to shear stress (stirring of the suspension). This did not occur if sodium was the major cation present. None of the other ions in the suspension media had detectable effects on the stability of the granules.  相似文献   
We have previously described a preferential reduction in the secretory response to nutrient secretagogues in pancreatic mouse islets maintained in culture after in vitro exposure to streptozotocin (SZ). This reduction was associated with an impaired substrate metabolism at the mitochondrial level. To further clarify this issue, mouse pancreatic islets were exposed in vitro to 2.2 mM SZ for 30 min. At 4 h after SZ treatment ultrastructural changes were apparent in the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi areas of the B-cells. However, 2 and 6 days following SZ exposure the B-cells appeared well preserved, except for a marked decrease in the number of insulin-containing secretory granules. A morphometric analysis of the B-cells 6 days after SZ exposure showed a normal B-cell size and a normal volume fraction of B-cell mitochondria. However, there was a decrease in total islet size and a 13% decrease in the volume fraction of B-cells in the islets. These mouse islets exhibited a decreased content of the mitochondrial DNA-encoded cytochrome b mRNA, as evaluated by dot-blot analysis. As a whole, the data obtained indicate that SZ treatment does not induce a decrease in the number of mitochondria or long-lasting ultrastructural damage to this organelle. However, there is a clear decrease in the cytochrome b mRNA, suggesting that SZ can induce damage to the mitochondrial DNA.  相似文献   
The release of endogenous acetylcholine and dopamine and the appearance of their metabolites, choline and dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), from neostriatal slices prepared from Fischer 344 rats was examined under various experimental conditions. There was a dose-dependent increase in the amount of neurotransmitter or metabolite as the medium potassium concentration was increased from 5 to 50 mM. Over an eight minute period in Krebs Ringer bicarbonate buffer containing 25 mM potassium, the rate of release of acetylcholine was 6 to 13 times greater than that of dopamine. The dopamine endogenous to the slice preparation appeared to have little effect on the release of endogenous acetylcholine since manipulations that significantly altered dopamine release (depletion with 6-hydroxydopamine or uptake inhibition with nomifensine) had minimal effects on the cholinergic neurons. In contrast, increasing the endogenous acetylcholine in the preparation by inhibiting acetylcholinesterase resulted in a 1.2 to 12 fold increase in dopamine release depending upon the incubation time and the potassium concentration. These studies indicate that within the neostriatal slices there is minimal influence of the endogenous dopamine on the cholinergic neurons, whereas the extracellular acetylcholine can influence dopamine release when its concentration is increased by inhibition of acetylcholinesterase.  相似文献   
The secretion and cellular localization of the molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) were studied in primary cultures of rat sympathetic neurons. When cultured under conditions favoring a noradrenergic phenotype, these neurons synthesized and secreted large quantities of the tetrameric G4, and the dodecameric A12 forms, and minor amounts of the G1 and G2 forms. When these neurons adopted the cholinergic phenotype, i.e., in the presence of muscle-conditioned medium, the development of the cellular A12 form was completely inhibited. These neurons secreted only globular, mainly G4, AChE. Both cellular and secreted A12 AChE in adrenergic cultures aggregated at an ionic strength similar to that of the culture medium, raising the hypothesis that this form was associated with a polyanionic component of basal lamina. In noradrenergic neurons, 60-80% of the catalytic sites were exposed at the cell surface. In particular, 80% of G4 form, but only 60% of the A12 form, was external, demonstrating for the A12 form a sizeable intracellular pool. The hydrophobic character of the molecular forms was studied in relation to their cellular localization. As in muscle cells, most of the G4 form was membrane-bound. Whereas 76% of the cell surface A12 form was solubilized in the aqueous phase by high salt concentrations, only 50% of the intracellular A12 form was solubilized under these conditions. The rest of intracellular A12 could be solubilized by detergents and was thus either membrane-bound or entrapped in vesicles originating from, e.g., the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   
We have developed a rapid, simple, specific, and very sensitive bioluminescence method for the measurement of L-glutamate (L-Glu). Oxidation of L-Glu by glutamate dehydrogenase has been coupled with bacterial FMN reductase and luciferase. Light production (i.e., peak height or integral) was linear from less than 0.5 to 500 pmol of L-Glu. Potential interfering substances that may be encountered in brain tissue have been identified. The most potent inhibitors were ascorbate and the biogenic amines. Procedures that conferred long-term stability of the reagent mixture (greater than 8 h) were established. Bioluminescence analysis of L-Glu content in brain tissue extracts, fractions from release experiments, and human CSF corroborated respective results obtained by HPLC analysis. In this study, we have applied the method to monitor changes in the KCl-evoked release of endogenous L-Glu from milligram amounts of brain tissue, i.e., from lateral geniculate nucleus and superior colliculus after visual cortex ablation.  相似文献   
The effect of the Red Sea flatfish toxin pardaxin was examined on K+-evoked and on basal release of either [3H]norepinephrine or [3H]5-hydroxytryptamine from preloaded rat cortical slices. The K+-induced release of the neurotransmitters was stimulated in a dose-related manner at concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 4 micrograms/ml. Basal release of the two transmitters was elevated to a lesser extent. Although the stimulation of evoked release was approximately equivalent for the two neurotransmitters, the response to 5-hydroxytryptamine was reversible whereas that of norepinephrine was not washed by 20 min of superfusion. The mechanisms involved in producing these actions of pardaxin are not known; however, they may be mediated by changes in electrolyte fluxes across the neuronal membranes.  相似文献   
Voltage-dependent 45Ca2+ uptake and endogenous norepinephrine (NE) release were measured simultaneously in synaptosomes isolated from rat hypothalamus, brainstem, and cerebellum at 1, 3, 5, 15, and 30 s. In synaptosomes depolarized by 125 mM KCl, 45Ca2+ uptake and NE release exhibited fast and slow components. Rates of NE release and 45Ca2+ uptake were fastest from 0 to 1 s. NE release and 45Ca2+ uptake rates from 1 to 5 s were less than 15% of 0-1 s rates. Both resting (5 mM KCl) and depolarization-induced (125 mM KCl) NE release paralleled 45Ca2+ uptake from 1 to 30 s. Voltage-dependent NE release was approximately 1% and 2% of total synaptosomal NE content at 1- and 30-s measurement intervals, respectively, and did not differ between the three brain regions studied. Calcium and potassium dependence studies showed that NE release was stimulated by increased potassium and that depolarization-induced NE release was dependent on the presence of external calcium. These results show that calcium-dependent NE release from synaptosomes is correlated with calcium entry. Both processes exhibit fast and slow temporal components.  相似文献   
In an effort to suppress the tuliptree aphidIllinoia liriodendri (Monell), approximately 2,000 eggs ofChrysoperla carnea (Stephens) from a commercial insectary were released 4 times on each of 8 tuliptreesLiriodendron tulipifera L. in Berkeley, California, during the spring of 1984. On trees foraged by the Argentine antIridomyrmex humilis (Mayr), 98% of the eggs ofC. carnea were removed from the egg release tapes by the ants. A total of about 1,250 larvae per tree eclosed from the 8,000 eggs released on each tree without ants. Fifty percent of the larvae that did eclose died due to cannibalism or entrapment in the sticky egg release tapes and approximately 625 first instar larvae on each tree were free to forage for aphids. Inundative lacewing releases ofC. carnea did not suppress populations ofI. liriodendri due to ant predation, the low viability of commercial eggs (0–73% eclosion),
Résumé Dans le but de limiter les populations du puceron du tulipierIllinoia liriodendri (Monell), 4 lachers d'environ 2.000 œufs de provenance commerciale deChrysoperla carnea (Stephens) ont été réalisés au cours du printemps 1984 sur 8 tulipiersLiriodendron tulipifera L., à Berkeley en Californie. cannibalism by emerged larvae, and inadequate release technology. Sur les arbres visités par la fourmi d'ArgentineIridomyrmex humilis (Mayr), 98% des œufs deC. carnea ont été enlevés du support artificiel par les fourmis. Sur les arbres exempts de fourmis, la mortalité de 50% des larves est due au cannibalisme ou à leur engluement sur le support de lacher. A partir de 8.000 œufs déposés sur chaque arbre sans fourmi, on aboutit à environ 625 larves de 1er stade susceptibles de rechercher des pucerons. Les lachers inondatifs deC. carnea n'ont pas limité les populations d'I. liriodendri. Les raisons en sont: la consommation par les fourmis, une faible viabilité de la plus grande partie des œufs commercialisés (0–73% d'éclosions), une technique inadaptée pour le lacher des œufs et le cannibalisme par les larves elles-mêmes deC. carnea.
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