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We describe the annual distribution of beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) in Bristol Bay, Alaska, using data from 31 satellite‐linked transmitters during 2002–2011. Bristol Bay has one of the largest and best studied Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) fisheries in the world, allowing us to link the seasonal distribution of belugas to that of salmon. During salmon migrations, beluga movements were restricted to river entrances. Belugas generally did not relocate to different river entrances or change bays during peak salmon periods. However, the location of belugas was not related to the number of salmon passing counting towers, suggesting that belugas were either selecting locations that were good for catching salmon or there were simply more salmon than belugas needed to supply their nutritional needs. The distribution of belugas expanded after salmon runs ended, and was greatest in winter when belugas ranged beyond the inner bays, traveling as far west as Cape Constantine. Belugas continued to frequent the inner bays in winter whenever sea ice conditions allowed, e.g., when winds moved sea ice offshore; however, they were never located south of the southern ice edge in open water or outside of Bristol Bay.  相似文献   
2018年初以来,北部湾涠洲岛附近出现了布氏鲸(Balaenoptera edeni)的活动。一头上颌与须板异常的小布氏鲸个体引发热议,其视频在网络上广泛流传。我们在船只调查时,目击该个体10次,其以单独活动为主(90%),主要出现在涠洲岛到斜阳岛之间的水域,最小凸多边形家域面积为14km2,核心家域面积为166.9km2。然而,在 2019年3月30日我们发现该个体已死亡漂浮在海面,根据尸体腐烂状况来推测,该个体的死亡时间大约为3~5日,死亡原因不明。根据照片和现场解剖分析,推测该小布氏鲸的上颌和鲸须异常可能是被渔网或绳索缠绕导致的。由于无法从外形上确认属于哪一个亚种,因此我们测定了该个体的线粒体DNA D-loop(mitochondrial DNA, mtDNA)和细胞色素b(cytochrome b, Cyt b)基因,分别得到909bp和395bp的序列,经比对和系统发育重建,发现该个体属于近岸分布的小布氏鲸亚种(Eden’s whale, B. e. edeni)。由于小布氏鲸具有一定季节迁移特性,我们无法判断造成其上颌伤害的渔网或绳索是否在中国水域。尽管如此,仍然建议当地部门应加强宣传,减少渔网等海洋垃圾的丢弃和排放,为小布氏鲸营造一个安全的栖息环境。  相似文献   
环境因子对眼斑拟石首鱼精子活力的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过测定精子的激活率、运动时间及寿命,研究了pH、盐度、离子及葡萄糖等因子变化对眼斑拟石首鱼(Csiaenops ocellatus)精子活力的影响。结果表明,眼斑拟石首鱼精液中精子平均浓度为(1.203±0.22)×1010个·mL-1;精子激活与运动的适宜盐度范围为20~35,其中盐度25时精子的激活率、运动时间及寿命分别达94.32%、9.14min及12.55min;精子激活与运动的适宜pH为6.0~8.5,适宜的KCl、NaCl及CaCl2溶液浓度分别为600~700mmol·L-1、600mmol·L-1及400~600mmol·L-1,适宜的葡萄糖溶液浓度为700~900mmol·L-1;精子在缺少HCO3-或Mg2+或Ca2+的人工海水中激活率与在人工海水中的激活率无显著差异,但运动时间和寿命有所缩短。  相似文献   
目的:研究在生理条件下,温度和时间对肌红蛋白血红素铁与各种金属离子直接相互作用的影响。方法:利用紫外-可见光谱法研究肌红蛋白活性中心的铁和外加金属离子(CuSO4、ZnSO4、MgSO4、CoCl2和MnSO4)的直接相互作用;改变作用温度(4、21、37和52℃)和作用时间(2、4、6、8和10 d),研究肌红蛋白活性中心铁卟啉与不同金属离子的直接相互作用。结果与结论:紫外光谱数据表明,金属离子与肌红蛋白活性中心的Fe(Ⅱ)发生直接相互作用,且随着作用温度的升高和作用时间的延长,这种相互作用逐渐增强。作用10 d后,金属离子与肌红蛋白活性中心的铁的作用强度依次为Mn(Ⅱ)>Zn(Ⅱ)>Co(Ⅱ);温度升至52℃时,作用强度依次为Cu(Ⅱ)>Mg(Ⅱ)>Zn(Ⅱ)。  相似文献   
小鼠子宫颈部位输卵管蛋白表达的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用RT-PCR及免疫印迹法检测证实小鼠子宫颈粘膜上皮细胞具表达输卵管蛋白的能力,宫颈部所获得的输卵管蛋白转录产物, 310到 714的405bp的cDNA片段经序列测定及blast比较表明与输卵管部位表达的输卵管蛋白完全一致(100%)。小鼠子宫颈输卵管蛋白在动情周期的表达波动情况与输卵管粘膜上皮的类似,其表达于小鼠动情期明显增加。Westernblot显示小鼠子宫颈提取物中存在两种不同分子量(60KD,30KD)的输卵管蛋白。原位杂交结果则提示子宫颈粘膜上皮细胞含丰富的输卵管蛋白mRNA信号。通过"原体中风"实验未发现输卵管蛋白在体外对精子活动有影响,其功能尚须进一步分析。  相似文献   
中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana是一种真社会性昆虫,也是我国重要的经济昆虫。本实验目的是为了检测精子是否可以作为载体将外源egfp基因介导转入中华蜜蜂。首先将雄蜂精子与线性化的质粒DNA共浴,然后通过人工授精技术将精子导入处女王,再对实验蜂群后代进行分析。结果显示EGFP蛋白在一群实验组蜂的1~2日龄小幼虫中表达较强,能检测到0.01%~0.02%荧光阳性小幼虫个体;通过PCR和RT-PCR技术分析,证实转入的外源egfp基因获得表达。实验结果表明精子载体法能够用于中华蜜蜂外源基因的转移和表达。  相似文献   
The Y human chromosome has many ancient genes whose fidelity seems to have been preserved by tandem sequences and palindromic ‘hairpins’, compared/repaired by ‘gene conversion’. That a primary function of recombination machinery is DNA repair has been suggested, and rejected, several times; this new evidence is very persuasive. The process, better called gene conservation than gene conversion, could operate in all diploid organisms, accounting for the retention of long gene sequences without ‘informational meltdown’ ('concerted evolution'). It resembles rocket‐science computer‐redundancy error‐checking, comparison of three or four sequences, not just two. If recognition of errors in ‘converted’ sequences can be followed by either repair or rejection, the rejection option can account for the vast wastage of meiotic products. The repair option might be used in Drosophila oocytes and even zygotic nuclei, possibly other oocytes, ancient asexual lineages such as mycorrhizal fungi, perhaps the Y itself. Both evolutionary stasis (conservatism) and development and deployment of complex developmental modules can be understood in these terms so both the evolution of biodiversity and the practice of systematics may have these mechanisms as their bases. The main individual‐fitness and evolutionary advantages of diploidy were not primarily cloaking of recessive al‐leles, or allelic recombination and Mendelism, but conserving long DNA sequences.  相似文献   
The spermathecal duct of Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) was studied with light and transmission electron microscopy. The lumen in the duct is enclosed by a thin chitinous wall that has a thicker band that spirals along the length of the duct. The thick spiral band pinches off part of the lumen and creates a smaller canal, which it encloses. Although the two canals are not separated, the duct appears to have a double lumen. The thin wall of the main canal provides a flexibility in which the lumen widens or narrows concomitantly with contractions of the spermatheca and the portion of the duct adjoining the spermatheca. Sperm is transferred from the spermatheca to the vestibulum where the egg is fertilized. The distention of the canal and contractions of the spermatheca thus account for the speed at which eggs are fertilized and deposited.  相似文献   
The union between a sperm and an egg nucleus in egg fertilization is necessary to mix genetic materials to create a new diploid genome for the next generation. In most animals, only one sperm is incorporated into the egg (monospermy), but several animals exhibit physiological polyspermy in which several sperms enter the egg during normal fertilization. However, only one sperm nucleus forms the zygote nucleus with the egg nucleus, even in a polyspermic egg. The cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the selection of sperm nuclei in the egg cytoplasm have been well investigated in urodele amphibians. The principal sperm nucleus develops a larger sperm aster and contacts the egg nucleus to form a zygote nucleus, whereas other accessory sperm nuclei are unable to approach the egg nucleus. The diploid zygote nucleus induces cleavage and participates in embryonic development, whereas the accessory sperm nuclei undergo pyknosis and degenerate. We propose several models to account for the mechanisms of the selection of one sperm nucleus and the degeneration of accessory sperm nuclei. The roles of physiological polyspermy in animal reproduction are discussed by comparison with other polyspermic species.  相似文献   
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