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Through an experimental approach we investigate the role of mucus secretion in postlarvae of Pectinaria koreni (tubicolous polychaete) on their ability to drift within the benthic boundary layer or to stay at the water–substratum interface. Fall velocity measurements were conducted with either living or dead postlarvae which were allowed to sink into a 2 m long Plexiglas cylindrical chamber. Five groups of increasing size-classes were tested ranging from the very first benthic stage (1 mm < Tubelength < 2 mm: membranous tube present accounting for more than 75% of the total tube length) to older stages (6 mm < Tubelength < 10 mm: membranous tube absent). We used these results to propose the first estimates of dispersal distances by several post-larval stages secreting mucus or sinking passively through the water column. Experiments were carried out in the HYCOBENTHOS flume to determine values of critical shear velocity (u *c) inducing bedload transport and further resuspension of postlarvae of increasing sizes. The influence of mucus secretion by recruits on their ability to stay or quit a ‘suitable’ substratum was investigated by using either living or dead individuals. Results showed that: (a) the ability to secrete mucus rapidly is limited to the younger stages; (b) fall velocity of postlarvae is drastically lowered by mucus secretion (5 orders of magnitude) and is higher for the older stages; (c) dead recruits behave similarly to ‘passive’ recruits; (d) horizontal distances of drift dispersal may be considerable (up to 800 m for a single 22 min trip); (e) mucus secretion may be used by the postlarvae to anchor themselves to the substratum. Cost-benefit of using the mucus secretion as a tool for recruitment and the related spatial scales are discussed.  相似文献   
Aim Biotic homogenization, the replacement of local biota by non‐indigenous and locally expanding species, is among the major effects of species invasions. Almost all studies related to this topic are focused on the species level, on taxonomic homogenization. Homogenization effects on trait diversity (functional homogenization) may be very important for ecosystem functioning, but they are rarely analysed, especially not at different spatial scales within a single study. This paper aims to examine how the presence of alien species (species introduced since 1500 ad ) affects the distribution of ploidy levels in the German flora at different spatial scales. Location Germany. Methods We used a resampling method and the Morisita–Horn dissimilarity index to calculate dissimilarities of ploidy level within and between alien and indigenous plants at three different spatial scales in Germany: (1) the entire country as one location, (2) between grid cells, and (3) within grid cells of a lattice covering Germany. Results We found a significant differentiation effect within grid cells of c. 130 km2, with alien plants increasing the variability of ploidy levels. The differentiation effect varies according to the scale used. At the coarsest scale (entire Germany), ploidy levels of alien plants tend to be more homogeneous in composition compared with those of native plants. At the intermediate scale (between grid cells), and even more pronounced at a small scale (within grid cells), ploidy levels are more heterogeneously distributed across Germany than those of native plant species. Main conclusions Homogenization of ploidy levels at a large scale (entire Germany) and differentiation at a small scale (within grid cells) is comparable with the patterns found in taxonomic homogenization analyses. This analysis is a first step towards understanding the impacts of plant invasions on a trait level. Differentiation and homogenization of ploidy levels might mirror the distribution of related ecological traits and therefore might have an impact on ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   
Phylogenetic analysis of small-subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequences for gymnamoebae of the families Vexilliferidae, Paramoebidae, and Vannellidae identified two distinct lineages that are supported by gross morphological characters. This analysis indicates that paramoebids and vexilliferids are part of one lineage and that vannellids belong to another. A shared morphological character unique to the paramoebid/vexilliferid lineage members is the presence of dactylopodiate subpseudopodia. However, cell surface structures, normally used for taxonomic discrimination, range from simple hair-like filaments without any apparent organization (Neoparamoeba), to hexagonal glycostyles (Vexillifera) or more elaborate surface scales (Korotnevella). Taxa within the vannellid lineage all lack subpseudopodia and appear flabellate, spatulate or linguiform while in locomotion. Cell surface structures of taxa within the vannellid lineage range from filaments organized into hexagonal arrays (Lingulamoeba, Platyamoeba) to pentagonal glycostyles (Clydonella, Vannella). Vannellid lineage members of the genera Clydonella and Lingulamoeba were studied at the level of electron microscopy. Unique cell surface features validate these as genera distinct from Vannella and Platyamoeba. Genetic and ultrastructural data are used to discuss the phylogenetic interrelationships for the taxa studied.  相似文献   
In this work we extend approximate aggregation methods in time discrete linear models to the case of time varying environments. Approximate aggregation consists in describing some features of the dynamics of a general system involving many coupled variables in terms of the dynamics of a reduced system with a few number of variables. We present a time discrete time varying model in which we distinguish two time scales. By using perturbation methods we transform the system to make the global variables appear and build up the aggregated system. The asymptotic relationships between the general and aggregated systems are explored in the cases of a cyclically varying environment and a changing environment in process of stabilization. We show that under quite general conditions the knowledge of the behavior of the aggregated system characterizes that of the general system. The general method is also applied to aggregate a multiregional time dependent Leslie model showing that the aggregated model has demographic rates depending on the equilibrium proportions of individuals in the different patches.  相似文献   
The geographic expression of morphological variation in xiphophora gladiata ssp. gladiata was examined throughout the range of the taxon. The spatial scales on which this variation occurred were identified using nested analyses of variance (ANOVA) on 14 morphometric characters from 1224 plants collected at 12 sites. These characters were remarkably homogeneous in the scales at which their variation was expressed. The greater part of the morphological variation in X. gladiata ssp. gladiata (over 90% for most characters was expressed between adjacent primary clumps; that is, over scales of about 100 mm. Since it was previously shown that the clumps of plants are themselves spatially discrete, the spatial expression of morphology in this taxon forms a true mosaic with abrupt between-cells boundaries. Much of the remaining variation in most characters was expressed at a scale of about 300 km. At intermediate scales, that is, over a few meters and (in most characters) a few kilometers, there appears to be negative additional variance. In effect, the mixture of clumps at these scales tends to be a uniform rather than a random selection of the available morphological variety of clumps within each region. This observed pattern is compared and contrasted with those previously found in the confamilial species Fucus distichus and F. evanescens.  相似文献   
1. The effect of habitat structural features and physicochemical characteristics of the water on the composition and richness of fish assemblages in temporary ponds near streams were examined at three spatial scales: among ponds, among streams and between drainage basins, in a ‘terra‐firme’ (not subject to long‐term flooding) forest reserve in Central Amazonia. 2. The fish assemblage in temporary ponds was composed of subsets of 18 small‐bodied species widely distributed in the reserve. The assemblages had a nested subset structure, where smaller ponds contained subgroups of the species found in larger ponds. 3. Species composition and richness in temporary ponds were similar between drainage basins, although the fish assemblages in streams differed between basins. 4. Fish assemblage structure was influenced by local factors related to habitat structure, such as pond area and depth, canopy cover and hydroperiod. Physicochemical characteristics of the water in the ponds were similar between drainage basins and had little detectable effect on the structure of pond fish assemblages. 5. No correspondence was found between the composition, richness or abundance of fishes in the ponds and in stretches of the streams adjacent to the ponds. Therefore, it is not possible to predict the composition of these temporary pond fish assemblages from the fish assemblages found in adjacent streams.  相似文献   
目的 声聚焦光声内窥成像具有成像深度大的优点,是一种非常有前景的功能成像技术,该技术被广泛应用于直肠、食道等内窥成像中。声聚焦光声内窥成像通常采用基于单个聚焦超声传感器的侧向扫描方式,同时采用传统的B扫描方法进行重建,会大大降低图像质量。为了获得高质量的图像,本文提出了几种动态聚焦的声聚焦光声内窥成像算法。方法 本文使用几种动态聚焦算法进行了数值仿真,并搭建系统进行了仿体实验验证,从横向分辨率和信噪比等多方面比较了各算法在动态聚焦中的成像效果。结果 相比B扫描方法,动态聚焦后的图像在离焦区域的横向分辨率与信噪比方面都有提升,仿真模拟中最高可将离焦区域的成像目标分辨率提升约26倍,其信噪比经动态聚焦后最高可提高2.3倍左右,实验中的远距离点目标经动态聚焦重建后分辨率提升3~6倍。结论 整体而言,基于时空响应的算法和合成孔径聚焦重建算法是在实验条件下更为适用的算法。本工作对后续的声聚焦光声内窥成像的设计具有指导意义。  相似文献   
According to F. M. Catzefliset al. (Trends Ecol. Evol. 7, 122–126, 1992), comparative dating of the oldest dichotomy in the muroid group (Spalacinae-other Muridae) by molecular and paleontological time scales produces conflicting results. For the earliest Spalacinae they refer to a date of 25–37 Ma; however, it has been demonstrated thatRhizospalax is not a muroid rodent, and a review of the record of fossil Spalacinae suggests that paleontological and molecular dating produces a comparable age (±19 Ma).  相似文献   
晚侏罗世蜥蜴化石在世界范围内分布较为贫乏,而这个时期的化石在研究早期蜥蜴类的形态及分类演化方面具有重要意义。记述了河北北部晚侏罗世蜥蜴化石一新属种:丽热河蜥Jeholacertaformosagen.etsp.nov.,该化石保存有大面积精美的皮肤鳞片。这是蜥蜴类鳞片化石在我国的首次发现,同时也为人类认识早期蜥蜴动物的表皮特征提供了珍贵的材料。由于躯干具有较大的方鳞,该蜥蜴应隶属于石龙子次亚目Scincomorpha,似可归入蜥蜴科Lacertidae,有待证实。模式标本采自河北平泉县杨树岭镇石门村义县组下部地层中,保存于中国地质博物馆。  相似文献   
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