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我国北方植被指数对土壤湿度的敏感性分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
土壤湿度对植被指数起着重要的作用。利用NOAA-AVHRR数据中的植被指数(NDVI)和我国气象台站所监测的土壤湿度数据,对我国北方地区的NDVI与土壤湿度的关系进行了研究。结果表明,近18年来,北方地区土壤湿度不同区域其变化趋势存在差异,西北地区土壤湿度在增加,而华北和东北地区土壤湿度在下降。NDVI对土壤湿度的响应也存在着明显的区域差异,我国西北地区植被对土壤湿度的敏感性最强,其次是华北地区,敏感性弱的是东北地区;对于不同层次的土壤湿度,也表现为同样的区域特点。但随着土壤深度的增加,敏感性减弱。这种敏感性也表现在不同季节变化上,春季华北地区土壤湿度对植被指数影响较大,其次是西北和东北地区,夏季和秋季北方地区土壤湿度与植被指数都有较好的相关性,以西北地区的相关系数最大,而冬季北方地区植被指数对土壤湿度都不敏感。  相似文献   
Spatial Segregation of Congeneric Invaders in Central Pennsylvania, USA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Carduus acanthoides and Carduus nutans (plumeless and musk thistles) are among the most noxious weeds in the United States of America, presenting a serious challenge in cropping and pasture systems. Unfortunately, a lack of detailed spatial distribution information hampers both our ability to understand the factors affecting their invasive success, and the effectiveness of monitoring and management efforts. To examine patterns of distribution and co-occurrence at a local level, we sampled a 5000 km2 area of central Pennsylvania that cut a transect across known areas of C. acanthoides and C. nutans infestation. A number of potential environmental explanatory variables were recorded and analyzed to examine whether they correlated with observed species distribution patterns. Patterns of forest density and spatial aggregation of the thistles were the primary covariates that significantly impacted both species’ distributions. The survey established that the frequency of sightings for each species diminished as the ranges converged, with only brief overlap: the two species are strongly negatively correlated in space. Understanding environmental correlates of infestation and the pattern of spatial dissociation of these two invasive species is an important step towards an improved understanding of the mechanisms underlying their invasive potential, and hence towards effective weed control.  相似文献   
We investigated spatial changes in the isotope ratios of the plankton food web in Lake Chany, Siberia, Russia, especially at an estuarine transition zone of the lake. The δ13C values of particulate organic matter (POM) varied among the sampling sites, and increased with increasing pH of the lake water. This may reflect a shift by phytoplankton from using CO2 to using bicarbonate for photosynthesis with increasing pH. The δ13C values of zooplankton community also changed at each site along with those of the POM. This was indicative of carbon isotope changes of plankton food webs between the stations along an environmental gradient.  相似文献   
1963-2012年新疆棉花需水量时空分布特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王梅  杨倩  郑江华  刘志辉 《生态学报》2016,36(13):4122-4130
研究基于新疆地区54个国家基本气象站1963-2012年的逐日气象资料,采用联合国粮食与农业组织FAO推荐的Penman-Monteith公式及作物系数法,计算了近50年来新疆棉花全育期和各生长阶段需水量。并利用线性趋势估计、MK检验、空间插值法对农作物全育期及各生长阶段需水量年际变化趋势和空间分布特征进行分析。结果表明:1)1963-2012年,新疆54个气象站棉花全育期平均需水量为759 mm,各站变化范围为555-1205 mm,差异明显。其空间分布整体呈现西北向东南递增、南疆大于北疆、东部大于西部的趋势。2)1963-2012年,在棉花的生长初期与发育期,全疆需水量空间分布总体由北向南增大并呈带状。在棉花的生长中期与生长末期,需水量空间分布表现为由西向东增大的格局。3)近50年棉花不同生长阶段需水量总体呈现下降趋势,并且除了生长中期下降趋势较显著外其他都不太明显。其中,生长中期下降速率最大为6.1 mm/10a,发育期及生长末期下降速率次之分别为2 mm/10a和1.3 mm/10a,生长初期下降速率最小,需水量以0.6 mm/10a的速率递减。4)新疆1963-2012年棉花全育期需水量总体呈下降趋势,递减速率平均约为5.3 mm/10a,并在1981年开始发生突变。5)全育期年需水量下降倾向率总体呈现与全育期平均需水量相同的空间分布特征,总体呈现北疆小于南疆、东部大于西部、由西北向东南递增的空间分布特征。  相似文献   
Species distribution models (SDMs) assume equilibrium between species' distribution and the environment. However, this assumption can be violated under restricted dispersal and spatially autocorrelated environmental conditions. Here we used a model to simulate species' ranges expansion under two non-equilibrium scenarios, evaluating the performance of SDM coupled with spatial eigenvector mapping. The highest fit is for the models that include space, although the relative importance of spatial variables during the range expansion differs in the two scenarios. Incorporating space to the models was important only under colonization-lag non-equilibrium, under the expected scenario. Thus, mechanisms that generate range cohesion and determine species' distribution under climate changes can be captured by spatial modelling, with advantages compared with other techniques and in line with recent claims that SDMs have to account for more complex dynamic scenarios.  相似文献   
Models for forest ecosystem management: a European perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: Forest management in Europe is committed to sustainability. In the face of climate change and accompanying risks, however, planning in order to achieve this aim becomes increasingly challenging, underlining the need for new and innovative methods. Models potentially integrate a wide range of system knowledge and present scenarios of variables important for any management decision. In the past, however, model development has mainly focused on specific purposes whereas today we are increasingly aware of the need for the whole range of information that can be provided by models. It is therefore assumed helpful to review the various approaches that are available for specific tasks and to discuss how they can be used for future management strategies. SCOPE: Here we develop a concept for the role of models in forest ecosystem management based on historical analyses. Five paradigms of forest management are identified: (1) multiple uses, (2) dominant use, (3) environmentally sensitive multiple uses, (4) full ecosystem approach and (5) eco-regional perspective. An overview of model approaches is given that is dedicated to this purpose and to developments of different kinds of approaches. It is discussed how these models can contribute to goal setting, decision support and development of guidelines for forestry operations. Furthermore, it is shown how scenario analysis, including stand and landscape visualization, can be used to depict alternatives, make long-term consequences of different options transparent, and ease participation of different stakeholder groups and education. CONCLUSIONS: In our opinion, the current challenge of forest ecosystem management in Europe is to integrate system knowledge from different temporal and spatial scales and from various disciplines. For this purpose, using a set of models with different focus that can be selected from a kind of toolbox according to particular needs is more promising than developing one overarching model, covering ecological, production and landscape issues equally well.  相似文献   
Although arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) form spatially complex communities in terrestrial ecosystems, the scales at which this diversity manifests itself is poorly understood. This information is critical to the understanding of the role of AMF in plant community composition. We examined small-scale (submetre) variability of AMF community composition (terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism fingerprinting) and abundance (extraradical hyphal lengths) in two 1 m(2) plots situated in a native grassland ecosystem of western Montana. Extraradical AMF hyphal lengths varied greatly between samples (14-89 m g soil(-1)) and exhibited spatial structure at scales <30 cm. The composition of AMF communities was also found to exhibit significant spatial autocorrelation, with correlogram analyses suggesting patchiness at scales <50 cm. Supportive of overall AMF community composition analyses, individual AMF ribotypes corresponding to specific phylogenetic groups exhibited distinct spatial autocorrelation. Our results demonstrate that AMF diversity and abundance can be spatially structured at scales of <1 m. Such small-scale heterogeneity in the soil suggests that establishing seedlings may be exposed to very different, location dependent AMF communities. Our results also have direct implications for representative sampling of AMF communities in the field.  相似文献   
以北京地区油松(Pinus tabuliformis)人工林不同演替类型林分为研究对象,研究油松纯林、油松-栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis)混交林和栓皮栎纯林三种不同演替类型林分的空间结构、林下植被和土壤水分的变化规律及其相互作用关系。结果表明:(1)林分水平及垂直空间结构、草本层物种多样性、更新幼树生长、土壤持水和透气性能等指标在三种不同演替类型林分间差异显著(P<0.05),林分空间结构参数中的角尺度、林层指数和开敞度显著影响了各类型林分的灌草多样性,混交度、林层指数和大小比数显著影响了更新幼树的生长,混交度和林层指数显著影响了土壤水分的变化(P<0.05)。(2)松栎混交林灌草生物量、天然更新幼树的生长以及土壤水分物理状况均好于纯林,并主要受林分混交度和林层指数的共同作用。(3)各演替类型林分内均存在栓皮栎更新幼树,混交林栓皮栎更新幼树数量最多、长势最好,对林地资源的竞争最为激烈。因此,可以通过调整林分空间结构实现种间关系及林地资源的调控,以充分发挥森林生态系统的各项功能与价值。  相似文献   
Theoretical models on the movement of colonial animals predict that neighbouring colonies may segregate their foraging areas, and many seabird studies have reported the presence of such segregations. However, these studies have often lacked the appropriate null model to test the effect of neighbouring colonies on foraging areas, especially in small colonies or in short‐ranging species. Here, we examined the foraging areas of Adélie Penguins Pygoscelis adeliae from two neighbouring (2 km apart) colonies by using bird‐borne GPS loggers. The field study was conducted at Hukuro Cove colony (104 pairs) and Mizukuguri Cove colony (338 pairs) in Lützow‐Holm Bay, East Antarctica. We obtained GPS tracks for 504 foraging trips from 48 chick‐rearing Adélie Penguins and quantified the degree of overlap in the foraging areas between two colonies. We also produced simulated movement tracks by using correlated random‐walks assuming no inter‐colony competition and quantified the degree of overlap in the simulated foraging areas. Finally, we compared the results from real GPS tracks with those from simulated tracks to examine the effect of neighbouring colonies on Adélie Penguin movement. The results indicate that the degree of overlap was significantly smaller in real tracks than in simulated tracks. In real tracks, the foraging area of the smaller Hukuro Cove colony extended to the other side of the larger Mizukuguri Cove colony, unlike in simulated tracks. Consequently, we suggest that Adélie Penguins from two neighbouring colonies segregated their foraging areas and that the larger colony appeared to affect the foraging area of the smaller colony.  相似文献   
Rapid climate changes are currently driving substantial reorganizations of marine ecosystems around the world. A key question is how these changes will alter the provision of ecosystem services from the ocean, particularly from fisheries. To answer this question, we need to understand not only the ecological dynamics of marine systems, but also human adaptation and feedbacks between humans and the rest of the natural world. In this review, we outline what we have learned from research primarily in continental shelf ecosystems and fishing communities of North America. Key findings are that marine animals are highly sensitive to warming and are responding quickly to changes in water temperature, and that such changes are often happening faster than similar processes on land. Changes in species distributions and productivity are having substantial impacts on fisheries, including through changing catch compositions and longer distances traveled for fishing trips. Conflicts over access to fisheries have also emerged as species distributions are no longer aligned with regulations or catch allocations. These changes in the coupled natural-human system have reduced the value of ecosystem services from some fisheries and risk doing so even more in the future. Going forward, substantial opportunities for more effective fisheries management and operations, marine conservation, and marine spatial planning are likely possible through greater consideration of climate information over time-scales from years to decades.  相似文献   
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