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Spatial variability in nutrient concentrations in the intertidal sediments and pore waters has been studied along downshore transects and in core profiles at three locations in the Shannon estuary on the west coast of Ireland. The parameters measured were N, as Kjeldahl N, NO3, NO2, and NH3, and P as total P and PO4 along with a range of other environmental variables such as salinity and sediment organic content. The concentrations of all nutrients varied with season, but winter values were generally low in comparison with polluted mainland european estuaries. There was a great deal of variation in nutrient concentrations along the transects, and coefficients of variability of up to 153% (NH3), 173% (NO3), 129% (NO2) and 117% (PO4) were found. Overall, there was little evidence of any trends in concentration in any of the nutrients from the top to the bottom of the transects, although it was occasionally possible to link particular instances to local conditions such as the presence of the channel or a stream. Sediment core profiles showed typical patterns, with NO3 concentrations for example being highest in surface sediments, while NH3 and PO4 concentrations increased with depth. Rather surprisingly perhaps, NO3 could still be detected on occasion at depths of up to 20 cm, well below the Redox Potential Discontinuity (RPD) and the limit of oxygen penetration which oxygen microelectrodes had measured as being within a few mm of the surface. This was ascribed to the activities of the macrofauna, in that the oxidised sediment which lined the burrows could clearly be seen in some cores. This study not only shows that nutrient distributions along estuarine gradients are linked to physicochemical factors such as oxygenation and freshwater/marine influence, but also that sediment instability, through random physical events such as storms, and macrofaunal activity play an important role and that these latter factors deserve closer attention.  相似文献   
对北京东灵山地区 3块样地中的辽东栎 (QuercusliaotungensisKoidz .)、大叶白蜡 (FraxinusrhynchophyllaHance)和五角枫 (AcermonoMaxim .)种群的分布格局和种群动态进行了考察。调查 3块样地中每个树种的全部个体 ,按高度将它们分为 4个不同龄级 ,用相邻格子样方法进行取样。在研究分布格局时 ,计算了扩散系数C、扩散型指数Iδ 与IA、CA 指数和聚块指数m /m等各项指标 ,测定它们的分布格局 ,并通过计算拟合它们的分布类型。结果表明 ,不同地点各种群的幼苗 (<0 .4m)、小幼树 (0 .4~ 1m)和大幼树 (1~ 2m)绝大多数呈聚集分布 ,少量呈随机分布 ;成林辽东栎成熟个体 (≥ 2m)是一种介于均匀分布和随机分布之间的状态 ,幼林辽东栎成林和灌丛大叶白蜡属于随机分布 ,成林大叶白蜡和五角枫、灌丛辽东栎呈聚集分布。在研究种群动态时 ,分别作出每个种群的龄级结构图 ,再对同一样地不同种群以及同一种群不同龄级个体的数量差异进行最小显著差法 (LSD)检验和比较 ,结果表明检验结果和龄级结构图显示出来的趋势是一致的 ,即成林辽东栎种群具有较稳定的结构 ,成林大叶白蜡和五角枫表现为增长型结构 ,幼林辽东栎、大叶白蜡和五角枫都表现为衰退型结构 ,灌丛辽东栎具有稳定型结构 ,灌丛大叶白蜡具有增长型结构。研究  相似文献   
Direct effects of climate change on animal physiology, and indirect impacts from disruption of seasonal synchrony and breakdown of trophic interactions are particularly severe in Arctic and Alpine ecosystems. Unravelling biotic from abiotic drivers, however, remains challenging because high‐resolution animal population data are often limited in space and time. Here, we show that variation in annual horn growth (an indirect proxy for individual performance) of 8043 male Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) over the past four decades is well synchronised among eight disjunct colonies in the eastern Swiss Alps. Elevated March to May temperatures, causing premature melting of Alpine snowcover, earlier plant phenology and subsequent improvement of ibex food resources, fuelled annual horn growth. These results reveal dependency of local trophic interactions on large‐scale climate dynamics, and provide evidence that declining herbivore performance is not a universal response to global warming even for high‐altitude populations that are also harvested.  相似文献   
The present article reviews recent and older literature on the spatial parameters that flowers display, as well as on the capacities of anthophilous insects to perceive and use these parameters for optimizing their foraging success. Although co-evolution of plants and pollinators has frequently been discussed with respect to floral colours and insect colour vision, it has rarely been assessed with respect to insect spatial vision and spatial floral cues, such as shape, pattern, size, contrast, symmetry, spatial frequency, contour density and orientation of contours. This review is an attempt to fill this gap. From experimental findings and observations on both flowers and insects, we arrive at the conclusion that all of the spatial and spatio-temporal parameters that flowers offer are relevant to the foraging task and are tuned to the insect's visual capacities and visually guided behaviour. We try, in addition, to indicate that temporal cues are closely related to spatial cues, and must therefore be included when flower–pollinator interactions are examined. We include results that show that colour vision and spatial vision have diverged over the course of evolution, particularly regarding the processing of spatio-temporal information, but that colour vision plays a role in the processing of spatial cues that are independent of temporal parameters. By presenting this review we hope to contribute to closer collaboration among scientists working in the vast fields of botany, ecology, evolution, ethology and sensory physiology.  相似文献   
Summary Mitotic activity adjacent to a wound inflicted at different sites in the mouse skin was measured 24 h after injury. A regional difference in the epidermal mitotic activity due to injury was noted. Mitotic activity was high in the anterior parts of the body including the head, lower in the middle to posterior regions of the body and lowest in the posterior-most parts of the body. Regional differences in epidermal mitotic activity due to injury were demonstrated in both female and male mice. The existence of a cranio-caudal gradient in epidermal response to injury is suggested.  相似文献   
Patch occupancy of two hemipterans sharing a common host plant   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Aim Two hemipteran species were chosen as a study system for the comparative analysis of patch occupancy and spatial population structure of insects sharing a common host plant. This study tested whether (1) the incidence in the host plant patches differed between the two species, and (2) the two species exhibited a different spatial population structure, i.e. were they affected differentially by isolation and area of the host plant patches. Location The porphyry landscape north of Halle (Saale) in Germany comprising 506 patches of the host plant Brachypodium pinnatum. Methods The host plant patches were surveyed for the two hemipterans. To assess the influence of patch quality on species occurrence the patches were characterized by mean cover abundance of B. pinnatum, type of subsoil, slope, exposure, and shading. The spatial configuration of the patches was considered by patch area and isolation. The influence of the habitat factors and the spatial configuration on the occupancy of the two species was analysed by logistic regression. Results Adarrus multinotatus was found in 441 patches, while Neophilaenus albipennis was found in only 90 patches. While A. multinotatus showed virtually no relationship to the habitat factors, the occupancy of N. albipennis was influenced by subsoil type, cover abundance, and shading. The effects of area and isolation on occupancy of the patches also differed between the two species. The occupancy of N. albipennis was determined largely by area and isolation, whereas in A. multinotatus no considerable effect of spatial configuration was found. Main conclusions The study revealed a marked difference between the two hemipteran species in respect of spatial population structure. Adarrus multinotatus built up a ‘patchy population’, whereas N. albipennis showed a ‘metapopulation’ structure within the same set of patches in the same landscape. Spatial population structure was found to be not only a function of spatial configuration of habitat patches, but population structure differed between the habitat generalist A. multinotatus and the habitat specialist N. albipennis.  相似文献   
Aim To examine the effects of forest fragmentation on the distribution of the entire wild giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) population, and to propose a modelling approach for monitoring the spatial distribution and habitat of pandas at the landscape scale using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro‐radiometer (MODIS) enhanced vegetation index (EVI) time‐series data. Location Five mountain ranges in south‐western China (Qinling, Minshan, Qionglai, Xiangling and Liangshan). Methods Giant panda pseudo‐absence data were generated from data on panda occurrences obtained from the third national giant panda survey. To quantify the fragmentation of forests, 26 fragmentation metrics were derived from 16‐day composite MODIS 250‐m EVI multi‐temporal data and eight of these metrics were selected following factor analysis. The differences between panda presence and panda absence were examined by applying significance testing. A forward stepwise logistic regression was then applied to explore the relationship between panda distribution and forest fragmentation. Results Forest patch size, edge density and patch aggregation were found to have significant roles in determining the distribution of pandas. Patches of dense forest occupied by giant pandas were significantly larger, closer together and more contiguous than patches where giant pandas were not recorded. Forest fragmentation is least in the Qinling Mountains, while the Xiangling and Liangshan regions have most fragmentation. Using the selected landscape metrics, the logistic regression model predicted the distribution of giant pandas with an overall accuracy of 72.5% (κ = 0.45). However, when a knowledge‐based control for elevation and slope was applied to the regression, the overall accuracy of the model improved to 77.6% (κ = 0.55). Main conclusions Giant pandas appear sensitive to patch size and isolation effects associated with fragmentation of dense forest, implying that the design of effective conservation areas for wild giant pandas must include large and dense forest patches that are adjacent to other similar patches. The approach developed here is applicable for analysing the spatial distribution of the giant panda from multi‐temporal MODIS 250‐m EVI data and landscape metrics at the landscape scale.  相似文献   
Anticipating future changes of an ecosystem's dynamics requires knowledge of how its key communities respond to current environmental regimes. The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is under threat, with rapid changes of its reef‐building hard coral (HC) community structure already evident across broad spatial scales. While several underlying relationships between HC and multiple disturbances have been documented, responses of other benthic communities to disturbances are not well understood. Here we used statistical modelling to explore the effects of broad‐scale climate‐related disturbances on benthic communities to predict their structure under scenarios of increasing disturbance frequency. We parameterized a multivariate model using the composition of benthic communities estimated by 145,000 observations from the northern GBR between 2012 and 2017. During this time, surveyed reefs were variously impacted by two tropical cyclones and two heat stress events that resulted in extensive HC mortality. This unprecedented sequence of disturbances was used to estimate the effects of discrete versus interacting disturbances on the compositional structure of HC, soft corals (SC) and algae. Discrete disturbances increased the prevalence of algae relative to HC while the interaction between cyclones and heat stress was the main driver of the increase in SC relative to algae and HC. Predictions from disturbance scenarios included relative increases in algae versus SC that varied by the frequency and types of disturbance interactions. However, high uncertainty of compositional changes in the presence of several disturbances shows that responses of algae and SC to the decline in HC needs further research. Better understanding of the effects of multiple disturbances on benthic communities as a whole is essential for predicting the future status of coral reefs and managing them in the light of new environmental regimes. The approach we develop here opens new opportunities for reaching this goal.  相似文献   
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