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In vitro antibacterial activities of acetone, ethanol, methanol and water extracts of leaves and bark of Croton roxburghii L. studied against ten human pathogenic bacterial strains showed significantly higher activity in acetone extract and least activity in case of aqueous. Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of all extracts ranged between 0.62 and 10 mg/ml, while minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) values ranged from 1.25 to values greater than 10 mg/ml. The antioxidant assays viz. DPPH, hydrogen peroxide scavenging, iron reducing and iron chelating assays along with total phenol and ascorbic acid content were carried out with aqueous extracts of leaves and bark. While the total phenol contents in leaves and bark extracts were 0.766 ± 0.014 and 0.735 ± 0.028% respectively their ascorbic acid contents were found to be 0.252 ± 0.019 and 0.431 ± 0.013% respectively. DPPH activities in both (leaves and bark) extracts increased with the increase in concentrations. Iron chelating capacity of leaves extract is significantly higher than that of the bark. Leaves extract showed an increase in percentage of scavenging property with the increase in concentrations. Plant extracts showed low amount of iron reducing property at all concentrations. Hydrogen peroxide scavenging properties of bark was low than that of the leaves.  相似文献   
An important step in the proteomic analysis of missing proteins is the use of a wide range of tissues, optimal extraction, and the processing of protein material in order to ensure the highest sensitivity in downstream protein detection. This work describes a purification protocol for identifying low-abundance proteins in human chorionic villi using the proposed “1DE-gel concentration” method. This involves the removal of SDS in a short electrophoresis run in a stacking gel without protein separation. Following the in-gel digestion of the obtained holistic single protein band, we used the peptide mixture for further LC–MS/MS analysis. Statistically significant results were derived from six datasets, containing three treatments, each from two tissue sources (elective or missed abortions). The 1DE-gel concentration increased the coverage of the chorionic villus proteome. Our approach allowed the identification of 15 low-abundance proteins, of which some had not been previously detected via the mass spectrometry of trophoblasts. In the post hoc data analysis, we found a dubious or uncertain protein (PSG7) encoded on human chromosome 19 according to neXtProt. A proteomic sample preparation workflow with the 1DE-gel concentration can be used as a prospective tool for uncovering the low-abundance part of the human proteome.  相似文献   
周琼  梁广文  曾玲  岑伊静  陆永跃 《生态学报》2005,25(6):1357-1361
天然源药剂由于具有与环境良好的相容性而日益受到重视。研究测试苍耳XanthiumsibiricumPetr.etWidd.和白蝴蝶SyngoniumpodophyllumSchott的提取物以及几种药剂在田间常用浓度下对蚜茧蜂的影响。结果表明,几种药剂对蚜茧蜂成虫有明显杀伤力,毒性的大小次序是绿福(4.5%高效顺反氯氰菊酯乳油)(稀释3000倍)>0.3%印楝素乳油(稀释2000倍)>0.6%阿维菌素(稀释2000倍),2h内可致半数以上的试虫死亡,2.5%鱼藤酮精(稀释800倍)次之,99.9%机油乳剂(稀释400倍)和两种植物提取物(0.04gDW·ml-1)对成蜂的存活无显著影响;处理僵蚜的结果表明,印楝素乳油和机油乳剂影响较明显,僵蚜羽化率分别比对照降低14.67%和18.67%,而两种植物提取物和其余药剂无显著影响;鱼藤精和印楝素乳油处理后,蚜茧蜂寄生蚜虫的效能明显降低,而机油乳剂和两种植物提取物对蚜茧蜂的寄生作用无明显影响。可以看出,目前使用的一些天然源药剂虽然对害虫有较好的控制作用,但在害虫天敌的某些生长期,其仍存在不利影响,因此应根据田间害虫和天敌的发生情况和不同发育期,有选择性地合理用药;同时,筛选对害虫特异性强,对害虫天敌不利影响小的作用物质,是当前乃至将来筛选和应用天然源物质的目标。  相似文献   
本研究以大豆为材料,采用盆栽和田间试验,探讨丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)对豆科作物生长的影响.盆栽试验设置了接种(+AMF)和不接种(-AMF)丛枝菌根真菌处理,田间试验设置了 AMF菌丝非限制与限制处理.盆栽试验结果表明:接种AMF显著提高了大豆地上部生物量(16.5%)和大豆根瘤数(131.4%),地上部磷含量、磷吸收量...  相似文献   
【目的】深入解析大豆开花期和成熟期的遗传基础,发掘控制性状的重要基因组区间,为分子标记辅助选择育种和新基因克隆提供依据。【方法】以224份携带显性E1基因的大豆种质为试验材料,在4个种植环境下调查表型数据,采用R-mrMLM软件包中的6种多位点关联分析模型对大豆开花和成熟期进行全基因组关联分析。【结果】共检测到91个开花期和83个成熟期QTNs(quantitative trait nucleotides),其中6个开花期和10个成熟期QTNs能在多环境中检测到。这些环境稳定QTNs分布于15个区间大小在90~490 Kb的单倍型(基因组)内,并有6个基因组区间为本研究新检测到。【结论】研究表明显性E1基因背景下大豆开花和成熟期的QTN构成复杂,位于5号染色体39.52~40.01Mb等15个基因组区间是该群体中控制大豆开花期或成熟期的重要位点。  相似文献   
Ngo Le-Van 《Phytochemistry》1984,23(5):1204-1205
A new coumestrol glycoside, coumestrin, has been isolated from soybean roots together with its aglycone, coumestrol, and the known isoflavones genistin, genistein, daidzin and daidzein. Their structures were determined by spectroscopic technique (1H NMR, UV, IR, EIMS, CIMS and FDMS) and by some chemical transformations.  相似文献   
A kinetic analysis of the effect of disulfiram on the isoenzymes of lipoxygenase from soybean has been carried out. The compound is an effective inhibitor of type-2 isoenzymes but has no effect on the type-1 isoenzyme under the conditions employed in this study. The inhibitory effect is reversible and therefore does not result from covalent modification of the enzyme. The inhibition is manifest as a prolongation of the lag phase commonly seen in progress curves for lipoxygenases rather than as a reduction of the catalysed rate. A variety of structurally related and unrelated compounds have been investigated to identify the nature of the inhibitory effect. The antioxidant properties of disulfiram account for its ability to inhibit type-2 lipoxygenases. The inhibitory effect of antioxidants on type-2 lipoxygenase is only partly reversed when product hydroperoxide is included in the incubation mixture. These observations support the conclusion that free radical intermediates are integral to the catalytic mechanism of type-2 lipoxygenases.  相似文献   
Summary— Histological and ultrastructural observations of soybean protoplast-derived calli allowed establishment of the very early cellular reorganization that initiates a proliferating process at the beginning of regeneration. These cytological events appeared more clearly in an inductive medium containing 2.4 D. The cells that participate in the somatic regeneration are characterized by special features that chiefly affect the nucleus and mitochondria: an increase of nucleo-cytoplasmic exchange by means of deep invaginations of the nuclear envelope, the occurrence of specific attachments of chromatin dense masses at the bottom of these invaginations and the disappearance of some mitochondria while a great number of them proliferates around the nucleus. All these events are comparable to the cytological reorganization affecting the female gametic lineage that generally occurs during the female gametophytic phase in sexual plant reproduction.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Long photoperiods from flowering to maturity have been found to delay reproductive development in soybean (Glycine max) and to increase the number of seeds per unit land area. This study was aimed to evaluate whether sensitivity to photoperiod after flowering (a) is quantitatively related to the length of exposure to long days and (b) persists throughout the whole pod-setting period. It was also evaluated whether seed number was related to changes in the duration of post-flowering phenophases. METHODS: Two field experiments were conducted with an indeterminate cultivar of soybean of maturity group V. In expt 1, photoperiods 2 h longer than natural daylength were applied during different numbers of days from the beginning pod stage (R3) onwards, while in expt 2 these photoperiod extensions were imposed during 9 consecutive days starting at different times between R3 and R6 (full seed) stages. KEY RESULTS: There was a quantitative response of development to the number of cycles with a long photoperiod. The exposure to long photoperiods from R3 to R5 (beginning of seed growth) increased the duration of R3-R6 regardless of the timing of exposure. The stages of development comprised in the R3-R6 phase were delayed by current as well as by previous exposure to long days. A positive relationship was found between seed number and the duration of R3-R6, irrespective of the timing and length of exposure to the long photoperiod. CONCLUSIONS: Sensitivity to photoperiod remained high during the reproductive period and was highly and positively coupled with the processes of generation of yield.  相似文献   
大豆和玉米冠层光合有效辐射各分量日变化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过实测大豆和玉米冠层光合有效辐射各分量并计算其反射率、透射率,分析了各分量日变化规律及其影响因素。结果表明:光合有效辐射分量(FPAR)在一天中均接近于常数,特别是在8:00—11:00和14:00—16:00相对稳定;晴天大豆冠层入射光合有效辐射变化曲线较阴天平滑,反射率和透射率曲线没有阴天平滑;由于云层的吸收和散射作用,阴天中光合有效辐射(PAR)最大值的出现时间比晴天晚1h左右;植被冠层空间异质性对光合有效辐射各分量影响较大,不同作物类型的各分量之间有较大差异;大豆冠层空间异质性较玉米小,其光合有效辐射各个分量曲线较平滑;线性光量子传感器与太阳入射方向垂直投影线成30°时,冠层入射光合有效辐射平均偏离度值最小,为0.657%。  相似文献   
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