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Production of a lipopeptide antibiotic, surfactin, in solid state fermentation (SSF) on soybean curd residue, Okara, as a solid substrate was carried out using Bacillus subtilis MI113 with a recombinant plasmid pC112, which contains lpa-14, a gene related to surfactin production cloned at our laboratory from a wild-type surfactin producer, B. subtilis RB14. The optimal moisture content and temperature for the production of surfactin were 82% and 37 degrees C, respectively. The amount of surfactin produced by MI113 (pC112) was as high as 2.0 g/kg wet weight, which was eight times as high as that of the original B. subtilis RB14 at the optimal temperature for surfactin production, 30 degrees C. Although the stability of the plasmid showed a similar pattern in both SSF and submerged fermentation (SMF), production of surfactin in SSF was 4-5 times more efficient than in SMF. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Fresh and dry body weights (FW, DW) were greater for adult southern green stink bug,Nezara viridula (L.) than for the brown stink bug,Euschistus heros F. throughout the year in southern Brazil. FemalesN. viridula significantly increased FW and DW in late summer-early autumn, and during mid-spring; femaleE. heros did not show the same rates of increase in FW and DW. FemaleN. viridula were heavier than males, particularly during summer; however, female and maleE. heros were generally similar in weight.E. heros contained significantly greater amounts of lipid thanN. viridula, during mid-autumn to early-spring (April–September). Survivorship (%) and total longevity ofE. heros adults provided water only was greater (34.6–24.6 days, for females and males) than that forN. viridula (14.8–13.0 days); without water and food, longevity was drastically reduced (<7 days) for both species.  相似文献   
The soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines, is one of the most economically important pathogens of soybean. Effective management of the nematode is often dependent on the planting of resistant soybean cultivars. During the past 40 years, more than 60 soybean genotypes and plant introductions (PI) have been reported as resistant to H. glycines. About 130 modern soybean cultivars registered in the United States are resistant to certain races of H. glycines. Several resistance genes have been identified and genetically mapped; however, resistance levels in many soybean cultivars are not durable. Some older cultivars are no longer resistant to certain H. glycines populations in many production areas, especially if a soybean monoculture has been practiced. Past soybean registration reports show that all resistant cultivars developed in public institutions from the mid-1960s to the present have been derived from five PIs. This narrow genetic background is fragile. To further complicate the issue, soybean-H. glycines genetic interactions are complex and poorly understood. Studies to identify soybean resistance genes sometimes have overlapped, and the same genes may have been reported several times and designated by different names. Nevertheless, many potential resistance genes in existing germplasm resources have not yet been characterized. Clearly, it is necessary to identify new resistance genes, develop more precise selection methods, and integrate these resistance genes into new cultivars. Rational deployment of resistant cultivars is critical to future sustained soybean production.  相似文献   
Soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merrill) lectin is a seed protein that accumulates in protein bodies of cotyledons during seed development. We have constructed two expression cassettes containing the 5′ and 3′ regions of the soybean lectin gene connected by aNot I restriction site. One vector also contains the 32 amino acid signal sequence. Using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the coding region of the β-glucuronidase (uidA) gene was inserted into theNot I site of each vector. We tested the function of the expression cassettes in transformed embryogenic cultures of soybean. Development-specific GUS expression was observed in developing somatic embryos transformed with the chimeric lectin promoter-GUS constructs as determined by histochemical assays. Our data indicate that these cassettes could be used to drive expression of foreign genes to modify embryo-specific traits of soybean as protein quality or quantity in the seed.  相似文献   
Cotyledonary tissue from immature embryos of Glycine canescens was induced to callus and then form embryo-like structures. These structures could be cultured into whole plants and grown in soil.  相似文献   
Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) genotypes varying in area per nodal unit (usually a trifoliolate) and maturity class were grown in plots at the University of Illinois experimental farm. Leaf CO2-exchange rates per unit area (CER) were measured under sunlight on intact plants. In addition to previously reported correlations with specific leaf weight and chlorophyll, CER was positively correlated with ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPcase) activity, specific activity, and soluble protein, and was negatively correlated with area per leaf unit. The CER: chlorophyll correlation was destroyed by high CER values in 2 chlorophyll-deficient lines. CER values for 27 of the 35 lines tested fell within the range of those for isolines of cultivar Clark varying in leaf characteristics. The CER values were highest for fully expanded leaves during rapid pod fill. These results suggested that photoperiod (maturity) genes and genes for leaf area growth interact with genes controlling photosynthetic CO2-exchange to produce the major differences in CER values among soybean genotypes.  相似文献   
Laboratory, greenhouse, and field studies with Euschistus heros (F.) and Nezara viridula (L.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) in northern Paraná, Brazil, demonstrated greater survival and longevity with E. heros than N. viridula when fed the weed Acanthospermum hispidum DC. (Compositae). E. heros was better adapted to A. hispidum than N. viridula but neither species reproduced on this plant. Stink bugs moved from soybean to A. hispidum mainly during mid-March to mid-April when soybean plants matured. The infestation reached 60 and 100% with a maximum of ca. 3 and 10 stink bugs/plant in 1988 and 1989, respectively. Surprisingly, E. heros and N. viridula, which are normally seed-feeders, strongly preferred the high moisture stems of A. hispidum. Both species demonstrated similar feeding frequencies. These results suggest that in northern Paraná, the common weed, A. hispidum functions as a temporary host providing water and nutrients to those two pentatomid pests of soybean. Finally, both species do not seem to recognize A. hispidum as an unsuitable or perhaps toxic plant.  相似文献   
The influence of canopy development in soybean on the survival of corn earworm, Heliothis zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), egg and larval stages and population dynamics of arthropod fauna were evaluated in field trials during 1986–88 in eastern North Carolina. Soybean canopy size decreased as soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines Ichinohe (Nematoda: Heteroderidae), initial population densities increased. Plant species composition of the soybean canopy was affected by weed population densities. Mortality of H. zea larvae due to parasitism and infection with entomopathogens was greater in closed canopy and (or) weedy soybeans than in very open and (or) weed free soybeans. Predation and parasitism of corn earworm eggs were similar across nematode and weed density treatments. Natural enemy populations increased to highest levels during July in closed canopy and (or) weedy soybeans, coinciding with availability of largest prey population reservoirs. A delay in colonization of very open and (or) weed free soybeans by beneficial arthropods until mid to late August allowed greater H. zea larval survival than in closed canopy and (or) weedy soybeans. Arthropod species richness was generally greatest in closed canopy and (or) weedy soybeans during mid to late July, with differences becoming nonsignificant in August and early September. Mean and maximum ambient temperatures were higher and relative humidities lower in open canopy than in closed canopy plots. These conditions were less favorable for development of pathogens and natural enemies.  相似文献   
Heterodera glycines was identified in North Carolina in 1954, although symptoms of the disease were noted in the state at least 8 years earlier. Crop rotation experiments designed to develop management systems were initiated in 1956. Two or more years in production of a nonhost crop resulted in decreases of the nematode to low or undetectable levels with acceptable subsequent yields of soybean (Glycine max). Because of almost complete dependence on resistant cultivars and (or) nematicides for nematode control, crop rotation experiments were not conducted from 1962 to 1980. Research on control of H. glycines, beginning in 1981, emphasized biological and ecological aspects of the nematode in order to determine cropping systems that restrict the nematode to nondamaging levels. Mortality during embryogenesis was high at temperatures above 30 C. Hatching of eggs occurs readily in May and June. Postinfection development takes 2-3 weeks at weekly mean temperatures of 22-29 C and is slow above and below those temperatures. Egg production is high during the late growing season. Some cultural practices such as planting early maturing cultivars in mid-to-late June and rotation with a nonhost effectively keeps populations at low levels.  相似文献   
Ten strains of fungi were tested for tolerance to the fungicide benomyl. Verticillium chlamydosporium strain 2 did not grow in the presence of benomyl; Drechraeria coniospora strains 1 and 2 and Chaetomium sp. tolerated only 0.1 μg benomyl/ml medium; Acremonium bacillisporum, an unidentified fungus, and Phoma chrysanthemicola uniformly grew at 1 μg/ml, but some hyphae grew at higher benomyl concentrations; Fusarium sp. tolerated 475 μg/ml, but some hyphae grew on medium amended with 1,000 μg/ml; Verticillium lecanii and V. chlamydosporium strain 1 routinely tolerated 1,000 μg/ml. Fungi generally grew more slowly at higher than at lower benomyl concentrations. Strains with elevated tolerance to benomyl were selected from Acremonium bacillisporum, Drechmeria coniospora, Fusarium sp., and an unidentified fungus. These strains retained the increased tolerance after repeated transfers on unamended medium.  相似文献   
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