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The first total synthesis of glycosphingolipids isolated from wheat flour has been achieved in a regio- and stereo-controlled manner.Abbreviations THF tetrahydrofuran - DMF dimethylformamide Part 53 in the series Synthetic Studies on Cell Surface Glycans  相似文献   
The influence of a varied sucrose supply on grain size and hormonal contents of detached wheat ears ( Triticwn aestivum L. cv. Schirokko) was investigated throughout grain development. In ears led limited amounts, or no sucrose, grain weights in both proximal and distal grain positions of the ear were reduced. Radioimmunoassay for abscisic acid, indoleacetic acid and zeatin/zeatin riboside showed that the changes in the levels of these hormones in grains and bracts were comparable to intact ears when detached ears were well supplied with sucrose. Under conditions of limited sucrose supply, higher abscisic acid levels in the distal and proximal grains of detached ears were found compared to ears supplied with adequate sucrose. Limiting sucrose supply to the ear did not alter the levels of indoleacetic acid or zeatin/zeatin riboside in either the grains or bracts of detached ears.  相似文献   
Wheat-spikes inoculated withN. indica at the boot-leaf stage produced secondary sporidia when later incubated (intact/detached) under moist conditions in the laboratory. Sporidia were also released from inoculated spikes in the field where sporidial release exhibited diurnal periodicity. More sporidia were trapped between 5–6 o'clock than during the later parts of the day but no sporidia were trapped between 14–18 o'clock. However, they could be trapped at any time of the day from the detached spikes incubated under moist conditions in the laboratory. Sporidia trapped in different experiments were invariably of the allantoid type and they proved viable and infective. Maximum sporidia developed on the outer glumes of florets, and this observation was supported by scanning electron microcope studies. Sporidia developed at 15 and 20°C but not at 30°C. These findings indicated that repeated cycles of sporidial production in spikes provided more inoculum than expected from soil-borne teliospores ofN. indica.  相似文献   
Summary To investigate the use of RFLP analysis in the Triticeae, a set of low copy number probes has been isolated from a wheat cDNA library. The probes identify each of the 14 homoeologous chromosome arms of wheat as determined by analysis of DNA fragments hybridizing to the probes in aneuploid lines of Chinese Spring. These probes can be used in RFLP analyses both for the assignment of homoeology of alien chromosomes or arms added to wheat, and for the determination of chromosome dosage in wheat aneuploids. Different chromosomes from various Triticeae species can therefore be followed in a wheat genetic background using a single technique. The potential uses of the set in facilitating the transfer of alien segments into wheat are outlined.  相似文献   
125I-Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) binding parameters of human urothelial cell lines of different grades of transformation (TGrll and TGrlll) were compared. The values of association constant (Ka) and the number of binding sites/cell for HCV29 (TGrll) cell line were about 3×106M–1 and over 4×107, respectively. Two TGrlll cell lines, HCV29T and Hu549 revealed lower values for Ka, and considerably higher numbers of binding sites/cell (about 3×108 and 2×108, respectively). Binding of125I-WGA to total cellular proteins resolved by SDS-PAGE and transferred to nitrocellulose showed multiple diffused bands in the range of 58–180 kDa. Some of these bands were characteristic for TGrll cells (124 kDa) or TGrlll cells (135 and 148 kDa).Abbreviations TGr transformation grade - WGA wheat germ agglutinin - sWGA succinylated wheat germ agglutinin - GlcNAc N-acetyl-d-glucosamine - BSA bovine serum albumin - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   
Temporal changes in the egglaying behaviour of the Hessian fly   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Responses of mated female Hessian flies were investigated by analysing the behaviour of individual flies in wheat and oats. The behavioural repertoire of such females included: flying, alighting on leaves, arching of the body so that the tip of the abdomen touched the leaf surface, antennation, movements of the tip of the abdomen across the leaf at right angles to leaf veins, sitting with the ovipositor straight but still extended, and sitting with the ovipositor telescoped into the body. After alighting, females on wheat showed a higher frequency of transitions from arching to antennation and a lower frequency of transitions from arching to abdomen straight than females on oats. During the first 5 min of observations, individuals released into arenas with wheat arched and antennated 2–3 times more frequently than females released into oats. Time allotted to behaviours also differed; during the first 5 min, females in wheat spent 50 percent more time arching, whereas females in oats spent 50 percent more time sitting. Females in wheat also stayed longer and laid 4 times more eggs than females in oats. Temporal changes in egglaying were monitored by quantifying hourly rates of egglaying in no-choice assays for several hours following mating at 9:00 am. During the first and second hours post-mating, egglaying occurred infrequently. However, during the third hour post-mating (11:00 am to noon) females on wheat laid 5 times more eggs than females on oats. Rates of egglaying decreased on wheat but increased on oats during the fourth hour, and then during the fifth hour, decreased on both wheat and oats. Changes in egglaying responses were also evident when behaviours of individual females were measured 1–3 h vs. 3–7 h post-mating. Females deprived of host plants and released into wheat or oats later in the day showed higher frequencies of arching and antennation and laid more eggs before leaving the arena.
Résumé Les réactions de femelles préalablement accouplées de Mouches de Hesse ont été examinées en analysant le comportement de femelles isolées sur blé et sur avoine. Le répertoire comportemental de ces femelles comprenait: le vol, l'atterrissage sur feuille, la flexion du corps de sorte que l'extrémité de l'abdomen touchât la surface de la feuille, l'antennation, les mouvements de l'extrémité de l'abdomen sur la feuille à angle droit des nervures, le repos avec la tarière droite et encore dévaginée, le repos avec la tarière télescopée à l'intérieur du corps. Sur blé plus que sur avoine, les femelles après atterrissage ont présenté une fréquence plus élevée de passage de la flexion à l'antennation que de la flexion à l'abdomen droit. Durant les 5 premières minutes d'observation, les individus libérés dans des enceintes avec blé fléchirent et antennèrent 2 à 3 fois plus que ceux libérés sur avoine. Les durées des différentes séquences différaient aussi: sur blé, pendant les 5 premières minutes, les femelles passèrent plus de 50% du temps à fléchir, tandis que sur avoine elles passèrent plus de 50% du temps en repos. Les femelles restèrent aussi plus longtemps sur les feuilles de blé et y pondirent 4 fois plus d'oeufs que sur avoine.Les femelles de M. destructor ont montré une plasticité du seuil d'acceptation. Pendant les premières heures de ponte, elles ont été très sélectives et refusèrent, ou ne pondirent que quelques oeufs sur avoine, mais acceptèrent volontiers le blé. La discrimination s'est poursuivie tant que les femelles ont eu accès au blé en même temps qu'à l'avoine. Cependant, quand les femelles ont été privées de blé pendant plusieures heures, l'acceptation de l'avoine a augmenté. Cet accroissement de l'acceptation a eu lieu à peu près au moment où les femelles sur blé pondaient leurs derniers oeufs.
We have begun a systematic search for potential tRNA genes in wheat mtDNA, and present here the sequences of regions of the wheat mitochondrial genome that encode genes for tRNAAsp (anticodon GUC), tRNAPro (UGG), tRNATyr (GUA), and two tRNAsSer (UGA and GCU). These genes are all solitary, not immediately adjacent to other tRNA or known protein coding genes. Each of the encoded tRNAs can assume a secondary structure that conforms to the standard cloverleaf model, and that displays none of the structural aberrations peculiar to some of the corresponding mitochondrial tRNAs from other eukaryotes. The wheat mitochondrial tRNA sequences are, on average, substantially more similar to their eubacterial and chloroplast counterparts than to their homologues in fungal and animal mitochondria. However, an analysis of regions 150 nucleotides upstream and 100 nucleotides downstream of the tRNA coding regions has revealed no obvious conserved sequences that resemble the promoter and terminator motifs that regulate the expression of eubacterial and some chloroplast tRNA genes. When restriction digests of wheat mtDNA are probed with 32P-labelled wheat mitochondrial tRNAs, <20 hybridizing bands are detected, whether enzymes with 4 bp or 6 bp recognition sites are used. This suggests that the wheat mitochondrial genome, despite its large size, may carry a relatively small number of tRNA genes.  相似文献   
The stomatal response to blue light (BL) in wheat seedlings ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Starke II, Weibull) was enhanced by background red light (R). This enhancement was only slightly affected by the addition of background far-red light (FR). Under similar light treatments, the addition of FR induced a 43% transformation from the far-red-absorbing form towards the red-absorbing form of phytochrome from etiolated oat ( Avena sativa L. cv. Sol II), immobilized on phenyl-sepharose. Furthermore, the enhancement of the stomatal BL-response by 15 min R was not reversed by a subsequent irradiation with 5 min FR. It is concluded that the red-light-enhancement of the stomatal blue-light-response in wheat seedlings does not involve a change in the photostationary state of phytochrome.  相似文献   
The mechanism of resistance toB toxicity in barley and wheat was studied in a solution culture experiment using several cultivars displaying a large range of sensitivity to excessB supply. Plants were cultured for 35 d atB concentrations ranging from normal to excessive (15 to 5000 M, respectively) then examined for dry matter production and theB distribution between roots and shoots.In both species, increasedB supply was accompanied by increased tissueB concentrations, development ofB toxicity symptoms and depressed growth. At each level ofB supply, however, resistant cultivars accumulated considerably lessB than did sensitive cultivars, in both roots and shoots. Even at the lowestB supply, at which noB toxicity symptoms developed and growth was not affected, resistant cultivars maintained relatively low tissueB concentrations. No cultivar displayed an ability to tolerate high tissueB concentrations.These results indicate that sensitivity toB toxicity in barley and wheat is governed by the ability of cultivars to excludeB. If theB concentrations of tissues is used to indicate resistance toB toxicity, then cultivars have the same ranking whether cultured at a normal or excessB supply.  相似文献   
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