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Survival during the first year after first calving was investigated over the last 25 years, 1989–2013, as well as how the association of survival with season of calving, age at first calving (AFC) and within-herd production level has changed over that period. The data set contained 1 108 745 Dutch black-and-white cows in 2185 herds. Linear models were used to estimate (1) effect of year and season and their interaction and (2) effect of AFC, within-herd production level, and 5-year intervals and their two-way interactions, and the genetic trend. All models contained AFC and percentage of Holstein Friesian as a fixed effect, and herd-year-season, sire and maternal grandsire as random effects. Survival and functional survival were analysed. Functional survival was defined as survival adjusted for within-herd production level. Survival rate increased by 8% up to 92% in the last 25 years. When accounting for pedigree, survival showed no improvement up to 1999, but improved since then. Genetically, survival increased 3% to 4% but functional survival did not increase over the 25 years. We found an interesting difference between the genetic trends for survival and functional survival for bulls born between 1985 and 1999, where the trend for survival was still increasing, but was negative for functional survival. Since 1999, genetic trend picked up again for both survival and functional survival. AFC, season of calving and within-herd production level affected survival. Survival rate decreased 0.6%/month for survival and 1.5% for functional survival between AFC of 24 and 32 months. Calving in summer resulted in 2.0% higher survival than calving in winter. Within herd, low-producing cows had a lower survival rate than high-producing cows. However, these effects became less important during the recent years. Based on survival optimum AFC is around 24 months, but based on functional survival it is better to have an AFC<24 months. Overall, survival rate of heifers has improved considerably in the past 25 years, initially due to the focus on a high milk production. More recently, the importance of a high milk production has been reduced towards attention for functional survival.  相似文献   
稻瘟病是危害水稻产量的重要生物胁迫之一。实践证明,解决这一问题的最有效方法是培育具广谱、持久稻瘟病抗性的品种并推广种植。本研究以优质、高产、感稻瘟病的京作1号为轮回亲本,与稻瘟病抗性基因Pi9、Pigm和pi21的供体材料进行杂交、回交和复交,结合分子标记辅助选择和农艺性状筛选,培育不同的单基因导入系和聚合系。苗期人工接种多个稻瘟病菌的结果显示,Pi9抗性改良系的抗性频率达到100%,Pigm抗性改良系平均为90%,均极显著高于轮回亲本京作1号的抗性频率,且农艺性状与京作1号基本一致。pi21抗性改良系的抗性水平与京作1号没有明显差异,单株产量极显著低于京作1号。与轮回亲本相比,Pi9和pi21聚合系的抗性频率极显著提高,达到93.33%,但单株产量明显降低。研究结果证实了Pi9和Pigm基因在大幅度提高抗瘟性的同时对主要农艺性状影响小,都具有较大的育种利用价值。基因pi21抗谱较窄,抗性不强,且可能存在对产量的负效应,不宜单独用来改良水稻品种的稻瘟病抗性,需要与抗性强的主基因聚合,通过多次回交和自交打破该基因与产量的不利连锁累赘。  相似文献   
Eutrophication of landscape waters is drawing public concerns in China but few studies have been conducted on the problem associated with high water salinity as what happens at Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city in Tianjin, a coastal metropolis of northern China. In order to find ways for eutrophication control, a comparative study was conducted on three landscape water bodies, namely Qingjing Lake, Jiyun River and Jiyun River Oxbow, which are under varied conditions of salinity, organic, and nutrients intrusion. The spatial and temporal variations of water quality were revealed by water sampling and analyses, and correlative relationships were obtained between water salinity and other parameters related to eutrophication. By utilizing a trophic level index (TLI), the eutrophication status of the three landscape water bodies in different seasons could further be evaluated. As a result, water temperature, as expected, showed the strongest effect on eutrophication because higher TLI together with higher Chl-a concentrations tended to occur in later spring and summer seasons, while nutrient concentration, especially TP, was also the determinative factor to the eutrophication status. Of the three water bodies, the Jiyun River Oxbow showed a salinity as high as 20 g/L or more in contrast with the other two water bodies with salinity as 4–5 g/L. Although its TP concentration was usually very low (about 0.1 mg/L), it was under a moderate eutrophication status almost in all seasons, indicating that high salinity tends to induce alga growth. Dilution of saline inflow and nutrients reduction could thus be proposed as the main measures for eutrophication control of landscape waters in the study area.  相似文献   
Orthodontic tooth movement (OTM) is an adaptive biomechanical response of dentoalveolar components to orthodontic forces, in which remodeling of the alveolar bone occurs in response to changes in the surrounding mechanical environment. In this study, we developed a framework for OTM simulation by combining an image-based voxel finite element method, with a surface-tracking level set method using three-dimensional computer models. For a case study to demonstrate its capability of expressing clinical tooth movement, we observed displacement and rotation of the tooth under three types of force conditions. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed simulation method has the potential to predict clinical OTM.  相似文献   
Two new nonfullerene small molecule acceptors (NF‐SMAs) AT‐NC and AT‐4Cl based on heptacyclic anthracene(cyclopentadithiophene) (AT) core and different electron‐withdrawing end groups are designed and synthesized. Although the two new acceptor molecules use two different end groups, naphthyl‐fused indanone (NINCN) and chlorinated INCN (INCN‐2Cl) demonstrate similar light absorption. AT‐4Cl with chlorinated INCN as end groups are shifted significantly due to the strong electron‐withdrawing ability of chlorine atoms. Thus, desirable Voc and photovoltaic performance are expected to be achieved when polymer PBDB‐T is used as the electron donor with AT‐NC as the acceptor, and fluorinated analog PBDB‐TF with down‐shifted energy levels is selected to blend with AT‐4Cl. Consequently, the device based on PBDB‐TF:AT‐4Cl yields a high power conversion efficiency of 13.27% with a slightly lower Voc of 0.901 V, significantly enhanced Jsc of 19.52 mA cm?2 and fill factor of 75.5% relative to the values based on PBDB‐T:AT‐NC. These results demonstrate that the use of a new electron‐rich AT core, together with energy levels modulations by end‐group optimizations enabling the match with polymer donors, is a successful strategy to construct high‐performance NF‐SMAs.  相似文献   
孕产妇孕期保健及孕产妇健康对促进安全分娩和优生优育起着十分重要的作用,随着我国孕产妇保健工作的进一步完善及国家二胎政策的实施,现代临床医学所倡导的优生优育的观念已逐渐被社会广泛认可。然而,我国少数民族地区多有经济落后、地理位置偏僻、思想观念陈旧等问题,导致我国少数民族孕产妇孕期保健水平还比较低下,孕产妇健康状况有待改善。为预防少数民族地区出生缺陷,降低出生缺陷率,提高优生率,提高少数民族地区出生人口素质,通过完善医疗制度,改善医疗环境,合理营养干预及加强家庭访视等相关健康教育促进孕期保健,提高孕前检查的依从性,实现优生,孕产期健康教育可以降低整个孕期出现的危险因素,本文对我国少数民族的孕产妇孕期保健及健康做一综述。  相似文献   
The effect of reduced balanced protein (RP) diet in the F0 and F1 generation of broiler breeders on the learning ability and memory retention of the F2 generation was investigated by means of a reward v. no reward discrimination T-maze test. There were two treatments for the F0 generation: control (C) group, reared on standard commercial diets, and reduced balanced protein (RP) group, fed with RP diets (25% reduction in CP and amino acids). The female F0-progeny of each treatment was again separated into the two dietary treatments, resulting in four treatments for the F1 generation: C/C, C/RP, RP/C and RP/RP (breeder feed in F0/F1 generation). The RP diets fed breeders received on average 10% more feed than C diets fed breeders to achieve a similar target BW. The F2 generation was composed of four treatments coming from the female F1-progeny of the four treatments and were all fed with C diet (namely C/C/C, C/RP/C, RP/C/C and RP/RP/C). All four F2 generation groups were able to complete the T-maze learning test with a slight difference in success rate but a significant difference within groups was observed regarding the time needed to complete the test. In general, the RP/RP/C group needed more time for completing the test compared with the other three groups and the shortest time was recorded for the RP/C/C group. At similar ages, breeders with early learning experience spent significantly less time in completing the test compared with unexperienced breeders. Long-term memory retention was observed in all four groups whereas the learning ability in solving the test decreased with age. It took longer for the breeders to complete the test at older ages. In conclusion, under our experimental conditions, the RP dietary treatment in previous generations had no influence on the T-maze learning ability and memory retention of broiler breeders of the third generation, although it might have effects on the working performance in the T-maze learning test of F2 generation breeders.  相似文献   
To clarify the diversity and host associations of dipteran insects exploiting fungal fruiting bodies, we collected fruiting bodies at 18 localities in Hokuriku region, central Japan, from 2012 to 2015 and examined them for the emergence of insects. In total, 14,107 dipteran individuals belonging to 20 families emerged from fungi of 8 orders, 25 families, 49 genera and 129 species. Approximately 79% of dipteran individuals belonged to three families, Phoridae, Muscidae and Drosophilidae. The faunal similarity at the family level was relatively high between central (warm‐temperate) and northern (cool‐temperate) areas of Japan. However, the species composition of Drosophilidae was much different between central and northern Japan. The difference in the species composition was discussed in relation to the climatic conditions and fungal flora. None of the species from Drosophilidae, Phoridae, Muscidae, Mycetophilidae, Lonchaeidae and Chloropidae were specialists (they exploited more than one species of fungi), but they showed differences their fungi preference. Adults of some families, especially Drosophilidae, were frequently collected from fruiting bodies, but those of other families were seldom collected, probably reflecting differences in adult feeding ecology.  相似文献   
In theory, extirpated plant species can be reintroduced and managed to restore sustainable populations. However, few reintroduced plants are known to persist for more than a few years. Our adaptive‐management case study illustrates how we restored the endangered hemiparasitic annual plant, Chloropyron maritimum subsp. maritimum (salt marsh bird's beak), to Sweetwater Marsh, San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge, California, United States, and used monitoring and experimentation to identify the factors limiting the reintroduced population. After extirpation in 1988, reintroduction starting that year led to a resilient, genetically diverse population in 2016 (a “boom” of approximately 14,000) that rebounded from a “bust” (62 in 2014). Multiple regressions attributed 82% of the variation in population counts to tidal amplitude, rainfall, and temperature. Populations of salt marsh bird's beak crashed when the diurnal tide range peaked during the 18.6‐year lunar nodal cycle (a rarely considered factor that periodically added approximately 12 cm to tidal ranges). We explain booms as follows: During smaller tidal amplitudes, above‐average rainfall could desalinize upper intertidal soils and stimulate salt marsh bird's beak germination. Then, moderate temperature in May favors growth to reproduction in June. In addition, salt marsh bird's beak needs a short and open canopy of native perennial plants, with roots to parasitize (not non‐native annual grass pseudohosts) and nearby upland soil for a preferred pollinator, ground‐burrowing bees. Although our reintroduced salt marsh bird's beak population is an exceptional case of persistence, this rare species‐specific environmental and biological requirement makes it vulnerable to rising sea levels and global warming.  相似文献   
Few studies have looked into climate change resilience of populations of wild animals. We use a model higher vertebrate, the green sea turtle, as its life history is fundamentally affected by climatic conditions, including temperature‐dependent sex determination and obligate use of beaches subject to sea level rise (SLR). We use empirical data from a globally important population in West Africa to assess resistance to climate change within a quantitative framework. We project 200 years of primary sex ratios (1900–2100) and create a digital elevation model of the nesting beach to estimate impacts of projected SLR. Primary sex ratio is currently almost balanced, with 52% of hatchlings produced being female. Under IPCC models, we predict: (a) an increase in the proportion of females by 2100 to 76%–93%, but cooler temperatures, both at the end of the nesting season and in shaded areas, will guarantee male hatchling production; (b) IPCC SLR scenarios will lead to 33.4%–43.0% loss of the current nesting area; (c) climate change will contribute to population growth through population feminization, with 32%–64% more nesting females expected by 2120; (d) as incubation temperatures approach lethal levels, however, the population will cease growing and start to decline. Taken together with other factors (degree of foraging plasticity, rookery size and trajectory, and prevailing threats), this nesting population should resist climate change until 2100, and the availability of spatial and temporal microrefugia indicates potential for resilience to predicted impacts, through the evolution of nest site selection or changes in nesting phenology. This represents the most comprehensive assessment to date of climate change resilience of a marine reptile using the most up‐to‐date IPCC models, appraising the impacts of temperature and SLR, integrated with additional ecological and demographic parameters. We suggest this as a framework for other populations, species and taxa.  相似文献   
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