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Laboratory studies with the southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula (L.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), feeding on seeds or fruits of some alternate host plants, demonstrated differences in nymphal survival and development time, and body weight at adult emergence. Lowest mortalities (25%) were observed for nymphs on fruits of dakota mustard [Brassica kaber (DC.)] and siberian motherwort (Leonurus sibiricus L.). On fruits of castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) nymph mortality was ca. 60%, and on mature seeds of L. sibiricus ca. 75%. Total development time from second instar to adult ranged from ca. 26 days on B. kaber to ca. 42 days on R. communis. Fresh body weight at adult emergence was greatest for nymphs on L. sibiricus and lowest on R. communis. Adult survival after 30 days and mean longevity was greater on L. sibiricus than on the remaining foods, being drastically reduced on R. communis. In general, reproductive performance on all foods was similar, except R. communis, on which no female reproduced. Female weight gain of N. viridula was generally greater on L. sibiricus On R. communis, adults lost weight during their first week and showed the lowest weight gain at the end of day 29. Field observations coupled with these laboratory studies suggest that in the Warta area (northern Paraná state, Brazil, 23° 11 S), L. sibiricus and B. kaber are important alternate food plants in the seasonal phenology of N. viridula. R. communis, however, is of poor nutritional quality, serving primarily as a refuge.
Résumé L'alimentation au laboratoire de N. viridula avec les graines et les fruits de diverses plantes a entraîné différentes mortalités larvaires, différentes vitesses de développement et des différences dans les poids des adultes à l'émergence. Les mortalités les plus faibles (25%) on été observées avec les fruits de Brassica kaber DC. et de Leonurus sibiricus L.Avec les fruits de Ricinus communis L., la mortalité larvaire était de 60%; sur graines mûres de L. sibiricus, elle était de 75%. La durée du développement du second stade à l'adulte a varié de 26 jours sur B. kaber à 42 jours sur R. communis. Le poids frais des adultes à l'émergence était le plus élevé avec L. sibiricus et le plus faible avec de R. communis. La longévité des adultes au-delà de 30 jours était la plus élevée avec L. sibiricus, et était fortement réduite avec R. communis. Dans l'ensemble, la reproduction était de même importance avec les différents aliments, à l'exception de R. communis avec lequel les femelles ne se reproduisaient pas. Le gain de poids des femelles était généralement supérieur avec L. sibiricus; avec R. communis les adultes ont perdu du poids pendant la première semaine et ont présenté le plus faible gain à la fin du 29ème jour.Des observations dans la nature, associées à ces expériences de laboratoire, laissent supposer que dans la zone de Warta (au Nord de l'état de Paraná, 23° 11 S, au Bresil), L. sibiricus et B. kaber sont des plantes hôtes alternatives importantes dans la phénologie saisonnière de N. viridula. Cependant, R. communis, de faible valeur alimentaire, sert avant tout de refuge.
Previous analysis of Rendille household herd composition revealed a transition from camel to cattle ownership for sedentary impoverished Rendille pastoralists of northern Kenya. In an attempt to delineate determinants of livestock holdings, logistic regression analysis of 112 household herds from the Rendille settlement of Korr, Marsabit District, Kenya was undertaken. Results indicated that household wealth, measured in present livestock holdings, past drought losses, and livestock sales, formed better predictors of cattle ownership than did household characteristics pertaining to labor supply, wage earners, age-set membership, and birth order of household head. These results are discussed in light of pastoral strategies designed to minimize risk.  相似文献   
Much of pastoral development in Africa has been predicted on the assumed desirability of converting pastoralists to commercial beef producers. Such development has ignored two fundamental aspects of pastoral production: first, the greater human support capacity of a dual milk/meat production system, and second, significant wealth inequality within pastoral communities. This paper presents a case study based on several years of field research in Kenya Maasailand; it examines variations by wealth status in milking strategies and the level of milk offtake for human consumption. Rich households have five times the number of cattle per reference adult as poor households, but similar levels of milk consumption, due to differences in the allocation of milk between calves and people. Residential location and watering frequency also vary by wealth status, contributing to a difference in total milk production per cow.The research and the major part of the writing of this paper were done while the author was a scientist with the Kenya Country Program of the International Livestock Center for Africa. Finishing touches were done at the International Laboratory for Research on Animal Disseases. Neither organization bears responsibility for the content. I wish to thank P. N. deLeeuw for long and valuable discussions; the animal science aspects of the research also benefitted from discussions with K. Wagenaar and M. Nicholson. P. Lembuya was, as always, a faithful and demanding assistant. The useful comments of S. Sandford, T. Conelly, U. Herren, and J. Ensminger are also appreciated.  相似文献   
A macromorphological study is made on taxa of the genusOrnithogalum subg.Heliocharmos in North Africa, Spain, and France. The results obtained are consistent with data from cytogenetics, reproductive biology and strategies of reproduction. They allow the retention of two species:O. algeriense andO. umbellatum. A biogeographical and phylogenetic interpretation of the subgenus is proposed for the western Mediterranean. Theoretical views on phenetics are discussed.  相似文献   
Surveys of pastoral households in a semi-nomadic Borana community during 1987–1988 were used to test the hypothesis that poorer families living closest to a market town would be most affected by the enhanced opportunity to sell dairy products, which would intensify competition between people and calves for milk and have negative implications for calf management. These poorer families indeed reported the highest rates of milk offtake per cow, and the milk increment was probably sold to purchase more grain for human consumption at the expense of milk intake for the calf. Consequently, this strategy may increase the susceptibility of malnourished calves to disease, especially those from lower-producing dams. Benefits of improved human energy intake from grain and retention of livestock capital must be weighed against risks of calf death and possible malnutrition of people from milk restriction when assessing dairy marketing trade-offs that are most acute for the poor. Opportunity to sell dairy products at favorable terms of trade helps the poorest people survive, and their risks could be mitigated by policies that facilitate grain marketing in the rangelands and interventions that improve calf feeding management, diversify human diets, and create alternative opportunities for women to generate income. The households postulated to be most at risk were identified from a complex, but logical, interaction among factors of distance to market, household wealth, and the quality of milking cows held. This indicates that targeting such needy groups for development assistance may require a more detailed and interdisciplinary analysis of production systems than is commonly practiced.  相似文献   
Synopsis Of 23 males and 39 females of Plecodus straeleni observed for one hour each, 2 males and 14 females searched for the mouthbrooder Cyathopharynx furcifer under courtship display near or in the bower to get eggs, besides foraging for other prey to ripe off scales and skin. After finding a courting C. furcifer, they quietly waited on the substrate near the bower until it spawned. Immediately after spawning, the waiting P. straeleni dashed upon the female of C. furcifer and quickly collected the eggs. This egg-eating was achieved 5 times by 3 females who spent most of their time searching and waiting.  相似文献   
Effects of several population densities ofMeloidogyne incognita on the sweet potato cultivars Centennial (susceptible) and Jasper (moderately resistant) were studied. Field plots were infested with initial levels (Pi) of 0, 10, 100, 1,000, 5,000, and 10,000 eggs and juveniles/500 cm³ soil in 1980 and 0, 100, 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000, and 5,000 in 1981. M. incognita population development trends were similar on both cultivars; however, at high Pi, more eggs and juveniles were recovered from Centennial than from Jasper. The highest Pi did not result in the highest mid-season (Pm) counts. Pi was negatively correlated with the number of marketable roots and root weight but positively correlated with total cracked roots, percentage of cracked roots, and cracking severity. Jasper tolerated higher Pi with greater yields and better root quality than Centennial. Cracking of fleshy roots occurred with both cultivars at low Pi.  相似文献   
All living trees (30 cm gbh) were enumerated in 104 80×80 m plots arranged along four transects in the Douala-Edea Forest Reserve Cameroun, a system of low-lying ancient coastal sand dunes interspersed by numerous streams and swamps. The extent of permanent and seasonal swamps was recorded for each plot. Two hundred thirty taxa were recognized of which 63% were identified to species. Mean tree density was 376 ha–1, basal area 31.0 m2 ha–1 and number of species per plot 39. The Olacaceae were the most abundant family in terms of basal area, but the Euphorbiaceae the most frequently represented. The most abundant species wasCoula edulis (Olacaceae). Twenty-two plots had most of their area permanently or seasonally swamped. Percentage sand, silt and clay ranged between 32–100, 0–64, 0–21% respectively. The ranges for other variables recorded were: pH (2.7–5.4), organic carbon (1.5–12.4%), available phosphorus (7–90 ppm) and potassium (28–188 ppm), and nitrogen (ammonium 4–40 ppm, nitrate 1–12 ppm).Classification of the plots on the basis of six soil variables provided three large distinct groups: swamp plots and non-swamp plots, the latter divided into plots of low and high available soil phosphorus. Swamp plots were distinguished by high abundances ofProtomegabaria stapfiana andLibrevillea klainei, though correspondence ordination of plots in these groups showedP. stapfiana associated with more clayey soils andLibrevillea klainei (andGluema ivorensis) on the very sandy soils. Direct gradient analysis highlighted several species associated with these lower phosphorus soils. Available soil phosphorus is not as low at Douala-Edea as in parts of Korup, and the association of these Douala-Edea soils with the Caesalpinioideae is correspondingly weaker.Nomenclature follows Aubréville (1963–1983).The field work was supported by grant numbers RR00167-14, RR00167-15 and RR0167-16 from the National Institutes of Health for the operation of the Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center, and N.A.T.O. Scientific Affairs grant number 1748 (to PGW and JSG). It was greatly facilitated by the skill and dedication of Ferdinand Namata. R. M. Polhill and D. W. Thomas assisted considerably in the identification of plant species. Sue Gartlan collected and collated the meteorological data, besides other field support. In the field phase J.S.G., P.G.W. and D.B.McK. were researches attached to the National Office of Scientific and Technical Research (ONAREST), Yaoundé. We thank M. D. Swaine for comments on earlier drafts, R. Letouzey for checking species nomenclature, the Computer Unit at Stirling University for facilities, M. Burnett for the typing at Stirling, and the Department of Soil Science, University of Wisconsin, for undertaking the soil chemical analyses.Reprint requests to D.McC.N. at Stirling.Publication No. 23-025 of the Wisconsin Regional Primate Center.  相似文献   
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