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A study was conducted with non-conventional ingredients to test their efficacy as fishmeal (FM) replacers in the diet of fringe- lipped carp. Labeo fimbriatus first feeding larvae and fry were reared for 30 and 60 days in indoor, 50 L, aerated, circular plastic tanks at 100 and 30 numbers tank−1, respectively. In the first feeding larvae to fry rearing experiment (Exp. 1), the fish were fed with either of the following isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets – live plankton, FM diet, green bottle fly (Lucilia sericata) larvae meal (GBFLM) diet and silkworm pupa (SWP) diet. The fry to fingerling rearing (Exp. 2), was also conducted using the same diets described above except live plankton. All compounded diets were formulated to contain 40% crude protein for the experiment 1 and 35% for experiment 2 and were fed ad libitum. Triplicate tanks were maintained for each treatment in both the experiments. In Exp. 1, the mean final weight of fry was higher with plankton and FM diets, while no difference (p > .05) was observed between FM and GBFLM diets. Weight of fish fed SWP diets was not statistically different from those fed GBFLM diet. No difference (p > .05) in final length, survival and condition factor was recorded. Analysis of digestive enzyme activity of whole fish revealed lower (p < .05) activity of amylase in fish fed plankton. In Exp. 2, no difference (p > .05) was observed between the different diet groups in terms of mean final weight, length, survival and condition factor. Analysis of digestive enzyme activity of whole fish revealed no difference (p > .05) in the activity of digestive enzymes between the treatments except a lower (p < .05) activity of trypsin in FM diet and lipase in FM and GBFLM diets. Since the survival and condition factors of animals is the most important aspect during nursery rearing, similar (p > .05) values recorded in different treatments indicate the possibility of incorporation of these non-conventional protein sources in the diet of L. fimbriatus during first feeding larvae to fry and fry to fingerling rearing.  相似文献   
This study tested genetic microbial source tracking (MST) methods for identifying ruminant- (BacR) and human-associated (HF183/BacR287, BacHum) bacterial faecal contaminants in Ethiopia in a newly created regional faecal sample bank (n = 173). BacR performed well, and its marker abundance was high (100% sensitivity (Sens), 95% specificity (Spec), median log10 8·1 marker equivalents (ME) g−1 ruminant faeces). Human-associated markers tested were less abundant in individual human samples (median: log10 5·4 and 4·2 (ME + 1) g−1) and were not continuously detected (81% Sens, 91% Spec for BacHum; 77% Sens, 91% Spec for HF183/BacR287). Furthermore, the pig-associated Pig2Bac assay was included and performed excellent (100% Sens, 100% Spec). To evaluate the presence of MST targets in the soil microbiome, representative soil samples were tested during a whole seasonal cycle (n = 60). Only BacR could be detected, but was limited to the dry season and to sites of higher anthropogenic influence (log10 3·0 to 4·9 (ME + 1) g−1 soil). In conclusion, the large differences in marker abundances between target and non-target faecal samples (median distances between distributions ≥log10 3 to ≥log10 7) and their absence in pristine soil indicate that all tested assays are suitable candidates for diverse MST applications in the Ethiopian area.  相似文献   
温度变化和钾添加对扁秆藨草生长及繁殖的影响 人类活动导致的气候变暖和农业面源污染已被认为是影响湿地植物生长和繁殖的重要因素。为了预 测和缓解这些人类活动的影响,研究沼泽植物如何响应这些环境变化具有重要意义。本研究选取在欧亚 大陆广泛分布的莎草科球茎植物扁秆藨草(Bolboschoenus planiculmis)为研究对象,考察气温变化(恒温: 15、20、25 °C及交替温度:20/10和30/15 °C)和钾添加(0、1、3、9 和18 mmol/L)对其生长和繁殖性状 的影响。研究结果表明,高的恒温(20、25 °C)比高的交替温度(30/15 °C)更有利于扁秆藨草球茎的形成, 而地上生物量和株高一般在较高温度下(30/15、25 °C)达到最大值。扁秆藨草的繁殖和生长性状均与施钾量 呈驼峰型关系,最适施钾量在1–3 mmol/L K。高恒温效应和最适钾浓度的交互作用对繁殖性状的促进作 用最大,但是,较高的温度(30/15和25 °C)和0–9 mmol/L的钾浓度只促进了生长性状的生长。综上所述, 扁秆藨草的种群优势度可能受益于全球变暖和额外的钾添加。  相似文献   

The established practice of forest ecosystem inventory and monitoring is recognised as a main support for terrestrial natural renewable resource survey programmes. Inventory and monitoring programmes focused on an overall assessment of ecosystem attributes evolving into global environmental survey programmes have been devised, but implementation is still quite contradictory. The state-of-the-art is discussed here, with special reference to the European Union and Italy. Topical issues are reviewed, with selective concern to: remote sensing capability, probability sampling, forest type (habitat) classification and landscape ecology, sustainable management indicators. Benefits brought by information technology are highlighted. Its development and the implementation of approaches based on a sound “per habitat” landscape ecological perspective will bring unique benefits, thus leading to an effective integration among sector surveys aimed at global environmental inventory/monitoring.  相似文献   
Zehui Jiang 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(2):127-131

A pollen diagram from a small lake, Kutulahdenlampi, in northern Finland is interpreted in terms of the development of forest vegetation during the Holocene. The abundance of each of the forest taxa is considered independently by means of pollen accumulation rates (PARs), using as the reference material, long term average pollen deposition values monitored by a network of pollen traps. Particular attention is paid to the arrival of spruce and to the species in the original forests that this newcomer replaces. A model of pollen dispersal and deposition developed by Sugita is used to estimate the area around the lake that the pollen assemblage is most clearly reflecting. This relevant source area of pollen (RSAP), for the present day situations is c. 1,500 m. Pollen loadings calculated for a simulated landscape that mimics (i) that of the present day and (ii) for the situation at 8,000 BP (as deduced from the PARs) are compared with the pollen assemblages from the diagram at those points in time, and are seen to be compatible. The advantages of combining PAR and modelling to look at the spatial scale of vegetation reconstructions are discussed.  相似文献   
The role of tree mortality in the global carbon balance is complicated by strong spatial and temporal heterogeneity that arises from the stochastic nature of carbon loss through disturbance. Characterizing spatio‐temporal variation in mortality (including disturbance) and its effects on forest and carbon dynamics is thus essential to understanding the current global forest carbon sink, and to predicting how it will change in future. We analyzed forest inventory data from the eastern United States to estimate plot‐level variation in mortality (relative to a long‐term background rate for individual trees) for nine distinct forest regions. Disturbances that produced at least a fourfold increase in tree mortality over an approximately 5 year interval were observed in 1–5% of plots in each forest region. The frequency of disturbance was lowest in the northeast, and increased southwards along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts as fire and hurricane disturbances became progressively more common. Across the central and northern parts of the region, natural disturbances appeared to reflect a diffuse combination of wind, insects, disease, and ice storms. By linking estimated covariation in tree growth and mortality over time with a data‐constrained forest dynamics model, we simulated the implications of stochastic variation in mortality for long‐term aboveground biomass changes across the eastern United States. A geographic gradient in disturbance frequency induced notable differences in biomass dynamics between the least‐ and most‐disturbed regions, with variation in mortality causing the latter to undergo considerably stronger fluctuations in aboveground stand biomass over time. Moreover, regional simulations showed that a given long‐term increase in mean mortality rates would support greater aboveground biomass when expressed through disturbance effects compared with background mortality, particularly for early‐successional species. The effects of increased tree mortality on carbon stocks and forest composition may thus depend partly on whether future mortality increases are chronic or episodic in nature.  相似文献   
An intensive regional research campaign was conducted by the North American Carbon Program (NACP) in 2007 to study the carbon cycle of the highly productive agricultural regions of the Midwestern United States. Forty‐five different associated projects were conducted across five US agencies over the course of nearly a decade involving hundreds of researchers. One of the primary objectives of the intensive campaign was to investigate the ability of atmospheric inversion techniques to use highly calibrated CO2 mixing ratio data to estimate CO2 flux over the major croplands of the United States by comparing the results to an inventory of CO2 fluxes. Statistics from densely monitored crop production, consisting primarily of corn and soybeans, provided the backbone of a well studied bottom‐up inventory flux estimate that was used to evaluate the atmospheric inversion results. Estimates were compared to the inventory from three different inversion systems, representing spatial scales varying from high resolution mesoscale (PSU), to continental (CSU) and global (CarbonTracker), coupled to different transport models and optimization techniques. The inversion‐based mean CO2‐C sink estimates were generally slightly larger, 8–20% for PSU, 10–20% for CSU, and 21% for CarbonTracker, but statistically indistinguishable, from the inventory estimate of 135 TgC. While the comparisons show that the MCI region‐wide C sink is robust across inversion system and spatial scale, only the continental and mesoscale inversions were able to reproduce the spatial patterns within the region. In general, the results demonstrate that inversions can recover CO2 fluxes at sub‐regional scales with a relatively high density of CO2 observations and adequate information on atmospheric transport in the region.  相似文献   
Human M-proinsulin was cleaved by trypsin at the R31R32–E33 and K64R65–G66 bonds (B/C and C/A junctions), showing the same cleavage specificity as exhibited by prohormone convertases 1 and 2 respectively. Buffalo/bovine M-proinsulin was also cleaved by trypsin at the K59R60–G61 bond but at the B/C junction cleavage occurred at the R31R32–E33 as well as the R31–R32E33 bond. Thus, the human isoform in the native state, with a 31 residue connecting C-peptide, seems to have a unique structure around the B/C and C/A junctions and cleavage at these sites is predominantly governed by the structure of the proinsulin itself. In the case of both the proinsulin species the cleavage at the B/C junction was preferred (65%) over that at the C/A junction (35%) supporting the earlier suggestion of the presence of some form of secondary structure at the C/A junction. Proinsulin and its derivatives, as natural substrates for trypsin, were used and mass spectrometric analysis showed that the kcat./Km values for the cleavage were most favourable for the scission of the bonds at the two junctions (1.02 ± 0.08 × 105 s− 1 M− 1) and the cleavage of the K29–T30 bond of M-insulin-RR (1.3 ± 0.07 × 105 s− 1 M− 1). However, the K29–T30 bond in M-insulin, insulin as well as M-proinsulin was shielded from attack by trypsin (kcat./Km values around 1000 s− 1 M− 1). Hence, as the biosynthetic path follows the sequence; proinsulin → insulin-RR → insulin, the K29–T30 bond becomes shielded, exposed then shielded again respectively.  相似文献   
Three yeast cytochrome c peroxidase (CcP) variants with apolar distal heme pockets have been constructed. The CcP variants have Arg48, Trp51, and His52 mutated to either all alanines, CcP(triAla), all valines, CcP(triVal), or all leucines, CcP(triLeu). The triple mutants have detectable enzymatic activity at pH 6 but the activity is less than 0.02% that of wild-type CcP. The activity loss is primarily due to the decreased rate of reaction between the triple mutants and H2O2 compared to wild-type CcP. Spectroscopic properties and cyanide binding characteristics of the triple mutants have been investigated over the pH stability region of CcP, pH 4 to 8. The absorption spectra indicate that the CcP triple mutants have hemes that are predominantly five-coordinate, high-spin at pH 5 and six-coordinate, low-spin at pH 8. Cyanide binding to the triple mutants is biphasic indicating that the triple mutants have two slowly-exchanging conformational states with different cyanide affinities. The binding affinity for cyanide is reduced at least two orders of magnitude in the triple mutants compared to wild-type CcP and the rate of cyanide binding is reduced by four to five orders of magnitude. Correlation of the reaction rates of CcP and 12 distal pocket mutants with H2O2 and HCN suggests that both reactions require ionization of the reactants within the distal heme pocket allowing the anion to bind the heme iron. Distal pocket features that promote substrate ionization (basic residues involved in base-catalyzed substrate ionization or polar residues that can stabilize substrate anions) increase the overall rate of reaction with H2O2 and HCN while features that inhibit substrate ionization slow the reactions.  相似文献   
【背景】假单胞菌PA1201是一株水稻根际促生菌,其产生的次生代谢物藤黄绿菌素(pyoluteorin,Plt)能够有效抑制多种植物病原真菌和细菌的生长,但在常规培养条件下Plt产量极低。【目的】研究碳源对Plt生物合成的影响,为提高Plt的产量以及应用提供理论基础。【方法】将基本培养基(minimal medium,MM)中甘露醇替换为不同的碳源及碳源组合作为PA1201的培养基,生长过程中不同时间点取样提取Plt,利用高效液相色谱(HPLC)法分析Plt的产量变化。【结果】建立了基于HPLC定性和定量检测Plt的方法;比较了PA1201菌株在不同培养基中菌株生长和Plt的产量,发现果糖和甘露醇促进Plt生物合成;果糖和甘露醇对Plt生物合成没有增效作用;在含有甘露醇或果糖作为唯一碳源的培养基中,添加葡萄糖或琥珀酸抑制Plt生物合成。【结论】果糖和甘露醇促进水稻根际假单胞菌PA1201合成藤黄绿菌素,这为提高藤黄绿菌素的生物合成效率和促进藤黄绿菌素的应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   
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