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The commercial pipeline of monoclonal antibodies is highly dynamic, with a multitude of transitions occurring during the year as product candidates advance through the clinical phases and onto the market. The data presented here add to that provided in the extensive “Antibodies to watch in 2014” report published in the January/February 2014 issue of mAbs. Recent phase transition data suggest that 2014 may be a banner year for first approvals of antibody therapeutics. As of May 2014, three products, ramucirumab (Cyramza®), siltuximab (Sylvant®) and vedolizumab (EntyvioTM), had been granted first approvals in the United States, and four additional antibody therapeutics (secukinumab, dinutuximab, nivolumab, pembrolizumab) are undergoing regulatory review in either the US or the European Union. Other notable events include the start of first Phase 3 studies for seven antibody therapeutics (dupilumab, SA237, etrolizumab, MPDL3280A, bavituximab, clivatuzumab tetraxetan, blinatumomab). Relevant data for these product candidates are summarized, and metrics for antibody therapeutics development are discussed.  相似文献   
The study of protein function usually requires the use of a cloned version of the gene for protein expression and functional assays. This strategy is particularly important when the information available regarding function is limited. The functional characterization of the thousands of newly identified proteins revealed by genomics requires faster methods than traditional single‐gene experiments, creating the need for fast, flexible, and reliable cloning systems. These collections of ORF clones can be coupled with high‐throughput proteomics platforms, such as protein microarrays and cell‐based assays, to answer biological questions. In this tutorial, we provide the background for DNA cloning, discuss the major high‐throughput cloning systems (Gateway® Technology, Flexi® Vector Systems, and CreatorTM DNA Cloning System) and compare them side‐by‐side. We also report an example of high‐throughput cloning study and its application in functional proteomics. This tutorial is part of the International Proteomics Tutorial Programme (IPTP12).  相似文献   
In this study, by applying a combined approach of NMR measurements and molecular modelling, the conformations and the interactions with membrane-like environment of five arginine vasopressin (AVP) or oxytocin (OT) analogues modified with Cα-disubstituted cis-1-amino-4-phenylcyclohexane-1-carboxylic acid in position 2 have been determined. In addition, the AVP analogues were prepared in N-acylated forms with various bulky acyl groups. All of the peptides studied interacted with the mixed dodecylphosphocholine:sodium dodecyl sulphate micelle, providing a model of biological membrane. A different polarities of the AVP- and OT-like peptides resulted in their different position relative to the micelle surface. Thus, the arrangement of the former was nearly perpendicular, whereas the latter was rather parallel to the micelle's surface. Moreover, the results of our studies have shown that the binding sites for antagonists may be overlapped with that for agonists, as well as it may be quite different. Nevertheless, the aromatic–aromatic contacts represent the most important interactions for antagonists, whereas the hydrophilic interactions seem to be crucial for agonists.  相似文献   
Seven Mannich base derivatives of polyether antibiotic Lasalocid acid (2a2g) were synthesized and screened for their antiproliferative activity against various human cancer cell lines. A novel chemoselective one-pot synthesis of these Mannich bases was developed. Compounds 2a2c and 2g with sterically smaller dialkylamine substituent, displayed potent antiproliferative activity (IC50: 3.2–7.3 μM), and demonstrated higher than twofold selectivity for specific type of cancer. The nature of Mannich base substituent on C-2 atom at the aromatic ring may be critical in the search for selectivity towards a particular cancer cell.  相似文献   
Guanase is an important enzyme of the purine salvage pathway of nucleic acid metabolism and its inhibition has beneficial implications in viral, bacterial, and cancer therapy. The work described herein is based on a hypothesis that azepinomycin, a heterocyclic natural product and a purported transition state analog inhibitor of guanase, does not represent the true transition state of the enzyme-catalyzed reaction as closely as does iso-azepinomycin, wherein the 6-hydroxy group of azepinomycin has been translocated to the 5-position. Based on this hypothesis, and assuming that iso-azepinomycin would bind to guanase at the same active site as azepinomycin, several analogs of iso-azepinomycin were designed and successfully synthesized in order to gain a preliminary understanding of the hydrophobic and hydrophilic sites surrounding the guanase binding site of the ligand. Specifically, the analogs were designed to explore the hydrophobic pockets, if any, in the vicinity of N1, N3, and N4 nitrogen atoms as well as O5 oxygen atom of iso-azepinomycin. Biochemical inhibition studies of these analogs were performed using a mammalian guanase. Our results indicate that (1) increasing the hydrophobicity near O5 results in a negative effect, (2) translocating the hydrophobicity from N3 to N1 also results in decreased inhibition, (3) increasing the hydrophobicity near N3 or N4 produces significant enhancement of inhibition, (4) increasing the hydrophobicity at either N3 or N4 with a simultaneous increase in hydrophobicity at O5 considerably diminishes any gain in inhibition made by solely enhancing hydrophobicity at N3 or N4, and (5) finally, increasing the hydrophilic character near N3 has also a deleterious effect on inhibition. The most potent compound in the series has a Ki value of 8.0 ± 1.5 μM against rabbit liver guanase.  相似文献   
Recent investigations have shown that members of the KCTD family play important roles in fundamental biological processes. Despite their roles, very limited information is available on their structures and molecular organization. By combining different experimental and theoretical techniques, we have here characterized the two folded domains of KCTD12, an integral component and modulator of the GABAB2 receptor. Secondary prediction methods and CD spectroscopy have shown that the N‐terminal domain KCTD12BTB assumes an α/β structure, whereas the C‐terminal domain KCTD12H1 is predominantly characterized by a β‐structure. Binding assays indicate that the two domains independently expressed show a good affinity for each other. This suggests that the overall protein is likely endowed with a rather compact structure with two interacting structured domains joint by a long disordered region. Notably, both KCTD12BTB and KCTD12H1 are tetrameric when individually expressed. This finding could modify the traditional view that ascribes only to POZ/BTB domain a specific oligomerization role. The first quantification of the affinity of KCTD12POZ/BTB for the C‐terminal region of GABAB2 shows that it falls in the low micromolar range. Interestingly, we also demonstrate that a GABAB2‐related peptide is able to bind KCTD12BTB with a very high affinity. This peptide may represent a useful tool for modulating KCTD12/GABAB2 interaction in vitro and may also constitute the starting point for the development of peptidomimetic compounds with a potential for therapeutic applications. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Previous studies have found variability and individual distinctiveness in the echolocation calls of bats. We consider two implications of individually distinct echolocation calls: 1) whether bats may be able to use such variation to recognise familiar conspecifics, and 2) whether investigators could use such variation to identify known individuals or to census populations. We compared the discriminability of the echolocation calls of big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) recorded in three situations: (a) while held in the hand, (b) while perched on a platform, and (c) while flying in an anechoic chamber. Using variables describing each sonar call, we employed discriminant function analysis (DFA) to assign calls to recording situation or to bat. Discrimination of calls by recording situation was largely unsuccessful, although flying calls could be distinguished from platform calls. Assignment of calls to individual bat across recording situations yielded 72% success, and, within a given recording situation, yielded 87% success. Stepwise DFA reduced the number of variables needed to discriminate between individuals with only a slight decrease in correct classification. These results suggest that bats (or researchers) may be able to use the information contained in the echolocation calls for individual recognition. Individual distinctiveness raises the possibility of censusing bats by sound. We used cluster analysis in an attempt to determine whether, given a sample of calls from an unknown number of bats, a reasonable estimate of the number of bats could be obtained. Results were unsatisfactory, suggesting that cluster analysis probably will not permit acoustic censusing of bats in the field.  相似文献   
Plasmids have long been recognized as an important driver of DNA exchange and genetic innovation in prokaryotes. The success of plasmids has been attributed to their independent replication from the host''s chromosome and their frequent self-transfer. It is thought that plasmids accumulate, rearrange and distribute nonessential genes, which may provide an advantage for host proliferation under selective conditions. In order to test this hypothesis independently of biases from culture selection, we study the plasmid metagenome from microbial communities in two activated sludge systems, one of which receives mostly household and the other chemical industry wastewater. We find that plasmids from activated sludge microbial communities carry among the largest proportion of unknown gene pools so far detected in metagenomic DNA, confirming their presumed role of DNA innovators. At a system level both plasmid metagenomes were dominated by functions associated with replication and transposition, and contained a wide variety of antibiotic and heavy metal resistances. Plasmid families were very different in the two metagenomes and grouped in deep-branching new families compared with known plasmid replicons. A number of abundant plasmid replicons could be completely assembled directly from the metagenome, providing insight in plasmid composition without culturing bias. Functionally, the two metagenomes strongly differed in several ways, including a greater abundance of genes for carbohydrate metabolism in the industrial and of general defense factors in the household activated sludge plasmid metagenome. This suggests that plasmids not only contribute to the adaptation of single individual prokaryotic species, but of the prokaryotic community as a whole under local selective conditions.  相似文献   
Restriction fragment length polymorphism tools is an R application which supports a complete workflow of polymerase chain reaction‐restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR‐RFLP), dealing with the problems which accompany analysis when PCR‐RFLP is used in diversity studies. Large numbers of different RFLP samples obtained from multiple electrophoresis runs might lead to limitations or misidentifications due to the need for band matching in most existing software applications. Due to the common problem of variation in the density of bands (i.e. distances between bands or visual intensity) in the electropherograms, it is desirable to have options for handling samples with uncertain or faint bands. As a further step in the workflow, scientists often use DNA sequencing to identify individual genotypes, so that the use of specific software to combine these tasks might be helpful. With this background, we here present an application that supports a complete workflow, starting with the analysis of single species samples by PCR‐RFLP, to PCR‐RFLP genotype identification based on a reference data set and DNA sequencing followed by similarity analysis. RFLPtools is a freely available, platform‐independent application which provides analysis functions for DNA fragment molecular weights (e.g. by RFLP analysis), including similarity calculations without the need for band matching. As it is written for the statistical software R, other statistical analyses might also be easily applied.  相似文献   
Antibodies are widely exploited as research/diagnostic tools and therapeutics. Despite providing exciting research opportunities, the multitude of available antibodies also offers a bewildering array of choice. Importantly, not all companies comply with the highest standards, and thus many reagents fail basic validation tests. The responsibility for antibodies being fit for purpose rests, surprisingly, with their user. This paper condenses the extensive experience of the European Monoclonal Antibody Network to help researchers identify antibodies specific for their target antigen. A stepwise strategy is provided for prioritising antibodies and making informed decisions regarding further essential validation requirements. Web-based antibody validation guides provide practical approaches for testing antibody activity and specificity. We aim to enable researchers with little or no prior experience of antibody characterization to understand how to determine the suitability of their antibody for its intended purpose, enabling both time and cost effective generation of high quality antibody-based data fit for publication.  相似文献   
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