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The gut microbiota plays an important yet incompletely understood role in the induction and propagation of ulcerative colitis (UC). Organism-level efforts to identify UC-associated microbes have revealed the importance of community structure, but less is known about the molecular effectors of disease. We performed 16S rRNA gene sequencing in parallel with label-free data-dependent LC-MS/MS proteomics to characterize the stool microbiomes of healthy (n = 8) and UC (n = 10) patients. Comparisons of taxonomic composition between techniques revealed major differences in community structure partially attributable to the additional detection of host, fungal, viral, and food peptides by metaproteomics. Differential expression analysis of metaproteomic data identified 176 significantly enriched protein groups between healthy and UC patients. Gene ontology analysis revealed several enriched functions with serine-type endopeptidase activity overrepresented in UC patients. Using a biotinylated fluorophosphonate probe and streptavidin-based enrichment, we show that serine endopeptidases are active in patient fecal samples and that additional putative serine hydrolases are detectable by this approach compared with unenriched profiling. Finally, as metaproteomic databases expand, they are expected to asymptotically approach completeness. Using ComPIL and de novo peptide sequencing, we estimate the size of the probable peptide space unidentified (“dark peptidome”) by our large database approach to establish a rough benchmark for database sufficiency. Despite high variability inherent in patient samples, our analysis yielded a catalog of differentially enriched proteins between healthy and UC fecal proteomes. This catalog provides a clinically relevant jumping-off point for further molecular-level studies aimed at identifying the microbial underpinnings of UC.  相似文献   
放线菌(Actinomycetes)是抗生素等活性天然产物的重要来源,在临床治疗病原菌感染等重大疾病方面发挥着重要作用。由于抗生素滥用等原因导致临床上出现的以耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, MRSA)等为代表的耐药病菌的种类和数量急剧增加,对人类生存造成了重大威胁。结合现代生物技术进展,加大放线菌来源新抗生素的开发力度刻不容缓。本文对新时期放线菌来源抗生素的发现现状、基于生理操作和基因操作的放线菌来源天然产物挖掘的技术方法等进行综述,以期对放线菌来源活性天然产物的发现提供借鉴。  相似文献   
The surface structures of the tongues of Dissostichus mawsoni, Trematomus bemacchii, f. borchgrevinki (Nototheniidae), Stemoptyx diaphana (Sternoptychidae), Diretmus sp. (Diretmidae), Cataetyx memorabilis (Ophidiidae), Photoblepharon palpebratus (Anomalopidae), Carapus mourlani (Carapidae) and Salmo gairdneri (Salmonidae) were investigated with the scanning electron microscope. The aim of the study was to test the theory that the degree to which gustatory receptors are developed morphologically in different species of fishes is related to the environment, and in particular to the variey of food present in the latter. It was found that in the two mesopelagic species, S. diaphana and Diretmus sp., taste receptors were poorly developed, but in the benthic deep-water fish C. memorabilii , which lives off South West Africa in a biologically rich environment, well-developed taste receptors occurred in large numbers. The three Antarctic species studied had similar tongue surface structures with rather well developed papillae of a moderate density. Photoblepharon palpebratus , in spite of its small tongue, possessed a large number of taste buds on elevated ridges; Carapus mourlani , however, had only very few obvious receptors and is thought to be a poor taster. Undoubtedly the highest degree of taste receptor development is found in the freshwater trout Salmo gairdneri. The results support the hypothesis that taste receptor development and the variety of food types preseni in a fish's environment are correlated.  相似文献   
A differential pH-termal titration apparatus is described which can detect pH differences with a sensitivity of ±0.0001 pH units and a thermal sensitivity of ±0.00002°C at a time constant of 0.1 s. With a reaction which yields 1 kcal mol−1, the current system can detect concentrations as low as 4×10−6 M or, in a 2 ml volume, a total amount of 40 nmol. With a time constant of 0.1 s, the sensitivity is 20±4 μ°C. The experimental protocol is specified by a microprocessor and three modes of operation are possible: titration at constant rate of reagent addition, titration at variable rates of addition so that the contents of both cells are at either constant pH or at a constant temperature and variable rate when a rate of change is specified. Experimental data are collected in files, corrected for heat loss, initial baseline drift, and changes in volume. The final corrected from the standardized run of 0.01338 M HCl in 0.2 M KCl at 25°C calibrate the pH scale yielded the calorimetric conversion constants and pKw which are calculated and stored for subsequent corrections for the titration of an unknown acid or the measurement of bindin constants and heats.  相似文献   
7,9-Diaryl-1,6,8-trioxaspiro[4.5]dec-3-en-2-ones are a recently described group of spirocyclic butenolides that can be generated rapidly and as a single diastereomer through a cascade process between γ-hydroxybutenolides and aromatic aldehydes. The following outlines our findings that these spirocycles are potently cytotoxic and have a dramatic structure–function profile that provides excellent insight into the structural features required for this potency.  相似文献   
High throughput covalent urease immobilization was performed through the amide bond formation between the urease and the amino-functional MNPs. The enzyme’s performances, including shelf-life, reusability, enzymatic kinetics, and the enzyme relative activity in organic media was improved. At optimal conditions, the immobilization efficiency was calculated about 95.0% with keeping 94.7% of the urease initial specific activity. The optimal pH for maximum activity of the free and immobilized urease was calculated as 7.0 at 37.0 °C and 8.0 at 60.0 °C, respectively. The kinetics studies showed the Km of 26.0 mM and 8.0 mM and the Vmax of 5.31 μmol mg−1 min−1 and 3.93 μmol mg−1 min−1 for the free and immobilized urease, respectively. The ratio Kcat/Km as a measure of catalytic efficiency and enzyme specificity was calculated as 0.09 mg mL−1 min−1 and 0.22 mg mL−1 min−1 for the free and immobilized urease, respectively, indicating an improvement in the enzymatic kinetics. The shelf-life and operational studies of immobilized urease indicated that approximately 97.7% and 88.5% of its initial activity was retained after 40 days and 17 operational cycles, respectively. The immobilized urease was utilized to urea removal from water samples with an efficiency between 91.5–95.0%.  相似文献   
Tropospheric ozone (O3) is an important stressor in natural ecosystems, with well‐documented impacts on soils, biota and ecological processes. The effects of O3 on individual plants and processes scale up through the ecosystem through effects on carbon, nutrient and hydrologic dynamics. Ozone effects on individual species and their associated microflora and fauna cascade through the ecosystem to the landscape level. Systematic injury surveys demonstrate that foliar injury occurs on sensitive species throughout the globe. However, deleterious impacts on plant carbon, water and nutrient balance can also occur without visible injury. Because sensitivity to O3 may follow coarse physiognomic plant classes (in general, herbaceous crops are more sensitive than deciduous woody plants, grasses and conifers), the task still remains to use stomatal O3 uptake to assess class and species’ sensitivity. Investigations of the radial growth of mature trees, in combination with data from many controlled studies with seedlings, suggest that ambient O3 reduces growth of mature trees in some locations. Models based on tree physiology and forest stand dynamics suggest that modest effects of O3 on growth may accumulate over time, other stresses (prolonged drought, excess nitrogen deposition) may exacerbate the direct effects of O3 on tree growth, and competitive interactions among species may be altered. Ozone exposure over decades may be altering the species composition of forests currently, and as fossil fuel combustion products generate more O3 than deteriorates in the atmosphere, into the future as well.  相似文献   
Many studies have documented the individual effects of variables such as vegetation, long‐term climate and short‐term weather on biodiversity. Few, however, have explicitly explored how interactions among these major drivers can influence species abundance. We used data from a 15‐year study (2002–2017) in the endangered temperate woodlands of south‐eastern Australia to test hypotheses associated with the effects of vegetation type, long‐term climate and short‐term weather on population trajectories of seven species of (largely) nocturnal mammals and birds. Despite prolonged drought conditions, there was a significant increase in the abundance of some species over time (e.g. the Eastern Grey Kangaroo). It is possible that destocking of domestic livestock may have reduced competition with Kangaroos, thereby facilitating increases in abundance. The Common Brushtail Possum and Common Ringtail Possum were significantly less likely to occur in replanted woodlands, possibly because of the paucity of nesting sites. We found no evidence that replanted woodlands are refuges for exotic pest species like the European Rabbit and Red Fox. Short‐ and long‐term rainfall and vegetation type had important independent and combined effects on animal abundance. That is, responses to periods of high short‐term rainfall were dependent on vegetation type and whether sites occurred in long‐term climatically wet versus climatically dry locations. For example, the Red Fox responded positively to high levels of short‐term rainfall, but only at climatically dry sites. Our results highlight the complementary value of different vegetation types across the landscape and the context‐specific responses of animals to short‐term fluctuations in moisture availability. They also underscore the value of long‐term monitoring at a landscape scale for examining how multiple interacting factors influence trends in animal abundance.  相似文献   
Affinity chromatography of a commercial preparation of 3-glu-cosidase from Aspergillus niger using concanavalin A-Sepharose (CAS) was employed as a means of purifying this glycoprotein. However, mannose (up to 1.08 M) was ineffective as an eluent of this enzyme from CAS, as were several other sugars and their derivatives, including 0.5 M glucose. Also, washing the CAS:8-glucosidase complex with buffer at pH 3.5 in the absence of MnCl2 and CaCl2 (required to preserve the binding activity of concanavalin A below pH 5.0) did not result in elution of this enzyme. On the contrary, endo-glucanase activity present in a crude cellulase complex (A. niger) which bound to CAS could be eluted by mannose (0.5–0.7 M) and was fractionated Into at least two components. The CAS:β-glucosidase complex hydrolyzed cellobiose to glucose and possessed an activity of 2, 158 units/g dry CAS. It could be used, therefore, for continuous cellobiose hydrolysis without leakage of enzyme from the support.  相似文献   
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