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Female preference for local cultural traits has been proposed as a barrier to breeding among animal populations. As such, several studies have found correlations between male bird song dialects and population genetics over relatively large distances. To investigate whether female choice for local dialects could act as a barrier to breeding between nearby and contiguous populations, we tested whether variation in male song dialects explains genetic structure among eight populations of rufous‐collared sparrows (Zonotrichia capensis) in Ecuador. Our study sites lay along a transect, and adjacent study sites were separated by approximately 25 km, an order of magnitude less than previously examined for this and most other species. This transect crossed an Andean ridge and through the Quijos River Valley, both of which may be barriers to gene flow. Using a variance partitioning approach, we show that song dialect is important in explaining population genetics, independent of the geographic variables: distance, the river valley and the Andean Ridge. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that song acts as a barrier to breeding among populations in close proximity. In addition, songs of contiguous populations differed by the same degree or more than between two populations previously shown to exhibit female preference for local dialect, suggesting that birds from these populations would also breed preferentially with locals. As expected, all geographic variables (distance, the river valley and the Andean Ridge) also predicted population genetic structure. Our results have important implications for the understanding whether, and at what spatial scale, culture can affect population divergence.  相似文献   
The behavioural signals used in mate selection are a key component in the evolution of premating isolating barriers and, subsequently, the formation of new species. The importance of mating signals has a long tradition of study in songbirds, where many species differ in their song characteristics. In oscine songbirds, individual birds usually learn their songs from a tutor. Mistakes during learning can help generate geographic dialects, akin to those within human language groups. In songbirds, dialect differences can often be substantial and there is an intuitive connection between the evolution of song amongst populations at a small scale, and the more substantive song differences between bird species and presumably used in species recognition. However, studies investigating the concordance between putative genetic and behavioural boundaries have generated mixed results. In many cases, this is possibly a function of the poor resolving power of the genetic markers employed. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Lipshutz et al. ( 2017 ) combine genomic markers with a robust behavioural assay to address the importance of song variation amongst white‐crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys) subspecies.  相似文献   
Paying attention to weight is important when deciding upon an object''s efficacy or value in various contexts (e.g. tool use, foraging). Proprioceptive discrimination learning, with objects that differ only in weight, has so far been investigated almost exclusively in primate species. Here, we show that while Goffin''s cockatoos learn faster when additional colour cues are used, they can also quickly learn to discriminate between objects on the basis of their weight alone. Ultimately, the birds learned to discriminate between visually identical objects on the basis of weight much faster than primates, although methodological differences between tasks should be considered.  相似文献   
In many socially monogamous birds, both partners perform extrapair copulations (EPC). As this behaviour potentially inflicts direct costs on females, they are currently hypothesized to search for genetic benefits for descendants, either as 'good' or 'complementary' genes. Although these hypotheses have found some support, several studies failed to find any beneficial consequence of EPC, and whether this behaviour is adaptive to females is subject to discussion. Here, we test these two hypotheses in a natural population of blue tits by accounting for the effect of most parameters known to potentially affect extrapair fertilization. Results suggest that female body mass affected the type of extrapair genetic benefits obtained. Heavy females obtained extrapair fertilizations when their social male was of low quality (as reflected by sexual display) and produced larger extrapair than within-pair chicks. Lean females obtained extrapair fertilizations when their social mate was genetically similar, thereby producing more heterozygous extrapair chicks. Our results suggest that mating patterns may be condition-dependent.  相似文献   
Song divergence among populations can theoretically lead to reproductive divergence and speciation. Despite many studies, this theory is still controversial. Habitat differences have been shown to shape songs, but few studies have looked for a link between ecologically driven acoustic and genetic divergence. We tested whether environmental selection has driven song divergence in two genetically distinct, but hybridizing, subspecies of the grey-breasted wood-wren (Henicorhina leucophrys) in Ecuador. Several acoustic features showed significant divergence between the subspecies. Spectral song divergence correlated with ambient noise profiles which differed significantly between the habitats of both subspecies. Temporal song divergence also corresponded as expected to vegetation density. However, in terms of quantified levels of reverberations, we found no significant differences in habitat-dependent sound transmission properties. We conclude that ecological niche segregation may explain acoustic divergence among the two wren subspecies. The resulting habitat-dependent song divergence may have contributed to reproductive divergence by guiding assortative mating in parapatric conditions or just currently contribute to maintenance of reproductive isolation upon secondary contact.  相似文献   
Divergence in signalling systems might play a central role in speciation. To assess the importance of possible causes of signal divergence, we examine two types of vocalizations within a geographically variable species complex, the greenish warblers (Phylloscopus trochiloides Sundevall). Calls, which are used by both sexes throughout the year, and songs, which are sung primarily by breeding males, differ distinctly between two distinct Siberian forms. Through a ring of southern populations that connect the northern forms, signal divergence is correlated with both geographic distance and genetic divergence. Calls and songs differ in their particular patterns of geographic variation, probably because of the larger influence of sexual selection on songs than on calls. These patterns are supportive of neither acoustic adaptation nor morphology being major drivers of divergence in vocalizations. Rather, these results support the importance of stochastic evolution of communication systems in the evolution of new species.  相似文献   
We report on community structural, ecophysiological, phenological, and morphological measurements made on woody plant species in the high elevation pre-altiplano zone on the western slopes of the Andean Cordillera of northern Chile. Notwithstanding extreme conditions of low rainfall, high atmospheric vapour demand and diurnal temperature fluctuation, a diversity of habitats (associated with drainage and slope aspect), appreciable local plant species richness (28 woody perennial plant species in a small area), and an array of adaptive morphological ecophysiological and phenological traits are present among woody species in these shrublands. Family diversity was low with four families accounted for 82% of the species. A range of gas exchange and watering use efficiency strategies was present ranging from highly efficient CAM species with a carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) of 3.7–7.5‰ through C3 species with varying stomatal and gas exchange characteristics with a Δ of 14.4 to 19.8‰. Drought-deciduous small-leaved amphistomatic species from arid slopes generally had high stomatal conductance and high carbon assimilation rates during the rainy season. These drought deciduous species were largely leafless and, with one exception had low water potentials, during the dry season. Wash and less xeric site species commonly had broader evergreen to semi-evergreen leaves, higher dry season water potentials, and relatively consistent and moderate rates of gas exchange throughout the year. For all species, intrinsic water use efficiency (as estimated from the inverse of c i :c a ratio) correlated positively with mean leaf width (broader leaves had a lower higher intrinsic WUE) and dry season water potential. The charismatic high altitude tree, Polylepis rugulosa (Roaceae), had a population structure that suggests highly episodic establishment of seedlings, likely in sequences of wet years. Little of the area of these significant shrublands is currently protected. It would be desirable to add areas of pre-altiplano shrublands to adjacent national parks to ensure the persistence of these important communities. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
What is the spatial and temporal nature of odor representations within primary olfactory networks at the threshold of an animal's ability to discriminate? Although this question is of central importance to olfactory neuroscience, it can only be answered in model systems where neural representations can be measured and discrimination thresholds between odors can be characterized. Here, we establish these thresholds for a panel of odors using a Pavlovian paradigm in the moth Manduca sexta. Moths were differentially conditioned to respond to one odor (CS+) but not another (CS-) using undiluted odorants to minimize salience-dependent learning effects. At 24 and 48 h postconditioning, moths were tested for the presence of a conditioned response (CR) with a blank, then the CS+ and CS- (pseudorandomly) across a 5-log step series of increasing concentration. Results identified discrimination thresholds and established that differential CRs to the CS+ and CS- increased with stimulus concentration. Next, 3 separate groups of moths were differentially conditioned at either one-log step below, at, or one log step above the identified discrimination threshold. At 24 and 48 h postconditioning, moths were tested sequentially with a blank, the concentration used for conditioning, and then undiluted odor. Conditioning at one log step below the discrimination threshold established a CR, indicating both stimulus detection and learning, but was insufficient to establish evidence of discrimination. Moths conditioned at the discrimination threshold were able to discriminate but only when stimulated with undiluted odors, indicating learning, but discrimination measures were hampered. When conditioned above the discrimination threshold, moths had no difficulty in discriminating. These results establish methods for psychophysical characterization of discrimination and indicate that differential conditioning at lowered concentrations biases threshold measures.  相似文献   
Acoustic frequency (pitch) cues are known to be important in the recognition of conspecific song in a number of songbird species. Mountain chickadees (Poecile gambeli) and black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) are sympatric over parts of their ranges and their species-typical songs share many features. I examined the acoustic characteristics of song of these two congeners in a region of sympatry in southern Alberta, Canada. As reported for other populations in allopatry, black-capped chickadees emphasized relative frequency cues in song production. In particular, variation in the ratios between note frequencies was significantly less than variation in the note frequencies themselves. In contrast, songs of mountain chickadees did not have constant frequency ratios and contained an introductory acoustic element absent in black-capped chickadee song. Both species may rely on song note frequency or the presence of this introductory acoustic element when differentiating between conspecific song and heterospecific song. Song measures for chickadees in sympatry were similar to measures in allopatry, providing little evidence for character displacement in song production.  相似文献   
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