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In the quest for complexes modelling functional characteristics of metal sulfur oxidoreductases, a series of molybdenum nitrosyl complexes with sulfur-dominated coordination sphere was synthesized. Treatment of the 16, 17 and 18 valence electron (VE) complexes [Mo(L)(NO)('S4')] (1–3) [L?=?SPh (1), PMe3 (2), NO (3), 'S4'2–?=?1,2-bis-(2-mercaptophenylthio) ethane(2-)] with the Brönsted acid HBF4 resulted in formation of different types of products. 1 and 3 were reversibly protonated at one thiolate atom of the 'S4'2– ligand;2, however, yielded the phosphonium salt [HPMe3]BF4 and the dinuclear [Mo(NO)('S4')]2. Alkylation of 1, 2 and 3 by Me3OBF4 or Et3OBF4 uniformly resulted in high yields of [Mo(L)(NO)(R-'S4')]BF4 complexes [L?=?SPh: R?=?Me (5), Et (6); L?=?PMe3: R?=?Me (7); L?=?NO: R?=?Me (8), Et (9)] in which one thiolate atom of the 'S4'2– ligand had become alkylated; the NMR spectra of 5, 6, 8 and 9 indicated that only one out of four theoretically possible diastereoisomers had formed. 5 and 6 were characterized also by single-crystal X-ray structure analyses. A comparison of ν(NO) bands and redox potentials (cyclic voltammetry) of parent complexes and alkylated derivatives showed that alkylation leads to a decrease in electron density at the molybdenum center and to a positive shift in redox potentials. The 16 VE complex 1 could be reduced, also chemically, to give the corresponding 17 VE anion [1], and inserted elemental sulfur into the Mo-SPh bond, forming the 18 VE phenylperthio complex [Mo(η2–SSPh)(NO)('S4')] (11) which, upon reaction with PPh3, gave SPPh3 and regenerated the parent complex 1. These results are discussed with regard to the sequence of proton and electron transfer steps occurring in substrate conversions catalyzed by metal sulfur oxidoreductases.  相似文献   
System-level adjustments to elevated CO2 in model spruce ecosystems   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Atmospheric carbon dioxide enrichment and increasing nitrogen deposition are often predicted to increase forest productivity based on currently available data for isolated forest tree seedlings or their leaves. However, it is highly uncertain whether such seedling responses will scale to the stand level. Therefore, we studied the effects of increasing CO2 (280, 420 and 560 μL L-1) and increasing rates of wet N deposition (0, 30 and 90 kg ha-1 y-1) on whole stands of 4-year-old spruce trees (Picea abies). One tree from each of six clones, together with two herbaceous understory species, were established in each of nine 0.7 m2 model ecosystems in nutrient poor forest soil and grown in a simulated montane climate for two years. Shoot level light-saturated net photosynthesis measured at growth CO2 concentrations increased with increasing CO2, as well as with increasing N deposition. However, predawn shoot respiration was unaffected by treatments. When measured at a common CO2 concentration of 420 μL L-1 37% down-regulation of photosynthesis was observed in plants grown at 560 μL CO2 L-1. Length growth of shoots and stem diameter were not affected by CO2 or N deposition. Bud burst was delayed, leaf area index (LAI) was lower, needle litter fall increased and soil CO2 efflux increased with increasing CO2. N deposition had no effect on these traits. At the ecosystem level the rate of net CO2 exchange was not significantly different between CO2 and N treatments. Most of the responses to CO2 studied here were nonlinear with the most significant differences between 280 and 420 μL CO2 L-1 and relatively small changes between 420 and 560 μL CO2 L-1. Our results suggest that the lack of above-ground growth responses to elevated CO2 is due to the combined effects of physiological down-regulation of photosynthesis at the leaf level, allometric adjustment at the canopy level (reduced LAI), and increasing strength of below-ground carbon sinks. The non-linearity of treatment effects further suggests that major responses of coniferous forests to atmospheric CO2 enrichment might already be under way and that future responses may be comparatively smaller.  相似文献   
TheAnticarsia gemmatalisnuclear polyhedrosis virus (AgNPV) was released in two soybean plots in September, 1991; the soil in the plots was then sampled periodically through July, 1992, to determine the effects of normal agricultural soil manipulations and precipitation on vertical distribution of the polyhedral occlusion bodies (POBs). The amount of AgNPV increased at all depths down to 37.5–50 cm as long as there was virus-contaminated plant matter, even dead soybean refuse, above the soil surface. Agricultural operations (disking, harrowing, mowing, planting, cultivating) had no effect on the amount or vertical distribution of AgNPV in soil. After the crop refuse was disked into the soil in November, the amount of POBs began decreasing at all depths; these decreases continued over winter and at times appeared to be associated with precipitation. The POBs were no longer detected below 37.5 cm by April, 1992, or below 25 cm by July, 1992. However, in July there were still 274 POBs/g in the top 2.5 cm of soil. Thus, agricultural operations should not hinder contamination of soybean leaves by AgNPV from its soil reservoir.  相似文献   
Parietochloris incisa comb. nov. (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A coccoid green alga, Myrmecia incisa Reisigl, was isolated from the soil of Mt Tateyama, Japan. Electronmicroscopy revealed that the organism has pyrenoids sparsely covered with starch segments and traversed by many parallel thylakoid membranes, and zoo-spores with counterclockwise basal body orientation. Due to the presence of these features, we have proposed a reclassification of M. incisa into the genus Parietochloris, Trebouxiophyceae.  相似文献   
Emericella miyajii, a new species isolated from Chinese soil, is described and illustrated. It is characterized by pale orange to brownish orange colonies on malt extract agar, subglobose to broadly elliptical ascospores with defective four equatorial crests and smooth convex walls, and with anAspergillus anamorph.Emericella undulata is also described as an uncommon species from Chinese soil.  相似文献   
Increased atmospheric CO2 often but not always leads to large decreases in leaf conductance. Decreased leaf conductance has important implications for a number of components of CO2 responses, from the plant to the global scale. All of the factors that are sensitive to a change in soil moisture, either amount or timing, may be affected by increased CO2. The list of potentially sensitive processes includes soil evaporation, run-off, decomposition, and physiological adjustments of plants, as well as factors such as canopy development and the composition of the plant and microbial communities. Experimental evidence concerning ecosystem-scale consequences of the effects of CO2 on water use is only beginning to accumulate, but the initial indication is that, in water-limited areas, the effects of CO2-induced changes in leaf conductance are comparable in importance to those of CO,2-induced changes in photosynthesis. Above the leaf scale, a number of processes interact to modulate the response of canopy or regional evapotran-spiration to increased CO2. While some components of these processes tend to amplify the sensitivity of evapo-transpiration to altered leaf conductance, the most likely overall pattern is one in which the responses of canopy and regional evapotranspiration are substantially smaller than the responses of canopy conductance. The effects of increased CO2 on canopy evapotranspiration are likely to be smallest in aerodynamically smooth canopies with high leaf conductances. Under these circumstances, which are largely restricted to agriculture, decreases in evapotranspiration may be only one-fourth as large as decreases in canopy conductance. Decreased canopy conductances over large regions may lead to altered climate, including increased temperature and decreased precipitation. The simulation experiments to date predict small effects globally, but these could be important regionally, especially in combination with radiative (greenhouse) effects of increased CO2.  相似文献   
In this paper we present a conceptual model of integrated plant-soil interactions which illustrates the importance of identifying the primary belowground feedbacks, both positive and negative, which can simultaneously affect plant growth responses to elevated CO2. The primary negative feedbacks share the common feature of reducing the amount of nutrients available to plants. These negative feedbacks include increased litter C/N ratios, and therefore reduced mineralization rates, increased immobilization of available nutrients by a larger soil microbial pool, and increased storage of nutrients in plant biomass and detritus due to increases in net primary productivity (NPP). Most of the primary positive feedbacks share the common feature of being plant mediated feedbacks, the only exception being Zak et al.'s hypothesis that increased microbial biomass will be accompanied by increased mineralization rates. Plant nutrient uptake may be increased through alterations in root architecture, physiology, or mycorrhizal symbioses. Further, the increased C/N ratios of plant tissue mean that a given level of NPP can be achieved with a smaller supply of nitrogen.Identification of the net plant-soil feedbacks to enhanced productivity with elevated CO2 are a critical first step for any ecosystem. It is necessary, however, that we first identify how universally applicable the results are from one study of one ecosystem before ecosystem models incorporate this information. The effect of elevated CO2 on plant growth (including NPP, tissue quality, root architecture, mycorrhizal symbioses) can vary greatly for different species and environmental conditions. Therefore it is reasonable to expect that different ecosystems will show different patterns of interacting positive and negative feedbacks within the plant-soil system. This inter-ecosystem variability in the potential for long-term growth responses to rising CO2 levels implies that we need to parameterize mechanistic models of the impact of elevated CO2 on ecosystem productivity using a detailed understanding of each ecosystem of interest.  相似文献   
We conducted a set of in situ incubations to evaluate patterns of N availability among dominant land uses in the shortgrass steppe region of Colorado, USA, and to assess recovery of soil fertility in abandoned fields. Replicated 30 d incubations were performed in 3 sets of native (never cultivated), abandoned (cultivated until 1937), and currently cultivated, fallow fields. Net N mineralization and the percentage of total N that was mineralized increased in the order: native, abandoned, cultivated. Higher soil water content in fallow fields is the most likely reason for greater mineralization in cultivated fields, while higher total organic C and C/N ratios in native and abandoned fields may explain differences in mineralization between these land uses. Recovery of soil organic matter in abandoned fields appears to involve accumulation of soil C and N under perennial plants, but probable methodological artifacts complicate evaluation of the role of individual plants in recovery of N availability. Higher N mineralization and turnover in cultivated fields may make them more susceptible to N losses; recovery of N cycling in abandoned fields appears to involve a return to slower N turnover and tighter N cycling similar to native shortgrass steppe.  相似文献   
Influence of root density on the critical soil water potential   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Estimation of root water uptake in crops is important for making many other agricultural predictions. This estimation often involves two assumptions: (1) that a critical soil water potential exists which is constant for a given combination of soil and crop and which does not depend on root length density, and (2) that the local root water uptake at given soil water potential is proportional to root length density. Recent results of both mathematical modeling and computer tomography show that these assumptions may not be valid when the soil water potential is averaged over a volume of soil containing roots. We tested these assumptions for plants with distinctly different root systems. Root water uptake rates and the critical soil water potential values were determined in several adjacent soil layers for horse bean (Vicia faba) and oat (Avena sativa) grown in lysimeters, and for field-grown cotton (Gossypium L.), maize (Zea mays) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) crops. Root water uptake was calculated from the water balance of each layer in lysimeters. Water uptake rate was proportional to root length density at high soil water potentials, for both horse bean and oat plants, but root water uptake did not depend on root density for horse bean at potentials lower than −25 kPa. We observed a linear dependency of a critical soil water potential on the logarithm of root length density for all plants studied. Soil texture modified the critical water potential values, but not the linearity of the relationship. B E Clothier Section editor  相似文献   
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