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The contribution of agriculture to the sustainable development goals requires climate-smart and profitable farm innovations. Increasing the ammonia fertilizer applications to meet the global food demands results in high agricultural costs, environmental quality deterioration, and global warming, without a significant increase in crop yield. Here, we reported that a third microbial ammonia oxidation process, complete ammonia oxidation (comammox), is contributing to a significant ammonia fertilizer loss (41.9 ± 4.8%) at the rate of 3.53 ± 0.55 mg N kg−1 day−1 in agricultural soils around the world. The contribution of comammox to ammonia fertilizer loss, occurring mainly in surface agricultural soil profiles (0–0.2 m), was equivalent to that of bacterial ammonia oxidation (48.6 ± 4.5%); both processes were significantly more important than archaeal ammonia oxidation (9.5 ± 3.6%). In contrast, comammox produced less N2O (0.98 ± 0.44 μg N kg−1 day−1, 11.7 ± 3.1%), comparable to that produced by archaeal ammonia oxidation (16.4 ± 4.4%) but significantly lower than that of bacterial ammonia oxidation (72.0 ± 5.1%). The efficiency of ammonia conversion to N2O by comammox (0.02 ± 0.01%) was evidently lower than that of bacterial (0.24 ± 0.06%) and archaeal (0.16 ± 0.04%) ammonia oxidation. The comammox rate increased with increasing soil pH values, which is the only physicochemical characteristic that significantly influenced both comammox bacterial abundance and rates. Ammonia fertilizer loss, dominated by comammox and bacterial ammonia oxidation, was more intense in soils with pH >6.5 than in soils with pH <6.5. Our results revealed that comammox plays a vital role in ammonia fertilizer loss and sustainable development in agroecosystems that have been previously overlooked for a long term.  相似文献   
When compared to virgin land (forest and grassland), croplands store significantly lower amounts of organic carbon (OC), mainly as a result of soil tillage, and decreased plant inputs to the soil over the whole year. Doubts have been expressed over how much reduced and zero tillage agriculture can increase OC in soils when the whole soil profile is considered. Consequently, cover-crops that are grown in-between crops instead of leaving soils bare appear as the “last man standing” in our quest to enhance cropland OC stocks. Despite the claim by numerous meta-analyses of a mean carbon sequestration rate by cover crops to be as high as 0.32 ± 0.08 ton C ha−1 year−1, the present analysis showed that all of the 37 existing field studies worldwide only sampled to a depth of 30 cm or less and did not compare treatments on the basis of equivalent soil mass. Thirteen studies presented information on OC content only and not on OC stocks, had inappropriate controls (n = 14), had durations of 3 years or lower (n = 5), considered only one to two data points per treatment (n = 4), or used cover crops as cash crops (i.e., grown longer that in-between two crops) instead of catch crops (n = 2), which in all cases constitutes shortcomings. Of the remaining six trials, four showed non-significant trends, one study displayed a negative impact of cover crops, and one study displayed a positive impact, resulting in a mean OC storage of 0.03 ton ha−1 year−1. Models and policies should urgently adapt to such new figure. Finally, more is to be done not only to improve the design of cover-crop studies for reaching sound conclusions but also to understand the underlying reasons of the low efficiency of cover crops for improved carbon sequestration into soils, with possible strategies being suggested.  相似文献   
Plant-associated microbiomes can improve plant fitness by ameliorating environmental stress, providing a promising avenue for improving outplantings during restoration. However, the effects of water management on these microbial communities and their cascading effects on primary producers are unresolved for many imperiled ecosystems. One such habitat, Everglades tree islands, has declined by 54% in some areas, releasing excess nutrients into surrounding wetlands and exacerbating nutrient pollution. We conducted a factorial experiment, manipulating the soil microbiome and hydrological regime experienced by a tree island native, Ficus aurea, to determine how microbiomes impact growth under two hydrological management plans. All plants were watered to simulate natural precipitation, but plants in the “unconstrained” management treatment were allowed to accumulate water above the soil surface, while the “constrained” treatment had a reduced stage to avoid soil submersion. We found significant effects of the microbiomes on overall plant performance and aboveground versus belowground investment; however, these effects depended on hydrological treatment. For instance, microbiomes increased investment in roots relative to aboveground tissues, but these effects were 142% stronger in the constrained compared to unconstrained water regime. Changes in hydrology also resulted in changes in the prokaryotic community composition, including a >20 log2fold increase in the relative abundance of Rhizobiaceae, and hydrology-shifted microbial composition was linked to changes in plant performance. Our results suggest that differences in hydrological management can have important effects on microbial communities, including taxa often involved in nitrogen cycling, which can in turn impact plant performance.  相似文献   
Losses of grasslands have been largely attributed to widespread land-use changes, such as conversion to row-crop agriculture. The remaining tallgrass prairie faces further losses due to biological invasions by non-native plant species, often with resultant ecosystem degradation. Of critical concern for conservation, restoration of native grasslands has been met with little success following eradication of non-native plants. In addition to the direct and indirect effects of non-native invasive plants on beneficial soil microbes, management practices targeting invasive species may also negatively affect subsequent restoration efforts. To assess mechanisms limiting germination and survival of native species and to improve native species establishment, we established six replicate plots of each of the following four treatments: (1) inoculated with freshly collected prairie soil with native seeds; (2) inoculated with steam-pasteurized soil with native seeds; (3) noninoculated with native seeds; or (4) noninoculated/nonseeded control. Inoculation with whole soil did not improve seed germination; however, addition of whole soil significantly improved native species survival, compared to pasteurized soil or noninoculated treatments. Inoculation with whole soil significantly decreased reestablishment of non-native invasive Bothriochloa bladhii (Caucasian bluestem); at the end of the growing season, plots receiving whole soil consisted of approximately 30% B. bladhii cover, compared to approximately 80% in plots receiving no soil inoculum. Our results suggest invasion and eradication efforts negatively affect arbuscular mycorrhizal hyphal and spore abundances and soil aggregate stability, and inoculation with locally adapted soil microbial communities can improve metrics of restoration success, including plant species richness and diversity, while decreasing reinvasion by non-native species.  相似文献   
Soils contain biotic and abiotic legacies of previous conditions that may influence plant community biomass and associated aboveground biodiversity. However, little is known about the relative strengths and interactions of the various belowground legacies on aboveground plant–insect interactions. We used an outdoor mesocosm experiment to investigate the belowground legacy effects of range-expanding versus native plants, extreme drought and their interactions on plants, aphids and pollinators. We show that plant biomass was influenced more strongly by the previous plant community than by the previous summer drought. Plant communities consisted of four congeneric pairs of natives and range expanders, and their responses were not unanimous. Legacy effects affected the abundance of aphids more strongly than pollinators. We conclude that legacies can be contained as soil ‘memories’ that influence aboveground plant community interactions in the next growing season. These soil-borne ‘memories’ can be altered by climate warming-induced plant range shifts and extreme drought.  相似文献   
Cellular properties and modulation of the identified neurons of the posterior cardiac plate-pyloric system in the stomatogastric ganglion of a stomatopod, Squilla oratoria, were studied electrophysiologically. Each class of neurons involved in the cyclic bursting activity was able to trigger an endogenous, slow depolarizing potential (termed a driver potential) which sustained bursting. Endogenous oscillatory properties were demonstrated by the phase reset behavior in response to brief stimuli during ongoing rhythm. The driver potential was produced by membrane voltage-dependent activation and terminated by an active repolarization. Striking enhancement of bursting properties of all the cell types was induced by synaptic activation via extrinsic nerves, seen as increases in amplitude or duration of driver potentials, spiking rate during a burst, and bursting rate. The motor pattern produced under the influence of extrinsic modulatory inputs continued for a long time, relative to that in the absence of activation of modulatory inputs. Voltage-dependent conductance mechanisms underlying postinhibitory rebound and driver potential responses were modified by inputs. It is concluded that endogenous cellular properties, as well as synaptic circuitry and extrinsic inputs, contribute to generation of the rhythmic motor pattern, and that a motor system and its component neurons have been highly conserved during evolution between stomatopods and decapods.Abbreviations AB anterior burster neuron - CoG commissural ganglion - CPG central pattern generator - lvn lateral ventricular nerve - OG oesophageal ganglion - pcp posterior cardiac plate - PCP pcp constrictor neuron - PD pyloric dilator neuron - PY pyloric constrictor neuron - son superior oesophageal nerve - STG stomatogastric ganglion - stn stomatogastric nerve  相似文献   
Enzyme immunoassay (EIA) microtiter plate analysis was used to quantify atrazine (2‐chloro‐4‐ethylamino‐6‐isopropylamino‐1,3,5 triazine), fortified at 0, 50, and 500 or 549 ng/g, to Baxter and Maury silt loam soil sampled in 1965 and 1991. In the first experiment, aged soils (sampled in 1965 and stored air‐dried) were fortified with atrazine and then incubated in the dark at 0, 75, 150, 225 and 300 g/kg moisture for 15, 80, 154, and 289 d. In a second experiment, fresh soils were fortified with atrazine and incubated in the dark at 0, 150, and 300 g/kg moisture for 9, 15, 35, 55, 83, and 145 d. One half of the treatments in the second experiment were sterilized with 497 ng/g HgCl2. Twenty milliliters of acetonitrile: water (9: 1) was used to extract 4 or 5 g of soil by vortex mixing at each sampling date. The soil extract was diluted, 80 μl incubated with antibody‐coated wells, and color development read using a microtiter plate reader. Recovery of atrazine from soil was 98% 5 d after fortification. Pesticide recoveries and first‐order degradation rates were dependent on the freshness and moisture content of the soil sample. Pesticide degradation was slower and recoveries higher in soil that had been air dried and stored since 1965, prior to fortification. More atrazine was extracted from soil maintained at 0 g/kg moisture than from soil maintained at 300 g/kg moisture over time.  相似文献   
A series of six chimeric proteins, composed of fragments corresponding to either one or the other of the growth factor-associated mouse glandular kallikreins-epidermal growth factor binding protein (EGF-BP) and the gamma-subunit of nerve growth factor (gamma-NGF)--were expressed in Escherichia coli and isolated, and their kinetic properties were characterized. The assembly of these synthetic proteases involved the substitution of regions of the proteins containing four specific surface loops that have been postulated to influence both kinetic specificity and the formation of growth factor complexes. The substrates utilized in the kinetic characterization of these chimeric kallikreins were tripeptide nitroanilides representing carboxyl termini of both the EGF and beta-NGF mature hormones, putative processing sites for these kallikreins in the precursors. Characterization of these hybrid enzymes demonstrates that Km and kcat kinetic constants may be independently affected by the regions utilized in construction of these chimeric kallikreins. Specifically, loop 1, located in the amino terminal region (Bode, W., et al., J. Mol. Biol. 164, 237-282, 1983), in gamma-NGF enhanced the kcat for substrates containing threonine in the P2 position, as is the case during the processing of the carboxy terminus of the beta-NGF precursor. Also, the central regions of the kallikreins containing loop 2 and the kallikrein loop dictated the generally inverted Km and kcat kinetic constants observed between EGF-BP and gamma-NGF. Finally, in gamma-NGF the autolysis loop, found in the carboxyl terminal region, functions to lower the Km kinetic constant for a variety of substrates. The results allow previously characterized kinetic differences between EGF-BP and gamma-NGF to be interpreted in terms of specific regions of the proteins and identify a subset of amino acid positions responsible for these functional characteristics.  相似文献   
Soil protists are increasingly studied due to a release from previous methodological constraints and the acknowledgement of their immense diversity and functional importance in ecosystems. However, these studies often lack sufficient depth in knowledge, which is visible in the form of falsely used terms and false- or over-interpreted data with conclusions that cannot be drawn from the data obtained. As we welcome that also non-experts include protists in their still mostly bacterial and/or fungal-focused studies, our aim here is to help avoid some common errors. We provide suggestions for current terms to use when working on soil protists, like protist instead of protozoa, predator instead of grazer, microorganisms rather than microflora and other terms to be used to describe the prey spectrum of protists. We then highlight some dos and don'ts in soil protist ecology including challenges related to interpreting 18S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing data. We caution against the use of standard bioinformatic settings optimized for bacteria and the uncritical reliance on incomplete and partly erroneous reference databases. We also show why causal inferences cannot be drawn from sequence-based correlation analyses or any sampling/monitoring, study in the field without thorough experimental confirmation and sound understanding of the biology of taxa. Together, we envision this work to help non-experts to more easily include protists in their soil ecology analyses and obtain more reliable interpretations from their protist data and other biodiversity data that, in the end, will contribute to a better understanding of soil ecology.  相似文献   
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