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Mineralization of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in thermokarst lakes plays a non-negligible role in the permafrost carbon (C) cycle, but remains poorly understood due to its complex interactions with external C and nutrient inputs (i.e., aquatic priming and nutrient effects). Based on large-scale lake sampling and laboratory incubations, in combination with 13C-stable-isotope labeling, optical spectroscopy, and high-throughput sequencing, we examined large-scale patterns and dominant drivers of priming and nutrient effects of DOM biodegradation across 30 thermokarst lakes along a 1100-km transect on the Tibetan Plateau. We observed that labile C and phosphorus (P) rather than nitrogen (N) inputs stimulated DOM biodegradation, with the priming and P effects being 172% and 451% over unamended control, respectively. We also detected significant interactive effects of labile C and nutrient supply on DOM biodegradation, with the combined labile C and nutrient additions inducing stronger microbial mineralization than C or nutrient treatment alone, illustrating that microbial activity in alpine thermokarst lakes is co-limited by both C and nutrients. We further found that the aquatic priming was mainly driven by DOM quality, with the priming intensity increasing with DOM recalcitrance, reflecting the limitation of external C as energy sources for microbial activity. Greater priming intensity was also associated with higher community-level ribosomal RNA gene operon (rrn) copy number and bacterial diversity as well as increased background soluble reactive P concentration. In contrast, the P effect decreased with DOM recalcitrance as well as with background soluble reactive P and ammonium concentrations, revealing the declining importance of P availability in mediating DOM biodegradation with enhanced C limitation but reduced nutrient limitation. Overall, the stimulation of external C and P inputs on DOM biodegradation in thermokarst lakes would amplify C-climate feedback in this alpine permafrost region.  相似文献   
Based on small-scale synthesis (0.3 g), a 100-g scale-up synthesis of crude [Aib8, Arg34]-glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) (7–37) was completed. The crude [Aib8, Arg34]-GLP-1 (7–37) was purified using a dynamic axial compression column 200 (DAC-200). Approximately 61 g of [Aib8, Arg34]-GLP-1 (7–37) with a purity of >99% was obtained through one-step reverse-phase chromatography. The purification yield was approximately 92%. The yield from the total reaction was approximately 60%. In summary, we developed an economical and environmentally friendly route to the synthesis and purification of crude [Aib8, Arg34]-GLP-1 (7–37), laying a foundation for subsequent industrial production.  相似文献   
Plant-associated microbiomes can improve plant fitness by ameliorating environmental stress, providing a promising avenue for improving outplantings during restoration. However, the effects of water management on these microbial communities and their cascading effects on primary producers are unresolved for many imperiled ecosystems. One such habitat, Everglades tree islands, has declined by 54% in some areas, releasing excess nutrients into surrounding wetlands and exacerbating nutrient pollution. We conducted a factorial experiment, manipulating the soil microbiome and hydrological regime experienced by a tree island native, Ficus aurea, to determine how microbiomes impact growth under two hydrological management plans. All plants were watered to simulate natural precipitation, but plants in the “unconstrained” management treatment were allowed to accumulate water above the soil surface, while the “constrained” treatment had a reduced stage to avoid soil submersion. We found significant effects of the microbiomes on overall plant performance and aboveground versus belowground investment; however, these effects depended on hydrological treatment. For instance, microbiomes increased investment in roots relative to aboveground tissues, but these effects were 142% stronger in the constrained compared to unconstrained water regime. Changes in hydrology also resulted in changes in the prokaryotic community composition, including a >20 log2fold increase in the relative abundance of Rhizobiaceae, and hydrology-shifted microbial composition was linked to changes in plant performance. Our results suggest that differences in hydrological management can have important effects on microbial communities, including taxa often involved in nitrogen cycling, which can in turn impact plant performance.  相似文献   
Losses of grasslands have been largely attributed to widespread land-use changes, such as conversion to row-crop agriculture. The remaining tallgrass prairie faces further losses due to biological invasions by non-native plant species, often with resultant ecosystem degradation. Of critical concern for conservation, restoration of native grasslands has been met with little success following eradication of non-native plants. In addition to the direct and indirect effects of non-native invasive plants on beneficial soil microbes, management practices targeting invasive species may also negatively affect subsequent restoration efforts. To assess mechanisms limiting germination and survival of native species and to improve native species establishment, we established six replicate plots of each of the following four treatments: (1) inoculated with freshly collected prairie soil with native seeds; (2) inoculated with steam-pasteurized soil with native seeds; (3) noninoculated with native seeds; or (4) noninoculated/nonseeded control. Inoculation with whole soil did not improve seed germination; however, addition of whole soil significantly improved native species survival, compared to pasteurized soil or noninoculated treatments. Inoculation with whole soil significantly decreased reestablishment of non-native invasive Bothriochloa bladhii (Caucasian bluestem); at the end of the growing season, plots receiving whole soil consisted of approximately 30% B. bladhii cover, compared to approximately 80% in plots receiving no soil inoculum. Our results suggest invasion and eradication efforts negatively affect arbuscular mycorrhizal hyphal and spore abundances and soil aggregate stability, and inoculation with locally adapted soil microbial communities can improve metrics of restoration success, including plant species richness and diversity, while decreasing reinvasion by non-native species.  相似文献   
Small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) is a highly aggressive cancer with low survival rate. Although initial response to chemotherapy in SCLC patients is well-rated, the treatments applied after the disease relapses are not successful. Drug resistance is accepted to be one of the main reasons for this failure. Therefore, there is an urgent need for new treatment strategies for SCLC. Meclofenamic acid, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, has been shown to have anticancer effects on various types of cancers via different mechanisms. The aim of this study was to investigate the alterations that meclofenamic acid caused on a SCLC cell line, DMS114 using the tools of proteomics namely two-dimensional gel electrophoresis coupled to MALDI-TOF/TOF and nHPLC coupled to LC-MS/MS. Among the proteins identified by both methods, those showing significantly altered expression levels were evaluated using bioinformatics databases, PANTHER and STRING. The key altered metabolism upon meclofenamic acid treatment appeared to the cellular energy metabolism. Glycolysis was suppressed, whereas mitochondrial activity and oxidative phosphorylation were boosted. The cells underwent metabolic reprogramming to adapt into their new environment for survival. Metabolic reprogramming is known to cause drug resistance in several cancer types including SCLC. The identified differentially regulated proteins in here associated with energy metabolism hold value as the potential targets to overcome drug resistance in SCLC treatment.  相似文献   
This study aimed to investigate the protective effects of arbutin (ARB) against brain injury induced in rats with potassium bromate (KBrO3). The rats were divided into four groups as Group 1: Control (0.9% NaCl ml/kg/day p.), Group 2: KBrO3 (100 mg/kg (gavage), Group 3: ARB (50 mg/kg/day p.), and Group 4: KBrO3 + ARB (100 mg/kg (gavage) + 50 mg/kg/day p.). At the end of the fifth day of the study, the rats in all groups were killed, and their brain tissues were collected. In the collected brain tissues, malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and catalase (CAT) levels were measured, and routine histopathological examinations were made. The MDA levels in the group that was exposed to KBrO3 were significantly higher than those in the control group (p ˂ 0.001). In comparison to the KBrO3 group, the MDA levels in the KBrO3 + ARB group were significantly lower (p ˂ 0.001). It was observed that SOD and CAT enzyme activity levels were significantly lower in the KBrO3 group compared to the control group (p ˂ 0.001), while these levels were significantly higher in the KBrO3 + ARB group than in the KBrO3 group (p ˂ 0.001). Additionally, the group that was subjected to KBrO3 toxicity, as well as ARB administration, had much lower levels of histopathologic signs than the group that was subjected to KBrO3 toxicity only. Consequently, it was found that KBrO3 exposure led to injury in the brain tissues of the rats, and using ARB was effective in preventing this injury.  相似文献   
The rise of supramolecular chemistry offers new tools to design therapeutics and delivery platforms for biomedical applications. This review aims to highlight the recent developments that harness host-guest interactions and self-assembly to design novel supramolecular Pt complexes as anticancer agents and drug delivery systems. These complexes range from small host-guest structures to large metallosupramolecules and nanoparticles. These supramolecular complexes integrate the biological properties of Pt compounds and novel supramolecular structures, which inspires new designs of anticancer approaches that overcome problems in conventional Pt drugs. Based on the differences in Pt cores and supramolecular structures, this review focuses on five different types of supramolecular Pt complexes, and they include host-guest complexes of the FDA-approved Pt(II) drugs, supramolecular complexes of nonclassical Pt(II) metallodrugs, supramolecular complexes of fatty acid-like Pt(IV) prodrugs, self-assembled nanotherapeutics of Pt(IV) prodrugs, and self-assembled Pt-based metallosupramolecules.  相似文献   
Protein liquid-liquid phase separation drives the dynamic assembly of membraneless organelles for fulfilling different physiological functions. Under diseased condition, protein may undergo liquid-to-solid condensation to form pathological amyloid aggregates closely associated with neurodegenerative diseases. Chemical probe serves as an important chemical tool not only for exploring the basic principle of the dynamic assembly of different protein condensates in vitro and in cell but also for clinical diagnosis and therapeutics of the related diseases. In this review, we first introduce chemical probes to image and regulate protein condensates. Then, we summarized three different categories of chemical probes including general amyloid dye, selective positron emission tomography tracer, and disaggregating binder, which feature distinct interaction pattern and activity upon binding to different pathological amyloid fibrillar aggregates. Next, we discuss the development of chemical probes for tracking protein amorphous aggregates in cells. Finally, we point out future direction in expanding the probes’ chemical space and applications.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial alternative oxidase is an important protein involved in maintaining cellular metabolic and energy balance, especially under stress conditions. AOX genes knockout is aimed at revealing the functions of AOX genes. Under unfavourable conditions, AOX-suppressed plants (mainly based on Arabidopsis AOX1a-knockout lines) usually experience strong oxidative stress. However, a compensation effect, which consists of the absence of AOX1a leading to an increase in defence response mechanisms, concomitant with a decrease in ROS content, has also been demonstrated. This review briefly describes the possible mechanisms underlying the compensation effect upon the suppression of AOX1a. Information about mitochondrial retrograde regulation of AOX is given. The importance of ROS and mitochondrial membrane potential in triggering the signal transmission from mitochondria in the absence of AOX or disturbance of mitochondrial electron transport chain functions is indicated. The few available data on the response of the cell to the absence of AOX at the level of changes in the hormonal balance and the reactions of chloroplasts are presented. The decrease in the relative amount of reduced ascorbate at stable ROS levels as a result of compensation in AOX1a-suppressed plants is proposed as a sign of stress development. Obtaining direct evidence on the mechanisms and signalling pathways involved in AOX modulation in the genome should facilitate a deeper understanding of the role of AOX in the integration of cellular signalling pathways.  相似文献   
Soils contain biotic and abiotic legacies of previous conditions that may influence plant community biomass and associated aboveground biodiversity. However, little is known about the relative strengths and interactions of the various belowground legacies on aboveground plant–insect interactions. We used an outdoor mesocosm experiment to investigate the belowground legacy effects of range-expanding versus native plants, extreme drought and their interactions on plants, aphids and pollinators. We show that plant biomass was influenced more strongly by the previous plant community than by the previous summer drought. Plant communities consisted of four congeneric pairs of natives and range expanders, and their responses were not unanimous. Legacy effects affected the abundance of aphids more strongly than pollinators. We conclude that legacies can be contained as soil ‘memories’ that influence aboveground plant community interactions in the next growing season. These soil-borne ‘memories’ can be altered by climate warming-induced plant range shifts and extreme drought.  相似文献   
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