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Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum (Fon) is the most serious soil-borne disease in the world and has become the main limiting factor of watermelon production. Reliable and quick detection and quantification of Fon are essential in the early stages of infection for control of watermelon Fusarium wilt. Traditional detection and identification tests are laborious and cannot efficiently quantify Fon isolates. In this work, a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay has been described to accurately identify and quantify Fon in watermelon plants and soil. The FONRT-18 specific primer set which was designed based on identified specific sequence amplified a specific 172 bp band from Fon and no amplification from the other formae speciales of Fusarium oxysporum tested. The detection limits with primers were 1.26 pg/μl genomic DNA of Fon, 0.2 pg/ng total plant DNA in inoculated plant, and 50 conidia/g soil. The PCR assay could also evaluate the relationships between the disease index and Fon DNA quantity in watermelon plants and soil. The assay was further used to estimate the Fon content in soil after disinfection with CaCN2. The real-time PCR method is rapid, accurate and reliable for monitoring and quantification analysis of Fon in watermelon plants and soil. It can be applied to the study of disease diagnosis, plant-pathogen interactions, and effective management.  相似文献   
The fate and availability of P derived from granular fertilisers in an alkaline Calcarosol soil were examined in a 65-year field trial in a semi-arid environment (annual rainfall 325 mm). Sequential P fractionation was conducted in the soils collected from the trial plots receiving 0–12 kg P ha−1crop−1, and the rhizosphere soil after growing wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Yitpi) and chickpea (Cicer arietinum L. cv. Genesis 836) for one or two 60-day cycles in the glasshouse. Increasing long-term P application rate over 65 years significantly increased all inorganic P (Pi) fractions except HCl–Pi. By contrast, P application did not affect or tended to decrease organic P (Po) fractions. Increasing P application also increased Olsen-P and resin-P but decreased the P buffer capacity and sorption maxima. Residual P, Pi and Po fractions accounted for an average of 32, 16 and 52% of total P, respectively. All soil P fractions including residual P in the rhizosphere soil declined following 60-day growth of either wheat or chickpea. The decreases were greater in soils with a history of high P application than low P. An exception was water-extractable Po, which increased following plant growth. Changes in various P fractions in the rhizosphere followed the same pattern for both plant species. Biomass production and P uptake of the plants grown in the glasshouse correlated positively with the residual P and inorganic fractions (except HCl–Pi) but negatively with Po in the H2O-, NaOH- and H2SO4-fractions of the original soils. The results suggest that the long-term application of fertiliser P to the calcareous sandy soil built up residual P and non-labile Pi fractions, but these P fractions are potentially available to crops.  相似文献   
1. Collembolans have often been credited with negatively affecting arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbioses, mainly by grazing and severing the associated external fungal network from host roots. However, most previous experiments were performed using relatively 'clean' systems where other, non-mycorrhizal, fungi were largely excluded. Yet, plant rhizospheres harbour a wide variety of highly palatable non-AM fungi, most of which have saprobic lifestyles.
2. In this study we isolated and cultured several rhizosphere fungi, and the collembolan , Folsomia candida , from the Long-Term Mycorrhiza Research Site, University of Guelph, Canada, to test the hypothesis that, given a choice, collembolans would prefer to feed on saprobic fungi and that such a choice is of adaptive significance to the animals.
3. A laboratory food preference experiment revealed that F. candida favours common saprobic fungi over a variety of AM fungi. Coincidentally, fecundity levels across two Folsomia generations were higher when animals fed exclusively on the preferred fungus, Alternaria alternata . When fed less palatable fungi, fecundity was greatly reduced; in fact animals from the F1 generation were unable to produce any eggs when placed on an exclusive diet of one of the following three AM fungi, Acaulospora spinosa, Scutellospora calospora and Gigaspora gigantea .
4. These results indicate that a strict diet of AM fungi by collembolans has reproductive consequences. Therefore, we propose that under natural conditions these animals spend more time feeding on common saprobic fungi rather than their AM counterparts. This suggests that previous 'clean' studies that investigated the interactions between collembolans and AM fungi may have reported exaggerated effects of animal grazing. The influence of collembolans on the functioning of AM symbioses, under more natural conditions, remains not well understood.  相似文献   
Changes in rainfall amounts and patterns have been observed and are expected to continue in the near future with potentially significant ecological and societal consequences. Modelling vegetation responses to changes in rainfall is thus crucial to project water and carbon cycles in the future. In this study, we present the results of a new model‐data intercomparison project, where we tested the ability of 10 terrestrial biosphere models to reproduce the observed sensitivity of ecosystem productivity to rainfall changes at 10 sites across the globe, in nine of which, rainfall exclusion and/or irrigation experiments had been performed. The key results are as follows: (a) Inter‐model variation is generally large and model agreement varies with timescales. In severely water‐limited sites, models only agree on the interannual variability of evapotranspiration and to a smaller extent on gross primary productivity. In more mesic sites, model agreement for both water and carbon fluxes is typically higher on fine (daily–monthly) timescales and reduces on longer (seasonal–annual) scales. (b) Models on average overestimate the relationship between ecosystem productivity and mean rainfall amounts across sites (in space) and have a low capacity in reproducing the temporal (interannual) sensitivity of vegetation productivity to annual rainfall at a given site, even though observation uncertainty is comparable to inter‐model variability. (c) Most models reproduced the sign of the observed patterns in productivity changes in rainfall manipulation experiments but had a low capacity in reproducing the observed magnitude of productivity changes. Models better reproduced the observed productivity responses due to rainfall exclusion than addition. (d) All models attribute ecosystem productivity changes to the intensity of vegetation stress and peak leaf area, whereas the impact of the change in growing season length is negligible. The relative contribution of the peak leaf area and vegetation stress intensity was highly variable among models.  相似文献   
Plant functional traits are increasingly used in restoration ecology because they have the potential to guide restoration practices at a broad scale. This article presents a trait‐based multi‐criteria framework to evaluate and predict the performance of 17 plant seedlings to improve ecological restoration of marly eroded areas in the French Southern Alps. The suitability of these species to limit soil erosion was assessed by studying both their response to erosive forces and their effect on erosion dynamics. We assumed that species efficiency could be explained and predicted from plant traits and we looked for trait‐performance relationships. Our results showed that root slenderness ratio, the percentage of fine roots and root system topology, were the three root morphology traits best describing anchorage strength. Root system characterized by a long and thin tap root and many fine lateral ramifications would be the best to resist concentrated runoff. Species response to burial mainly depended on growth form and morphological flexibility. The abilities of species in reinforcing the soil and reducing erosion rates were negatively correlated to root diameter and positively to the percentage of fine roots. Moreover, root system density and root tensile strength also influenced root reinforcement. Finally, the ability to trap sediment was positively correlated to leaf area and canopy density. Species were then scored and classified in four clusters according to their global performance. This method allows identifying species that possess both response and effect traits related to the goal of preventing erosion during ecological restoration.  相似文献   
水分和磷调控的澳大利亚桉树林林下植物群落组合对二氧化碳浓度升高的响应 鉴于林下植物群落具有的关键性功能作用和全球范围内巨大的森林覆盖面积,研究林下群落对 CO2浓度升高(eCO2)的响应以及土壤资源在这些响应中的作用,对于了解CO2浓度升高对森林生态系统造成的影响非常重要。本研究评估了在澳大利亚东部磷有限的桉树林林下群落中,两种限制性的资源(即水分和磷)在发芽、物候、覆盖率、群落组成和叶片性状等方面对eCO2响应的作用。我们收集了含有当地土壤种子库的土壤,在温室条件下种植实验性的林下植物群落。研究结果表明,添加磷提高了植物的总体覆盖率,特别是在生长期的最初4 周以及水分含量高的条件下,而且该响应是由植物群落中的类禾本科植物所驱动。然而,随着实验的进行,不同处理方法之间的差异逐渐减小,所有处理在大约11周后均达到了80%左右的植物覆盖率。相反,植物覆盖率并未受到eCO2 的影响。多元分析结果反映出植物群落组成随时间的变化,盆栽从以裸土为主变为以高覆盖率的多样化群落为主。但是在实验过程中,磷的添加以及水分可利用性和CO2之间的相互作用都对植物群落随时间的变化轨迹有所影响。CO2浓度的升高也增加了群落水平的比叶面积,这表明植物群落对eCO2的功能适应可能发生在成分响应开始之前。鉴于我们用种子库培育的林下群落对eCO2 的响应随着时间的推移而有 所变化,并且受到与磷和水分可利用性的相互作用的调节。我们的结果表明,在水分含量有限的系统中, 特别是在土壤养分可利用性低所导致的生产力响应受限的情况下,CO2浓度的升高在塑造植物群落方面作用有限。  相似文献   
分别于2012—2013、2013—2014年度越冬期候鸟越冬前(10月份)与越冬后(4月份)采用样方法调查沙湖沉水植物冬芽的种类、密度及生物量,分析不同水位条件的2个年度鄱阳湖碟形子湖沉水植物冬芽的分布及其对食块茎水鸟食物贡献的差异性,探讨越冬水鸟取食与水位变化对沉水植物冬芽分布的影响。结果表明:刺苦草(Vallisneria spinulosa)和罗氏轮叶黑藻(Hydrilla verticillata var.rosburghii)2种沉水植物的冬芽同域分布。2013年10月2种植物冬芽的密度与生物量均显著低于2012年同期,主要原因是鄱阳湖水位年际间变化剧烈,并对水质有显著影响:与2012年相比,2013年丰水期(4—9月)沙湖与主湖区连通的时间和日平均水深显著减小,但水体浊度显著增加,不利于沉水植物生长发育。2012—2013年度越冬水鸟迁出后2种冬芽的密度和生物量均明显下降,而2013—2014年度越冬期水鸟迁出后与迁入前相比两种植物冬芽的密度和生物量均无显著变化,很可能与食块茎水鸟的取食活动和高水位对食物可利用性的负面影响有密切关系。湖泊剧烈的水位变化导致越冬水鸟的食源具有年际波动的特征,而食块茎水鸟对鄱阳湖子湖的食物利用率受越冬季冬芽丰富度和食物可及性(accessibility)的共同影响。研究结果对鄱阳湖乃至长江中下游流域沉水植被恢复、越冬水鸟保护以及生态系统功能评估具有指导意义。  相似文献   
Chilling outweighs photoperiod in preventing precocious spring development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is well known that increased spring temperatures cause earlier onset dates of leaf unfolding and flowering. However, a temperature increase in winter may be associated with delayed development when species' chilling requirements are not fulfilled. Furthermore, photosensitivity is supposed to interfere with temperature triggers. To date, neither the relative importance nor possible interactions of these three factors have been elucidated. In this study, we present a multispecies climate chamber experiment to test the effects of chilling and photoperiod on the spring phenology of 36 woody species. Several hypotheses regarding their variation with species traits (successional strategy, floristic status, climate of their native range) were tested. Long photoperiods advanced budburst for one‐third of the studied species, but magnitudes of these effects were generally minor. In contrast to prior hypotheses, photosensitive responses were not restricted to climax or oceanic species. Increased chilling length advanced budburst for almost all species; its effect greatly exceeding that of photoperiod. Moreover, we suggest that photosensitivity and chilling effects have to be rigorously disentangled, as the response to photoperiod was restricted to individuals that had not been fully chilled. The results indicate that temperature requirements and successional strategy are linked, with climax species having higher chilling and forcing requirements than pioneer species. Temperature requirements of invasive species closely matched those of native species, suggesting that high phenological concordance is a prerequisite for successful establishment. Lack of chilling not only led to a considerable delay in budburst but also caused substantial changes in the chronological order of species' budburst. The results reveal that increased winter temperatures might impact forest ecosystems more than formerly assumed. Species with lower chilling requirements, such as pioneer or invasive species, might profit from warming winters, if late spring frost events would in parallel occur earlier.  相似文献   
Toxic metal contamination in the vicinity of Korean abandoned metal mines has been reported. A risk assessment for these metals was performed for the inhabitants in the area of the abandoned Jukjeon metal mine. Soil, groundwater, and crop samples were collected around the mine. After pretreatment of these samples, metal concentrations were measured and then a risk assessment was performed using the Korean soil-contamination risk assessment guidelines. Phytoaccumulation of metals in crops was observed in soybeans (As and Zn), red peppers (Zn), sweet potatoes (As and Zn), and cabbage (Cu), which had higher metal concentrations than soils in the area. The metal intake rate was highest for inhalation of soil. Cancer risk was highest from ingestion of As-contaminated crops. The sum of carcinogenic risks was 6.29 × 10–3. The non-carcinogenic risk was highest for ingestion of As-contaminated crops (8.17). Most of the risks were attributable to As, Pb, and Hg contamination, therefore these three metals must be considered as the principal metals toxic to human health in the sampled area. In particular, the inhalation of metal-contaminated soil should be considered for risk assessment along with ingestion of water and crops in abandoned mine areas.  相似文献   
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