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Nutrient cycling and energy flow in ecosystems are tightly linked through the metabolic processes of organisms. Greater uptake of inorganic nutrients is expected to be associated with higher rates of metabolism [gross primary production (GPP) and respiration (R)], due to assimilatory demand of both autotrophs and heterotrophs. However, relationships between uptake and metabolism should vary with the relative contribution of autochthonous and allochthonous sources of organic matter. To investigate the relationship between metabolism and nutrient uptake, we used whole-stream and benthic chamber methods to measure rates of nitrate–nitrogen (NO3–N) uptake and metabolism in four headwater streams chosen to span a range of light availability and therefore differing rates of GPP and contributions of autochthonous carbon. We coupled whole-stream metabolism with measures of NO3–N uptake conducted repeatedly over the same stream reach during both day and night, as well as incubating benthic sediments under both light and dark conditions. NO3–N uptake was generally greater in daylight compared to dark conditions, and although day-night differences in whole-stream uptake were not significant, light–dark differences in benthic chambers were significant at three of the four sites. Estimates of N demand indicated that assimilation by photoautotrophs could account for the majority of NO3–N uptake at the two sites with relatively open canopies. Contrary to expectations, photoautotrophs contributed substantially to NO3–N uptake even at the two closed-canopy sites, which had low values of GPP/R and relied heavily on allochthonous carbon to fuel R.  相似文献   
东北森林净第一性生产力与碳收支对气候变化的响应   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以东北地区(38.43'N~53.34'N,115.37'E~135.5'E)为研究对象,利用当前气候状况和不同气候情景下的气象数据驱动基于个体生长过程的中国森林生态系统碳收支模型FORCCHN,模拟了气候变化对东北森林生态系统净第一性生产力(NPP)和碳收支(NEP)的影响.结果表明:1981~2002年期间,东北森林NPP总量位于0.27~0.40 pgc·a-1之间,平均值为0.34 pgc·a-1;土壤呼吸总量在0.11~0.27 PgC·a-1,平均为0.19 PgC·a-1;NEP总量位于0.11~0.18 PgC·a-1之间,且近20多年来该区森林起着CO2汇的作用,平均每年吸收0.15 Pg C的CO2;该区森林NPP和NEP对温度升高比对降雨变化的反应更为敏感;综合降雨增加(20%)和气温增加(3℃)的情况,该区各点森林的NPP和NEP增加的幅度最大;温度不变、降水增加(不变)情景下最小.  相似文献   
研究了川西理县毕棚沟不同海拔梯度(3600 m、3300 m和3000 m)森林群落土壤活性氮库及土壤净氮矿化速率的季节动态.结果表明: 研究区森林土壤活性氮库(铵态氮、硝态氮、微生物生物量氮和可溶性有机氮)及净氮矿化速率存在明显的季节变化,但不同形态土壤活性氮库的季节动态有一定差异.4个采样时期(非生长季与生长季初期、中期及末期)各海拔土壤硝态氮浓度(8.38~89.60 mg·kg-1)均显著高于铵态氮浓度(0.44~8.43 mg·kg-1).生长季初期各海拔梯度的土壤净氮矿化速率均表现为负值(-0.77~-0.56 mg·kg-1·d-1),而非生长季、生长季中期和末期均为正值.除硝态氮外,不同海拔的土壤铵态氮、微生物生物量氮和可溶性有机氮浓度的差异极显著,海拔对它们的影响与季节变化有关.该区土壤净氮矿化以硝化为主,且氮矿化过程不受海拔梯度的影响.冬季土壤净氮矿化明显(0.42~099 mg·kg-1·d-1),早春高的土壤无机氮可能为植物生长提供基础养分,也可能通过淋溶方式从系统中丢失.  相似文献   
应用普适全国的计算太阳辐射、光合有效辐射和光量子通量模型,系统地研究了粤西的高要、封开和临近地区梧州的太阳辐射、光合有效辐射和光量子通量的年总量、月总量以及相应的年平均日总量和日平均日总量。结果表明,太阳辐射、光合有效辐射和光量子通量的年变化有相似的规律;而地区变化有以下特点:梧州和封开明显类似,而高要与上两地差异稍大。  相似文献   
本文研究了不同碳源对须糖多孢菌生长以及丁烯基多杀菌素生物合成的影响,通过寻找优势碳源优化发酵培养基配方,促进须糖多孢菌丁烯基多杀菌素的生物合成。试验共设11个处理,1个对照,通过单因素试验比较不同处理组菌体OD600值和丁烯基多杀菌素产量,筛选获得最优碳源及其发酵培养基配方。结果表明,除可溶性淀粉和木糖外,须糖多孢菌在9种碳源中都能进行生长,对不同构型碳源显示较好的利用率。在以半乳糖、葡萄糖、果糖和甘露糖作为碳源时具有较好的生长速率,而以甘露糖为碳源时能显著促进丁烯基多杀菌素的合成。选择甘露糖最佳添加浓度为5 g/L,须糖多孢菌最高菌体浓度和丁烯基多杀菌素产量分别是初始配方条件的1. 32倍和1. 78倍,显著提高了丁烯基多杀菌素的产量。上述结果为培养基碳源对丁烯基多杀菌素生物合成影响机制的研究及丁烯基多杀菌素大规模工业化发酵生产提供了科学依据和新的技术途径。  相似文献   
Stable Isotopes and Carbon Cycle Processes in Forests and Grasslands   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract: Scaling and partitioning are frequently two difficult challenges facing ecology today. With regard to ecosystem carbon balance studies, ecologists and atmospheric scientists are often interested in asking how fluxes of carbon dioxide scale across the landscape, region and continent. Yet at the same time, physiological ecologists and ecosystem ecologists are interested in dissecting the net ecosystem CO2 exchange between the biosphere and the atmosphere to achieve a better understanding of the balance between photosynthesis and respiration within a forest. In both of these multiple-scale ecological questions, stable isotope analyses of carbon dioxide can play a central role in influencing our understanding of the extent to which terrestrial ecosystems are carbon sinks. In this synthesis, we review the theory and present field evidence to address isotopic scaling of CO2 fluxes. We first show that the 13C isotopic signal which ecosystems impart to the atmosphere does not remain constant over time at either temporal or spatial scales. The relative balances of different biological activities and plant responses to stress result in dynamic changes in the 13C isotopic exchange between the biosphere and atmosphere, with both seasonal and stand-age factors playing major roles influencing the 13C biosphere-atmosphere exchange. We then examine how stable isotopes are used to partition net ecosystem exchange fluxes in order to calculate shifts in the balance of photosynthesis and respiration. Lastly, we explore how fundamental differences in the 18O isotopic gas exchange of forest and grassland ecosystems can be used to further partition terrestrial fluxes.  相似文献   
不同稻作年限下土壤微生物学性质和线虫群落特征的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红壤地区旱地改水田后随稻作年限的增加土壤性质会发生改变,但缺乏对百年尺度内土壤动物群落特征变化的了解.本研究选取了旱改水后1 yr、10 yr、20 yr、50 yr和100 yr五个时序的田块,研究了稻作土壤微生物学性质及线虫群落特征的变化.结果表明,随着稻作年限的延长,土壤微生物生物量碳氮、基础呼吸、矿质氮、速效磷、线虫数量及线虫属数均随稻作时间增长而逐渐上升,在50 yr均达到显著水平(P<0.05),在50-100 yr变化渐缓或有所下降.线虫群落中植食者的比例显著上升(P<0.05),捕食/杂食者的比例有所下降但差异不显著.线虫通道指数也随稻作年限的增加而逐渐增长(P<0.05),表明土壤食物网结构趋向于细菌通道.稻作年限对线虫群落成熟度指数和结构指数的影响并不一致.总之,土壤微生物学性质和线虫群落在旱改水50 yr时土壤各项性质均达到较高水平,随稻作年限的继续延长呈现稳定趋势.  相似文献   
【目的】分析低温驯化后水椰八角铁甲Octodonta nipae体内各种生理活性物质含量的变化,为揭示水椰八角铁甲耐寒机制提供理论基础。【方法】以25℃处理为对照,将水椰八角铁甲各虫态于12.5, 15, 17.5和20℃驯化处理10 d后,比较其体内的游离水、蛋白质、氨基酸、粗脂肪、甘油和可溶性糖原等生理活性物质含量的变化。【结果】低温驯化显著影响铁甲体内上述物质的含量水平。低温驯化能提高该铁甲体内甘油和游离氨基酸的含量,降低游离水、蛋白质、粗脂肪、可溶性糖原的含量。与对照相比,12.5℃驯化对该铁甲各虫态体内游离水含量存在显著影响(P<0.01);经12.5, 15, 17.5和20.0℃驯化后,该铁甲各虫态体内蛋白质、粗脂肪含量与对照相比均存在显著差异(P<0.01);经125,150和175℃驯化后,该铁甲各虫态体内游离氨基酸含量与对照存在显著差异(P<0.01);经12.5,15.0,17.5和20℃驯化后,该铁甲各虫态(2龄幼虫除外)体内甘油含量与对照相比存在显著差异(P<0.01);12.5, 15.0, 17.5和20℃驯化对除2龄幼虫、蛹和成虫外的铁甲其他各虫态体内可溶性糖原含量存在显著影响。经15.0℃驯化处理后铁甲各虫态体内平均甘油含量最高,比对照25℃的平均甘油含量高出约9.4倍,而经12.5℃驯化处理的虫体内的平均甘油含量仅增加3.5倍。【结论】低温驯化对水椰八角铁甲体内相关生理活性物质含量的影响效能是有限的;水椰八角铁甲可以根据不良的环境条件调节最佳的生理状况,以适应未来的环境和达到最强的适应性。  相似文献   
We investigated how the legacy of warming and summer drought affected microbial communities in five different replicated long‐term (>10 years) field experiments across Europe (EU‐FP7 INCREASE infrastructure). To focus explicitly on legacy effects (i.e., indirect rather than direct effects of the environmental factors), we measured microbial variables under the same moisture and temperature in a brief screening, and following a pre‐incubation at stable conditions. Specifically, we investigated the size and composition of the soil microbial community (PLFA) alongside measurements of bacterial (leucine incorporation) and fungal (acetate in ergosterol incorporation) growth rates, previously shown to be highly responsive to changes in environmental factors, and microbial respiration. We found no legacy effects on the microbial community size, composition, growth rates, or basal respiration rates at the effect sizes used in our experimental setup (0.6 °C, about 30% precipitation reduction). Our findings support previous reports from single short‐term ecosystem studies thereby providing a clear evidence base to allow long‐term, broad‐scale generalizations to be made. The implication of our study is that warming and summer drought will not result in legacy effects on the microbial community and their processes within the effect sizes here studied. While legacy effects on microbial processes during perturbation cycles, such as drying–rewetting, and on tolerance to drought and warming remain to be studied, our results suggest that any effects on overall ecosystem processes will be rather limited. Thus, the legacies of warming and drought should not be prioritized factors to consider when modeling contemporary rates of biogeochemical processes in soil.  相似文献   
根据草地农业生态系统的结构,它的碳平衡为4个生产层的碳平衡之和,也是3个界面的碳平衡之和,而某一生产层或者某一界面的碳平衡则是其固定、输入、排放和输出的碳之和。草地农业生态系统4个生产层的碳平衡分析方法定量重要生产环节的碳汇与碳源过程,便于草业生产改进碳汇管理;草地农业生态系统3个界面的碳平衡分析方法显示碳源和碳汇的发生机理,及其空间和数量关系,便于调控草业生产组分以增汇减排;但是,这两个方法不易区分碳的来源和去向,难以明确其利用效率。草地农业生态系统碳平衡分析的输入/输出法定量地指示碳的来源和去向,以及碳效率,计算简单,但是较为概括,不利于牧场尺度的草业碳汇管理。以中国祁连山甘肃马鹿牧场和澳大利亚塔斯玛尼亚奶牛牧场为例,用3种方法分析了两个牧场的碳平衡,结果表明,放牧管理的草业系统的主要碳源是休闲旅游、产品加工流通环节产生的温室气体,主要碳汇是草地和土壤中贮存的碳,好的草地管理可以增汇减排。  相似文献   
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