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加拿大一枝黄花对土壤营养元素吸收与转运特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选择临海沿江镇加拿大一枝黄花重度入侵区域,分别收集植物与土壤样品,研究加拿大一枝黄花对土壤中7种营养元素的吸收、转运特征。研究结果表明:7种营养元素在植物组织中的平均含量排序为:Zn〉K〉Ca〉N〉Mg〉P〉Mn。而且不同器官对同一种元素的积累存在显著差异,总体规律表现为叶和花蕾积累元素最多,其次是枝条和根状茎,根和茎则积累最少。地上器官对各元素的转移能力表现出明显差异,但各器官均对氮素有较强的转运能力,转运因子均明显高于1。地下器官(根和根状茎)对氮素有较高的富集能力,富集因子同样明显高于1。7种元素在加拿大一枝黄花不同器官的吸收转运存在着一定的促进或者拮抗作用。在花蕾、枝条和根中,磷吸收分别与Mg、Mn和Zn吸收呈现显著负相关;在花蕾中,氮的吸收和Mn的吸收呈现显著正相关;在不同器官里,K、Ca、Mg、Zn和Mn吸收之间多呈现正相关。  相似文献   
The mature larvae of the soybean pod borer Leguminivora glycinivorella, spend over 9 months (October-next August) in the inactive state until pupation down to 3 cm below the surface in soil. Trehalose content of inactive larvae increases in early winter, attaining a maximum (ca 30 mg/g), and decreases in spring, with a concomitant decrease and increase of glycogen. The median supercooling points seasonally change from ?19.8°C (October) to ?25.0°C (February), and to ?17.0°C (June). The lower supercooling points in winter are in part due to the absence of unusually high values (> ?18°C). The increase in trehalose does not seem to be effective in depressing the supercooling points. The larvae are freeze-intolerant, but ambient temperatures in outdoor conditions are always above the supercooling points. The survival rates are very high throughout the inactive period.  相似文献   
长期施用猪粪红壤稻田土壤Cu、Zn累积规律   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为揭示长期施用猪粪红壤稻田土壤Cu、Zn累积规律,以设立于1981年的红壤稻田有机肥定位试验为载体,选取PM1(早稻施猪粪和紫云英)、PM2(早稻施紫云英+晚稻施猪粪)、GMS(早稻施紫云英+晚稻秸秆还田)和NPK(早稻施化肥)等处理为对象,分析了不同试验年限土壤全量和有效态Cu、Zn含量。结果表明:长期施用猪粪显著提高了土壤Cu、Zn含量;连续施用猪粪30 a后,土壤全量Cu、Zn含量分别增加了7.69—9.52 mg/kg和22.42—35.46 mg/kg;生物有效性显著增加,有效态Cu、Zn含量占全量Cu、Zn的比例分别由15%和5%增加到51%和27%。猪粪年度内的施用时间对土壤Cu的累积没有显著影响,早稻施用猪粪加剧了土壤Zn的累积。土壤铜、锌累积分为两个差异显著的阶段,1981—2002年为缓慢增长期,2002—2010年为快速增长期,这可能与2002年后施用的猪粪中Cu、Zn含量增高有关。以研究的结果推算,红壤稻田鲜猪粪施用量在9.5 t hm-2a-1以下,50 a内不会造成土壤Cu、Zn含量超标。  相似文献   
小型哺乳动物能量代谢和脂肪累积的适应性调节是其应对自然环境变化的主要能量学策略,但在不同的生活史阶段,脂肪组织适应性调节的特征和能量机理尚不清楚。为探讨不同繁殖阶段能量代谢和脂肪累积的变化及其内分泌机理,本文测定了黑线仓鼠哺乳期和断乳后摄食量、脂肪重量,以及血清瘦素水平、下丘脑瘦素受体(Ob-Rb)和相关神经肽的基因表达。结果显示,哺乳高峰期黑线仓鼠的脂肪重量几乎降低至零,断乳后显著增加;与非繁殖对照组相比,皮下脂肪、肾周脂肪与腹腔脂肪重量分别增长了1.5倍、37.1倍和1.9倍。断乳后摄食量、血清瘦素水平显著高于非繁殖对照组,Ob-Rb基因表达显著下调,而促食与抑食神经肽的基因表达均未发生显著变化。哺育不同胎仔数的黑线仓鼠在断乳后能量摄入、静止代谢率、身体组分未出现显著差异。研究表明,在不同的繁殖阶段脂肪累积呈现显著的适应性调节,瘦素抵抗是断乳后脂肪累积补偿性增长的重要内分泌机制之一。这对迅速恢复脂肪累积,以应对将来的能量需求增加或者食物资源短缺的环境,进而提高自身的适合度具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Abstract. Question: How do Coriaria arborea, an N‐fixing native shrub, and Buddleja davidii, a non‐N‐fixing exotic shrub, affect N:P stoichiometry in plants and soils during early stages of primary succession on a flood‐plain? Location: Kowhai River Valley, northeast South Island, New Zealand. Methods: We measured soil and foliar nutrient concentrations, light levels, plant community composition and the above‐ground biomass of Coriaria and Buddleja in four successional stages: open, young, vigorous and mature. Results: Coriaria occurred at low density but dominated above‐ground biomass by the vigorous stage. Buddleja occurred at 5.3 ± 1.0 stems/m2 in the young stage and reached a maximum biomass of 520–535 g.m‐2 during the young and vigorous stages. Mineral soil N increased with above‐ground Coriaria biomass (r2= 0.45), but did not vary with Buddleja biomass. In contrast, soil P increased with Buddleja biomass (r2= 0.35), but not with Coriaria biomass. In early successional stages, 70–80% of the species present were exotic, but this declined to about 15% by the mature stage. Exotic plant species richness declined with increasing Coriaria biomass, but no other measures of diversity varied with either Coriaria or Buddleja biomass. Conclusion: These results demonstrate that Buddleja dominates early succession and accumulates P whereas Coriaria dominates later succession and accumulates N. A key ecosystem effect of the invasive exotic Buddleja is alteration of soil N:P stoichiometry.  相似文献   
Accumulation of heavy metals (HMs) in cultivated soils is a continuing environmental problem in many parts of the world. An increase in HM concentration can enhance uptake of toxic metals by crops and enter the human food chain. In this study, the uptake behavior of wheat and safflower was evaluated in a calcareous soil by using 12 undisturbed columns in which half were artificially contaminated. Heavy metals in the form of CdCl2 (15 mg Cd kg? 1), CuSO4 (585 mg Cu kg? 1), Pb(NO3)2 (117 mg Pb kg? 1), and ZnCl2 (1094 mg Zn kg? 1) were sprayed on the soil surface and completely mixed in the top 10 cm. The background total concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn were 1.6, 29.5, 17.5 and 61.2 mg kg? 1, respectively. After metal application, half of the columns (3 contaminated and 3 uncontaminated) were sown with wheat (Triticum aestivum) and the other half with safflower (Carthamus tinctorious) and grown for 74 days until maturity. After harvesting, soil columns were cut into 10-cm sections and analyzed for HNO3- and DTPA-extractable metal concentrations. Metal concentrations were also measured in different plant tissues. The results showed that artificial contamination of topsoil decreased the transpiration rate of wheat by 12% and that of safflower by 6%. In contaminated columns, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn accumulation in wheat shoot was greater by 8.0-, 1.9-, 3.0-, and 2.1-fold than the control, respectively. Accordingly, these numbers were 46.0-, 1.3-, 1.7-, and 1.6-fold in safflower shoot. Soil contamination with HMs resulted in a 55% decrease in shoot dry matter yield of wheat while it had no significant effect on shoot dry matter of safflower. The normalized water consumption for safflower was therefore not affected by metal contamination (≈ 13 mm H2O g? 1 of dry weight for all safflower and uncontaminated wheat treatments), while contaminated wheat was much less water efficient at about 27 mm H2O g? 1 dry weight. It was concluded that although artificial contamination had a negative effect on wheat growth, it did not affect safflower's normal growth and water efficiency.  相似文献   
微藻是可广泛用于健康食品及水产养殖的饵料,同时,微藻细胞内积累的油脂可作为可再生生物燃料,因此微藻的生长和代谢受到广泛关注。温度和pH对微藻的生物量积累有很大影响,考察不同温度和pH条件下微藻细胞的生长有助于寻找最佳的条件进行微藻的培养。自絮凝小球藻JSC-7(Chlorella vulgaris JSC-7)可实现自沉降采收,有利于降低微藻生产成本,优化其生长条件对更好地利用该微藻具有重要意义。考察了温度(22∽40℃)及pH(6.0∽10.0)对其细胞生长、叶绿素含量和油脂产量的影响。在所选取的温度及pH范围内,JSC-7细胞均可生长,显示该藻种可以适应广泛的温度和pH条件。适合细胞生长的温度依次为31℃〉28℃〉35℃〉25℃,pH依次为7.0〉8.0〉6.0。pH 8.0时生物量和油脂的积累量最多,说明该藻株在弱碱条件下更适合生长和产油。当温度为31℃、pH为7.0时,可获得最高的生长量(OD690=0.941)、叶绿素含量(19 mg/L)及油脂产量(39.07%/克干重)。  相似文献   
We examined the effects of the presence of bird's nest ferns on the species diversity of oribatid mites in the whole forest in terms of the three categories of species diversity (α-, β-, and γ-diversity) in a subtropical forest in south-western Japan. The species diversity (1 − D) of oribatid communities in the ferns was significantly lower than those in bark of trees and the forest-floor litter and soil, and was similar to that in the branches. The oribatid faunas in the litter in and the roots of the fern were more similar to those in both the forest-floor litter and soil than to the faunas in the other arboreal habitats. However, the ferns can be colonized by endemic oribatid species specialized to such environments. The number of oribatid species estimated for a hypothetical stand with no ferns was about 180 species from 80 samples; this value did not differ significantly from that in another hypothetical stand with ferns (ca. 190 species). Thus, the species richness of oribatid communities estimated for the whole forest (the γ-diversity) was not affected by the presence or absence of bird's nest ferns. The α- and β-diversities of oribatid communities on bird's nest ferns were lower than those in other habitats, and they might not dramatically raise the overall γ-diversity of invertebrate communities in the whole forest. The bird's nest ferns, however, can generate a unique habitat for specialized species, and this would help to maintain species diversities of invertebrates at the whole-forest scale in subtropical forests.  相似文献   
The ovarioles of the bark beetle, Ips acuminatus are telotrophic. Ovarian development is suppressed at an immature stage with primary germ cells present in the germaria. Lower oxygen consumption is found in beetles during autumn and early winter, and a substantial rise in mean respiration rates occurs in the beginning of January paralleled by a resumption of pre-vitellogenesis in all females maintained either at 3°C or out of doors after return to 21°C for 2 weeks. It is concluded that I. acuminatus enters faculative diapause soon after enclosure to the adult, and that diapause is terminated by mid-winter in beetles kept for 18 weeks at either 3°C or out of doors. The specimens remain thereafter in reproductive quiescence until ovarian development can proceed.Photic cues are neither involved in the elevation of mean respiration rates, nor needed to abolish the inhibition of ovarian maturation in beetles kept at 3°C or in those returned to 21°C. However, follicle formation in ovarioles is only seen in positive phototactic females reared during “long-day” conditions, suggesting a photoperiodic regulation of the later stages of vitellogenesis.Detectable amounts of ethylene glycol are found at the beginning of November in freezing-susceptible I. acuminatus hibernating in its galleries underneath bark of Scots pine (Pinus silvestris) at 3°C. The gradual catabolism of the cryoprotective solute at 3°C through December occurred at a time when individuals achieved the competence to resume ovarian maturation during 2 weeks at 21°C, but prior to the substantial rise in their mean respiration rates. However, resumption of ovarian development in spring had no effect on the capability of outdoor beetles to enhance their supercooling capacity when subjected to sub-zero temperatures. Since the ability to respond to temperature changes occurred in post-diapause I. acuminatus as well, the maintenance of prolonged cold hardiness in specimens could not be related to diapause itself. Apparently, the ability of beetles to resynthesize ethylene glycol when a detectable level is present in the organism remains unaltered during overwintering.  相似文献   
The yeast Pichia guilliermondii is capable of riboflavin overproduction under iron deficiency. The rib80, hit1, and red6 mutants of this species, which exhibit impaired riboflavin regulation, are also distinguished by increased iron concentrations in the cells and mitochondria, morphological changes in the mitochondria, as well as decreased growth rates (except for red6) and respiratory activity. With sufficient iron supply, the rib80 and red6 mutations cause a 1.5–1.8-fold decrease in the activity of such Fe-S cluster proteins as aconitase and flavocytochrome b 2, whereas the hit1 mutation causes a six-fold decrease. Under iron deficiency, the activity of these enzymes was equally low in all of the studied strains.  相似文献   
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