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Aah I is a 63-residue alpha-toxin isolated from the venom of the Buthidae scorpion Androctonus australis hector, which is considered to be the most dangerous species. We report here the first chemical synthesis of Aah I by the solid-phase method, using a Fmoc strategy. The synthetic toxin I (sAah I) was renatured in DMSO-Tris buffer, purified and subjected to thorough analysis and comparison with the natural toxin. The sAah I showed physico-chemical (CD spectrum, molecular mass, HPLC elution), biochemical (amino-acid composition, sequence), immunochemical and pharmacological properties similar to those of the natural toxin. The synthetic toxin was recognized by a conformation-dependent monoclonal anti-Aah I antibody, with an IC50 value close to that for the natural toxin. Following intracerebroventricular injection, the synthetic and the natural toxins were similarly lethal to mice. In voltage-clamp experiments, Na(v) 1.2 sodium channel inactivation was inhibited by the application of sAah I or of the natural toxin in a similar way. This work describes a simple protocol for the chemical synthesis of a scorpion alpha-toxin, making it possible to produce structural analogues in time.  相似文献   
 The membrane-bound F1 sector of the H+–ATPase complex (F-type ATPase) in dark-adapted photosynthetic chromatophores is endowed with MgATP- and CaATP-dependent ATPase activities, both sensitive to inhibitors such as oligomycin and venturicidin. Because of contatamination of free Mg2 + and Ca2+ ions in chromatophore preparations, kinetic characterization of the two hydrolitic reactions can be performed only in the presence of both substrates, using a model for two alternative substrates. The two activities are characterized by similar maximal rates and affinity constants [VMgATP and VCaATP: 13±1 and 10±1 nmol s–1 ATP hydrolyzed (μmol BChl)–1; KMgATP and KCaATP: 0.22±0.06 and 0.20±0.05 mm]. However, only the MgATP-dependent ATPase is coupled to Δ*H + generation. In this process CaATP acts as an alternative substrate and a competitive inhibitor of the proton pump, with a KI coincident with KCaATP for the hydrolytic activity. This finding highlights the central role that the coordination chemistry of the ion-nucleotide complex plays in determining the proton gating mechanism at the catalytic site(s) of the enzyme complex. These results are discussed on the basis of the coordination properties of the ions and of the available information on the protein structure. Received: 5 December 1995 / Accepted: 7 March 1996  相似文献   
We have investigated the effects of altered cell shape on the regulation of the 92kDa type IV collagenase. In MDCK cells, anti-E-cadherin antibodies alter cell shape by disrupting normal cell—cell contacts, while sodium butyrate causes a marked flattening and spreading of cells. The disruption of cell—cell contacts led to a faint expression of the 92kDa collagenase. This effect was enhanced by sodium butyrate, which by itself did not induce collagenase expression. In contrast, stromelysin expression was not regulated in these conditions. Although mRNA expression was enhanced, the secreted collagenase activity was not altered in these conditions in either cell line. Examination of cytoskeletal and extracellular matrix proteins and cell—cell and cell—matrix adhesion proteins by immunofluorescence and Western blot revealed a disruption of the actin network, tight junctions, and fibronectin deposition by anti E-cadherin antibodies, and alterations in actin, cytokeratin 8, cytokeratin 14, laminin and β1 integrin induced by sodium butyrate. Thus, the induction of collagenase expression in epithelial cells by disrupted cell—cell adhesion and sodium butyrate is associated with changes in cell shape and structure.  相似文献   
Contrary to previous reports, the functional and spectral properties of “monomeric” shark cytochrome c oxidases are not entirely similar to those of the “dimeric” beef enzyme. Most significantly, unlike the behavior of beef oxidase, the fully oxidized shark enzyme is not reducible by carbon monoxide. Also, preparations of the shark enzyme, isolated at pH 7.8-8.0, lead to more than 60% of the sample always being obtained in a resting form, whereas similarly prepared beef oxidase is very often obtained, both by ourselves and others, exclusively in the pulsed form. Although the electronic absorption, magnetic circular dichroism and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of cytochrome c oxidase obtained from several shark species are similar to those of the beef enzyme, there are some significant differences. In particular, the Soret maximum is at 422 nm in the case of the fully oxidized resting shark oxidases at physiological pH and not 418 nm as commonly found for the beef enzyme. Moreover, the resting shark oxidases do not necessarily exhibit a “g = 12” signal in their EPR spectra. The turnover numbers of recent preparations of the shark enzyme are higher than previously reported and, interestingly, do not differ within experimental uncertainty from those documented for several beef isoenzymes assayed under comparable conditions.  相似文献   
Hot-water dips with and without the additives abamectin and sodium hypochlorite were evaluated for control of Ditylenchus dipsaci infection of garlic seed cloves. All treatments were compared to hot water-formalin clove dip disinfection and to nontreated infected controls for garlic emergence, midseason infection, bulb damage, and yield at harvest in field plots in 12 experiments. Hot-water treatments without additives only partially controlled D. dipsaci when a warming presoak dip (38 C) of 30, 45, or 60 minutes'' duration was followed by a hot-water dip (49 C) of 15-30 minutes'' duration. Exposure to 49 C for 30 minutes caused slight retardation of garlic emergence, although normal stand was established. Abamectin at 10-20 ppm as the 20-minute hot dip (49 C) or as a 20-minute cool dip (18 C) following a 20-minute hot-water dip and sodium hypochlorite at 1.052-1.313% aqueous solution as the 20-minute hot dip were highly effective in controlling D. dipsaci and were noninjurious to garlic seed cloves. None of these treatments was as effective as a hot water-formalin dip and were noneradicative, but showed high efficacy on heavily infected seed cloves relative to nontreated controls. Abamectin was most effective as a cool dip. These abamectin cool-dip (following hot-water dip) and sodium hypochlorite hot-dip treatments can be considered as effective alternatives to replace formalin as a dip additive for control of clove-borne D. dipsaci. Sodium hypochlorite was less effective as the cool dip, and at concentrations of 1.75-2.63% was phytotoxic to garlic.  相似文献   
The gene para in Drosophila melanogaster encodes an α subunit of voltage-activated sodium channels, the presumed site of action of DDT and pyrethroid insecticides. We used an existing collection of Drosophila para mutants to examine the molecular basis of target-site resistance to pyrethroids and DDT. Six out of thirteen mutants tested were associated with a largely dominant, 10- to 30-fold increase in DDT resistance. The amino acid lesions associated with these alleles defined four sites in the sodium channel polypeptide where a mutational change can cause resistance: within the intracellular loop between S4 and S5 in homology domains I and III, within the pore region of homology domain III, and within S6 in homology domain III. Some of these sites are analogous with those defined by knockdown resistance (kdr) and super-kdr resistance-associated mutations in houseflies and other insects, but are located in different homologous units of the channel polypeptide. We find a striking synergism in resistance levels with particular heterozygous combinations of para alleles that appears to mimic the super-kdr double mutant housefly phenotype. Our results indicate that the alleles analyzed from natural populations represent only a subset of mutations that can confer resistance. The implications for the binding site of pyrethroids and mechanisms of target-site insensitivity are discussed. Received: 9 May 1997 / Accepted: 21 July 1997  相似文献   
Despite evidence which supports a neurotransmitter-like role for nitric oxide (NO) in the CNS, relatively little is known regarding mechanisms which control NO formation within CNS neurons. In this study, isolated nerve endings (synaptosomes) from rat cerebral cortex were used to ascertain whether NO can autoregulate its own formation within neurons through feedback inhibition of the NO biosynthetic enzyme nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Under the conditions described here, N-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester-sensitive conversion ofl-[3H]arginine intol-[3H]citrulline (i.e., NOS activity) was found to be highly calcium-dependent and strongly inhibited (up to 60 percent) by NO donors, including sodium nitroprusside, hydroxylamine and nitroglycerin. The inhibitory effect of sodium nitroprusside was concentration-dependent (IC50100 M) and prevented by the NO scavenger oxyhemoglobin.l-Citrulline, the other major end-product from NOS, had no apparent effect on synaptosomal NOS activity. Taken together, these results indicate that neuronal NOS can be inhibited by NO released from exogenous donors and, therefore, may be subject to end-product feedback inhibition by NO that is formed locally within neurons or released from proximal cells.  相似文献   
The binding of sodium n-dodecyl sulphate to lysozyme has been measured by equilibrium dialysis at 25°C and pH 3.2 over a range of ionic strengts from 0.0119 to 0.2119. Binding isotherms in the region corresponding to ionic binding between the surfactant anions and cationic amino acid residues on the protein have been interpreted in terms of the Hill equation and exhibit positive cooperativity with Hill coefficients in the region of 7–11. The Gibbs energies of binding have been calculated from the Hill binding constants and from the Wyman binding potentials. The stability of the surfactant-protein complexes is discussed in relation to the stability of surfactant micelles. Ionic binding of the surfactant is weakened and hydrophobic binding strengthened by increasing ionic strength.  相似文献   
A highly sensitive fluorimetric assay using 3-O-methylfluorescein phosphate as substrate was used in the determination of K+-dependent phosphatase activity in preparations of rat skeletal muscle. The gastrocnemius muscle was chosen because of mixed fibre composition. Crude, detergent treated homogenate was used so as to avoid loss of activity during purification. K+-dependent phosphatase activities in the range 0.19–0.37 μmol · (g wet weight)−1 · min−1 were obtained, the value decreasing with age and K+-deficiency. Complete inhibition of the K+-dependent phosphatase was obtained with 10−3 M ouabain. Using a KSCN-extracted muscle enzyme the intimate relation between K+-dependent phosphatase activity and (Na+ + K+)-activated ATP hydrolysis could be demonstrated. A molecular activity of 620 min−1 was estimated from simultaneous determination of K+-dependent phosphatase activity and [3H]ouabain binding capacity using the partially purified enzyme preparation. The corresponding enzyme concentration in the crude homogenates was calculated and corresponded well with the number of [3H]ouabain binding sites measured in intact muscles or biopsies hereof.  相似文献   
Ouabain-blocked toad urinary bladders were maintained in Na+-free mucosal solutions, and a depolarizing solution of high K+ activity containing only 5 mM Na+ on the serosal side. Exposure to mucosal sodium (20 mM activity) evoked a transient amiloride-blockable inward current, which decayed to near zero within one hour. The apical sodium conductance increased in the initial phase of the current decay and decreased in the second phase. The conductance decrease required Ca2+ to be present on the serosal side and was more rapid when the mucosal Na+ activity was higher. At 20 mM mucosal Na+ and 3 mM serosal Ca2+ the initial (maximal) rate of inhibition amounted to 20% in 10 min. The conductance decrease could be accelerated by raising the serosal Ca2+ activity to 10 mM. The inhibition reversed on lowering the serosal Ca2+ to 3 μM and, in addition, the mucosal Na+ to zero. Exposure of the mucosal surface to the ionophore nystatin abolished the Ca2+ sensitivity of the transcellular conductance, showing that the Ca2+-sensitive conductance resides in the apical membrane. The data imply that in the K+-depolarized epithelia, cellular Ca2+, taken up from the serosal medium by means of a Na+-Ca2+ antiport, cause feedback inhibition by blockage of apical Na+ channels. However, the rate of inhibition is small, such that this regulatory mechanism will have little effect at 1 mM serosal Ca2+ and less than 20 mM cellular Na+.  相似文献   
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