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Summary In the pelagic larvacean Oikopleura dioica, the epithelium lining the alimentary tract consists of ciliated and unciliated cell types. The ciliated cells also exhibit an apical border of long microvilli. Between the microvilli, the cellular membrane often projects deeply down into the cytoplasm; the membranes of these invaginations and those of apicolateral interdigitations may be associated with one another by tight junctions. Some of these junctions may be autocellular. The tight junctions are seen by freeze-fracture to be very simple in construction, composed of a single row of intramembranous particles, which may be fused into a P-face ridge. There is a dense cytoplasmic fuzz associated with these tight junctions which may extend into adjoining zonula adhaerens-like regions. The invaginations of the apical membranes are, in addition, associated by gap junctions which may also be autocellular. More conventional homocellular and heterocellular tight and gap junctions occur along the lateral borders of ciliated cells and between ciliated and unciliated cells. These gap junctions possess a reduced intercellular cleft and typical P-face connexons arranged in macular plaques, with complementary E-face pits. Both cell types exhibit extensive stacks of basal and lateral interdigitations. The tight junctions found here are unusual in that they are associated with a dense cytoplasmic fuzz which is normally more characteristic of zonulae adhaerentes.  相似文献   
Summary This study demonstrates that endocytosis in the oocyte of Drosophila melanogaster is reversibly blocked at the stage of pit formation by the temperature-sensitive, single-gene mutant, shibire ts1. Uptake of horseradish peroxidase conjugated with wheat-germ agglutinin was observed to be normal in mutant oocytes at 19°C, but was blocked at 29°C. After 10 min at 29°C, there was a build-up of coated pits along invaginations of the plasma membrane. Also, the endosomal compartment consisting of tubules, bulbs, and small yolk spheres, disappeared. Lowering the temperature to 19°C after 10 min at 29°C released a synchronized wave of endocytosis into a cytoplasm cleared of uptake-related organelles. By observing this synchronized wave after exposure to 19°C for varying durations, we determined that endocytosis proceeds as follows: coated pits/vesiclestubulessmall yolk spheresmature yolk spheres. The observations suggest that these organelles transform one into another within this sequence.  相似文献   
Summary A negative feedback interaction between luminosity type horizonatal cells (HCs) and green-sensitive cones generates the long-wavelength-sensitive depolarizing response in biphasic chromaticity type HCs. This interaction is suppressed in the dark and is potentiated by light adaptation of the retina. HCs are morphologically plastic; during light adaptation, their dendritic terminals within cone pedicles extend, giving rise to spinules. This paper examines whether there is a quantitative correlation between the time course of light-dependent formation of the spinules and enhancement of the feedback interaction. The strength of the feedback interaction in isolated retinac of the roach was determined as the neutral wavelength at which reversal of spectral response polarity occurred in biphasic HCs. A good correlation was found between the neutral wavelength and the spinule/ribbon ratios of retinae. Biphasic HCs were intracellularly stained with horseradish peroxidase and the correlative ultrastructure of the contacted pedicles was examined. Neutral wavelength was found to be correlated with the spinule number, weighted according to the number of synaptic contacts mediating feed-forward transmission. The latter was estimated from the total number of labelled Cb/H2 HC processes (central and lateral) at synaptic triads. A model in which spinules mediate the negative feedback interaction of HCs in the retina of cyprinid fish is presented.  相似文献   
Summary This paper reports the occurrence of an accumulation of lethally altered lymphocytes in the subcapsular sinus of a compartment or compartments of some lymph nodes, an unusual feature best developed in nodes of the mesenteric site in aging athymic animals. Many of these cells are rod-like. In other compartments, similar lymphocytes occurred at various depths in the nodal parenchyma. This was accompanied by the disappearance of a compartment's populations of normal lymphoid cells. The observations reveal that lymphocytes, altered in a tissue, may reach the subcapsular sinus of the draining node compartment and migrate into its parenchyma which then undergoes atrophy. The likely involvement of mast cells is discussed.This work was funded by the Medical Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   
Summary The three-dimensional structure of the axolotl (urodele amphibian) thymus was studied by combined scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The epithelial cell is the major component of the microenvironment forming the meshwork where thymocytes differentiate. Three different types of epithelial cells could be defined by their intracytoplasmic organelles and their localization in the subcapsular or deeper part of the organ. These epithelial cells participate in various types of lymphostromal interactions. Other stromal elements, such as interdigitating reticular cells, macrophages, eosinophil granulocytes and epithelial cysts were also defined. The absence of a true cortico-medullary differentiation in the axolotl thymus, the presence of different stromal elements and the physiological significance of these various microenvironments are discussed.  相似文献   
Three isolates of Gliocladium virens (G1, G2 and G3) and two of Trichoderma longibrachiatum (T1 and T2) were screened against isolates of three soilborne plant pathogens namely Rhizoctonia solani, Sclerotium rolfsii and Pythium aphanidermatum. G. virens exhibited stronger hyperparasitism and wider biological spectrum than T. longibrachiatum. Further, similarities as well as variation was observed in the ability of the various isolates to invade the test pathogens in dual culture. For the hyperparasites, acidic pH range (5.0 to 5.5) favoured both growth and spore germination. The hyperparasites made direct contact with the pathogens followed by varied modes of attack invariably leading to cell disruption. Antagonists, G1 and G3 revealed strong antibiosis while T2 showed moderate effect. All the isolates produced enhanced levels of lytic enzymes adaptively and there were marked differences among them. However, no correlation was observed between these attributes and the hyperparasitic potential of the various isolates in dual culture. The relevance and the role of enzymes and toxic metabolite(s) in the antagonism of G. virens and T. longibrachiatum to these pathogens are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary The lysosomal systems in maturation-ameloblasts affected by colchicine were examined using trimetaphosphatase cytochemistry. Demineralized segments of rat incisor were incubated for trimetaphosphatase. At all time intervals, lysosomal structures exhibited reduced enzyme reactivity and were clustered in the Golgi region of the cell. Both ruffle-ended and smooth-ended ameloblasts maintained essentially normal morphology up to 4 h after colchicine injection, except for some migration of organelles. After 8 h, the ruffled border was markedly modified and the associated dense granular material was no longer present. Changes in the lysosomal system and ruffled border indicate interference by colchicine with a putative resorptive function of the maturation-ameloblasts.  相似文献   
Summary Increasing evidence confirms that the extracellular matrix greatly influences cell behaviour and function. Collagen and fibrin are in contact with trophoblast throughout pregnancy. To investigate whether these two matrices influence hormon production by the trophoblast, explants from first-trimester chorionic villi were cultured for up to 30 days either a) in medium with agitation, b) embedded in type-I collagen (three-dimensional gels), or c) embedded in fibrin (three-dimensional gels). The supernatant culture medium was changed every 48 h and tested by radioimmunoassay for hCG, progesterone and pregnancy-associated plasma protein A. In addition, after 3, 7, 15, and 30 days of culture villi were fixed and studied by light and electron microscopy. Embedding in the extracellular matrix showed higher and longer-lasting production rates of all measured products and superior structural preservation as compared to cultures with agitation. Collagen matrix proved to be superior to fibrin. As established by several tests, this difference was neither due to thrombin used to polymerize fibrinogen, nor to differences in the diffusion rates through the two different matrices used. We conclude that extracellular matrix, particularly collagen, influences the synthesis of trophoblastic products. Embedding of the villous explants in three-dimensional gels constitutes a new method for long-term cultures of chorionic villi.This study was presented at the workshop Placental-and decidual-specific protein synthesis and secretion: regulation, role and interaction, Zemun, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 19–20 May, 1988 (Bischof and Castellucci 1988; see also J. Aplin 1989), and at the 11th Rochester Trophoblast Conference, Rochester, N.Y. USA, 9–12 October 1988 (Castellucci et al. 1988)  相似文献   
Summary Semigranular cells from the crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus, were separated by Percoll gradient centrifugation and were used to study the encapsulation of foreign particles. The semigranular cells were found strongly to encapsulate glass beads coated with haemocyte lysate in which the prophenoloxidase-activating system had been activated with laminarin or with a low concentration of calcium ions. The granular cells only weakly encapsulated these particles. The encapsulationpromoting factor was purified from haemocyte lysates and found to be a 76 kD protein which was recognized by an antiserum to the previously described 76 kD cell-adhesion factor. After the last step in purification (Con A-Sepharose chromatography), the flowthrough consisted of several proteins, which had some, but less, encapsulation-promoting activity and contained a 30 kD band that was also recognized by the antiserum to the 76 kD cell-adhesion factor. If the haemocyte lysate prepared in low [Ca2+] was incubated with a -1,3-glucan prior to purification, no 76 kD protein could be isolated but only a 30 kD protein. The 30 kD protein thus seems to be a degradation product of the 76 kD cell-adhesion factor. We conclude that the 76 kD protein which is released from degranulating haemocytes, and to a lesser extent its 30 kD fragment, can promote encapsulation. Phenoloxidase did not have any encapsulation-promoting activity.  相似文献   
Summary We have used a cytochemical technique to investigate the distribution of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in the antenna of the sphinx moth Manduca sexta. High levels of echothiophate-insensitive (presumably intracellular) AChE activity were found in six different types of antennal receptors localized in specific regions of the three antennal segments of the adult moth. Mechanosensory organs in the scape and pedicel, the Böhm bristles and Johnston's organ, are innervated by AChE-positive neurons. In each annulus of the antennal flagellum, AChE-positive neurons are associated with six sensilla chaetica and a peg organ, probably a sensillum styloconicum. At least 112 receptor neurons (8–10 per annulus) innervating the intersegmental membranes between the 14 distalmost annuli also exhibit high levels of echothiophate-resistant AChE. In addition, each annulus has more than 30 AChE-positive somata in the epidermis of the scale-covered (back) side of the flagellum, and 4 AChE-positive somata reside within the first annulus of the flagellum. Since none of the olfactory receptor neurons show a high level of echothiophateresistant AChE activity, and all known mechanoreceptors are AChE-positive, apparently intracellular AChE activity in the antenna correlates well with mechanosensory functions and is consistent with the idea that these cells employ acetylcholine as a neurotransmitter.  相似文献   
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