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目的测定成年SD大鼠体重与各脏器重量,并对不同脏器之间及体重与各脏器重量的相关性进行分析。方法选用三月龄SD大鼠雄性共24只,进行人道处死,解剖后分别测定心、肝、肺、肾等脏器重量,并作相关性分析。结果 SD大鼠的心、肝、肺、脾、肾与胃空体的相关性分析中,SD大鼠的心脏及肝脏重量之间不相关(P>0.05),且分别与其他各脏器及胃空体之间也无明显相关(P>0.05);而脾脏的重量与肾脏重量之间则相关极为显著(P<0.01);胃空体与肺、脾呈现极显著相关(P<0.01),与肾脏呈显著相关(P<0.05)。结论通过解剖比较SD大鼠各脏器之间的关系,对动物体内各脏器的大小及相互关系有了初步的认知,为今后进行的动物相关实验研究打下基础。  相似文献   
With an unprecedented decade-long time series from a temperate eutrophic lake, we analyzed bacterial and environmental co-occurrence networks to gain insight into seasonal dynamics at the community level. We found that (1) bacterial co-occurrence networks were non-random, (2) season explained the network complexity and (3) co-occurrence network complexity was negatively correlated with the underlying community diversity across different seasons. Network complexity was not related to the variance of associated environmental factors. Temperature and productivity may drive changes in diversity across seasons in temperate aquatic systems, much as they control diversity across latitude. While the implications of bacterioplankton network structure on ecosystem function are still largely unknown, network analysis, in conjunction with traditional multivariate techniques, continues to increase our understanding of bacterioplankton temporal dynamics.  相似文献   
The mean fibre diameter (MFD) of wool is the primary determinant of price, processing performance and textile quality. This study determines the primary influences on MFD as Saxon Merino sheep age, by allometrically relating MFD to fleece-free liveweight (FFLwt). In total, 79 sheep were grazed in combinations of three stocking rates and two grazing systems (GS: sheep only; mixed with Angora goats) and studied over 3 years. Measurements were made over 14 consecutive periods (Segments), including segments of FFLwt gain or FFLwt loss. Using shearing and liveweight records and dye-bands on wool, the FFLwt and average daily gain (ADG) of each sheep were determined for each segment. The mean and range in key measurements were as follows: FFLwt, 40.1 (23.1 to 64.1) kg; MFD, 18.8 (12.7 to 25.8) μm. A random coefficient restricted maximum likelihood (REML) regression mixed model was developed to relate the logarithm of MFD to the logarithm of FFLwt and other effects. The model can be written in the form of β(A) is a random animal effect, γ(Segment.Plot) a random effect associated with Segment.plot combinations, and κ a constant that depends on GS, random animal effects, random Segment.plot combination effects, Segment and ADG. Thus, MFD was allometrically related to the cube root of FFLwt over seasons and years for sheep, but to the square root of FFLwt for sheep grazed with goats. The result for sheep grazed alone accords with a primary response being that the allocation of nutrients towards the cross-sectional growth of wool follicles is proportional to the changes in the skin surface area arising from changes in the size of the sheep. The proportionality constant varied systematically with ADG, and in sheep only grazing, was about 5 when sheep lost 100 g/day and about 6 when sheep gained 100 g/day. The proportionality constant did not systematically change with chronological age. The variation in the allometric coefficient between individual sheep indicates that some sheep were more sensitive to changes in FFLwt than other sheep. Key practical implications include the following: (a) the reporting of systematic increases in MFD with age is likely to be a consequence of allowing sheep to increase in size during shearing intervals as they age; (b) comparisons of MFD between sheep are more likely to have a biological basis when standardised to a common FFLwt and not just to a common age; (c) wool quality (MFD, staple strength) are most likely to be optimised in management systems that maintain constant FFLwt of adult sheep within and between years.  相似文献   
In an effort to create a paintable/printable thermoelectric material, comprised exclusively of organic components, polyaniline (PANi), graphene, and double‐walled nanotube (DWNT) are alternately deposited from aqueous solutions using the layer‐by‐layer assembly technique. Graphene and DWNT are stabilized with an intrinsically conductive polymer, poly(3,4‐ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS). An 80 quadlayer thin film (≈1 μm thick), comprised of a PANi/graphene‐PEDOT:PSS/PANi/DWNT‐PEDOT:PSS repeating sequence, exhibits unprecedented electrical conductivity (σ ≈ 1.9 × 105 S m?1) and Seebeck coefficient (S ≈ 120 μV K?1) for a completely organic material. These two values yield a thermoelectric power factor (PF = S 2 σ ?1) of 2710 μW m?1 K?2, which is the highest value ever reported for a completely organic material and among the highest for any material measured at room temperature. These outstanding properties are attributed to the highly ordered structure in the multilayer assembly. This water‐based thermoelectric nanocomposite is competitive with the best inorganic semiconductors (e.g., bismuth telluride) at room temperature and can be applied as a coating to any flexible surface (e.g., fibers in clothing). For the first time, there is a real opportunity to harness waste heat from unconventional sources, such as body heat, to power devices in an environmentally‐friendly way.  相似文献   
This study investigated mercury (Hg) uptake and transport from the soil to different plant parts by documenting the distribution and accumulation of Hg in the roots and shoots of 12 terrestrial plant species, all of which grow naturally in surface soils of the Gumuskoy Pb-Ag mining area. Plant samples and their associated soils were collected and analyzed for Hg content by ICP-MS. Mean Hg values in the soils, roots, and shoots of all plants were 6.914, 460, and 206 µg kg?1, respectively and lower than 1. The mean enrichment factors for the roots (ECR) and shoots (ECS) of these plants were 0.06 and 0.09, respectively and lower than 1. These results show that the roots of the studied plants prevented Hg from reaching the aerial parts of the plants. The mean translocation factor (TLF) was 1.29 and higher than 1. The mean TLF values indicated that all 12 plant species had the ability to transfer Hg from the roots to the shoots but that transfer was more efficient in plants with higher ECR and ECS. Therefore, these plants could be useful for the biomonitoring of environmental pollution and for rehabilitating areas contaminated by Hg.  相似文献   
John Lhota  Lei Xie 《Proteins》2016,84(4):467-472
Protein structure prediction, when construed as a fold recognition problem, is one of the most important applications of similarity search in bioinformatics. A new protein‐fold recognition method is reported which combines a single‐source K diverse shortest path (SSKDSP) algorithm with Enrichment of Network Topological Similarity (ENTS) algorithm to search a graphic feature space generated using sequence similarity and structural similarity metrics. A modified, more efficient SSKDSP algorithm is developed to improve the performance of graph searching. The new implementation of the SSKDSP algorithm empirically requires 82% less memory and 61% less time than the current implementation, allowing for the analysis of larger, denser graphs. Furthermore, the statistical significance of fold ranking generated from SSKDSP is assessed using ENTS. The reported ENTS‐SSKDSP algorithm outperforms original ENTS that uses random walk with restart for the graph search as well as other state‐of‐the‐art protein structure prediction algorithms HHSearch and Sparks‐X, as evaluated by a benchmark of 600 query proteins. The reported methods may easily be extended to other similarity search problems in bioinformatics and chemoinformatics. The SSKDSP software is available at http://compsci.hunter.cuny.edu/~leixie/sskdsp.html . Proteins 2016; 84:467–472. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
A total of six different structural alignment tools (TM‐Align, TriangleMatch, CLICK, ProBis, SiteEngine and GA‐SI) were assessed for their ability to perform two particular tasks: (i) discriminating FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide) from non‐FAD binding sites, and (ii) performing an all‐to‐all comparison on a set of 883 FAD binding sites for the purpose of classifying them. For the first task, the consistency of each alignment method was evaluated, showing that every method is able to distinguish FAD and non‐FAD binding sites with a high Matthews correlation coefficient. Additionally, GA‐SI was found to provide alignments different from those of the other approaches. The results obtained for the second task revealed more significant differences among alignment methods, as reflected in the poor correlation of their results and highlighted clearly by the independent evaluation of the structural superimpositions generated by each method. The classification itself was performed using the combined results of all methods, using the best result found for each comparison of binding sites. A number of different clustering methods (Single‐linkage, UPGMA, Complete‐linkage, SPICKER and k‐Means clustering) were also used. The groups of similar binding sites (proteins) or clusters generated by the best performing method were further analyzed in terms of local sequence identity, local structural similarity and conservation of analogous contacts with the FAD ligands. Each of the clusters was characterized by a unique set of structural features or patterns, demonstrating that the groups generated truly reflect the structural diversity of FAD binding sites. Proteins 2016; 84:1728–1747. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
This paper evaluates the relative performance and competitive ability of seven legumes from the Iberian Peninsula, Spain (one already invasive in Australia), grown singly or pairwise with seven legumes from south‐western Australia in their own soils. Indices of growth used were root, shoot and total mass and shoot dimensions. Water content, xylem water potential during drying and nodule production were also measured. The index of competition used was the intensity of competition coefficient (ICC), which is suitable for additive designs. The Australian species usually grew larger than the Spanish species, in their presence or absence, although the results were sensitive to the index of growth or resource capture used. The Australian legumes usually possessed greater total water content than the co‐occurring Spanish legumes. At least five Australian species were less reduced or not affected at all by inter‐regional competition compared with growth in isolation. Two Australian legumes performed relatively poorly in the presence of at least four Spanish legumes. The ICC identified many instances of growth promotion (facilitation) of the Australian species, which we attribute to extra nitrogen obtained through enhanced nodulation of both cohabiting species. Five of the seven Spanish species were outcompeted by the Australian species, whereas the growth of two was sometimes facilitated. Although the Spanish legumes had greater competitive ability in the more fertile Australian soils, they remained competitively inferior to the Australian legumes in their first season of growth and none is likely to displace the native legumes at this stage of growth. Longer‐term field studies are needed to fully evaluate the potential invasiveness of perennial legumes.  相似文献   
构建由脂肪乳剂和墨水组成的皮肤组织模型,定量研究皮肤组织模型的吸收系数μa和散射系数μs对光敏化单线态氧(singlet oxygen,~1O_2)发光特性的影响。利用~1O_2发光检测系统测量含光敏剂四硫磺基酞菁氯化铝的皮肤组织模型分别在中心波长为1 230,1 270和1 310 nm处的时间分辨发光光谱,对扣除背景信号后的时间分辨~1O_2发光光谱进行积分和拟合,获得~1O_2发光积分强度以及激发三重态寿命τ_T和~1O_2寿命τ_D。结果表明在皮肤组织模型中,~1O_2发光积分强度随着μ_a和μ_s的增大而减小,μ_a对τ_T和τ_D没有影响。τ_T随着μs的增加而增加,τ_D随μ_s的增加先骤降而后缓慢上升。当μ_a1.5 mm~(-1)和μ_s32 cm~(-1)时,~1O_2发光积分强度和τ_T、τ_D均趋于稳定,其中τ_T和τ_D分别为3.4±0.6μs和3.3±0.7μs。  相似文献   
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