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黄河下游平原农业景观中非农生境植物多样性   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
农业景观中的自然、半自然生境及其上的植物群落对维持农业生态系统功能意义重大。为了解黄河下游典型平原农业景观中非农生境植物多样性特征,在对研究区景观格局分析的基础上,使用典型样地法对区域内农业景观中主要自然、半自然生境(包括林地、树篱、田间道路、沟渠等)进行调查。结果显示:研究区总体上为农业景观,居民点和林地斑块散布其间;区内植物科的地理分布以世界分布和泛热带分布为主,属的地理成分复杂,具有中国15个种子植物属分布区类型中的13个,以温带分布、世界分布和泛热带分布为主,总体上以广布种为主,优势科属明显,缺少特有种;林地和树篱具有较高的物种丰富度和多样性,沟渠和林地的物种均匀度和群落盖度最高,田间道路上群落组成的变化幅度和分化程度最大(β多样性指数最高);林地、树篱和田间道路等生境间的群落相似性极高,但其群落盖度和优势种组成具有显著差异,沟渠作为一种特殊生境与其他生境间相似性较低。研究表明,在黄河下游平原农业景观中,林地和树篱在物种多样性维持中作用较大,沟渠为水生和湿生植物提供了庇护所,不同生境间极高的群落相似性仅是物种组成名录的反映,而其生态功能存在显著差异。未来区内的生物多样性保护应重在生态系统功能和服务的维持及提高,而如何进行景观要素配置,才能兼顾农业生产力的可持续性和生态系统功能维持,尚需进一步探讨。  相似文献   
Aims Resistance distance (RD), based on circuit theory, is a promising metric for modelling effects of landscape configuration on dispersal of organisms and the resulting population and community patterns. The values of RD reflect the likelihood of a random walker to reach from a source to a certain destination in the landscape. Although it has successfully been used to model genetic structures of animal populations, where it most often outperforms other isolation metrics, there are hardly any applications to plants and, in particular, to plant community data. Our aims were to test if RD was a suitable metric for studying dispersal processes of plants in narrow habitat corridors (linear landscape elements [LLE]). This would be the case, if dispersal processes (seed dispersal and migration) resembled random walks. Further, we compared the model performance of RD against least-cost distance (LCD) and Euclidean distance (ED). Finally, we tested the suitability of different cost surfaces for calculations of LCD and RD.Methods We used data from 50 vegetation plots located on semi-natural LLE (field margins, ditches, road verges) in eight agricultural landscapes of Northwest Germany. We mapped LLE, including hedges and tree rows, from aerial images in a Geographic Information System, converted the maps into raster layers, and assigned resistance values to the raster cells, where all cells outside of LLE received infinite resistance and, thus, represented barriers to dispersal. For all pairs of plots within study areas, we calculated Jaccard similarity assuming that it was a proxy (or correlate) of dispersal events between plots. Further, we calculated RD and LCD of the network of LLE and ED between the plots. We modelled the effects of distance metrics on community similarity using binomial generalized linear mixed models.Important findings ED was clearly the least suitable isolation metrics. Further, we found that RD performed better than LCD at modelling Jaccard similarity. Predictions varied markedly between the two distance metrics suggesting that RD comprises additional information about the landscape beyond spatial distance, such as the possible presence of multiple pathways between plots. Cost surfaces with equal cell-level resistances for all types of LLE performed better than more complex ones with habitat-specific resistances. We conclude that RD is a highly suitable measure of isolation or, inversely, connectivity for studying dispersal processes of plants within habitat corridors. It is likely also suitable for assessing landscape permeability in other landscape types with areal habitats instead of narrow corridors. RD holds the potential to improve assessments of isolation (or connectivity) for models of regional population and meta-community dynamics.  相似文献   
贝伐珠单抗是研发热度最高的生物类似药之一,在梳理国内23家贝伐珠单抗生物类似药厂家研发数据和原研厂家研究数据的基础上,结合目前国内外生物类似药相关指导原则的理念以及相关文献,从生物类似药相似性评价一般原则、贝伐珠单抗关键质量属性识别和相似性评价几个方面,对贝伐珠单抗生物类似药质量相似性的技术评价要点进行初步探讨。  相似文献   
In late April of 2009, a global outbreak of human influenza was reported. The causative agent is a highly unusual reassortant H1N1 influenza virus carrying genetic segments derived from swine, human and avian influenza viruses. In this study, we compared the HA, NA and other gene segments of a swine H3N2 influenza A virus, A/Swine/Guangdong/z5/2003, which was isolated from pigs in 2003 in Guangdong Province, China, to the predominant human and swine H3N2 viruses. We found that the similarity of gene segments of A/Swine/Guangdong/z5/2003 was closer to Moscow/99-like human H3N2 virus than Europe swine H3N2 viruses during 1999-2002. These results suggest that A/Swine/Guangdong/z5/2003 may be porcine in origin, possibly being driven by human immune pressure induced by either natural H3N2 virus infection or use of A/Moscow/10/99 (H3N2)-based human influenza vaccine. The results further confirm that swine may play a dual role as a “shelter” for hosting influenza virus from humans or birds and as a “mixing vessel” for generating reassortant influenza viruses, such as the one causing current influenza pandemic.  相似文献   
The relationship between sampled area and the number of species within that area, the species–area relationship (SAR), is a major biodiversity pattern and one of a few law‐like regularities in ecology. While the SAR for isolated units (islands or continents) is assumed to result from the dynamics of species colonization, speciation and extinction, the SAR for contiguous areas in which smaller plots are nested within larger sample areas can be attributed to spatial patterns in the distribution of individuals. The nested SAR is typically triphasic in logarithmic space, so that it increases steeply at smaller scales, decelerates at intermediate scales and increases steeply again at continental scales. I will review current theory for this pattern, showing that all three phases of the SAR can be derived from simple geometric considerations. The increase of species richness with area in logarithmic space is generally determined by overall species rarity, so that the rarer the species are on average, the higher is the local slope z. Rarity is scale‐dependent: species occupy only a minor proportion of area at broad spatial scales, leading to upward accelerating shape of the SAR at continental scales. Similarly, species are represented by only a few individuals at fine spatial scales, leading to high SAR slope also at small areas. Geometric considerations reveal links of the SAR to other macroecological patterns, namely patterns of β‐diversity, the species–abundance distribution, and the relationship between energy availability (or productivity) and species richness. Knowledge of the regularities concerning nested SARs may be used for standardizing unequal areas, upscaling species richness and estimating species loss due to area loss, but all these applications have their limits, which also follow from the geometric considerations.  相似文献   
福建省近年来审(认)定花生品种的遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以近年来通过福建省审(认)定的23个花生品种为材料,对株型、叶形、叶片大小、叶色、荚果形状、网纹粗细、网纹深浅、开花习性、种仁大小、种皮颜色和粒形共11个表型性状的Simpson遗传多样性指数(简称SI)和Shannon-Weaver遗传多样性指数(简称H')进行了分析。结果表明:除开花习性、种皮颜色和种仁大小3个性状表现一致外,23个品种的遗传多样性指数分别为SI=0.506,H'=0.796,其中以荚果形状最低(SI=0.237,H'=0.387),以网纹粗细最高(SI=0.755,H'=1.335);从50对引物中筛选出9条多态性较好引物,共扩增出59条多态性条带,平均每对引物可扩增6.56条多态性条带,引物的多态性信息含量(PIC)变幅为0.746~0.957,平均值为0.88。23个品种间的遗传相似系数在0.225~0.818,平均为0.579。在相似系数0.55处可分为3个类群。系谱分析表明亲本来源相近的品种优先聚在一起,利用辐照诱变材料对于拓宽花生遗传基础发挥作用较明显。SSR分析结果基本上与系谱分析的结果相吻合。  相似文献   
根据对云南、四川、甘肃三省九条主要河流干旱河谷的植物群落调查数据, 对我国西南干旱河谷维管束植物区系的科、属分布区类型进行划分, 并分析其地理分布格局。结果表明: (1)西南干旱河谷区的植物区系地理成分复杂, 联系广泛, 共包含11个科级和15个属级分布区类型; 总体上, 科、属两级热带/温带成分比例分别为3.06和1.77, 显示了强烈的热带区系亲缘及温带区系的后期影响; 与地中海-西亚至中亚植物区系存在一定联系; 其东亚成分和中国特有成分比例低于亚热带区系平均水平, 且中国-喜马拉雅成分比例高于中国-日本成分。(2)从西南向东北方向, 植物区系的热带性质逐渐减弱, 温带性质逐渐增强; 科、属水平区系成分与古地中海-中亚区系的相似性逐渐增强; 东亚和中国特有成分比例增加; 南盘江与元江的干旱河谷植物区系之间存在中国-日本和中国-喜马拉雅成分的分界线。(3)根据干旱河谷植物属区系成分的比例构成将怒江、澜沧江和元江与其他流域分开, 显示了长江溯源侵蚀和水系合并对西南诸河流植物区系发育的影响。  相似文献   
Soil seed banks can play an important role in the restoration of degraded ecosystems, especially where indigenous species are well represented in, and invasive species are largely absent from, the seed bank. Here, we studied the potential contribution of the soil seed bank to the restoration of invaded, abandoned agricultural fields in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. We recorded the aboveground cover and belowground abundance of all vascular plant species from 120 quadrats that differ in cover of the extralimital woody invader, Pteronia incana. Our results show that higher cover of P. incana is associated with lower species richness, aboveground cover, and belowground seed abundance. Furthermore, community similarity between the above‐ and belowground component was low, with the seed bank and standing vegetation having only 15 species in common and 49 species being recorded only from the seed bank. We suggest that this large number of seed bank‐only species is a relic of previous vegetation, prior to large‐scale invasion by P. incana. The most important finding from our study is the absence of P. incana from the soil seed bank. This finding, combined with the large number of mostly native species from the seed bank, holds promise from a restoration perspective. However, given the susceptibility of the invaded systems to erosion, coupled with the low grazing value of the seed bank species, we suggest that P. incana removal should be accompanied by both erosion control measures and reseeding with palatable grass species, to secure the livelihoods of local communities.  相似文献   
In a recent issue (vol. 43) of the Journal of Biogeography, Davies et al. (2015) presented novel analyses of the spatial distribution of tree species around termite mounds in a South African savanna. However, some of their conclusions are not supported by the data. My aim in this correspondence is to point out some limitations of their analyses, stimulate cautious interpretation of their results and suggest better methods for future use.  相似文献   
合并与不合并:两个相似性聚类分析方法比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以山西省4638种昆虫在7个地理小区的分布、内蒙古7766种昆虫在14个地理小区的分布和中国16804属昆虫在67个生态区域的分布3组数据为样本,用传统的层层合并的相似性聚类分析法(SCA)和新的不需合并的多元相似性聚类分析法(MSCA)进行运算分析,对比结果表明,不合并法都能得到既符合统计学逻辑,又符合地理学、生物学逻辑的结果;合并法在参与小区较少时,还能够得到与不合并法类似的结果,随着参与小区的增多,聚类结构发生变化,以致聚类功能彻底丧失.无论两种聚类结果差异大小,其性质都迥然不同:不合并法的相似性系数是固有的、互相独立的、同时存在的,聚类结果是所有小区之间关系亲疏、距离远近的状态;合并法的每个相似性系数都是合并的依据或结果,前一个系数是后一个系数产生的条件,后一个系数是前一个系数消亡的结果,严格按照顺序,当最后一个系数产生时,前面所有系数和所有小区都已不复存在,聚类结果只是记录不断合并、不断消亡的过程.因此在肯定合并法历史价值的同时,认为申效诚等创建的多元相似性系数公式及多元相似性聚类分析法摈弃合并降阶这一产生偏差和错误的根源,能够得出相对客观的聚类结果,是生物地理学研究领域有效的聚类分析工具,必将推动生物地理学定量研究迈入一个新阶段.  相似文献   
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