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鲤鱼SOCS-4基因克隆、鉴定及表达模式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
细胞因子是调节机体免疫和神经内分泌功能的生物活性物质,其信号的激发、放大和持续在时间和空间上都受到严格调控。细胞因子信号传导抑制因子(Suppressorof cytokine signaling,SOCS)是细胞因子信号通路的负调节因子,通过负反馈抑制细胞因子的信号传递,防止过度的信号反应干扰机体代谢平衡和细胞功能。在哺乳动物中,SOCS系统对生长激素(GH)、表皮生长因子  相似文献   
The present study investigates the effect of AgNPs on some biological parameters and total protein amount, antioxidant potential and catalase activity of silkworm Bombyx mori. Incorporation of AgNPs (100 μg mL–1) in supplementary diets results in significant increases in the larval weight and the antioxidant potential but significantly decreases the catalase activity. The relative growth rate decreases as the high concentration (1000 μg mL–1). Exposure to AgNPs also caused violent results in alteration of haemocyte including an immediate increase in THC, may due to the release of these haemocytes either from an increase in cell divisions or from attached haemocyte populations, and decline in the percentage of prohaemocytes and increase in the percentage of two immune-phagocytes, i.e., granulocytes and plasmatocytes. Also, AgNPs at 100 and 1000 μg mL–1 caused different levels of deformations on almost all haemocyte types and increased the antioxidant enzyme activity (catalase) in the haemolymph of treated larvae as a result of the toxic effects of treatment.  相似文献   
C. Fu    D. Li    W. Hu    Y. Wang  † Z. Zhu   《Journal of fish biology》2007,70(2):347-361
The growth and energy budget for F2‘all‐fish’ growth hormone gene transgenic common carp Cyprinus carpio of two body sizes were investigated at 29·2° C for 21 days. Specific growth rate, feed intake, feed efficiency, digestibility coefficients of dry matter and protein, gross energy intake (IE), and the proportion of IE utilized for heat production (HE) were significantly higher in the transgenics than in the controls. The proportion of IE directed to waste products [faecal energy (FE) and excretory energy loss (ZE+UE) where ZE is through the gills and UE through the kidney], and the proportion of metabolizable energy (ME) for recovered energy (RE) were significantly lower in the transgenics than in the controls. The average energy budget equation of transgenic fish was as follows: 100 IE= 19·3 FE+ 6·0 (ZE+UE) + 45·2 HE+ 29·5 RE or 100 ME= 60·5 HE+ 39·5 RE. The average energy budget equation of the controls was: 100 IE= 25·2 FE+ 7·4 (ZE+UE) + 35·5 HE+ 31·9 RE or 100 ME= 52·7 HE+ 47·3 RE. These findings indicate that the high growth rate of ‘all‐fish’ transgenic common carp relative to their non‐transgenic counterparts was due to their increased feed intake, reduced lose of waste productions and improved feed efficiency. The benefit of the increased energy intake by transgenic fish, however, was diminished by their increased metabolism.  相似文献   
1. There is much concern that filter‐feeding Asian carp will invade the Laurentian Great Lakes and deplete crucial plankton resources. We developed bioenergetic models, using parameters from Asian carp and other fish species, to explore the possibility that planktonic food resources are insufficient to support the growth of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and bighead carp (H. nobilis) in the Great Lakes. 2. The models estimated basic metabolic requirements of silver and bighead carp under various body sizes, swimming speeds and reproductive stages. These requirements were then related to planktonic food resources and environmental temperature to predict when and where silver and bighead carp may survive in the Great Lakes, and how far they may travel. 3. Parameter values for respiration functions were derived experimentally in a coordinated study of silver and bighead carp, while consumption parameters were obtained from the literature on silver carp. Other model parameters lacking for Asian carp, such as those for egestion and excretion, were obtained from the literature on other fish species. 4. We found that full‐sized bighead carp required 61.0 kJ d?1 just to maintain their body mass at 20 °C, approximately equivalent to feeding in a region with 255 μg L?1 macrozooplankton (dry) or 10.43 μg L?1 chlorophyll a. Silver carp energy requirements were slightly higher. 5. When applied to various habitats in the Great Lakes, our results suggest that silver and bighead carp will be unable to colonise most open‐water regions because of limited plankton availability. However, in some circumstances, carp metabolism at lower temperatures may be low enough to permit positive growth even at very low rations. Positive growth is even more likely in productive embayments and wetlands, and the modelled swimming costs in some of these habitats suggest that carp could travel >1 km d?1 without losing biomass. 6. The simulation (and firmly hypothetical) results from this modelling study suggest when and where Asian carp could become established in the Great Lakes. Given the potential consequences to Great Lakes ecosystems if these filter feeders do prove capable of establishing reproducing populations, efforts to keep Asian carp out of the Great Lakes must not be lessened. However, we do encourage the use of bioenergetic modelling in a holistic approach to assessing the risk of Asian carp invasion in the Great Lakes region.  相似文献   
Two populations of Przewalski's naked carp Gymnocypris przewalskii, 30 individuals per population, were screened for 10 microsatellite loci. Moderate allele variation was found in these loci with two to eight alleles per locus. The expected and observed heterozygosity ranged from 0·019 to 0·805 and from 0·160 to 0·575, respectively.  相似文献   
玉米(Zea mays)只有1对45S rDNA位点并在分裂期染色体形成次缢痕,是研究植物细胞rRNA基因组织和表达模式的简单模型。采用荧光原位杂交(fluorescence in situ hybridization,FISH)、CPD(PI与DAPI组合)染色和银染技术,分析了玉米根尖分生细胞rRNA基因的组织和表达模式。45S rDNA探针在所有间期细胞核中显示2种杂交信号:荧光强烈地位于核仁周边的纽,而相对较弱地分布于核仁内的点。在部分细胞中可观察到点与纽相连或从纽发出;点的数目越多,纽变得越小;点的数目多少与细胞的活性呈正相关。研究结果表明,纽代表了处于凝缩状态的非活性的rDNA染色质,纽解凝缩形成的点是rRNA基因活跃转录的细胞学表现;不同阶段间期核的点的数目变化反映了被活化的rRNA基因数目不同。间期和前期细胞的CPD染色和相继的银染结果显示,大部分rDNA染色质没有参与核仁的形成。rDNA FISH显示,同一间期细胞的2个同源rDNA位点的表达水平存在差异,同源染色体次缢痕的长度差异以及Ag-NOR和银染核仁的异态性进一步证实了这种差异的存在。FISH结果显示,早中期细胞的rDNA染色质相对解凝缩,银染在所有早中期细胞和部分中期细胞显示了明显的核仁,表明玉米的rRNA基因在有丝分裂早中期有较活跃的转录,其转录在晚中期才停止。  相似文献   
组织移植对银鲫不同雌核发育系的遗传监测   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
采用脾移植实验对银鲫3个不同的雌核发育系进行了遗传分析。在3个同系移植的组合中,移植物被接受的个体数平均达95%,表明同一雌核发育系的大多数个体具有一致的基因型。在不同雌核发育系间的移植,移植物在7—14天被排斥(21—30℃)。从而用组织移植证明这些雌核发育系是存在的,并与遗传标记所鉴别的结果一致。文中对同系移植中出现少数排斥现象的原因进行了讨论。    相似文献   
生长素类物质在木本植物生根过程中发挥重要作用。杨树生根与生长素的关系及生根过程中内源激素的变化已有大量报道,而生根过程中生长素的组织定位分析则尚未见报道。该文应用免疫化学分析方法对741杨(Populus alba×(P.davidiana×P.simonii)×P.tomentosa)嫩茎生根过程中内源IAA在组织中的分布进行了研究。结果显示,741杨的嫩茎在无外源激素的1/2MS培养基上诱导10天后可生根,14天后生根率达100%。诱导前,嫩茎基部组织中几乎没有IAA信号;诱导8天后,嫩茎基部维管组织中有大量的IAA积累,而且中部的维管组织中也有明显的IAA信号(主要分布在韧皮部和维管形成层);10天后,形成不定根原基,此时IAA主要分布在根原基;12天后,根原基分化成不定根并突破表皮,IAA在不定根中的分布主要集中在根尖和中柱。该文对741杨的嫩茎生根过程中IAA的组织分布特点及运输途径进行了讨论。  相似文献   
研究通过对岩原鲤仔鱼在饥饿和再投喂条件下其生存、生长率、RNA/DNA和RNA/蛋白质比率的测定,评估了仔鱼对饥饿的耐受能力和恢复能力。在(19.5±0.5)℃水温下,将岀膜后第16天的岩原鲤仔鱼随机分成6个组:1个持续投饲对照组,实验组分别禁食1、2、3、4、5d后再投喂,实验共进行10d。每天分别从各组取9尾鱼测定体重、体长、RNA、DNA、蛋白质含量。实验结果显示,饥饿处理组仔鱼存活率和以上各项生长指标均随饥饿时间的增加而下降,在恢复投喂后均表现不同程度的补偿生长,其中饥饿1、2、3d的仔鱼在恢复投喂后显示出完全补偿生长,几乎弥补了饥饿所产生的影响,平均终体重与对照组比较无显著差异。饥饿4、5d的仔鱼显示部分补偿生长,恢复投喂只少量减轻了饥饿的影响,平均终体重与对照组相比存在显著差异。饥饿1、2、3d的仔鱼和4、5d的仔鱼在恢复投喂后分别需要1—2d和4d时间才能达到与对照组无显著差异水平。仔鱼生长率变动范围从0.59%到8.00%WW/day,仔鱼RNA/DNA比率、RNA/蛋白质比率与生长率的回归方程为:GR=3.63RNA/DNA 1.74(R2=0.80)和GR=120.14RNA/Protein 2.33(R2=0.31),两种比率均与生长率呈显著线性相关,RNA/DNA比率对生长变化的拟合度更好。结果表明,仔鱼阶段食物缺乏很可能是影响岩原鲤仔鱼存活、生长的主要因素。RNA/DNA更适合作为评定岩原鲤仔鱼营养条件和生长的指标。  相似文献   
The study was carried out to understand the effect of silver–silica nanocomposite (Ag–SiO2NC) on the cell wall integrity, metabolism and genetic stability of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a multiple drug‐resistant bacterium. Bacterial sensitivity towards antibiotics and Ag–SiO2NC was studied using standard disc diffusion and death rate assay, respectively. The effect of Ag–SiO2NC on cell wall integrity was monitored using SDS assay and fatty acid profile analysis, while the effect on metabolism and genetic stability was assayed microscopically, using CTC viability staining and comet assay, respectively. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was found to be resistant to β‐lactamase, glycopeptidase, sulfonamide, quinolones, nitrofurantoin and macrolides classes of antibiotics. Complete mortality of the bacterium was achieved with 80 μg ml?1 concentration of Ag–SiO2NC. The cell wall integrity reduced with increasing time and reached a plateau of 70% in 110 min. Changes were also noticed in the proportion of fatty acids after the treatment. Inside the cytoplasm, a complete inhibition of electron transport system was achieved with 100 μg ml?1 Ag–SiO2NC, followed by DNA breakage. The study thus demonstrates that Ag–SiO2NC invades the cytoplasm of the multiple drug‐resistant P. aeruginosa by impinging upon the cell wall integrity and kills the cells by interfering with electron transport chain and the genetic stability.

Significance and Impact of Study

Although the synthesis, structural characteristics and biofunction of silver nanoparticles are well understood, their application in antimicrobial therapy is still at its infancy as only a small number of microorganisms are tested to be sensitive to nanoparticles. A thorough knowledge of the mode of interaction of nanoparticles with bacteria at subcellular level is mandatory for any clinical application. The present study deals with the interactions of Ag–SiO2NC with the cell wall integrity, metabolism and genetic stability of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which would contribute substantially in strengthening the therapeutic applications of silver nanoparticles.  相似文献   
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