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The 2/2 hemoglobin of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002, GlbN, coordinates the heme iron with two histidines and exists either with a b heme or with a covalently attached heme. The binding of exogenous ligands displaces the distal histidine and induces a conformational rearrangement involving the reorganization of internal void volumes. The formation of passageways within the resulting conformation is thought to facilitate ligand exchange and play a functional role. Here we monitored the perturbation induced by pressure on the ferric bis-histidine and cyanide-bound states of GlbN using 1H–15N HSQC NMR spectroscopy. We inspected the outcome with a statistical analysis of 170 homologous 2/2 hemoglobin sequences. We found that the compression landscape of GlbN, as represented by the variation of an average chemical shift parameter, was highly sensitive to ligand swapping and heme covalent attachment. Stabilization of rare conformers was observed at high pressures and consistent with cavity redistribution upon ligand binding. In all states, the EF loop was found to be exceptionally labile to pressure, suggesting a functional role as a semi-flexible hinge between the adjacent helices. Finally, coevolved clusters presented a common pattern of compensating pressure responses. The high-pressure dissection combined with protein sequence analysis established locations with volumetric signatures relevant to residual communication of 2/2 hemoglobins. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Oxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins.  相似文献   
Recent years have witnessed a new round of research on one of the most studied proteins - myoglobin (Mb), the oxygen (O2) carrier of skeletal and heart muscle. Two major discoveries have stimulated research in this field: 1) that Mb has additional protecting functions, such as the regulation of in vivo levels of the signaling molecule nitric oxide (NO) by scavenging and generating NO during normoxia and hypoxia, respectively; and 2) that Mb in vertebrates (particularly fish) is expressed as tissue-specific isoforms in other tissues than heart and skeletal muscle, such as vessel endothelium, liver and brain, as found in cyprinid fish. Furthermore, Mb has also been found to protect against oxidative stress after hypoxia and reoxygenation and to undergo allosteric, O2-linked S-nitrosation, as in rainbow trout. Overall, the emerging evidence, particularly from fish species, indicates that Mb fulfills a broader array of physiological functions in a wider range of different tissues than hitherto appreciated. This new knowledge helps to better understand how variations in Mb structure and function may correlate with differences in animals' lifestyles and hypoxia-tolerance. This review integrates old and new results on Mb expression patterns and functional properties amongst vertebrates and discusses how these may relate to adaptive variations in different species. This article is part of a special issue entitled: Oxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins.  相似文献   


Albumin constitutes the most abundant circulating antioxidant and prevents oxidative damages. However, in diabetes, this plasmatic protein is exposed to several oxidative modifications, which impact on albumin antioxidant properties.


Most studies dealing on albumin antioxidant activities were conducted on in vitro modified protein. Here we tried to decipher whether reduced antioxidant properties of albumin could be evidenced in vivo. For this, we compared the antioxidant properties of albumin purified from diabetic patients to in vitro models of glycated albumin.


Both in vivo and in vitro glycated albumins displayed impaired antioxidant activities in the free radical-induced hemolysis test. Surprisingly, the ORAC method (Oxygen Radical Antioxidant Capacity) showed an enhanced antioxidant activity for glycated albumin. Faced with this paradox, we investigated antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of our albumin preparations on cultured cells (macrophages and adipocytes). Reduced cellular metabolism and enhanced intracellular oxidative stress were measured in cells treated with albumin from diabetics. NF-kB –mediated gene induction was higher in macrophages treated with both type of glycated albumin compared with cells treated with native albumin. Anti inflammatory activity of native albumin is significantly impaired after in vitro glycation and albumin purified from diabetics significantly enhanced IL6 secretion by adipocytes. Expression of receptor for advanced glycation products is significantly enhanced in glycated albumin-treated cells.

Conclusions and general significance

Our results bring new evidences on the deleterious impairments of albumin important functions after glycation and emphasize the importance of in vivo model of glycation in studies relied to diabetes pathology.  相似文献   
Genetic variants of IL-18 and IL-12B may be important in immunoregulatory abnormalities, observed in the patients with Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), that contribute to individual differences in response to a treatment. Therefore, we examined the significance of IL-18-137G/C, IL-18-607C/A, and IL-12B A/C polymorphisms in Croatians (187 patients, 236 controls), not only as factors that contribute to susceptibility to T1DM, but also as determinants of the clinical presentation of disease.  相似文献   
Hemoglobin (Hb), an oxygen‐binding protein composed of four subunits (α1, α2, β1, and β2), is a well‐known example of allosteric proteins that are capable of cooperative ligand binding. Despite decades of studies, the structural basis of its cooperativity remains controversial. In this study, we have integrated coarse‐grained (CG) modeling, all‐atom simulation, and structural data from X‐ray crystallography and wide‐angle X‐ray scattering (WAXS), aiming to probe dynamic properties of the two structural states of Hb (T and R state) and the transitions between them. First, by analyzing the WAXS data of unliganded and liganded Hb, we have found that the structural ensemble of T or R state is dominated by one crystal structure of Hb with small contributions from other crystal structures of Hb. Second, we have used normal mode analysis to identify two distinct quaternary rotations between the α1β1 and α2β2 dimer, which drive the transitions between T and R state. We have also identified the hot‐spot residues whose mutations are predicted to greatly change these quaternary motions. Third, we have generated a CG transition pathway between T and R state, which predicts a clear order of quaternary and tertiary changes involving α and β subunits in Hb. Fourth, we have used the accelerated molecular dynamics to perform an all‐atom simulation starting from the T state of Hb, and we have observed a transition toward the R state of Hb. Further analysis of crystal structural data and the all‐atom simulation trajectory has corroborated the order of quaternary and tertiary changes predicted by CG modeling. Proteins 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Mean hemoglobin (Hb) concentration of about 3 500 subjects derived from 17 studies of Himalayan highlanders (Tibetans, Sherpas, and Ladakhis) was compared with lowlanders (Chinese Han, Indian Tamils) lived in the Himalayas, and European climbers during Everest expeditions as well as Andean natives. The results found that Hb concentration in Himalayan highlanders was systemically lower than those reported for Andean natives and lowland immigrants. These comparative data demonstrated that a healthy native population may successfully reside at high altitude without a significant elevation in Hb, and the lower Hb levels of Himalayan highlanders than those of migrated lowlanders and Andean natives are an example of favourable adaptation over the generations. In addition, excessive polycythemia has frequently been used as a marker of chronic mountain sickness (CMS). Altitude populations who have a higher Hb concentration also have a higher incidence of CMS. The low Hb in Himalayans suggested as showing adaptation over many generations in Tibetan stock. Recent work in Tibet, suggested that Tibetans there may have adapted to high altitude as a result of evolutionary pressure selecting for genes which give an advantage at altitude. All of the population genomic and statistical analysis indicated that EPAS1 and EGLN1 are mostly likely responsible for high altitude adaptation and closely related to low Hb concentration in Tibetans. These data supported the hypothesis that Himalayan highlanders have evolved a genetically different erythropoietic response to chronic hypoxia by virtue of their much longer exposure to high altitude.  相似文献   
Hemoglobin (Hb) solution-based blood substitutes are being developed as oxygen-carrying agents for the prevention of ischemic tissue damage and low blood volume-shock. However, the cell-free Hb molecule has intrinsic toxicity to the tissue since harmful reactive oxygen species (ROS) are readily produced during autoxidation of Hb from the ferrous state to the ferric state, and the cell-free Hb also causes distortion in the oxidant/antioxidant balance in the tissues. There may be further hindering dangers in the use of free Hb as a blood substitute. It has been reported that Hb has peroxidase-like activity oxidizing peroxidase substrates such as aromatic amines. Here we observed the Hb-catalyzed ROS production coupled to oxidation of a neurotransmitter precursor, β-phenylethylamine (PEA). Addition of PEA to Hb solution resulted in generation of superoxide anion (O2??). We also observed that PEA increases the Hb-catalyzed monovalent oxidation of ascorbate to ascorbate free radicals (Asc?). The O2?? generation and Asc? formation were detected by O2??-specific chemiluminescence of the Cypridina lucigenin analog and electron spin resonance spectroscopy, respectively. PEA-dependent O2?? production and monovalent oxidation of ascorbate in the Hb solution occurred without addition of H2O2, but a trace of H2O2 added to the system greatly increased the production of both O2?? and Asc?. Addition of GSH completely inhibited the PEA-dependent production of O2?? and Asc? in Hb solution. We propose that the O2?? generation and Asc? formation in the Hb solution are due to the pseudoperoxidase activity-dependent oxidation of PEA and resultant ROS may damage tissues rich in monoamines, if the Hb-based blood substitutes were circulated without addition of ROS scavengers such as thiols.  相似文献   
The identity of intermolecular contact residues in sickle hemoglobin (HbS) fiber is largely known. However, our knowledge about combinatorial effects of two or more contact sites or the mechanistic basis of such effects is rather limited. Lys16, His20, and Glu23 of the α-chain occur in intra-double strand axial contacts in the sickle hemoglobin (HbS) fiber. Here we have constructed two novel double mutants, HbS (K16Q/E23Q) and (H20Q/E23Q), with a view to delineate cumulative impact of interactions emanating from the above contact sites. Far-UV and visible region CD spectra of the double mutants were similar to the native HbS indicating the presence of native-like secondary and tertiary structure in the mutants. The quaternary structures in both the mutants were also preserved as judged by the derivative UV spectra of liganded (oxy) and unliganded (deoxy) forms of the double mutants. However, the double mutants displayed interesting polymerization behavior. The polymerization behaviour of the double mutants was found to be non-additive of the individual single mutants. While HbS (H20Q/E23Q) showed inhibitory effect similar to that of HbS (E23Q), the intrinsic inhibitory propensity of the associated single mutants was totally quelled in HbS (K16Q/E23Q) double mutant. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations studies of the isolated α-chains as well as a module of the fiber containing the double and associated single mutants suggested that these contact sites at the axial interface of the fiber impact HbS polymerization through a coupled interaction network. The overall results demonstrate a subtle role of dynamics and electrostatics in the polymer formation and provide insights about interaction-linkage in HbS fiber assembly.  相似文献   
The bioartificial pancreas encapsulating pancreatic islets in immunoprotective hydrogel is a promising therapy for Type 1 diabetes. As pancreatic islets are highly metabolically active and exquisitely sensitive to hypoxia, maintaining O2 supply after transplantation remains a major challenge. In this study, we address the O2 limitation by combining silicone-encapsulated CaO2 (silicone-CaO2) to generate O2 with an extracellular hemoglobin O2-carrier coencapsulated with islets. We showed that the hemoglobin improved by 37% the O2-diffusivity through an alginate hydrogel and displayed antioxidant properties neutralizing deleterious reactive O2 species produced by silicone-CaO2. While the hemoglobin alone failed to maintain alginate macroencapsulated neonate pig islets under hypoxia, silicone-CaO2 alone or combined to the hemoglobin restored islet viability and insulin secretion and prevented proinflammatory metabolism (PTGS2 expression). Interestingly, the combination took the advantages of the two individual strategies, improved neonate pig islet viability and insulin secretion in normoxia, and VEGF secretion and PDK1 normalization in hypoxia. Moreover, we confirmed the specific benefits of the combination compared to silicone-CaO2 alone on murine pseudo-islet viability in normoxia and hypoxia. For the first time, our results show the interest of combining an O2 provider with hemoglobin as an effective strategy to overcome O2 limitations in tissue engineering.  相似文献   
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