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The Atlantic rain forest of Brazil is one of the 25 biodiversity hotspots of the world. It is surrounded by distinct marginal plant communities which are floristically related to the rain forest. We performed an in situ ecophysiological study of six shrub and tree species which are abundant in one or more of these marginal ecosystems. They formed three pairs of taxonomically related species, which, however, differed in geographic distribution and/or habitat preference. We aimed to answer the following questions: (1) Do habitat generalists and specialists differ in ecophysiological behaviour? (2) Are there general trends responsive to site characteristics, irrespective of taxonomic affiliation? (3) In which variables between-site intraspecific variation is more often detected? Plants chosen were the Clusiaceae Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess (swamp forest specialist) and Rheedia brasiliensis (Mart.) Planch &; Triana (a generalist plant, occurring in swamp forests and dry, sandy coastal vegetation); the Myrsinaceae Myrsine parvifolia A.DC. (widespread in sandy plains) and Myrsine gardneriana A.DC. (widespread in high-altitude habitats); and the Euphorbiaceae Styllingia dichotoma Muell. Arg. (a coastal inselberg specialist) and Croton compressus Lam. (a generalist found in coastal inselbergs and dry forests). We compared measurements of photosynthesis (chlorophyll fluorescence parameters), stable isotope (δ13C, δ15N) and metabolic carbon and nitrogen compounds. Generalists and specialists did not always differ in ecophysiological behaviour: for instance, while widespread generalists such as M. parvifolia and C. compressus were ecophysiologically versatile, R. brasiliense appeared to perform below optimum in all sampled habitats. Light and water were abiotic factors which apparently explained most of the variation found. Overall, ecophysiological responses were often more clearly related to individual species rather than to taxonomic affinities in higher hierarchies (family, genus) or habitat. These results are discussed as a further indication of high biodiversity even in habitats marginal to the rain forest hotspot.  相似文献   
Aim Beringia, far north‐eastern Siberia and north‐western North America, was largely unglaciated during the Pleistocene. Although this region has long been considered an ice‐age refugium for arctic herbs and shrubs, little is known about its role as a refugium for boreal trees and shrubs during the last glacial maximum (LGM, c. 28,000–15,000 calibrated years before present). We examine mapped patterns of pollen percentages to infer whether six boreal tree and shrub taxa (Populus, Larix, Picea, Pinus, Betula, Alnus/Duschekia) survived the harsh glacial conditions within Beringia. Methods Extensive networks of pollen records have the potential to reveal distinctive temporal–spatial patterns that discriminate between local‐ and long‐distance sources of pollen. We assembled pollen records for 149 lake, peat and alluvial sites from the Palaeoenvironmental Arctic Sciences database, plotting pollen percentages at 1000‐year time intervals from 21,000 to 6000 calibrated years before present. Pollen percentages are interpreted with an understanding of modern pollen representation and potential sources of long‐distance pollen during the glacial maximum. Inferences from pollen data are supplemented by published radiocarbon dates of identified macrofossils, where available. Results Pollen maps for individual taxa show unique temporal‐spatial patterns, but the data for each taxon argue more strongly for survival within Beringia than for immigration from outside regions. The first increase of Populus pollen percentages in the western Brooks Ranges is evidence that Populus trees survived the LGM in central Beringia. Both pollen and macrofossil evidence support Larix survival in western Beringia (WB), but data for Larix in eastern Beringia (EB) are unclear. Given the similar distances of WB and EB to glacial‐age boreal forests in temperate latitudes of Asia and North America, the widespread presence of Picea pollen in EB and Pinus pollen in WB indicates that Picea and Pinus survived within these respective regions. Betula pollen is broadly distributed but highly variable in glacial‐maximum samples, suggesting that Betula trees or shrubs survived in restricted populations throughout Beringia. Alnus/Duschekia percentages show complex patterns, but generally support a glacial refugium in WB. Main conclusions Our interpretations have several implications, including: (1) the rapid post‐glacial migration rate reported for Picea in western Canada may be over estimated, (2) the expansion of trees and shrubs within Beringia should have been nearly contemporaneous with climatic change, (3) boreal trees and shrubs are capable of surviving long periods in relatively small populations (at the lower limit of detection in pollen data) and (4) long‐distance migration may not have been the predominant mode of vegetation response to climatic change in Beringia.  相似文献   
Wastewater treatment at the Houghton Lake wetland: Vegetation response   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
This paper describes the vegetation responses in a very long-running study of the capacity of a natural peatland to remove nutrients from treated wastewater. Data are here presented and analyzed from three decades of full-scale operation, during which large changes in the plant communities occurred. An average of 600,000 m3 year−1 of treated wastewater was discharged seasonally (May 1–October 31) to the Porter Ranch peatland near the community of Houghton Lake, Michigan. This discharge was seasonal, commencing no sooner than May 1 and ending no later than October 31. During the winter half-year, treated wastewater was stored at the lagoon site. This water contained 3.5 mg/L of total phosphorus, and 7 mg/L of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN). Nutrients were stored in the 100 ha irrigation area, which removed 94% of the phosphorus (53 metric tons) and 95% of the dissolved inorganic nitrogen. Phosphorus was stored in new biomass, increased soil sorption, and accretion of new soils and sediments, with accretion being dominant. The irrigation area underwent large changes in ecosystem structure, in which the original plant communities were displaced by Typha spp. There was an initial fertilizer response, characterized by much larger standing crops of vegetation, at about triple the crop in control areas. Increased biomass was accompanied by increases in tissue nitrogen and phosphorus content, by factors of two and three, respectively. The plant community shift, from the initial sedge-willow and leatherleaf-bog birch cover types to a cattail-dominant cover type, progressed to a 83-ha area over the 30-year period of record (POR). The interior portion of this new cattail patch became a floating mat. There were large gradients in stem densities and stem heights within the impacted area. The response times of the vegetative community shifts were on the order of 10 years for 63% of the final impact zone development. The grow-in time for development of a new larger standing crop in the discharge zone was also 10 years. The impacted area was stable at the 30-year time, without any further moving fronts. Around the cattail zone, there were fringe areas that contained a mixture of the original cover types intruded by relatively small amounts of cattail.  相似文献   
The seasonal diet and prey selection of the Southern Grey Shrike (Lanius meridionalis) was studied in two different insular habitats: shrub environments of the Canary Islands in coastal and high mountain zones. We measured, in each season, food availability and prey size in order to determine prey size selection of shrikes along an altitudinal gradient. Moreover, we compared the diet patterns observed with those documented on the continent, to determine if Southern Grey Shrikes in the islands’ high mountain zone (which has a continental climate) showed seasonal diet variation similar to those in northern continental areas. We analysed a total of 1,139 shrike pellets collected in 1 year and identified 10,179 prey items. Numerically arthropods (91%), and in terms of biomass lizards (70%) were the main prey consumed by the shrikes. The proportions of the main prey items differed significantly between seasons and habitats. Diet in the coastal areas was less variable than in the high mountain zone. The greater seasonal climatic variation in the high mountain zone was associated with diet patterns similar to those found in some northern continental areas, such as the Iberian Peninsula and southern France. Finally, shrikes selected the largest prey in the high mountain habitat. This suggests that foraging behaviour in this species is related to climatic conditions, as the biggest and most profitable prey were consumed in the most harsh habitats.  相似文献   
Rethinking species selection for restoration of arid shrublands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Restoration is playing an increasingly important role in ecology as natural habitats become scarcer and chances to restore ecosystems damaged by human activities are more common. However, restoration of degraded Mediterranean arid ecosystems is hampered by drought and poor soils, which cause many establishment failures. To compare how species belonging to different successional stages establish in a very stressful site, we carried out a field experiment with 14 tree and shrub species differing in functional traits. After three growing seasons, mid-successional shrubs such as the leafless Ephedra fragilis and the C4 Salsola oppositifolia, or green-stemmed legumes like Coronilla juncea, Genista umbellat, and Retama sphaerocarpa, showed survival rates up to 93%, while late-successional species like Tetraclinis articulata, Pinus halepensis, Olea europaea, and Pistacia lentiscus, frequently used and recommended in regular restoration projects, hardly reached 55%. We found that survival was highest for legumes, followed by leafless species, and C4 shrubs, traits that are believed to maximize resource uptake in cleared and infertile areas while reducing water losses. Thus, selection of mid-successional species having such traits should be considered for successful restoration. These species would increase the success of restoration programs, but also would increase soil fertility, reduce soil erosion processes, and eventually facilitate establishment of other species, therefore accelerating secondary succession. We suggest a new approach for the restoration for arid shrublands in which species are carefully selected based on traits that best suit the environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

A meta-analysis of global change experiments in arctic tundra sites suggests that plant productivity and the cover of shrubs, grasses and dead plant material (i.e. litter) will increase and the cover of bryophytes will decrease in response to higher air temperatures. However, little is known about which effects these changes in vegetation structure will have on seedling recruitment of species and invasibility of arctic ecosystems.


A field experiment was done in a bryophyte-dominated, species-rich subarctic heath by manipulating the cover of bryophytes and litter in a factorial design. Three phases of seedling recruitment (seedling emergence, summer seedling survival, first-year recruitment) of the grass Anthoxanthum alpinum and the shrub Betula nana were analysed after they were sown into the experimental plots.

Key Results

Bryophyte and litter removal significantly increased seedling emergence of both species but the effects of manipulations of vegetation structure varied strongly for the later phases of recruitment. Summer survival and first-year recruitment were significantly higher in Anthoxanthum. Although bryophyte removal generally increased summer survival and recruitment, seedlings of Betula showed high mortality in early August on plots where bryophytes had been removed.


Large species-specific variation and significant effects of experimental manipulations on seedling recruitment suggest that changes in vegetation structure as a consequence of global warming will affect the abundance of grasses and shrubs, the species composition and the susceptibility to invasion of subarctic heath vegetation.  相似文献   
At micro‐site scale, the spatial pattern of a plant species depends on several factors including interactions with neighbours. It has been seen that unfavourable effects generate a negative association between plants, while beneficial effects generate a positive association. In grasslands, the presence of shrubby species promotes a particular microenvironment beneath their canopy that could affect differently the spatial distribution of plants with different tolerance to abiotic conditions. We measured photosynthetic active radiation, air temperature and wind speed under shrub canopies and in adjacent open sites and analysed the spatial distribution of four grass species (two C3 and two C4) in relation to shrub canopy in a grazed sub‐humid natural grassland in southern Uruguay. Radiation, air temperature and wind speed were lower under shrubs than in adjacent open sites. The spatial distribution of grasses relative to the shrub canopy varied depending on the photosynthetic metabolism of grasses. C4 grasses showed a negative association or no correlation with the shrubs, whereas C3 grasses showed a positive association. Our results highlight the importance of the photosynthetic metabolism of the grasses in the final outcome of interactions between grasses and shrubs. Micro‐environmental conditions generated underneath shrubs create a more suitable site for the establishment of C3 than for C4 grasses. These results show that facilitation could be more important than previously thought in sub‐humid grasslands.  相似文献   
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