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In the present study, the possibility to improve the multiplication rate and quality of in vitro cultured plants of Azorina vidalii (Wats.) Feer was investigated. For these purposes the influence of high and low ratios of blue/red light (2.3 and 0.9, respectively) and red/far red light (1.1 and 0.6, respectively) on the development of shoot cultures of Azorina vidalii (Wats.) Feer was evaluated. Maximum plant length (87.9 ± 5.3 mm) (p ≤ 0.05) and internode length (6.6 ± 0.5 mm) (p ≤ 0.05) were obtained for the plants cultured under the low ratio of red/far red light. In contrast, when blue light was supplemented, plant height was reduced, due to shorter internodes. Highest number of axillary shoots per plant (2.4 ± 0.5) was obtained in the plants growing under a high level of red/far red light, while the lowest number (0.7 ± 0.2) was obtained in the plants cultured under the low level of red/far red light. Leaf area was increased in plants cultured under a low level of red/far red (1,522.5 ± 129.5 mm2) while blue/red light treatments inhibited leaf expansion. For chlorophyll a and total carotenoid contents, statistical differences (p ≤ 0.05) were observed between the plants exposed to the red/far red light treatments and the plants from the control. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Although use of embryonic or seedling tissues for mass clonal micropropagation in vitro in conifer reforestation programmes is questionable, there is a potential application in the regeneration of plants from scarce and costly seed derived from controlled pollination. In addition, in vitro culture shortens considerably the lag phase in numbers during the initial stages of vegetative propagation via rooted cuttings. Successive steps of the present technique are described whereby cotyledonary needles (secondary explants) were subcultured on a hormone-free medium after administration of cytokinin or auxin to 14-day-old seedling (primary) explants of Picea abies. For bud induction, N6-benzyladenine (BA) was applied either as a short-duration (3 h), high-concentration (125 μM) pulse or by vacuum infiltration and incubation in a BA-containmg (5 μM) infusion medium. Induced adventitious shoots were elongated with the aid of far-red light and rooted in vivo after a long-duration (12 h), high-concentration (625 μM) application of indolebutyric acid. Pulse and infusion treatments resulted in the induction of greater numbers of adventitious buds (average of 12 per needle) over a three to four week shorter culture period than was the case with the conventional inclusion of growth regulators in the agarified medium. No exogenous auxin was required in the bud-induction programme; its inclusion even at nanomolar levels promoted histo- rather than morphogenesis. In cotyledonary needles, to the primary explants of which BA was applied as a pulse or by infusion, the cell divisions which gave rise to the meristemoids from which adventitious buds were produced, appeared to commence mainly in undifferentiated hypodermal layer cells but also in the mesophyll immediately below. By contrast, where BA was incorporated in the agarified medium the first divisions occurred mainly in cells of the epidermal layer. A number of factors affected plantlet regeneration, for instance seed variability, age of seedlings, and mode of application of growth substances. It should also be accepted that the xeromorphic nature of the conifer leaf might impose physiological and morphological constraints on its culture in vitro that could militate against easy morphogenic manipulation. It is deemed essential that the current mean ratio of regenerated plants to cotyledonary needles of 1:1 be increased 10 to 20 fold in order to approach commercial feasibility.  相似文献   
Summary Regeneration of adventitious shoots was obtained in over 80% of explants, consisting of wounded cotyledonary nodes of Acacia mangium, by culturing germinated seedlings on DKW medium with combinations of N6-benzyladenine and either thidiazuron or N-(2-chloro-4-pyridyl)-N-phenylurea. Electron microscopy showed the presence of adventitious buds arising from wound tissue of the cotyledons and cotyledonary nodes. Shoot regeneration was also obtained at lower frequency in isolated cotyledon explants cultured with 6% sucrose alone (10%), or with 3% sucrose and 30.0 mg l−1 (0.1 μM) 2–4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D; 16%). With 2,4-D,>60% of explants produced organized structures but these did not develop into shoots or somatic embryos. Shoot formation was not induced in either hypocotyl or root explants.  相似文献   
Most apical resting buds of Choisya tenata include inflorescence buds in the axils of their lower consecutive paired scales. These inflorescences develop as apical buds which burst in spring. The whole of the lateral inflorescence system on a shoot originating from an apical bud may be viewed as a single, proliferous inflorescence. After the spring flush there are usually two other flushes of the same shoot within the same season, each of which may be accompanied by the development of lateral inflorescences as in the spring flush. Each further flush produces an apical 'lammas shoot'. As an apical lammas shoot elongates, lateral lammas shoots may also develop from upper, previously resting, axillary buds on the underlying stem segment of the preceding flush. Lateral inflorescences on apical lammas shoots arise from axillary buds preformed within the briefly-dormant apical buds terminating the preceding flush. These inflorescences, as well as the spring ones, represent proleptic shoots. The production of resting apical buds between two intra-season flushes of a shoot may be fugacous, without the differentiation of perfect bud-scales, and with curtailmenl ol internode elongation. As no environmental influence seems to be responsible for intra-season rhythmicity in development, this is said to be endorhythmic. The interrelations of proleptic to sylleptic shoots are discussed.  相似文献   
Seeds of an exquisite orchid, Rhynchostylis retusa, germinated in vitro on ½ Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with different concentrations of coconut milk (CM). Of the different concentrations of CM employed for seed germination, 15% gave optimum response. On this medium a maximum of 93% cultures produced seedlings 90 days after inoculation. Individual seedlings with a length of about 0.5 cm were subcultured on MS medium supplemented with various concentrations of 6-benzylaminopurine (BA) and α-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), with or without activated charcoal (AC), for further growth. Seedling growth was maximum on MS medium supplemented with 6 μM BA, 0.2 μM NAA, and 1 g L?1 AC. Here a maximum seedling length of 2.3 cm was observed after 1 month of culture. The seedlings were subcultured on MS medium supplemented with kinetin (Kn) or thidiazuron (TDZ), in the presence or absence of AC, for multiple shoot induction. A maximum multiple shoot number of 8.2 was observed on MS medium supplemented with 2 μM TDZ in the presence of AC. The shoots were rooted on ½ MS medium supplemented with 2 μM indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and successfully transplanted to soil. Of the 45 plantlets transferred to soil 40 survived. The reproducible protocol standardized here will enable rapid propagation and conservation of this precious orchid.  相似文献   
Summary Pattern of change in leaf character was assessed along the length and around the circumference of Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr. shoots of different length classes. Leaf size decreased, and number of leaves per unit length of shoot increased, with decrease in shoot length. Acropetally along the shoots, lamina length and width decreased, relative petiole length increased, apices became more pointed, and leaf margins bore more teeth. Around the shoot, from upper to side, and to lower surfaces, leaf size and number of marginal teeth in the proximal halves of leaves increased. These patterns were related both to production of preformed versus neoformed leaves, though their separation was indistinct, and to secondary orientation of leaves by twisting in their petiolar regions into two major bi-lateral ranks. An additional minor rank occurred along the upper surfaces of the shoots where secondary orientation of the leaves was minimal. Surface features of leaves did not differ in any obvious manner. Leaves on sylleptic shoots, which by definition were all neoformed, exhibited similar patterns, but were generally smaller than those on their parent shoots.  相似文献   
Pterocarpus marsupium (Bijasal) is a valuable multipurpose forest tree. The regeneration rate in natural habitat is low and the tree is overexploited. An in vitro propagation protocol has been developed from nodal explants obtained from in vitro raised 18-day-old axenic seedlings. The highest shoot regeneration frequency (85%), maximum number of multiple shoots (8.6) as well as length (4.8 cm) were induced from nodal explants on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium amended with 4.0 μM 6-benzyladenine (BA), 0.5 μM indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and 20 μM adenine sulphate (AdS). The percentage of shoot multiplication as well as the number of shoots per node remained the same during the first two subculture, afterwards a decline was recorded. Rooting was best induced in microshoots excised from proliferated shoot cultures on semisolid hormone-free half-strength MS medium, after a pulse (dip) treatment for 7 days in half-strength MS liquid medium containing 100 μM indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and 15.84 μM phloroglucinol (PG). The in vitro-raised plantlets were potted and acclimatized under culture room conditions for 4 weeks before their transfer to a greenhouse, where the established plants showed 75% survival.  相似文献   
Cypripedium flavum, known as the rare lady’s slipper orchid, is one of the endemics with a yellow flower in China. Due to its conservation and commercial requirement, establishment of an efficient method for micropropogation is urgently needed. Multiple shoots were obtained by placing seedlings from seeds of C. flavum on Harvais media supplemented with two cytokinins (BAP or KIN) used alone or in addition to different concentration of potato homogenate. The effect of BAP was better than that of KIN on shoot multiplication. The Havais media supplemented with BAP (2.22 μM) and potato homogenate (20 g l−1) was the most effective, providing high shoot multiplication frequencies (95%) associated with a high number of shoots per explant (2.55 shoots/plant). For root formation, high rooting and survival were achieved using 1/2 Harvais media supplemented with 0.6 g l−1activated charcoals. High-level activated charcoal increased the number and the length of roots because the activated charcoal could absorb BAP in the media. This study demonstrated that C. flavum could be micropropagated by using multiple shoots of seedlings derived from mature seeds.  相似文献   
The loss of dry mass, nitrogen and phosphorus from shoot and root litter of mudflat annuals was examined in a series of experimental marshes in the Delta Marsh, Manitoba, Canada. Litter bags containing shoot material of three mudflat annuals (Aster laurentianus Fern., Atriplex patula L., and Chenopodium rubrum L.) were placed on the sediment surface of the marshes under drawdown conditions. In addition, litter bags containing root material of these three species were shallowly buried. Approximately 70% and 50% of both shoot and root litter, respectively, was still present after one year in the field. During the second year when the marshes were flooded, shoot and root litter lost an additional 20% and 0% of their mass, respectively. Except for Chenopodium roots, which accumulated nitrogen and phosphorus during both years, shoot and root litter lost from 0 to 50% of their nitrogen and phosphorus early in the first year, with levels generally remaining constant through the remainder of the study period. Our results indicate that mudflat annual litter decomposed slowly and would provide abundant habitat for aquatic invertebrates when these marshes were reflooded. However, most nutrient loss took place in the first year when the litter was unflooded, with little loss occurring in the second year when flooded.  相似文献   
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