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GC and GC-MS analyses of the volatile oils from Guarea macrophylla (Meliaceae) collected during three different periods in one year (February, June and October) indicated a seasonal variation in chemical composition. Whilst sesquiterpenes were the predominant class of components present in the leaf oil, a seasonal dependent variation in the degree of oxygenation of these compounds was detected, which seemed to be associated with phenological factors. The leaf oil, and fractions thereof, were subjected to GC coupled with electroantennographic detection employing antennae of females of Hypsipyla grandella, an insect pest that attacks several meliaceous species. Five compounds elicited significant responses and these were identified as ledol, 1-cubenol, guai-6-en-10beta-ol, 1-epi-cubenol, and tau-muurolol. The results suggest that these components could be responsible for the attraction of H. grandella to G. macrophylla.  相似文献   
Electroantennograms (EAGs) were recorded from unmated, laboratory-reared, male and female oriental fruit flies, Dacus dorsalis, in response to a range of between C1 and C12 carbon chain-length saturated and unaturated aliphatic alcohols and aldehydes, most all of which are known host-plant volatiles. Only two of the 35 compounds tested elicited significantly larger EAGs from female than male antennae. For the two functional-group series tested, aldehydes elicited responses greater than or equal to the responses to the alcohols. In general, the unsaturated alcohols did not elicit responses significantly different from the saturated alcohols. However, the unsaturated aldehydes, (E)-2-hexenal and 10-undecenal, elicited larger amplitude EAGs than their saturated analogs. EAGs were significantly greater for a particular carbon chain-length, with responsiveness to primary alcohols peaking at C6 and aldehydes peaking at C7. The (E)-2- monoenic alcohols peaked at C6, while the (E)-3-alcohols plateaued between C5 and C8. The greatest EAG responses of all compounds tested were elicited by the saturated and unsaturated C6 alcohols and aldehydes which are constitutents of the general green-leaf volatile complex that emanates from most plants. The potential adapative benefit of selective sensitivity to green-leaf volatiles is discussed in regards to foraging behaviors of oriental fruit flies.
Résumé Des électroantennogrammes (EAG) ont enregistré les réponses, en élevages de femelles et mâles vierges de Dacus dorsalis, à une gamme de chaînes de carbones de C1 à C12 saturés et non-saturés d'alcools aliphatiques et d'aldéhydes, dont beaucoup sont connus comme substances volatiles des végétaux. Seulement 2 des 35 composés examinés ont provoqué des EAG significativement plus importants chez les femelles que chez les mâles. Pour les séries des deux groupes fonctionnels examinés, les aldéhydes ont provoqué des réponses supérieures ou égales aux alcools. En général, les réponses aux alcools nonsaturés n'étaient pas significativement différentes des réponses aux alcools saturés. Cependant, les aldéhydes non-saturés, (E)-2-hexénal et 10-undécénal, ont induit des EAG de plus grande ampleur que leurs analogues saturés. Les EAG étaient significativement les plus importants pour une chaîne de longueur particulière, la réponse aux alcools primaires culminant en C6 et les aldéhydes en C7. Les alcools monoéniques (E)-2- culminaient en C6, tandis que les alcools (E)-3- étaient étales entre C5 et C8. Les EAG les plus importants ont été obtenus pour tous les composés examinés avec les alcools et aldéhydes en C6 qui appartiennent à l'odeur verte complexe émise par beaucoup de plantes. Le bénéfice adaptatif potentiel de la sensibilité sélective à l'odeur verte des feuilles est examinée en fonction du comportement de prospection de D. dorsalis.
Males of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata, are strongly attracted to various plant odors, and previous work has demonstrated that male exposure to certain odors, including the scent of orange oil (OO) and ginger root oil (GRO), increases their mating success relative to non-exposed males. However, the mechanism(s) underlying this mating increase is not known. Here, we describe several experiments that further investigate the association between GRO- and OO-exposure and male signaling activity, pheromone attractiveness, and mating success in male medflies. Exposure to GRO or OO increased time spent pheromone calling but did not accelerate the rate of male sexual maturation. Using a wind tunnel, we compared female attraction to the pheromone of control, non-exposed males versus males previously exposed to OO or GRO. There was no evidence that GRO exposure enhanced the attractiveness of the male pheromone. The data for OO were inconclusive: females tended to spend more time on spheres emanating pheromone from OO-exposed males than on spheres emanating pheromone from non-exposed males, but the number of female landings did not differ between the two types of pheromone sources. Female choice tests confirmed that GRO- and OO-exposure boost male mating success relative to non-exposed males. Application of GRO directly to the abdomen reduced male mating success, whereas similar application of OO boosted male mating success. The potential role and mode of action of plant chemicals in the mating behavior of male medflies are evaluated in light of these findings.  相似文献   
The organogenetic cycle of main-branch shoots of Nothofagus dombeyi (Nothofagaceae) was studied. Twelve samples of 52-59 parent shoots were collected from a roadside population between September 1999 and October 2000. Variations over time in the number of nodes of terminal and axillary buds, and the length, diameter and number of leaves of shoots derived from these buds (sibling shoots) were analysed. The number of nodes of buds developed by parent shoots was compared with the number of nodes of buds developed, I year later, by sibling shoots. The length, diameter and number of leaves of sibling shoots increased from October 1999 to February 2000 in those shoots with a terminal bud. However, extension of most sibling shoots, including the first five most distal leaf primordia, ceased before February due to abscission of the shoot apex. Axillary buds located most distally on a shoot had more nodes than both terminal buds and more proximal axillary buds. The longest shoots included a preformed part and a neoformed part. The organogenetic event which initiated the neoformed organs continued until early autumn, giving rise to the following year's preformation. The absence of cataphylls in terminal buds could indicate a low intensity of shoot rest. The naked terminal bud of Nothofagus spp. could be interpreted as a structure less specialized than the scaled bud found in genera of Fagaceae and Betulaceae.  相似文献   
The ‘rate of living’ theory predicts that longevity should be inversely correlated with the rate of mitochondrial respiration. However, recent studies in a number of model organisms, including mice, have reported that interventions that retard the aging process are, in fact, associated with an increase in mitochondrial activity. To better understand the relationship between energy metabolism and longevity, we supplemented the endogenous respiratory chain machinery of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster with the alternative single‐subunit NADH–ubiquinone oxidoreductase (Ndi1) of the baker’s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here, we report that expression of Ndi1 in fly mitochondria leads to an increase in NADH–ubiquinone oxidoreductase activity, oxygen consumption, and ATP levels. In addition, exogenous Ndi1 expression results in increased CO2 production in living flies. Using an inducible gene‐expression system, we expressed Ndi1 in different cells and tissues and examined the impact on longevity. In doing so, we discovered that targeted expression of Ndi1 in fly neurons significantly increases lifespan without compromising fertility or physical activity. These findings are consistent with the idea that enhanced respiratory chain activity in neuronal tissue can prolong fly lifespan.  相似文献   
临海柑橘园橘小实蝇种群数量消长规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【背景】近年来,随着种植结构的改变以及南方携虫水果的频繁调运,橘小实蝇逐渐向北扩散危害,对水果生产造成严重威胁。【方法】2008~2010年应用性诱剂的监测方法对柑橘园橘小实蝇种群数量进行了定点、系统的跟踪监测;并结合气象资料和田间调查情况,通过对当旬成虫数量与当旬及其前延逐句气象要素的筛选来建模,进而确定影响橘小实蝇种群数量的主要气象因子。【结果】临海柑橘园橘小实蝇种群数量时序变化呈单峰型曲线,其性诱成虫初见期在6月下旬至8月初,高峰期在9月上旬至11月上旬,11月中旬后成虫数量逐渐下降,到12月下旬未诱集到成虫。气象因子筛选和建模结果表明,柑橘园橘小实蝇成虫种群数量年度变动以旬平均温度为决定要素,季节性变化以旬降雨量为决定要素。【结论与意义】临海柑橘园橘小实蝇种群数量随温度和土壤湿度的增大而增长。本研究对提高橘小实蝇监测预警水平、有效控制橘小实蝇危害具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Summary A new Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor) resistance gene derived from Balbo rye and its transfer to hexaploid wheat via radiation-induced terminal and intercalary chromosomal translocations are described. Crosses between resistant Balbo rye and susceptible Suwon 92 wheat and between the F1 amphidiploids and susceptible TAM 106 and Amigo wheats produced resistant BC2F3 lines that were identified by C-banding analysis as being 6RL telocentric addition lines. Comparative chromosomal analyses and resistance tests revealed that the resistance gene is located on the 6RL telocentric chromosome. X-irradiated pollen of 6RL addition plants was used to fertilize plants of susceptible wheats TAM 106, TAM 101, and Vona. After several generations of selection for resistance, new sublines were obtained that were homogeneous for resistance. Thirteen of these lines were analyzed by C-banding, and three different wheat-6RL chromosomal translocations (T) were identified. Wheat chromosomes involved in the translocations were 6B, 4B, and 4A. Almost the complete 6RL arm is present in T6BS · 6BL-6RL. Only the distal half of 6RL is present in T4BS · 4BL-6RL, which locates the resistance gene in the distal half of 6RL. Only a very small segment (ca 1.0 m) of the distal region of 6RL is present in an intercalary translocation (Ti) Ti4AS · 4AL-6RL-4AL. The 6RL segment is inserted in the intercalary region between the centromere of chromosome 4A and the large proximal C-band of 4AL. The break-points of the translocations are outside the region of the centromere, indicating that they were induced by the X-ray treatment. All three translocations are cytologically stable and can be used directly in wheat breeding programs.Cooperative investigations of the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Departments of Entomology and Plant Pathology, the Wheat Genetics Resource Center, Kansas State University, and the US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. Contribution No. 91-117-JDeceased  相似文献   
In vitro studies were initiated with Withania somnifera (L.) Dun. for rapid micropropagation of selected chemotypes using nodes, internodes, hypocotyls and embryo explants. Direct regeneration of shoot buds was observed in MS basal medium supplemented with various concentrations of either benzyladenine (BA) or thidiazouron (TDZ) depending on the explant. Nodal explants formed multiple shoots both from pre-existing and de novo buds on Murashige and Skoog's medium (MS) containing 0.1–5.0 mg l−1 BA and a ring of de novo shoot buds on MS medium containing 0.2 and 0.3 mg l−1 TDZ. Internodal explants formed shoot buds on MS with 1.0 and 5.0 mg l−1 BA while the hypocotyl explants gave rise to multiple shoots only on MS with 0.5 mg l−1 BA. Isolated embryos gave rise to many shoot buds on MS with 0.2 and 0.3 mg l−1 TDZ. The shoot buds elongated and rooted either on MS medium with 0.01 mg l−1 BA or on half strength MS medium lacking growth regulators, which depended upon the growth regulator used in the shoot bud induction medium. Except for the embryo-derived plantlets, all other plantlets could be acclimatized with 100% success. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
非水虻源微生物与武汉亮斑水虻幼虫联合转化鸡粪的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】益生微生物在协助亮斑扁角水虻幼虫转化有机废弃物、提高其转化效率方面具有重要的作用,本研究针对非水虻源微生物,开展与水虻联合转化鸡粪的研究,以阐明外源微生物在水虻转化畜禽粪便中的作用,对其转化机制的研究及产业化生产具有重要意义。【方法】采用稀释涂平板的方法进行鸡粪堆肥和猪粪堆肥中细菌的分析,并将筛选到的细菌分别接种到无菌的鸡粪基质中与武汉亮斑水虻幼虫联合转化,通过称重法测定转化后武汉亮斑水虻及鸡粪的重量,评价转化效果及对幼虫的影响,然后将促进转化效果明显的菌株按不同比例进行复配,与武汉亮斑水虻幼虫联合转化新鲜鸡粪,分析复配菌剂对武汉亮斑水虻幼虫转化鸡粪的影响。【结果】结果显示R-07、R-09、F-03和F-06在促进武汉亮斑水虻幼虫生长和鸡粪转化的效果上最为显著。与对照组相比,水虻幼虫转化率分别提高了27.21%、15.00%、9.93%和16.29%;基质减少率分别提高了17.94%、10.42%、7.84%和9.27%。将这4株细菌配制复配菌剂与武汉亮斑水虻幼虫联合转化鸡粪,结果显示复配比例为R-07:R-09:F-03:F-06=4:1:1:1时效果最好,与空白对照相比,武汉亮斑水虻幼虫存活率提高了10.25%,幼虫虫重增加了28.41%,幼虫转化率增加了30.46%,鸡粪减少率增加了7.69%。【结论】添加通过筛选优化的非水虻来源的微生物复合菌剂能够促进水虻高效转化鸡粪,研究结果有助于改善现有的武汉亮斑水虻幼虫转化体系,为开发新型的联合转化工艺、更加有效地处理畜禽粪便奠定基础。  相似文献   
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