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Podostemaceae are unusual aquatic angiosperms adapting to extreme habitats, i.e., rapids and waterfalls, and have unique morphologies. We investigated the developmental anatomy of reproductive shoots scattered on crustose roots of Hydrobryum japonicum by scanning electron microscopy and using semi-thin serial sections. Two developmental patterns were observed: bracts arise either continuously from an area of meristematic cells that has produced leaves, or within differentiated root ground tissue beneath, and internal to, leaf base scars after an interruption. In both patterns, the bract primordia arise endogenously at the base of youngest bracts in the absence of shoot apical meristem, involving vacuolated-cell detachment to each bract separately. The different transition patterns of reproductive shoot development may be caused by different stages of parental vegetative shoots. The floral meristem arises between the two youngest bracts, and is similarly accompanied by cell degeneration. In contrast, the floral organs, including the spathella, arise exogenously from the meristem. Bract development, like vegetative leaf development, is unique to this podostemad, while floral-organ development is conserved.  相似文献   
Sprouting axillary buds sampled from a mature 27-year-old shrub of Cornus mas ‘Macrocarpa’ were used as starting material for in vitro culture establishment. Multiple shoot cultures, grown on basal woody plant medium with the pH adjusted to 5.6–5.7 and supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine in combination with 1-naphthaleneacetic acid, were capable of continuous axillary and adventitious shoot proliferation up to 1 year. Later on, growth ceased, shoot tip necrosis appeared and shoot cultures died. Transfer of living shoots onto modified woody plant medium with the pH adjusted to 6.8–7.0 led to vigorous growth of multiple shoot cultures without any loss of multiplication rates or decreased vitality for several years. The use of 6-benzylaminopurine in combination with 1-naphthaleneacetic acid proved superior to the application of thidiazuron which induced a frequent formation of short and fasciated shoots. 1-naphthaleneacetic acid promoted in vitro adventitious rooting frequency up to 73.3%, whereas indole-3-butyric acid was not effective. Ex vitro acclimatized plants did not show any visually detectable morphological variation.  相似文献   
Background and Aims: Recent studies have shown that small structures on plant surfacesserve ecological functions such as resistance against herbivores.The morphology, distribution, chemical composition and changesduring shoot and leaf development of such small structures wereexamined on Paulownia tomentosa. Methods: The morphology and distribution of the structures were studiedunder light microscopy, and their chemical composition was analysedusing thin-layer chromatography and high-performance liquidchromatography. To further investigate the function of thesestructures, several simple field experiments and observationswere also conducted. Key Results: Three types of small structures on P. tomentosa were investigated:bowl-shaped organs, glandular hairs and dendritic trichomes.The bowl-shaped organs were densely aggregated on the leavesnear flower buds and were determined to be extrafloral nectarines(EFNs) that secrete sugar and attract ants. Nectar productionof these organs was increased by artificial damage to the leaves,suggesting an anti-herbivore function through symbiosis withants. Glandular hairs were found on the surfaces of young and/orreproductive organs. Glandular hairs on leaves, stems and flowerssecreted mucilage containing glycerides and trapped small insects.Secretions from glandular hairs on flowers and immature fruitscontained flavonoids, which may provide protection against someherbivores. Yellow dendritic trichomes on the adaxial side ofleaves also contained flavonoids identical to those secretedby the glandular hairs on fruits and flowers. Three specialtypes of leaves, which differed from the standard leaves inshape, size and identity of small structures, developed nearyoung shoot tips or young flower buds. The density of smallstructures on these leaf types was higher than on standard leaves,suggesting that these leaf types may be specialized to protectyoung leaves or reproductive organs. Changes in the small structuresduring leaf development suggested that leaves of P. tomentosaare primarily protected by glandular hairs and dendritic trichomesat young stages and by the EFNs at mature stages. Conclusions: The results indicate that P. tomentosa protects young and/orreproductive organs from herbivores through the distributionand allocation of small structures, the nature of which dependson the developmental stage of leaves and shoots.  相似文献   
Background and Aims: Precocious flowering in apple trees is often associated witha smaller tree size. The hypothesis was tested that floral evocationin axillary buds, induced by dwarfing rootstocks, reduces thevigour of annual shoots developing from these buds comparedwith shoots developing from vegetative buds. Methods: The experimental system provided a wide range of possible treevigour using ‘Royal Gala’ scions and M.9 (dwarfing)and MM.106 (non-dwarfing) as rootstocks and interstocks. Second-yearannual shoots were divided into growth units corresponding toperiods (flushes) of growth namely, vegetative spur, extensiongrowth unit, uninterrupted growth unit, floral growth unit (bourse)and extended bourse. The differences between the floral andvegetative shoots were quantified by the constituent growthunits produced. Key Results: The dwarfing influence was expressed, firstly, in reduced proportionsof shoots that contained at least one extension growth unitand secondly, in reduced proportions of bicyclic shoots (containingtwo extension growth units) and shoots with an uninterruptedgrowth unit. In treatments where floral shoots were present,they were markedly less vigorous than vegetative shoots withrespect to both measures. In treatments with M.9 rootstock,vegetative and floral shoots produced on average 0·52and 0·17 extension growth units, compared with 0·77extension growth units per shoot in the MM.106 rootstock treatment.Remarkably, the number of nodes per extension growth unit wasnot affected by the rootstock/interstock treatments. Conclusions: These results showed that rootstocks/interstocks affect thetype of growth units produced during the annual growth cycle,reducing the number of extension growth units, thus affectingthe composition and vigour of annual shoots. This effect isparticularly amplified by the transition to flowering inducedby dwarfing rootstocks. The division of annual shoot into growthunits will also be useful for measuring and modelling effectsof age on apple tree architecture.  相似文献   
Summary Stem segments from apical shoot tips of Polygala myrtifolia were used as primary explants to establish in vitro cultures. Axillary shoots produced on non-contaminated explants were excised and recultured in the same medium to increase the stock of shoot cultures. Equal molar concentrations of five cytokinins [2-isopentenyladenine, kinetin, zeatin, N 6-benzyladenine (BA), and adenine] were tested for ability to induce axillary shoot development from double-node stem segments. The highest rate of axillary shoot proliferation was induced on Murashige and Skoog agar medium supplemented with 1.8 μM BA. Seven indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) concentrations (0, 2.9, 5.7, 8.6, 11.4, 14.3, 17.1 μM) were tested to determine the optimum conditions for in vitro rooting of microshoots. Up to 72% of the microshoots rooted with 14.3 μM IAA. Other auxins tested, α-naphthaleneacetic acid and indole-3-butyric acid, were less effective than IAA in inducing adventitious root formation. All rooted plantlets having more than three roots were successfully established in soil.  相似文献   
在模拟郁闭林下(L1,大约1%~2%的全日照)、林窗(L2,大约18%的全日照)、开阔地(L3,全日照)3个光照水平和每个光照水平下进行施肥(F1)和不施肥(F0)对照的6个实验处理条件下,研究了 2年龄米心水青冈(Fagus engleriana Seem)幼苗在随后的两个生长季里的生长对光照和土壤养分的响应.结果显示:光照和养分对幼苗高度、基径和生物量有显著的影响.经过两个生长季,L1处理下幼苗高度增量极显著地小于L2和L3处理下幼苗高度增量.L1处理下基径和生物量的增量在处理当年秋就极显著地小于L2和L3处理下的增量,并在第二年差异继续扩大.L2和L3处理下的幼苗间的生长没有显著差异.施肥明显地促进了L2和L3处理下的幼苗的生长,但对L1处理下的幼苗没有明显的作用.这些结果说明,虽然2年龄米心水青冈幼苗能够在林下的弱光条件下生存,但生长受到了极大的抑制.幼苗在林窗的中等光照条件下能够与在开阔地全日照条件下生长的一样好或更好,这与许多耐阴的落叶树的响应一样.在比林内光照强度较高的条件下施肥或较高的土壤养分才对米心水青冈幼苗的生长和生存起作用.  相似文献   
Achillea filipendulina (family Asteraceae) is widespread throughout temperate North America. In order to clean stock plants from endemic fungal and bacterial contaminations a method for large-scale propagation of A. filipendulina through meristem culture was sought and found and is described in this paper. The best conditions for propagating A. filipendulina was found to be MS (Murashige and Skoog) salt medium supplemented with 3% sucrose and 1 mg l–1 IAA (indole-3-acetic acid) plus 2 mg l–1 BA (6-benzyladenine) under 16 h of cool fluorescent light. Rooted plants were successfully acclimatized within a short time after propagating on this medium. The propagation via tissue culture did not affect plant's presentation. The use of clean stock plants made it possible to increased Israeli production of Achillea from about 150,000 stems a year to about 1,300,000 stems a year.  相似文献   
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Efficient shoot regeneration of Vanda coerulea was achieved using thin shoot tip sections and thidiazuron. Protocorm-like bodies or proliferating shoot buds was observed when thin shoot tip sections were cultured on Vacin and Went's (VW) (1949) basal medium supplemented with 11.35 µM thidiazuron. The highest percentage of protocorm-like bodies (95%) survived and ultimately produced healthy shoots with 2 – 3 leaves when subjected to a 4 week thidiazuron treatment. A culture period longer than 8 weeks with thidiazuron resulted in the formation of fasciated or distorted shoots. Shoots produced roots when cultured on half strength VW basal medium supplemented with 11.42 µM IAA. The well rooted shoots were transferred to pots containing charcoal chips, coconut husk and broken tiles (2:2:1) and a 98% survival rate was achieved.  相似文献   
Established populations of the Eurasian pine shoot beetle (Tomicus piniperda (L.); Coleoptera: Scolytidae) were first discovered in North America in Ohio in 1992. As of 31 December 2000, T. piniperda was found in 303 counties in 12 US states (Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin) and in 43 counties in 2 Canadian provinces (Ontario and Quebec). A federal quarantine imposed in November 1992 regulates movement of pine (Pinus) trees, logs, and certain pine products from infested to uninfested areas within US. The forest products, Christmas tree, and nursery industries are affected by the quarantine. This paper summarizes information on the discovery and spread of T. piniperda in North America, survey efforts, recent interception history, development and changes in the federal quarantine, development of a national compliance management program, and extension and research efforts.  相似文献   
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