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Developing organisms are often exposed to fluctuating environments that destabilize tissue-scale processes and induce abnormal phenotypes. This might be common in species that lay eggs in the external environment and with little parental care, such as many reptiles. In turtles, morphological development has provided striking examples of abnormal phenotypic patterns, though the influence of the environment remains unclear. To this end, we compared fluctuating asymmetry, as a proxy for developmental instability, in turtle hatchlings incubated in controlled laboratory and unstable natural conditions. Wild and laboratory hatchlings featured similar proportions of supernumerary scales (scutes) on the dorsal shell (carapace). Such abnormal scutes likely elevated shape asymmetry, which was highest in natural nests. Moreover, we tested the hypothesis that hot and dry environments cause abnormal scute formation by subjecting eggs to a range of hydric and thermal laboratory incubation regimes. Shape asymmetry was similar in hatchlings incubated at five constant temperatures (26–30°C). A hot (30°C) and severely Dry substrate yielded smaller hatchlings but scutes were not overtly affected. Our study suggests that changing nest environments contribute to fluctuating asymmetry in egg-laying reptiles, while clarifying the conditions at which turtle shell development remains buffered from the external environment.  相似文献   
The pollution of heavy metals in soil to the environment is becoming more and more serious, resulting in the reduction of crop production and the occurrence of medical accidents. In order to remove heavy metal ions from soil and reduce the harm of heavy metals to the environment, modified peanut shell was used to adsorb Cr3+ in this article. The effects of different adsorption conditions on the adsorption rate and adsorption capacity of Cr3+ on ZnCl2 modified peanut shell were studied, the best adsorption conditions were explored, and the relationship of kinetics, thermodynamics and adsorption isotherm properties of adsorption process were explored. The results showed that the optimum adsorption pH value, dosage, initial concentration, adsorption temperature and contact time of ZnCl2 modified peanut shell were 2.5, 2.5 g/L, 75 μg/mL, 25 °C and 40 min, respectively. The prepared materials were characterized and analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyzer. It was concluded that the modified peanut shell had a good adsorption capacity to Cr3+. The kinetic study showed that the adsorption process of Cr3+ on peanut shell modified by zinc chloride was in accordance with the quasi-second-order kinetic model. The adsorption process belonged to exothermic reaction and belonged to spontaneous reaction process. In summary, it is proved that zinc chloride modified peanut shell can efficiently adsorb Cr3+, which can be used for the treatment of heavy metal wastes in industry, which is beneficial to environmental protection and avoid heavy metal pollution.  相似文献   
Aim This study aims to explain the patterns of species richness and nestedness of a terrestrial bird community in a poorly studied region. Location Twenty‐six islands in the Dahlak Archipelago, Southern Red Sea, Eritrea. Methods The islands and five mainland areas were censused in summer 1999 and winter 2001. To study the importance of island size, isolation from the mainland and inter‐island distance, I used constrained null models for the nestedness temperature calculator and a cluster analysis. Results Species richness depended on island area and isolation from the mainland. Nestedness was detected, even when passive sampling was accounted for. The nested rank of islands was correlated with area and species richness, but not with isolation. Idiosyncrasies appeared among species‐poor and species‐rich islands, and among common and rare species. Cluster analysis showed differences among species‐rich islands, close similarity among species‐poor and idiosyncratic islands, and that the compositional similarity among islands decreased with increasing inter‐island distance. Thus, faunas of species‐poor, smaller islands were more likely to be subsets of faunas of species‐rich, larger islands if the distance between the islands was short. Main conclusions Species richness and nestedness were related to island area, and nestedness also to inter‐island distances but not to isolation from the mainland. Thus, nestedness and species richness are not affected in the same way by area and distance. Moreover, idiosyncrasies may have been the outcome of species distributions among islands being influenced also by non‐nested distributions of habitats, inter–specific interactions, and differences in species distributions across the mainland. Idiosyncrasies in nested patterns may be as important as the nested pattern itself for conservation – and conservation strategies based on nestedness and strong area effects (e.g. protection of only larger islands) may fail to preserve idiosyncratic species/habitats.  相似文献   
This study investigated allozyme and morphometric variability within the genus Cynopterus, with particular emphasis on C. nusatenggara, which is endemic to Wallacea, the area encompassing the Oriental-Australian biogeographic interface. The genetic distances between Cynopterus species are small by mammalian standards and suggest that this genus has undergone a recent series of speciation events. The genetic distance between populations of C. nusatenggara is strongly correlated with both the contemporary sea-crossing distance between islands and the estimated sea crossing at the time of the last Pleistocene glacial maximum, 18,000 b .p . This observation, together with low levels of population substructure within islands as shown by F-statistics, indicates that the sea is a primary and formidable barrier to gene exchange. The genetic distance and the great-circle geographical distance between the populations of C. nusatenggara are not correlated, although a principal-coordinates analysis of genetic distance reveals relationships between the populations that are similar to their geographical arrangement. A strong negative correlation exists between the level of heterozygosity within island populations of C. nusatenggara and the minimum sea-crossing distance to the nearest large source population. This is interpreted as reflecting an isolation effect of the sea, leading to reduced heterozygosity in populations that have larger sea barriers between them and the large source islands. Independently of this, heterozygosity is negatively associated with longitude, which in turn is associated with systematic changes in the environment such as a gradual decline in rainfall from west to east. The association between heterozygosity and longitude is interpreted as reflecting an association between genetic and environmental variance and supports the niche-width theory of genetic variance. Morphometric variability did not show any of the main effects demonstrated in the genetic data. Furthermore, there was no evidence that, at the level of individuals, genetic and morphometric variability were associated.  相似文献   
A model of extinction probability, based on the general theory of island biogeography [MacArthur and Wilson, 1967], is proposed for humans on oceanic islands; extinction probability is determined by island carrying capacity, frequency and amplitude of fluctuations in resources determining carrying capacity, and the net costs of contact and exchange between population units. The model predicts that extinction probability will determine island settlement patterns within an island group resulting in nonsettlement of islands with low carrying capacities and settlement of all islands with high carrying capacities. Data examined from the Marshall Islands tend to support the model. The model is extended to initial atoll colonization patterns. Possible requirements for initial settlement are suggested.Deceased.  相似文献   
The East Usambara Mountain forests constitute what is probably one of the richest biological communities in Africa in terms of plant and animal species numbers and endemic taxa. This review presents brief accounts of the flora and of three invertebrate and four vertebrate groups and shows the percentage endemic taxa to vary from 2% (mammals) to 95% (millipedes) as a proportion of the true forest species. Notes are given on the geology, soils, climate and present land use of the Usambaras. Biological richness is considered to be due to long periods of isolation and geological stability coupled with periods of species immigration during times of re-establishment of a continuous forest cover. The nature of the endemic elements is briefly discussed. Evidence is given to show that the forests are subject to increasing pressure from legal and illegal encroachment due to agriculture (tea, cardamon, subsistence) and forestry timber operations. Air photograph analysis shows a forest decrease of some 50% in the vicinity of Amani from 1954 to 1976. The low conservation status of most forest reserves and the lack of detailed knowledge on the distribution, status and biology of the endemic species means present conservation efforts are poor and haphazard. This review calls for greatly increased research inputs and a complete halt to all exploitation of natural forest areas until a long term conservation land use plan can be implemented.  相似文献   
The recent discovery of large shells. growing by accretion, in the scleritome of the coeloscleritophoran Ha lkieria Poulsen, 1967, prompts the reconsideration of a number of cap-shaped shells in the Lower Cambrian. The scaly shells of Maikhanella Zhegallo, 1982. from Mongolia provide a good starting point, mce they occur together with spicules of siphogonuchitid type and appear to be composed of merged spicules. The shells are phosphatired and consist of two main elements: spicules, typically filled with phosphate. and an intermediate matrix. The associated loose spicules belong to forms that have served as the basis for erection of the genera Siphogonuchites Qian. 1977, and Lopochites Qian, 1977. Maikhanella is prohdbly a junior synonym of one or both of the latter two genera, but taxonomic revision is suspended until the type material of these siphogonuchitid genera has been restudied. and all three genera are left as sciotaxa. Various cap-shaped shells and plates in the Chinese Meishucunian are reinterpreted as shells belonging to coeloscleritophornn scleritoines. Maikhanella shells were formed through the embedding of spicules in secondary calcareous shell zubstance. The skeletogenesis has several similarities with that of molluscs, and together with the polyplacophoran-like features of the Halkieria scleritome this forces a reconsideration of the phylogenetic relationships between coeloscleritophorans and molluscs  相似文献   
Along the coastal plain of Israel, shell darkness of the polymorphic land snail Xeropicta vestalis is positively related to the extent of perennial vegetation. It is not related to rain, temperature, geographic position or darkness of the ground.
White shells reflect more radiation than dark ones do, and therefore in Israel's coastal plain, where solar radiation is very strong, they are favoured. Perennial vegetation, where it occurs, shields the snails from the sun by absorbing radiation, so that snails amongst them can afford to be darker, and thus more cryptic. Hence, the more perennial vegetation in the habitat, the darker the shells.
Also during the Pleistocene, when temperatures were 5–10°C lower than today, the shells of the coastal plain were as pale as recent ones are. The distribution of a snail-predator, Gerbillus allenbyi , which is restricted to sandy biotopes where perennial bushes occur, and which was absent from Israel during the Pleistocene, could perhaps explain the distribution of X. vestalis morphs, both today and in the past.  相似文献   
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