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Feeding responses of the oligophagous tobacco hornworm to allelochemicals prevalent in their host plants were determined in food choice-tests using filter paper discs laced with a test solution or water (control). Six solanaceous alkaloids, tomatine, tomatidine, solanine, solanocapsine, atropine and nicotine, were tested and only tomatine and solanocapsine were found to influence preference behavior. Solanocapsine (5 mM) deters feeding whereas tomatine (1 mM) stimulates feeding slightly. No synergistic effect of either tomatine or tomatidine with sucrose was found.The responses to tomatine are affected by previous feeding experience. Tomatine slightly stimulates feeding in larvae reared on tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum), but slightly deters feeding in larvae reared on Jerusalem cherry (Solanum pseudocapsicum). Such induced preference is absent for the other alkaloids tested, which indicates that these alkaloids do not by themselves induce preferences for the plants containing them.The non-alkaloid allelochemicals, chlorogenic acid, rutin, and 2-tridecanone also influenced food choice behavior. Chlorogenic acid is slightly stimulatory at its natural concentration (1mM), but strongly deterrent at higher concentrations. Rutin stimulates feeding in a concentration-dependent manner. Its activity must be due to the glycosylated structure, because both the aglycone (quercetin) and the sugar moiety (rutinose) are neutral. Removal of the glucose part of rutin, as in quercitrin, results in feeding deterrent activity. 2-Tridecanone is neutral at its concentration in cultivated tomato (1 mM), but strongly deterrent and toxic at higher concentrations. Preference behavior is not affected by solanesol, GABA, and a mixture of host plant compounds stimulatory for anothe solanaceous-specific feeder, the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata).We conclude that the prevalent solanaceous alkaloids and other allelochemicals tested do not play important roles in food selection of the tobacco hornworm, although some may make small contributions.
Résumé Des experiences de choix de chenilles oligophages de M. sexta ont été réalisees avec des disques de papier filtre imbiles d'eau ou de solutions des substances allélochimiques dominantes dans les plantes consommées. Sur les six alcaloïdes de solanées examinés: tomatine, tomatidine, solanine, solanocapsine, atropine et nicotine, seuls la tomatine et la solanocapsine ont influé sur le choix; la solanocapsine (5 mM) empêche la prise de nourriture, tandis que la tomatine (1 mM) la stimule légèrement. Aucun effet synergique de la tomatine ou de la tomatidine n'a été observé en présence de sucrose.La réponse à la tomatine est modifiée par la prise de nourriture antérieure. Elle stimule légèrement l'alimentation de chenilles élevées sur tomates (Lycopersicon esculentum), mais dissuade légèrement les chenilles élevées sur Solanum pseudocapsicum. II n'y a pas d'action induite semblable avec les autres alcalïdes examinés, ce qui indique que ces alcaloïdes ne peuvent pas induire par eux-mêmes de préférences pour les plantes qui les contiennent.Des substances allélochimiques non-alcaloïdes: acide chlorogénique, rutine, et 2-tridécanone, influent aussi sur le comportement de choix alimentaire. L'acide chlorogénique est légèrement stimulant à sa concentration naturelle (1 mM), mais fortement dissuasif aux concentrations supérieures. La rutine stimule la prise de nourriture en fonction de sa concentration. Son activité doit être due à sa structure glucosylate, puisqu'aussi bien l'aglycone (quercitine) que la moiteé sucrée (rutinose) sont neutres. La suppression de la partie glucose de la rutine, comme dans le cas de la quercitine, a un effet dissuasif. A sa concentration dans la tomate cultivée (1 mM), le 2-tridécanone est neutre, mais il est fortement dissuasif et toxique à des concentrations supérieures.Le comportement de choix n'est pas modifié par le solanésol, le GABA, et par un mélange de composés végétaux stimulant un consommateur spécifique de solanées, comme le doryphore (Leptinotarsa decemlineata).Nous pouvons conclure que les principaux alcaloïdes et autres substances allélochimiques des solanées que nous avons examinés n'interviennent pas d'une façon importante, mais peuvent avoir une influence secondaire, dans les choix alimentaires de Manduca sexta.
Research on human evolution and sexual dimorphism motivates an interesting test problem. In studying hominid phylogeny it is of interest to test whether parallel evolution plays a role. With regard to sexual dimorphism it is of interest to known whether the directions of sexual dimorphism in the populations being compared are the same. We show that testing these two problems gives rise to the same type of hypothesis testing, viz. the problem of testing the hypothesis that the means of independent, normally distributed random vectors with unit covariance matrices are situated on a straight line through the origin. A test is proposed and applied to study the sexual dimorphism of 20 recent skull populations. In this example the hypothesis of equal directions of sexual dimorphism is rejected. The classical theory of constructing multiple discriminant functions (canonical variates) is adapted to the problem of comparing sexual dimorphisms.  相似文献   
Summary Calcium and intracellular Ca2+-binding proteins are possibly involved in hormone production and spermatogenesis in rat testis. Parvalbumin, calbindin D-28K, S-100 proteins and calmodulin were localized in the Leydig cells, which are sites of testosterone synthesis. Only the appearance of parvalbumin-immunoreactivity is closely correlated to testosterone production during development of the testes. Calbindin D-28K-immunoreactivity persisted in foetal-type Leydig cells and in adult-type Leydig cells at all stages of development. S-100-immunoreactivity was low during all foetal stages, absent between birth and puberty, and increased thereafter. Calmodulin staining is most prominent in the cytoplasm of developing spermatocytes and of maturing spermatids. All four proteins co-exist in the seminiferous tubules. The distinct localization and developmental appearance of these proteins suggests different regulatory roles in Leydig cell function and spermatogenesis.  相似文献   
The sexual behavior and female reproductive cycles of a group of island-dwelling stumptail macaques (Macaca arctoides)were monitored over a 6-month period, yielding 530 observation hr and 268 copulations. Compared to nondominant males, the dominant male copulated at a relatively high rate throughout the cycle, but largely with one high-ranking female. The non-dominant males copulated most frequently at midcycle. Female presenting was highest at midcycle, but only to the dominant male. Cross-study discrepancies may be due to different observation methods and restricted environmental conditions that mask female-initiated sexual behavior. The more naturalistic setting of this study allowed for a fuller expression of proceptivity. Contrary to some previous conclusions, present findings suggest that both hormonal and socioenvironmental factors influence the patterns of sexual behavior found in stumptail macaque colonies.  相似文献   
Patterns of variation in tail ornament size in birds   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In recent years several different kinds of sexual selection models have been developed, and tail ornaments in birds have frequently been used as an example of a sexually selected character where the models might apply. However, very little is known about intra- and interpopulation variation in ornament size. We have studied the elongated tail ornaments in four species of whydahs Vidua , the forktailed flycatcher Tyrannus savana and the Asian paradise flycatcher Terpsiphone paradisi. Ornaments were relatively longer in males with the longest tarsi ('heterogony' with positive allometry). Also, tail lengths were remarkably variable within each geographical area, the coefficient of variation (average = 11%) being three times as high as for body size characters. Models, with female preference of ornaments bearing no relation to male viability, usually generate lines of neutral equilibria. Thus, they predict extraordinary variation in ornaments between populations. However, elongated tail ornaments did not show higher geographical variation than the body size characters, suggesting that there is no line of equilibria for these ornaments.  相似文献   
The maintenance of sexual reproduction is discussed using a model based on the familiar Lotka-Volterra competition equations. Both the equilibrium and the stability conditions that allow a sexual population to resist invasion by a single asexual clone are considered. The equilibrium conditions give results similar to previous models: When the cost of sex, within phenotype niche width, and environmental variance are low, the sexual population coexists with the asexual clone and remains at a high density. However, the asexual clone is never completely excluded. Analysis of the stability conditions shows a different picture: The introduction of an asexual clone considerably reduces the stability of the community. However, owing to its larger total niche width, the sexual population exists partly in a “competitor-free space” where the asexual clone has almost no influence on the outcome of the interactions. Therefore the asexual clone is less stable than the sexual population and has a higher probability of extinction. In contrast, the sexual population does not become extinct, since the extreme phenotypes remain at a stable, though low, density, and the central phenotypes, where stability is low, are recreated every generation through recombination. I therefore conclude that the ecological conditions under which sexual reproduction is favored over asexual reproduction are fairly easily attained and are more general than previous analyses had suggested.  相似文献   
Differences in responsiveness to potential prey and pollen were tested in the facultative predator,Euseius tularensis Congdon. Following isolation without food for 16 h, adult female mites were observed with one of the following potential foods: pollen ofMalephora crocea (Jacquin) Schwantes,Scirtothrips citri (Moulton) 2nd instar larvae,Tetranychus pacificus McGregor nymphs and ♂,Panonychus citri (McGregor) nymphs and ♂,E. hibisci (Chant) larvae, andE. tularensis larvae. Responses were compared using the proportion of encounters that resulted in consumption. This proportion was highest when pollen was encountered, followed byS. citri andT. pacificus. Consumption was much lower in response toP. citri and congeneric larvae. WhenS. citri larvae were encountered a 2nd time, 1 to 2 h after the initial capture and consumption, responsiveness increased to a level equal to the response observed with pollen. These results suggest thatE. tularensis is a more effective biological control agent of citrus thrips (S. citri) than of citrus red mite (P. citri).  相似文献   
Ejaculate size varies with socio-sexual situation in an insect   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
  • 1 Males operate within a finite energy budget and cannot produce limitless supplies of sperm. On the other hand, when a female mates with a second male while still containing fertile sperm from a rival male, selection should favour the male that inseminates more sperm. Optimal strategy should thus be for males to exercise discretion in the allocation of sperm to individual females. Assuming the outcome of sperm competition to be based on either the raffle or kamikaze principles, the sperm competition hypothesis predicts a positive association between the probability that the sperm will find themselves in competition with sperm from rival males and the number of sperm inseminated.
  • 2 The beetle, Tenebrio molitor L., behaves in accordance with this hypothesis. Males accompanied by a rival male before and during mating inseminate more sperm per ejaculate than unaccompanied males. Accompanied males are also faster to initiate mating and more likely to show post-copulatory guarding. Adjustment of number of sperm inseminated was shown by males subjected to both long-term (5 days) and short-term (5 min) exposure to potential intrasexual competitors. Individual males exposed to both levels also demonstrated the ability to adjust their ejaculate according to socio-sexual situation.
  • 3 We conclude that male T.molitor adjust the number of sperm they inseminate according to some perception of the risk of sperm competition.
A new species of freshwater dinoflagellates, Ceratium rhomvoides nov. sp., is described from the Plußsee, northern West Germany, where it occurs regularly. C. rhomvoides nov. sp. is distinguished from closely related taxa by various aspects of the morphology of the vegetative cell and the cyst and by its sexual reproduction and seasonal distribution.  相似文献   
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