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Most flowering plant species are hermaphroditic, but a small number of species in most plant families are unisexual (i.e., an individ-ual will produce only male or female gametes). Because species with unisexual flowers have evolved repeatedly from hermaphroditic progenitors, the mechanisms controlling sex determination in flowering plants are extremely diverse. Sex is most strongly determined by genotype in all species but the mechanisms range from a single controlling locus to sex chromosomes bearing several linked locirequired for sex determination. Plant hormones also influence sex expression with variable effects from species to species. Here, we review the genetic control of sex determination from a number of plant species to illustrate the variety of extant mechanisms. We emphasize species that are now used as models to investigate the molecular biology of sex determination. We also present our own investigations of the structure of plant sex chromosomes of white campion (Silene latifolia - Melan-drium album). The cytogenetic basis of sex determination in white campion is similar to mammals in that it has a male-specific Y-chromosome that carries dominant male determining genes. If one copy of this chromosome is in the genome, the plant is male. Otherwise it is female. Like mammalian Y-chromosomes, the white campion Y-chromosome is rich in repetitive DNA. We isolated repetitive sequences from microdissected Y-chromosomes of white campion to study the distribution of homologous repeated sequences on the Y-chromosome and the other chromosomes. We found the Y to be especially rich in repetitive sequences that were generally dispersed over all the white campion chromosomes. Despite its repetitive character, the Y-chromosome is mainly euchromatic. This may be due to the relatively recent evolution of the white campion sex chromosomes compared to the sex chromosomes of animals. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
In many egg-laying reptiles, the incubation temperature of the egg determines the sex of the offspring, a process known as temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD). In TSD sex determination is an “all or none” process and intersexes are rarely formed. How is the external signal of temperature transduced into a genetic signal that determines gonadal sex and channels sexual development? Studies with the red-eared slider turtle have focused on the physiological, biochemical, and molecular cascades initiated by the temperature signal. Both male and female development are active processes—rather than the crganized/default system characteristic of vertebrates with genotypic sex determination—that require simultaneous activation and suppression of testis- and ovary-determining cascades for normal sex determination. It appears that temperature accomplishes this end by acting on genes encoaing for steroidogenic enzymes and steroid hormone receptors and modifying the endocrine microenvironment in the embryo. The temperature experienced in development also has long-term functional outcomes in addition to sex determination. Research with the leopard gecko indicates that incubation temperature as well as steroid hormones serve as organizers in shaping the adult phenotype, with temperature modulating sex hormone action in sexual differentiation. Finally, practical applications of this research have emerged for the conservation and restoration of endangered egg-laying reptiles as well as the embryonic development of reptiles as biomarkers to monitor the estrogenic effects of common environmental contaminants. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Fossils recognized as early Homo were discovered first at Olduvai Gorge in 1959 and 1960. Teeth, skull parts and hand bones representing three individuals were found in Bed I, and more material followed from Bed I and lower Bed II. By 1964, L.S.B. Leakey, P.V. Tobias, and J.R. Napier were ready to name Homo habilis. But almost as soon as they had, there was confusion over the hypodigm of the new species. Tobias himself suggested that OH 13 resembles Homo erectus from Java, and he noted that OH 16 has teeth as large as those of Australopithecus. By the early 1970s, however, Tobias had put these thoughts behind him and returned to the opinion that all of the Olduvai remains are Homo habilis. At about this time, important discoveries began to flow from the Koobi Fora region in Kenya. To most observers, crania such as KNM-ER 1470 confirmed the presence of Homo in East Africa at an early date. Some of the other specimens were problematical. A.C. Walker and R.E. Leakey raised the possibility that larger skulls including KNM-ER 1470 differ significantly from smaller-brained, small-toothed individuals such as KNM-ER 1813. Other workers emphasized that there are differences of shape as well as size among the hominids from Koobi Fora. There is now substantial support for the view that in the Turkana and perhaps also in the Olduvai assemblages, there is more variation than would be expected among male and female conspecifics. One way to approach this question of sorting would be to compare all of the new fossils against the original material from Olduvai which was used to characterize Homo habilis in 1964. A problem is that the Olduvai remains are fragmentary, and none of them provides much information about vault form or facial structure. An alternative is to work first with the better crania, even if these are from other sites. I have elected to treat KNM-ER 1470 and KNM-ER 1813 as key individuals. Comparisons are based on discrete anatomy and measurements. Metric results are displayed with ratio diagrams, by which similarity in proportions for several skulls can be assessed in respect to a single specimen selected as a standard. Crania from Olduvai examined in this way are generally smaller than KNM-ER 1470, although OH 7 has a relatively long parietal. In the Koobi Fora assemblage, there is variation in brow thickness, frontal flattening and parietal shape relative to KNM-ER 1470. These comparisons are instructive, but vault proportions do not help much with the sorting process. Contrasts in the face are much more striking. Measurements treated in ratio diagrams show that both KNM-ER 1813 and OH 24 have relatively short faces with low cheek bones, small orbits and low nasal openings. Also, they display more projection of the midfacial region, just below the nose. This is not readily interpreted to be a female characteristic, since in most hominoid primates the females tend to have flatter lower faces than the males. The obvious size differences among these individuals have usually been interpreted as sex dimorphism, but, in fact, two taxa may be sampled at Olduvai and in the Turkana basin at the beginning of the Pleistocene. One large-brained group made up of KNM-ER 1470, several other Koobi Fora specimens, and probably OH 7, can be called Homo habilis. If these skulls go with femora such as KNM-ER 1481 and the KNM-ER3228 hip, then this species is close in postcranial anatomy to Homo erectus. The other taxon, including small-brained individuals such as KNM-ER 1813 and probably OH 13, seems also to be Homo rather than Australopithecus. If the OH 62 skeleton is part of this assemblage, then the small hominids have postcranial proportions unlike those of Homo erectus. However, it is too early to point unequivocally to one or the other of these groups as the ancestors of later humans. Both differ from Homo erectus in important ways, and both need to be better understood before we can map the earliest history of the Homo clade. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Brood sex ratios (BSRs) have often been found to be nonrandom in respect of parental and environmental quality, and many hypotheses suggest that nonrandom sex ratios can be adaptive. To specifically test the adaptive value of biased BSRs, it is crucial to disentangle the consequences of BSR and maternal effects. In multiparous species, this requires cross-fostering experiments where foster parents rear offspring originating from multiple broods, and where the interactive effect of original and manipulated BSR on fitness components is tested. To our knowledge, our study on collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis) is the first that meets these requirements. In this species, where BSRs had previously been shown to be related to parental characteristics, we altered the original BSR of the parents shortly after hatching by cross-fostering nestlings among trios of broods and examined the effects on growth, mortality and recruitment of the nestlings. We found that original and experimental BSR, as well as the interaction of the two, were unrelated to the fitness components considered. Nestling growth was related only to background variables, namely brood size and hatching rank. Nestling mortality was related only to hatching asynchrony. Our results therefore do not support that the observed BSRs are adaptive in our study population. However, we cannot exclude the possibility of direct effects of experimentally altered BSRs on parental fitness, which should be evaluated in the future. In addition, studies similar to ours are required on various species to get a clearer picture of the adaptive value of nonrandom BSRs.  相似文献   
Earwigs (Insecta, Dermaptera) are characterized by uniquelyelaborated cerci, commonly called forceps, the function of whichremains unclear. We studied intrasexual and intersexual interactionsin the laboratory to examine the context and pattern of forcepsuse in the toothed earwig. Vostox apictdenlatus (Caudell). Interactionsbetween pairs of earwigs were recorded in four social situations:(1) two males, (2) two males plus a virgin female, (3) two females,and (4) one male and one female. Forceps were used as both weaponsand display structures by males and females in all of thesesocial contexts. During pairwise male-male interactions, onemale clearly dominated the other male. Dominant males were moreactive and more likely to use their forceps in intrasexual interactionsthan were subordinate males. In interactions where there weretwo males and one female present, the male that dominated male-maleinteractions was able to maintain exclusive access to the female.There was no indication of active female choice during or aftercourtship. During intersexual interactions, only males usedtheir forceps during courtship. The behavioral repertoire involvingforceps was greater for males than for females, especially inintrasexual contests. There was no clear outcome of intrasexualinteractions among females. These results suggest that forcepsfunction mainly as weapons in male-male interactions and mayhave evolved, at least in part, as a result of sexual selection.Further research is required to test for female mate choiceand to separate the various mechanisms of sexual selection ifmate choice exists. Comparative studies are needed to determineif sexual selection was the original evolutionary mechanismleading to the development of these unusual structures or ifsexual selection is relegated to a secondary effect, leadingto the elaboration and sexualdimorphism of these structuresin selected groups of earwigs.  相似文献   
Recent research has indicated that old, individually housed monkeys show little interest in novel objects. Yet unanswered is whether this effect is caused primarily by age or housing condition. The purpose of this study was to assess the role of social living in promoting responsiveness to objects. We measured the rates of object manipulation in older animals, assessed responsiveness over time to particular objects as a measure of habituation, and examined social influences on object use. Several social groups of rhesus monkeys that contained older adults were studied. These groups were housed in indoor pens or in an outdoor enclosure, and all monkeys had continuous access to a variety of objects in their home environment. In contrast to previous studies of individually housed monkeys, our group-housed monkeys showed sustained interest in objects. Old monkeys manipulated objects extensively, and this response was all the more significant, given that the objects were not novel. Monkeys housed in an outdoor enclosure showed object manipulation patterns that were not different from monkeys housed in indoor pens. However, females exhibited much higher object-related responses than males. Social facilitation played a role in the reactions of some monkeys to objects. Patterns of social facilitation as well as avoidance were present in two of the three indoor groups that were observed. Failure to manipulate objects in rhesus macaques appears to be more a function of individual housing than of old age. Factors such as environmental complexity, social needs, and early experience should be considered in order to understand why individually housed rhesus monkeys are unresponsive to objects. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Parasites are known to alter the behavior of their hosts, but little is known about their effects on responses to sexual stimuli. Periplaneta americanainfected with the acanthocephalan Moniliformis moniliformiswere compared to uninfected animals in their behavioral and electroantennogram responses to a synthetic P. americanapheromone component, periplanone-B, and a pheromone mimic, bornyl acetate. In a t-maze there was no significant difference between infected animals' responses to periplanone-B and a random binomial distribution; the responses of uninfected animals were significantly nonrandom. The electroan-tennogram responses of infected and uninfected animals to bornyl acetate or periplanone-B did not differ significantly, however, indicating that the alteration probably does not occur at the peripheral level but at a central nervous system level.  相似文献   
The longitudinal glia (LG), progeny of a single glioblast, form a scaffold that presages the formation of longitudinal tracts in the ventral nerve cord (VNC) of the Drosophila embryo. The LG are used as a substrate during the extension of the first axons of the longitudinal tract. I have examined the differentiation of the LG in six mutations in which the longitudinal tracts were absent, displaced, or interrupted to determine whether the axon tract malformations may be attributable to disruptions in the LG scaffold. Embryos mutant for the gene prospero had no longitudinal tracts, and glial differentiation remained arrested at a preaxonogenic state. Two mutants of the Polycomb group also lacked longitudinal tracts; here the glia failed to form an oriented scaffold, but cytological differentiation of the LG was unperturbed. The longitudinal tracts in embryos mutant for slit fused at the VNC midline and scaffold formation was normal, except that it was medially displaced. Longitudinaltracts had intersegmental interruptions in embryos mutant for hindsight and midline. In hindsight, there were intersegmental gaps in the glial scaffold. In midline, the glial scaffold retracted after initial extension. LG morphogenesis during axonogenesis was abnormal in midline. Commitment to glial identity and glial differentiation also occurred before scaffold formation. In all mutants examined, the early distribution of the glycoprotein neuroglian was perturbed. This was indicative of early alterations in VNC pattern present before LG scaffold formation began. Therefore, some changes in scaffold formation may have reflected changes in the placement and differentiation of other cells of the VNC. In all mutants, alterations in scaffold formation preceded longitudinal axon tract formation. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
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