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Because hosts utilized by parasitoids are vulnerable to further oviposition by conspecifics, host guarding benefits female wasps. The present study aims to test whether female adults regulate brood guarding behaviour by host discrimination in a solitary parasitoid Trissolcus semistriatus by presenting an intact or parasitized host egg mass to a female adult. Virgin females without oviposition experience have host discrimination ability, which enables them to adjust the number of eggs laid in the hosts. Mating experience increases superparasitism by female adults, whereas mated females achieve a higher discrimination ability as a result of oviposition experience and show a lower superparasitism rate. As expected, females exhibit brood guard after parasitizing an intact host egg mass, whereas those females visiting a previously parasitized host egg mass, do not. Because the survival of eggs in superparasitized hosts is relatively low, regulating brood guarding behaviour by host discrimination is adaptive for female wasps.  相似文献   
The process of ageing is associated with increased susceptibility to infection. Phagocytes form the primary defence mechanism against infecting microorganisms, but the influence of ageing on phagocyte function remains controversial. In this study we have applied a microtitre plate phagocyte chemiluminescence (CL) assay suitable for clinical use to compare phagocyte oxidative metabolism in younger healthy subjects (age 20–60 years) and healthy older (60–70 years) subjects. Polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL) and monocytes were stimulated using phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), serum opsonized zymosan (SOZ), and non-opsonized zymosan (ZYM) in the presence of both lucigenin and luminol. Monocytes showed a higher luminolenhanced CL response to PMA in males compared with females in the younger age group. No PMNL differences were observed between the sexes. Although no difference were found in relation to age when cells were stimulated with PMA and SOZ, significantly lower background (unstimulated) CL was obtained from PMNL with luminol. PMNL luminol-enhanced CL responses were also lower in response to ZYM. The findings suggest a reduced response of PMNL from older subjects to minimal stimulation. This could be related to abnormalities in the triggering of the respiratory burst or myeloperoxidase release due to ageing. The influence of age and sex should be taken into account in clinical studies of phagocyte CL.  相似文献   
The genus Cyclope Risso, 1826 (family Nassariidae) has appeared in the fossil record since the Pliocene. Although it is still found today, the teleoconch morphology has never undergone modification, despite the fact that the protoconch morphologies of fossils (multispiral) and living forms (paucispiral) are different. They vary in their embryological and larval development and, hence, are two different species: C. migliorinii (Bevilacqua, 1928), the fossil species, and C. neritea (Linnaeus, 1758), the living species. We discuss the morphologic modifications in the evolution of this genus: the speciation that leads to its appearance and the speciation driving the Pliocene species to the living one. The order and the direction of these changes are based on phylogenetic analysis. No intermediate forms have been found showing a gradual morphological change that could have been worked by natural selection. Our analysis takes as the origin of the morphological novelties the genetic modifications in the ontogenetic processes which resulted in rapid and important phenotypic changes. Both speciation processes are sympatric cladogenetic. The changes that determine the appearance of the genus affect only the teleoconch, not the larval development. The modifications that lead from one species to the other, within the genus Cycope, affect the larval development exclusively. This points to a certain disconnection between the development of the embryo-larval phase and the young-adult formation, such that evolutionary processes could have occurred independently in different ontogenetic stages. The influence of larval ecology in relation to extinction of the ancestor and persistence of the derived species is also analysed. We hypothesize that climatic fluctuations may have affected the planktonic larvae of the fossil species, driving it to extinction. The living species, developing without the planktonic phase, would have resisted these climatic changes. We consider that the mechanisms described as drivers of the evolution of this genus can be of more general validity in prosobranch gastropods.  相似文献   
In a patch of hermaphroditic plants, with a low level of pollen migration between patches, a prevailing wind creates a gradient, within the patch, in the strength of local competition among pollen for reproductive success. This leads to a sex ratio gradient, with a male (pollen) bias in downwind individuals, which can be quite strong even for large patches. The effect can be understood as follows: downwind individuals have relatively low reproductive value and respond by putting more resources into the gamete (pollen) with the best long-range (extra-patch) reproductive success.  相似文献   
We developed two tests for sex identification of felids using y‐chromosome deletions in the zinc‐finger and amelogenin regions. These tests provide positive results for both males and females, while reducing the need to co‐amplify microsatellites to test for DNA quality in hair and scat samples. Furthermore, the y‐chromosome deletions are absent in a wide‐range of prey species; thus, when these tests are used on scat samples, potential contamination caused by prey DNA incidentally extracted, is minimized.  相似文献   
In temperate waters of southern Japan, mouthbrooding males of the cardinal fish Apogon doederleini sometimes ate their entire brood within a day of spawning. In spite of annual variation in age structure and length of the breeding season, however, the annual cannibalism rate (broods cannibalized to total broods spawned) was nearly constant, 12–16%. Fish 1 year old frequently cannibalized early broods of the season, especially the first brood, whereas the cannibalism rate by 2 year-old fish did not vary within the season. In contrast, the cannibalism by older males increased late in the season. This tendency was attributed to their different allocation patterns to growth and reproduction. For 1 year-old fish, which can enhance future reproductive success by growth and cannibalizing on early broods instead of mouthbrooding (at relatively low temperatures), this may be a tactic for investing energy in growth. For fish 3 years, which have more breeding cycles and grow little, cannibalizing late broods may be energetic compensation for their poor somatic condition. No seasonal variation of cannibalism by 2 year-old fish can be explained by their intermediate nature of growth and reproduction. Multiple mate availability is one factor facilitating the cannibalism by 2 and 3 + year-old fish whose operational sex ratio is female-biased.  相似文献   
Abstract: This study focuses on the sex ratio and spatial distribution of males and females in three populations of the endemic and restricted tropical dioecious shrub, Baccharis concinna (Asteraceae) in the mountainous region of Serra do Cipó, southeastern Brazil. The proportion of female plants in the population at lower elevation (1000 m a.s.l.) was significantly greater than of male plants. At this elevation of P/N and Ca/Al ratios in the soil were also greater indicating better nutritional status of the soils. The concentration of aluminium increased significantly with the elevation ( p < 0.001), perhaps rendering soils less conducive to female plants at higher elevations. Female plants are possibly adversely affected to a greater extent by soil quality than male plants. The spatial distribution of the populations within habitat was tested by the K(t) function, where the neighbourhood of a given individual was defined by a circle with a radius (t) up to 3 m. Despite the strong tendency for aggregation, the distribution of the sexes within habitats was random and the hypothesis was not supported. The independent distribution of the sexes within habitats may be explained by nutrient homogeneity of the soils, as well as by an absence of antagonism between the sexes. Nevertheless, we found a trend for males and females to be aggregated according to their gender.  相似文献   
Leukocytes can be found in substantial numbers within the intrauterine tissues and amniotic fluid of women, and play a central role in the pathophysiology of infection-related preterm labor by their production of proinflammatory mediators. It remains unclear whether these leukocytes represent a fetal immune response, a maternal response, or a combination of the two. The objective of this study was to develop a test in the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) suitable for determining the percentage of male fetal cells present in a population of leukocytes recovered from blood or amniotic fluid. We found inadequate specificity for rhesus monkey cells using commercial human Y-chromosome paint kits (fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)). Human-specific primers for the repetitive Y chromosome DYZ-1 locus employed in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) produced an unacceptable percentage of false positives. However, we successfully developed a PCR-based test using rhesus-specific primers for the zinc finger Y (ZFY) locus. Densitometry of PCR products from known ratios of male and female adult peripheral leukocytes generated a linear standard curve which provided quantitative results and required only 400 cells per sample. The rhesus beta globin (RBG) gene served as an internal control. The PCR test correctly discriminated the sex of peripheral leukocytes in 20 adult males, 20 adult females, two male fetuses, and one female fetus. Serial samples of amniotic fluid from four chronically catheterized rhesus monkeys bearing male fetuses were used to confirm the utility of this assay for quantifying fetal cells in amniotic fluid. In conclusion, we have developed a PCR test which is suitable for distinguishing male from female cells in adult and fetal blood and in amniotic fluid, which lends itself to a variety of diagnostic and biologic applications in the rhesus monkey and potentially in other nonhuman primates.  相似文献   
The first evidence for female‐biased migration in a partially migratory stream‐dwelling salmonid the Dolly Varden Salvelinus malma , a phenomenon well known in sea‐run and lake‐run populations, is presented. Dolly Varden in the Shiisorapuchi River in central Hokkaido, Japan, used both tributaries, of which there are many, and the main stem, but spawned only in tributaries. The size structures of Dolly Varden (≥age 1 + years) in tributaries were unimodal (<100 mm fork length, L F) during non‐spawning seasons but changed to bimodal during spawning seasons (lower mode <110 mm, upper mode >120 mm L F). Mature individuals were observed in both modal groups. From the trapping and census data, the small group appeared to be tributary resident and the large group main stem migrant. Males were common in both resident and migrant components. Most females, however, migrated to the main stem to mature, indicating female‐biased migration.  相似文献   
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